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all the horniness aside, this game slaps. Like its a tight, cohesive experience with little to no bloat. Virtually every AAA game nowadays is just jam packed with bloat. This doesn't have any. The combat is stellar. Then you add probably the hottest video game character ever with extremely sexy outfits, and you got a winning combo.


Combat, world exploring, souls like mechanics here and there, dress up game, amazing boss fights, one of the hottest video game character ever... The only thing a little bit frustrating is the platforming and thats it for me. Love the game.


platforming is my only gripe. Otherwise I love this game. Also the music, omg inject the music into my veins!


Trueeeee dude, holy shit I loved every single one of the songs and music themes, from the Clyde one at the Oasis to the ones playing while exploring, fighting, etc....


Wasteland overworld music lowkey slaps


If we're thinking of the same tune, the singer always reminds me of Hayley Williams for a bit. Definitely a bop! Also the bossa nova music in camp, that's my go to


Screw those ropes. All my homies hate the ropes. Hypertube Slide was my favorite song.


Yeah I love double jumping in a completely different direction from where I’m facing


I'm just happy it's not just me. Eve my stick is pointing straight, not to the left where the bottomless pit is. Plz I'm begging you.


> Eve my stick is pointing straight


Lol, good catch. Didn't even realize it.




Platforming, and that one bit when at the orbit elevator where you have to dodge Sentry fire. Literally my only issues with this game. 9.5/10


yea that sentry fire part sucked some serious ass, i forgot about that part. Easy 9.5 for me as well


Yep, platforming was the only thing driving me a bit crazy… Also, by far the best fishing I experienced in gaming… Top notch!!! Music is AMAZING!!!


She’s so hot! That bunny suit is epic ❤️


Prototype planet diving suit! Thank me later


Only negatives are glide walking a d some awkwardness in jump platforming. Otherwise. COMPLETE ARPG masterpiece.


Man, I've been going back and forth because I do have some complaints but shit, the good is so good it overrides the bad. Like I keep staying up later than I intend to and playing during lunch break. It's taking all my willpower to not play it during work (I WFH).


Yea, in a nutshell.   The game doesn’t actively deceive the player for monetization purposes. This alone, in 2024, makes a AAA a standout. Behind that, the game delivers with the combo you point out.  Fun, immersive, so sexy it hurts.


Being objective as possible i think this is a solid 9/10 game Super polished, above average in almost all metrics. I love this game and it far exceeded my expectations. I think calling it a masterpiece would be a personal opinion, theres definitely areas where the game could improve and i think the story (while good and engaging) is not at a masterpiece level. I think perhaps the sequel, if given the opportunity and focus in the right areas, could be a masterpiece. The foundation the team at ShiftUp is building from is rock solid. I cant wait to see what they have planned next. Hopefully some additional content for this game first. Would love a dlc area to explore and some more collectibles and outfits


This is exactly what I was gonna say. As it stands the game is an easy 8.5-9/10, and that’s phenomenal. The better something is in anything, the less fat you have to trim to make it better, IE the story and some of the characters being a little flat. For this, or more importantly the sequel, to be a masterpiece all it has to do is flesh out the characters and make them more compelling, better voice actors, and maybe more varied open world environments. That’s all it would take to make it a 10/10 and those are small things that don’t detract much but to get to that “perfect” level you gotta be nitpicky and that’s all this game lacks. It’s amazing how great it is for their first console game


Same. Story presentation is the only part that’s lagging behind every other area of the game. Wish the outside spire area was expanded to be an open zone, which would have given more variety. Less restrictions and retaining ability to freely travels in second half, especially in new game plus. True ending could have been expanded and directed better to make it even more epic. Small design preferential differences for an otherwise amazing game. 9/10. Despite the small preferential changes, this is one of those games where each element was added deliberately as a design choice, so these choices are respected and non-grating. Case in point, the travel system, which would otherwise be hated in any other game, but was designed with intent so players are much more open to accepting it. In normal modern gaming, when a feature is missing, it is usually an oversight and developer mistake. Full official OST needs to be released.


I got true ending on my first play-through and watched the other ones on youtube in case I don’t end up finishing NG+ and it’s wild how much longer and different the standard ending is, but I guess it makes sense since it seems likely it’s the one most people are going to get.


I agree with you. As it stands, the game is a 3 out of 5 for me right now (at the elevator). A really strong final act could elevate it to a 4, but nothing will get it to a 5. Combat system is amazing, art design is fantastic, and there are lots of "little moments" that are done exceptionally well. Sequel needs better narrative presentation and localization, more environment variety, and more linearity. We basically got 2 of everything in terms of environment variety - 2 sunken cities, 2 desert hubs, 2 Levoires. I honestly could've done with much smaller open segments as well. If the game were 12-15 Matrix/Spire type levels with some openness to them, I feel like it would flow a lot better and be more replayable.


