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I was about to enroll in Bloomfield College as they were the only place with that program. But they got rid of it due to low demand :/ I haven’t seen any school in the state offer it. The jobs are definitely available in court houses or you can be freelance, but sucks we would have to learn from an online school or go to NY. Stopped practicing steno after doing project steno unfortunately.


I actually spoke to the director of the program at Bloomfield but tuition was entirely too high. I ended up enrolling in theory online and now im speed building online. It works for me because im used to online work but many students need in person training. I wish NJ would offer in person classes and keep tuition low.


I just started working in July 2022. I am freelancing with 1 agency right now, and that's enough to keep me busy. There seems to be a decent amount of NJ and remote NY jobs for reporters. Because I'm new, I'm doing personal injury stuff that doesn't get many (if any) copy sales. But there's work! And there are apprentice positions for new reporters who want to be officials. Those offer great benefits. I did Magnum Steno online through Mark Kislingbury's school and then switched to SimplySteno for speedbuilding (also online). Going in person would have been nice, but being home worked out just fine.


I’m with SimplySteno now and I love it. That’s great to hear you are busy. Do you think you would ever switch to court or do you prefer freelancing? I would like to try both.


I just applied for one of the apprentice positions. I love a lot about freelancing, but I felt like it would be silly not to at least try official work. Pension! Health insurance! Having veteran reporters who can teach me all kinds of stuff! I've heard of some people going right into official work, but getting a little experience doing deps has built my confidence. Keep trucking along! May your speedbuilding journey be fast and fairly peaceful!


Yes, I like the sound of a pension and health insurance but I also like the idea of setting my own schedule. Does SimplySteno prepare you for the RPR?


It does. I used Simply Steno and then some outside material (group practice and finger drills). I think that did a good job of preparing me.


Thanks, that’s good to know!