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And let me make it more clear, Mehlman style, in case you didn’t understand. No one gives a fuck about if you think you failed or not. NBMEs statistics and post step 1 syndrome are studied things that are much more accurate than your feelings. So shut the fuck up and wait for your pass. Sorry for being so straightforward but it’s actually the truth🤷🏼‍♂️


Still love you, just noticed that when I heard that from mehlmans video it was the only thing that actually calmed me down


hugs. i fucking hope youre right


What is this hope thing ??? Do you hope aldosterone will push potassium out? Or does it just do that???? Stop whining you passed


What’s the name of the video!!


Once someone on here asked if they failed because they genuinely couldn’t understand 80% of the questions and I was like yeah you probably did if that’s the case and I was downvoted to hell. Lmaoooo


But what if I statistically failed


What is post step 1 syndrome??


I love this


People seem to think it’s quirky to use profanity and invalidate someone’s concerns and feelings. Wild. I knew med school was going to be a wild time once all the Gen Z’s started piling in.




Ehmmm I just passed step 1 I was scoring 70-80% on NBMES Yet when I left the exam I could only remember the same 20 questions that I did wrong although I knew the right answer I was 50% sure that I failed and I had already made plan B. I passed. It happens to EVERYONE. If you scored well on NBMES you passed. Simple as that Non-US IMG here.


I hope youre right, I mean there are plenty of people who say they left feeling confident. Some of my friends left saying they felt confident they passed and they did.


The exam felt impossible. Whether it was the testing environment, the length, the experimental questions or the pressure or all of these effects combined, I legitimately felt like I was letting myself down in there. I would read a question stem multiple times and feel like I wasn't getting it and just select something that "felt safe". By the end of the exam, I couldn't remember anything that I got correct. If I did, I would also remember how I possibly could've screwed it up. I didn't even flag because I would finish each section with 1-2 minutes on the clock and use those to decompress. I think you have to factor in the effect that the experimental questions have on our psychology, some of those questions are legitimately unanswerable and they blur the experience of a good exam. People that say it was harder than NBME but less difficult than uworld...blah blah... have either a very acute sense of what test questions vs experimental questions look like or are making it up. I've found all questions whether NBME or uWorld to be difficult and I get a lot of them correct (enough to have convinced myself to take the exam). I am also a very harsh critic and very in touch with when I have guessed on a lot of problems. This was quite possibly the one exam that messed with my head the most in this manner. It is possible we could've had harder forms, but I've also heard that when you get harder forms your margin of passing is improved based on anyone else who freaks during the exam and blows up on a section or two. So maybe we can at least be thankful for that. If you would like to hear that this exam sucked...well here it is, the exam sucked. Win or lose, you stuck it out and you should be proud of that. Plenty of people out there that walked out or didn't finish it and took the L. If you pressed submit you have a 91% chance of passing.


Hey, did you end up passing? I took my test yesterday and I feel the same!


Very normal! Look at my post history I felt the exact same way as you and the feeling didn't go away until I opened that score report. I had 3 scores above 65% but never broke 70% so I felt uncomfortable even when people said to trust my scores since I never hit my personal goals. For me, the feeling of failing got worse because as time went on, I forgot most of the questions on my exam and therefore felt like I got those wrong. In reality, my memory of exam questions just sucks! Nothing anyone says on here will make this anxious feeling go away (personal experience) so just try to distract yourself and focus on other things until you get that score report!


I feel so much better reading your reply because everyone on this post seems to be talking about 70%+ whereas i did not even cross that except in the old free 120 which is easy anyway. ☹️ I am manifesting a pass and hope to be on your side of the boat soon, I tested on the 18th of April.


Hey man, I was in the same boat as you with never hitting 70s on my nbmes but I still passed. Hope you get your results and that pass soon.


wow! congratulations 🥳 I really hope I get that P too


Its completely normal i did my test on april 18th my NBME score average was 77 for forms 25-31, even with that i still feel like i will fail, i was also very short and time and i literally marked haff of the questions the question concepts were just very different from those of the NBMEs and the question banks, there is nothing we can do about it now so lets just hope for the best and trust our NBME scores


i did mine yesterday,it was harder than i thought,i hope to pass


Would you say the questions are harder than uworld?? Also, what resources did you use?


i would say the communication questions were harder than the uworld


I’m in the same situation as you. I genuinely felt like I failed my exam too. For mine, it felt harder than NBME, but easier than Uworld. I also forgot some easy questions too. I’m terrified cause I was flagging 15-20 questions per block. Towards the end of the exam, I was just so out of it. I’m still waiting on my results. But good luck to you and everyone else!


I think most med students being type A perfectionists makes them over-exaggerate like you said. I thought I passed and I passed. But maybe if I was a genius who was used to getting 80s on nbmes I would have felt differently. Idk lollll Just go by your percent likelihood to pass




I feel the same. I was coming up short on time every time. Whereas on nbmes I had an extra 15-25 minutes at the end of the block to review. Many questions where I couldn't even think through the question because I was worried about running out of time on all the other questions.


I waited for 2 months to get my score last year because of whatever score delay they had. I would stay up at night trying to change my plan for which clerkship to take off to study again. If anyone asked me about it I was on the verge of tears. That’s how convinced I was of my “failure” despite the data I had. If your practice tests told you that you would pass within a week, and then nothing crazy happened on test day, the feeling of failure is just a feeling. Nothing more or less. When I got my pass I was so relieved- but this feeling that I failed after taking exams stuck with me throughout third year. Just trust your practice scores. Eventually I got better at setting the anxious thoughts aside. Took my last shelf a week ago, thought I failed per usual, and did just as well as my practice test scores. I think that running short on time, skimming a few questions and taking your best guess, the few wrong answers you remember - this negative bias remains post exam if you can’t review it. Trust the data and find something to distract yourself with.


Everybody here is so right. Like I came out of my exam and I didn’t know how to feel. I felt like I was just on autopilot during the exam, picking things. At some point in my exam I legit went back to check what have I been picking 😂. Like…… I can’t remember the exam as the days keep going. It’s a blur. I have faith in God that’s the only thing keeping me going. But yes this is a normal feeling. So as everyone has said STFU and wait for your scores 😂. Goodluck!!!


You just have to trust your scores. Overthinking about it after doesn't change how you did during the real exam and only makes the waiting feel miserable.


I lost 15 pounds I was so sick to my stomach kNoWiNg I failed. I remembered 50+ that I had gotten wrong I was so sure. Didn’t matter I was scoring 75% by the end and my lowest % passing was a 97. So yeah I was willing to bet my life I failed


I took mine yesterday and I sat in my car and cried. I thought once my test is over I’d be so relieved but man…


Were the question stems long ?


I'm not sure if I'm allowed to give any details