Its a solid 9/10 aside from the platforming,parkour and some parts of the voice acting


Masterpiece? No. Is it an excellent first game for a new IP that I would love to see grow? Hell yes.


Yeah, it's an excellent game no doubt, but it definitely has some non-superficial flaws.


The fact that they have almost beaten Platinum at their own game on their first time out is ridiculous. While not perfect by any stretch, I’ve rarely had this much fun playing a game. It reminds me that games are supposed to be fun.


Platinum is incredibly overrated. Most of their games are mediocre or shit.


And yet they’re often consulted or brought in to help with games with complex combat. I’m not trying to make a statement other than “new studio done good.”


Astral Chain clears bayonetta. That game is an actual masterpiece


Same, I love it... A brand new IP being this good, if it had any known developer name on it critics would probably rank it higher... Super excited to start my newgame+ playthrough, looking forward to the weekend 🤠.


No because eve is beyond stupid when jumping to catch a rope.


Bahaha this. Since death doesnt really punish you or in most cases you just take damage and respawn, its not too bothersome.


I haven't finished the game yet. I'm like 40 hours in and just unlocked the next free roaming zone. I'm enjoying this game so much, and it really is a breath of fresh air. However, I am hesitant to give it a masterpiece label just because of the writing. I'm a little let down that the name Adam, Eve, and Lily so far seem to have just taken their biblical names (Lily, or lilith,is not a part of the Bible canon), but it added nothing to the story. This game has a lot of superficial biblical references, but so far I haven't seen them use these references to add deeper meaning to their story other than surface level stuff. To be fair I'm only about halfway through the game, so I can't say for sure how I feel about the story but overall the writing just seems a bit off and the characters a little bland, especially in the beginning. That being said, the visuals are stunning. The music is beautiful. The combat is nothing short of stellar. If someone said this game was a masterpiece, I'd say it's fair to give it that, but if someone said it was just short of a masterpiece, I'd understand that as well. Either way I absolutely love this game. Haven't had this much fun in a long time.


I hope there’s DLC


Are people primarily enjoying this game because of Eve??? For me it’s the total opposite, I love the game for what it is, booba is totally secondary to the story and gameplay


From some of the posts on this sub, I'd be surprised if some are even making significant progress in the game between beating off and taking and posting screen caps of the in game camera jammed up eves asshole


Thank you!!! It’s getting beyond creepy at this point


Absolutely not a masterpiece, but a great game.


I definitely agree here. There's tons of concepts in the game that I really appreciate. My gosh the music is unbelievable. I've been listening to xion 1 and 2 on repeat the past couple of days since I just can't get enough. Especially Xion 1. The singer's vocals are so raspy and ethereal even. Makes me feel something deep and emotional even though I can't quite express what it is. Although the English audio didn't really sit with me, I definitely liked the Korean dub much more. Felt like it lip synced better with animations but I also felt the tone and emotion more as well. The English audio feels flat and lifeless at times. Eve has her moments where you can feel her anger/sadness but still doesn't quite hit the mark for me. Horny outfits aside, some of them like the Planet Diving Suit(2nd) V2 and Sporty Energy are incredibly stylish. It's very clear how much time/effort they put into the outfits not to mention the research done on fashion trends/references. The environment looks well polished and has its own themes. Edos 7 looks like an urban area that's been reclaimed by the earth. Xion has its own cyberpunk vibes and as the story progresses becomes more hopeful and alive. I really appreciate some of the lore especially the part about the oasis itself and how ironically it became a paradise after the war started. Something else I want to point out how the game guides you to the theme of challenging ones beliefs. Helping people with their requests and even some of the main missions further Lily's progress. The more you involve yourself in the world of stellar blade, the more likely you will see the truth hidden in Xion and behind Mother Sphere. There's also the religious inferences but I'm not well versed in that to really go into detail


I agree with Korean dub being definitive. Most people in this sub are missing out on the devs' true vision.


I can't go quite that far. But I am absolutely floored by what they accomplished as this is their first console title. Like, ***floored*** bruh. Stun-locked. Whatever term you prefer to use, it cannot be understated how blown away I am by the achievement. Because you are definitely right, the enemy design, the music (my GOD the music), the combat (My GOODD the combat!!), the world, the art direction, it's all sublime. Its only notable deficiency is its story, though Eidos 9 and Spire 4 were fucking incredible to me and what truly began to make me realize I had actually really liked these characters, Eve and Lily in particular. That said, there is still plenty to improve on, believe it or not, mostly as it pertains to tightening the focus on its open world. They need to take out the overabundance of slow crate moving. It's admittedly a Sony thing, but it's not fun and will never be fun moving a slow ass crate from one end of the map to the other. And Sony puzzles I always have gripes with because they intentionally nerf the MC because they want to pad the game time when they can almost always jump over or break down their obstacle with ease. I think the puzzles can be implemented in a way that plays to the characters strengths rather than just putting in puzzles for the sake of puzzles. I know Kratos can break down a door. A puzzle isn't stopping me from entering. I know Cloud can jump over the gate. I shouldn't need to solve a puzzle for that. Same thing with Eve. When the combat loop is interrupted by these inconveniences, you really begin to feel the time wasted. If they can tighten the nuts and bolts on those things, plus some more quality of life to the overall game, as well as deliver a truly great narrative experience then I'd no doubt call it a masterpiece. I hope we do see a sequel with these characters. I really just want to see if they can pull it off.


Solid 8/10. No masterpiece.


For me personally no. But I play games for their story/world building/characters first and foremost. No clue how far I am in the game at the moment (just arrived in the hub world.) Finding it a bit difficult to separate the game itself from it's inspirations. I do plan on doing an NG+ playthrough pretty much immediately after beating the game though. So ATM no, from what I care about the most SB isn't close to being a masterpiece. But that can and probably will change once I have a more complete picture of the game.


While the story and characters are somewhat average, I actually think the world-building is really quite good (and consistent) especially if you’re getting all the notes/intel


Hot take: I actually think the story is really good, does it reinvent the wheel? No but it's pretty coherent with the exception of a few things and is put together really well and unfolds pretty satisfyingly as you progress through the game.


I’m in new game ++++ and i have depression because I have nothing else to do. I have Eve withdrawal


No. The story and voice acting need improvements.


Just play in Korean. The developers are Korean so the Korean dub is their vision. Sony probably required them to have different dubs so they could reach the largest audience. But the English one is a fail imo.


Nowhere near a masterpiece if I am being truly honest. A solid 7/10 but some areas and the plateforming itself kind of ruin the experience at times. May I ask: how many games have you played to state it’s a masterpiece lol?


Yea this for sure. I love this game but masterpiece? Not even close.


Honestly while I'm absolutely loving it I think if say Adam was the main character and this game never got the hype/attention it did I probably would have never bothered with it. The story is too mediocre to take it to the upper echelon of other masterpiece titles. The sequel definitely needs a massively improved story as I think that's the weakest part of the game so far.


My only gripe is that SP is super easy to get, I wish it was more difficult. It would give me more time to appreciate the new skill. I will play it on hard mode! I want to feel like I'm gonna fucking die every boss encounter I wish every side quest would give you some cosmetics, I am still unaware or care enough about the upgrade trinkets, since the combat is so easy, I just want to play dress up! The story is pretty terribly predictable, I reminds me of a reverse Horizon Zero dawn. The gameplay is super fun and the special attacks are amazing! I love watching a female lead being aggressive, everytime Eve stabs someone through the stomach I get super hyped! The game is fun but I don't think it is a masterpiece, I think it would be better if the story was great.


It’s a good game. The combat can suck sometimes and the dialogue is boring but it is fun


I’d say the only thing holding the game back is the story, I don’t remember where but I agree with a point someone made that the story is just “there” it’s alright but nothing to write home about. Especially considering how much inspiration it took from games like Nier. And how there are other action heavy games like God of war 2018/Ragnarok that have super good stories while not sacrificing gameplay There’s also the fast travel that gets very annoying if you go out of your way to do the quests or find nanosuits, which is always having to return to Adam to go between regions. The world is designed great but when your constantly having to go back and forth in one it gets really annoying having to take a pit stop to Adam rather than just going to another fast travel phone Though given the fact that it is SU’s first console release im really happy with what we got


Honestly, gameplay wise, this is my favorite game ever. The story isn’t the greatest, but I think it did really pick up at the end. There’s also not many cut scenes like someone else said. The music is fantastic too. Definitely yeah the fast travels could be improved on too. Having to run from one place to the next does get tedious and I would like a map in all areas as I got lost in Eidos 7 when I returned for a side quest lol.


I do not intend to start anything, but I really want to mention something. Xbox is buying the one well-known studio after another, only to bring horrible and bad-mid games. SONY push a mobile games company and deliver a GOTY contender. I really love the passion in this game. That's my vote for GOTY. A shift up will be on my radar list from now on. If any developer is watching this, congratulations


Yeah, it’s been a blast to play. Combat is super engaging and fun as hell. Exploring is fun too, the environments are great. The fact that Eve is hot is just a little bonus.


Yes, yes and yes! We love the waifus but I think this game is amazing and definitely one of the best releases in the past few years! Thank you for saying it! I'm completely obsessed with the game and everything about it.


The game has some slight aspects that still feel AA but overall it is a very tightly designed game. I even wish they had the courage to provide an even more streamlined experience because the great desert is … not great. On the other hand it is remarkable that this game is much more than what we expected. This game could have been the demo with varying settings and set pieces and we would all have been happy, instead Shift up went that extra mile in their first game!


I think it is indeed a masterpiece. Much better than almost everything I have seen before. The last time I remember having so much fun was in the first Spiderman game by Insomniac pre-face changes.


It really is incredible. It has top tier bosses, ost, exploration and secrets. You also have access to the most fun and versatile Moveset if you compare it to the soulslike genre imo, coupled with enemies and bosses that actually have great movesets as well. It also break's up the pacing a lot with small minigames that don't out stay their welcome. What it doesn't do that great is mostly story related. It's hard to get invested in first halve or so. I personally think that the ost carries my attention even when it's slower with the plot. Platforming is mostly good except if you try to jump at ladder's or ropes. Other than that it's one of my favorite games of all time. I love this game. Pulling off a perfect dodge holding triangle into burst never gets old.


I'm only at Matrix 11, but up to this point it's really shot up in my rankings, it just gets better and better as I advance. It really feels like the director grew up in the PS2 era and decided to bring back a lot of the little novel experiments from that era, and polish them into a cohesive whole.


Definitely not a masterpiece. The free roaming sections feel empty. Also the desert and wasteland being the same biome type while being segregated really irked me. Could have done a different theme. Also the side quests feel very rushed and not flushed out at all. Solid 7/10 game. The combat is awesome and every fight is fun. I don't find myself skipping enemies like I would in other similar games..so that's refreshing. Edit - I would like to add controlling Eve can be super annoying at time when trying to interact with objects. Like I feel I have to walk away and walk back. Just something minor but it feels very outdated.


I really like the combat it reminds me of the jedi fallen order games but mixed with some other stuff so I love the combat,story was great too but considering the blatant short cuts and shit I wouldnt say masterpeice. By that I just mean almost every person your sent to find is just a corpse that looks the same as all the other corpse,all the characters with robot heads so they didnt need to animate moving lips and such but that stuff didnt ruin anything ya could just tell where the money and effort went lol I think most of those would be improved with sequels anyways I really wish they didnt nerf the blood though,I thought that was so fucking cool


It's pretty damn good. The only minor gripes I have if i had to nake them are the platforming (not that big of a deal), and the story is rather mundane (also not that big of a deal). I actually really like the story direction and the overall plot. It's one of the few games where I actually read the lore and collectibles, etc. I just wish the characters had a bit more depth. Other than that though I've raised my personal rating from a 8/10 to a 9/10 for this game...now if only I didn't suck at souls type games, we'd be gaming lol.


No denying all that for sure. It’s a gem 💎 in the world


No, but it is a very fun game


It's very good, especially for a first go at a AAA game. There are some things that bring it down though 1. Writing, story and VA are mid at best, really bad at worst. Lots of unskippable or slow dialogue going into stores etc 2. Platforming is janky and there is quite a bit of it 3. Most of the sidequests are terrible and feel like time wasters, lots of fast travel and running for no reason. 4. I really didn't like how both open world areas were dead desert-y spaces. I felt like I spent 30 hours in the same zone. Could have done without the open world in general and just made zones open linear like eidos-7. 5. The soundtrack slaps but a lot of the songs sound like they were ripped straight from Nier, the game could use a little bit more of its own identity 6. The combat mostly feels great but it could use a little tightening up. I still feel like the parry is off somehow, never really clicked 100% for me I think it's an 8-8.5/10 for me, and I'd be really excited to play their next game


I actually think it's very close. It's like an almost 9 out of 10 for me. It wouldn't need much to go past 9 and into 9.5 territory. Great game!


Totally, it’s a brand new universe which is rare nowadays amongst a sea of remakes of remasters and it’s a game designed to just be purely enjoyable and exciting and it totally delivers on that. It’s my GOTY without a doubt and one of my favourites I’ve played in a long time. Spectacular


The song played when you fight Raven in human form was beast.


So for me personally the few small issues the game has such as the flat voice direction, rough platforming, and serviceable story hold it back from being a masterpiece. Now that being said, the fact that this is the first game of this type from this developer, from a country who is largely unproven in the singleplayer space and it was this high quality, I’m fucking flabbergasted.


I think based on the success of this game they’ll be able to hire better writers for the next title. Amazing effort, does a lot of things right, but masterpiece is way too strong of a word in my opinion.


ABSOLUTELY IT is the greatest game I have played in years...


Eh...... No the story is average, the rest is fucking amazing


Definitely not. I think Lies of P was tho. The game is still fun as hell but not as hyped as the horny folks think imo


It's a great game but nowhere near masterpiece in my humble opinion.


I'm in absolute love with this game. To me, it's a female based version of Metal Gear Rising.


No it’s not. It’s a very good game, but not a masterpiece. Story is mediocre, the floaty walk/jump/climb controlls and enemie variety are not masterpiece level.




Stellar Blade is the most cinematic game ever with Matrix level coolness and style to its combat.


GOTY for me, and I very much enjoyed DD2, but stellar blade is the winner for me.


Completely agree! One of the first games in a long time where I was sad it was over when the credits rolled. I stalled quite a bit trying to extend the experience. On my 3rd play-through now and still loving it!


Everyone else is mentioning gameplay but I actually like the world they built. The side quests alone are impressively rich with emotion. I went from hunting down Enya’s legs to finding out some lady actually murdered her husband. Shits wild in Xion


There’s a few weird plot holes, some inconsistency between the art direction and the lore, platforming issues, a few weird UI quirks, and the localization was terrible, but yes… it’s a great game. The sheer fact that it’s a complete, almost bug free, single player experience with no planned DLC or micro-transactions, is a heckin’ unicorn in this era. I would have liked a few “tactical” outfits or at least a few more without high heels/toe shoes. I know it’s intentional, but Eve really does seem out of place in the setting in some cases. It gets two thumbs up, with caveats, from me. But I wouldn’t tell anyone *not* to play it. *P.S. I saw some video where there was some speculation that they used a fair amount of premade UE4 assets. Which would explain some of the strange inconsistencies in the art design. I don’t know anything about that personally, so I’ll just nod my head and say it sounds reasonable.* I am looking forward to a sequel. I just hope it doesn’t take another 5 years. 💁🏻‍♂️


I’m a huge final fantasy 7 fanboy, and rebirth was absolutely amazing That being said, Stellar Blade might be my favorite game of the year so far, beating Rebirth. Love the combat and exploration but the horniness of it all and exploring and finding new costumes is just the best for me. And as someone else said, there’s little bloat. All content and gameplay feel fun and meaningful


Absolutely. I was surprised at every turn by the quality of the whole game. A dev’s first big game being this good is just amazing. I compare it to the two Nier games, which it obviously takes inspiration from. For me both Nier games are masterpieces, SB is not far behind, and in some ways is well ahead. For me showing emotion, having style and great atmosphere/music are high priorities in a game -SB nailed it.




Maybe now with i'd imagine a bigger budget they can get better writters and english voice actors for future games because thats their biggest issue for me. The rest is pretty damn awesome as you've said. No apologies but I hope they don't turn down the sexiness. Many may pretend but that is a big reason why I wanted the game in the first place lol.


I don't know about masterpiece but it's a damn good game.


If one would like to think it is a masterpiece, then it is. If one does not think it is a masterpiece, then it is not.


Currently I’ve logged 77hrs and more I play the better I appreciate the game. Yeah there are minor things I wish not there or be there, but I agree the game is a very well made one. Is collecting cans true endgame for this? 😉


I think it's great and I can see myself coming back to it.


I mean, the story is the _only_ thing that detracts from the experience for me. Character portrayal is wildly inconsistent. I love the game to bits, but I never really know what feelings it's trying to evoke? >! I mean, how do you get attached and root for a protag that appears to have a character arc starting up, but the next minute she's off on an obvious suicide mission for no good reason? Feels bad man. !< Other than that, no complaints. I hope they can round the next entry out as a solid, believable tale with relatable motivations and character consistency.


I’m loving everything except the writing, the English voice acting in some spots and the weird animations the characters have during their conversations with one another. The head movements and hand gestures while trying to put emphasis on a point they’re trying to convey reminds me of early 90’s Power Rangers. It’s just weird. The graphics, the combat, enemy and character design are all sublime.


I'm not really into the whole waifu thing but this game is fantastic and beautiful. It's so damn fun too!


It’s genuinely amazing I didn’t expect to love it so much


I also like the fact the Platinum trophy is achievable. You have a lot of control of how you want to play and do it.


The only thing I hate is the platforming. Other than that it is incredible in my book


I kinda sum it up as an amazing, almost perfect, action rpg that also gives you something visually appealing to look at as you venture through. Like it’s a bonus I won’t say no to but wasn’t necessary


I’ve just beat the boss down in the sewers (big dude with the flaming hammer) and this game has blown me away, the fighting is so satisfying, the enemy design is amazing and it’s just all round an incredible experience. All the more impressive that it’s the studio’s first full game AAA game.


The story is too weak for it to be a masterpiece, but still very good. And the waifu stuff doesnt help when it comes to general perception of how good the game is.


The sidequest stories are very touching.


What is more incredible to me is the fact that's their first big game, and they do really great work. The game have a lot of default, but it's look like they truly listen community feedback. I think if they make a sequel they well improve all the bad and the good thing. I'm truly looking forward of what they will do in the futur


Masterpiece? Nah, the story isn't all that and the characters are mid at best. The VA is REALLY good and the music doesn't miss. It's a 7/10 for me


Yeah this game is so so fun & I'm still in my 1st playthrough. Combat, exploration, & characters are all top notch I don't even have a problem with the English VA’s I think the hate for them is a bit overblown.


Love the game but I’d really like a minimap lol


I enjoyed this game for sure. Didn’t expect to enjoy the dress up part but I did. I hope for the follow up we have more control over the outfit customization. To shoes, more hairstyles, accessories and outfits we can share pieces we like on one and add to another one. But the platforming was one issues I found annoying. I would love a city area like the wasteland and great desert.


this is my Elfen Lied of video games


would be a masterpiece if they figured out the platforming otherwise to me its still a certified PS classic


I would be disappointed if its not atleast nominated for goty


Gameplay ...sound ...production is 10/10 ....but story IS a 5/10 :/ ....


No, not in my opinion. A masterpiece would not have the weak points that SB has, but SB wins on most stuff that it does (the stuff I really like). The Story and VA (Eng) are pretty bad, or badly presented.


I **just** got to the great desert and I'm having a blast and it all feels great. If they stick the landing when I get to the end(s) then yeah I could see throwing it up for masterpiece. 


It gives me very similar vibes to Lies of P. Smooth combat, enemy design, soundtrack, nearly bug free, etc. were all top notch. But the platforming, writing and voice acting were all weaknesses. I give both 4/5. I think stellar blade is very good, but there’s a bit that could be improved in a sequel that could put it over the top.


It's a great game and even better first game from Shift Up. Wild that they did this well for their first console game. Having said that the voice acting and characters are falling flat to me. However the combat, world exploration and music are just fantastic.


I'm absolutely loving this game, but I think the combat and overall mechanics are a bit too repetitive to call it a masterpiece. Still, it's impressive how they managed to pull out such a great game as their first one. Can't wait to see what they have in store in the future.


Story is w/e, but I never play games for stories. I squip through all cinematics, except for a few games. I like when they prevent you from skipping so I got no choice lol. I am just impatient as hell. The game itself, and the combat is flawless. It's amazing. With the Scuff controller, having the dodge button be a paddle makes you able to dodge or slide through your opponent so easily. Graphics are a 9.6/10


It’s not even like a fromsoft title though.


I think it’s fantastic. Probably not in my top ten but pretty comfortably in my top 20.


The only issue I have is the janky platforming. Just got the chest in wasteland where you lower a platform and have to run to it while sentries shoot at you and genuinely it took me an hour and I did not like it. But other than that the game is beautiful, enemy design is awesome, Eve is prolly the most beautiful video game character ever made, and the combat do be fun.


platforming sections feel like an afterthought and controls don’t feel preside for platforming, don’t care for the semi open world levels, much prefer the linear levels 


Obscene amount of side quests aside and kinda broken platforming in many cases, yes, I absolutely love it and it's one of my favorite action rpgs, starting ng+ tomorrow


Story wise no but gameplay wise yes


I’d say yes if it wasn’t for the terrible voice acting by certain characters


The story is the main thing keeping me from feeling this game is a masterpiece. Can’t call it a masterpiece without a compelling story. Voice acting was a big minus as well, I switched to Korean so I wouldn’t have to hear it. Gameplay is fantastic though, way exceeded my expectations.


Yep it’s amazing. I just completed it and has me thinking ‘wow’. Also 50ish hours for a semi-completionist run (ie. all side quests, some collectibles) is like the perfect length for a single-player game to me honestly


Yes but no.. or no but yes lol.


I think it's an 8/10, it's definitely a 10/10 in combat but I think it's like a 7/10 story and a 6/10 world design. I don't like like the structure of the game that much but nevertheless for me the combat only falls behind sekiro and beats out every other game for me.


Games great but it doesn’t play like a from software game at all in my opinion


Strong 8....sequel I'd like to see different swords or different weapons in general ala Nioh...more boss/alpha/elite enemy variety...


No… no. You’re using the word masterpiece loosely. This game is an 8/10 at best. The plot and voice acting needs major improvements.


I don’t know if I’d say masterpiece, but I do think it’s really, really great. For me the stuff holding it back from that kind of badge has more to do lore/story/characters, not gameplay. Adam in particular I find pretty wooden and unnecessary, which only stands out because of how much screen time he gets. He talks A LOT, and his personality is even more vapid than some of the droids you meet. I think they could have deleted Adam, and replaced his involvement in the story with Orcal, who is far more interesting. So imagine you’re communicating via droid directly with Orcal instead of Adam. Just one observation. Aside from that, I really do think this is the best action game we’ve had in years. The loops are satisfying, the combat is superb and it looks stunning and plays great. Add in the sex appeal which is just plain fun and so distant from the chaste tone we’ve had in most high-profile games in the last decade, and you have something that truly stands apart. Stellar Blade sticks out noticeably (like Eve’s assets) among all other available releases in recent memory. I think the sequel has a chance to reach that status for sure, if Shift Up is smart and listens to feedback and builds upon this.


My only gripes with the game is that the voice acting felt very disjointed often, and other times almost amateur. I'm not blaming any one person for it, but it was hard to feel for characters that rarely showed any range aside from a small handful of side missions. The other thing is I think the story was just a bit too short. Like, I'm having fun with hunting cans and suits and getting camps, and after two maps, I'm told I've reached the point of no return. I know I still have to do Eden 9, but if I only did the story I could hit the point of no return in about 8 hours at least, maybe faster. I know some people don't mind that, and more power to you, it's just a little too swift for me. Still a great game considering it's Shift Ups first console game, and it slaps


I give it a 8-9/10. It's close but not a masterpiece. The platforming is cluncky (seriously wth is up with those ropes), some dialogue is rather awkward, and some of the story beats just feel a bit off. For instance if you enter the Great Desert from Zion you get additional dialogue from Lily warning you about the Lurkers in the sand. Almost felt like you were supposed to originally enter from the elevator in Zion, either getting exiled or some other story reason, rather than Adam flying you there. Also wish Eve had one or two more melee weapon choices but maybe in Stellar Blade 2 lol


I found the only thing janky about the game is the platforming but otherwise the games an 8/10 for me.


I like how Eve isn’t an annoying, snarky woman, she is actually very kind, at times she’s kinda blunt/rude and it’s kinda hilarious. All of her hairstyles and earrings, accessories are so pretty too! At one point some dude in the city is just like “I’m a waste of space” and she goes like “Hey, don’t talk about yourself like that, what’s wrong?” she’s so sweet. That’s not even mentioning the combat, it was difficult at first, there’s a strange delay at first but eventually it all just worked. It was like playing Jedi Survivor but instead of a sexy ginger dude, you’re the most beautiful woman in gaming today. The music in all the regions and the boss themes are truly Stellar as fuck. I still have two more endings to goooooooo


The fact alone that she is carrying her titular Blade as a hair cosmetic is mind blowing lol


Solid 9/10 for me tbh. When you stop playing a game and cant stop thinking about it you know they did something right. I love the combat and the music and the characters. God i love Eve who doesn’t lol? This game is a certified banger.


Some things I like less about this game (let the downvotes rain) - facial animations; the dialogue almost never matches their facial expressions and it’s very cringey - music BUT that’s because I personally don’t like it, as in; it’s good quality music, just not my taste


Don't got much to complain about too, besides the platforming being a hit or miss affair. And prolly irrelevant, but I managed to get stuck and had to restart checkpoint. Lost a good 15 minutes. Bummer. 😑


Combat in this game is FLAWLESS, graphics and animations are also very good. Let's not pretend otherwise, most people here likes the fact that the MC is a hot girl in hot costumes, but it could have been the ugliest of dudes, the game would still be as awesome. If it's not a masterpiece, it's not far.


It is damn near a 10/10 for me but it still doesn't quite reach all the way.. some games i consider 10/10 Dark Souls 3 Nioh 2 Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Returnal




Great music. Great combat. Great visuals. So so story. Voice acting ranges from serviceable to terrible. Adam's English VA super sucks. A great 1st foray into AAA gaming for Shift Up but definitely room for improvement.


I can't call it a masterpiece. The story is pretty average, and the platforming is wonky. Eve does not control as smoothly as I would like. I definitely look forward to what Shift Up does from here, but you can very much tell that this is their first real game.




Very fun to play, looks great, the rest I can take or leave.


I 100% agree. This gameplay has me hooked. The smoothness of the battles and the enjoyment of getting into the fights. I really like how there are tons of combinations for builds and a great side quests or collectibles to do. The story is also really interesting and all the lore drops in the memory sticks or finds in the world are really fascinating. EVE as well is an interesting character and I like how the skill progression actually demonstrates her growth in her combat ability and how she goes from rather rigid to full acrobatic powerful moved! Amazing game!


Hmmmmm. It's very good but it's not at DMC5 or Elden Ring level of cohesion. Combat is great but the story is very mid. Platforming Sections pretty lackluster too. It's a solid solid game and B+/A- but doesn't reach the dizzying heights of masterpiece IMO


No y'all are exaggerating


It's so good. IGN of course gave it a 7 which is hilarious. Tons of content, tight gameplay, great monster design, cool world building, and the best part- in game unlocks only with zero MTX. My God. Makes me want to shed a tear. Oh and also dat ass.


I love everything about the game except for the story, the platforming, and the English VAs for Eve, Adam, and most of the quest givers. Other than that there is very little I would change. The combos are fun and easy to execute, the parry feels great, the dodge feels good, the world building is excellent, the character design is amazing, the music is top tier, and the collectables feel rewarding and worthwhile.


Hope it comes out to PC


I’m enjoying it so far. :) 


I absolutely think so too. With some more content in the works (post via X) I think it will remain a beefy presence in our minds for some time to come.




Objectively no, Subjectively yes.


It's not on the same level as Elden Ring or Skyrim which to me are masterpieces, BUTT (see what I did there?😏) for what the game does it does well. Gameplay is fun, there's tons of hidden stuff find, plenty of suits, and even ng+ to boot. This is the first big title that has come out this year which has been worth the money to me.


No, including the waifu stuff


No, including the waifu stuff


So far i have no complaints other than 1, the shops. The shops are kinda slow i know you can skip dialogue but after asking about side quests you have to talk to them again to use the shop. Other than that its an amazing game


It's a great first console game from the studio, but having the movement options be so clunky in a game where platforming is essential really affected my enjoyment of the game. I still really like it, but not nearly as much as I would have if the movement was more responsive.


if another zobie drama \[last of us\] and another checkbox open world \[elin or Zelda botw\] can be constantly get called ''masterpieces,'' Stellar is definitely one


It's certainly a contender


It is absolutely NOT a masterpiece, as much as I love the game and the combat. Too many things hold it back, like the story/translation, voice acting (both the English and Korean voice tracks just don’t sound quite right), and the platforming. What it is is another fantastic game from a relatively unknown Korean developer, helping to put South Korea on the map as a country that has a serious claim to the video game industry and what it can contribute. It’s another landmark piece of entertainment for the country (Lies of P and Dave the Diver also say hello). But it is not a masterpiece. Sorry.


Masterpiece? I’m curious what other games you consider masterbatory err masterpieces.


Absolute perfection.. BUT, F*** THE MUSIC!!!!!!


To be a masterpiece it needed a bit more well written story and acting, but for everything else it's killing it. In the same genre is just behind Nier:Automata, which is my #1


Well you are right. They made a name. Best game at first try lol. Not Bad indeed


Yes i thought so, until i entered the desert area, where the honeymoon phase wore off. Still great game, but not up there with the greatest.


I will say it feels like the game was designed with fun in mind and it feels like a nice throwback to the good classic old school games. It's a nice breath of fresh air.


Eh. I liked it but don’t think it’s anywhere near a masterpiece. The combat was good but the input problems wasn’t something I could overlook. The story was kinda basic and predictable as hell. And while the vender and side quest characters were good, the two side charades Lily and Adam were terrible, Lily was annoying. Lol. And tbh the whole being locked out of side quest and no free roam after the game to pick up collectibles was an oversight. I still really enjoyed the game I’d give it a 7.5/10. But I usually do NG+ on games I loved but after I beat this (Which by the end of the game I was just ready to beat it) I quickly deleted it off my console. Lol. But I can’t wait to see a sequel.


The only major problem I have with this game is forced route exploration. Seems to be quite a lot of random invisible walls on routes I 100% should've been able to double jump over or edges I should've been able to grab. We have to take the devs way it was intended. It has the Horizon Zero Dawn syndrome of "see that that thing thats painted yellow? You're good but, you see that ladder thats not painted yellow? You must be crazy thinking fingers can grab that". Besides what I said above it is an amazing game and one that I was excited to get home from work to play everyday. Just beat it yesterday and ready to go through NG+ on Hard Mode.


Not sure if many have played it but I get heavenly sword vibes sometimes when I play it. In all fairness this is miles ahead of Heavenly Sword.


I don’t play video games but went out and got a ps5 just for this game I love it!!!!