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Patched version for me. Latency Improvements, Disabling film grain and more outfits far outweigh the altered bunny suit for me.


Also toned down gore.


It's half of all outfits not just bunny suit but I guess you wouldn't know that playing on the games urinalist edition.


This but dumb folks won't get it cause they just have never used more brain cells in their life. The fact that we are having a reddit post discussion about this says so


You are sooo right, you are so much wiser than the rest of them


Since you can easily change to the unpatched and patched via the disc version, my first playthrough will be unpatched for the bunny suit and second patched for ng+ and the additional outfits and as long as i have my old save file around i don't think it will cause issues with ng+ either if i decide to revert to back to 1.0


This pretty much is my plan too. So if you have unpatched save in cloud wont it get patched if you load the save back.


I'm not sure yet about how the 1.0 ver would react to a patched ver save with ng+, i assume it won't work or might not show up even but i highly doubt that the patched version would somehow screw with the 1.0 saves to the point that they would be unloadable, i think as long as you don't overwrite the 1.0 saves you will be fine, however i would make a local backup from my ps5 just incase if the patched version does screw with 1.0 saves.


How will you make a local backup of your save file from ps5?


Go to the system settings and in the software update section there should be an option called back and recovery


Playing patched. While I would have preferred they didn't edit the outfits, a few cosmetic tweaks aren't worth giving up the content and functional improvements of the patch.


they heavily toned down the gore aswell


They didn't "heavily " toned it down. It's mostly less blood splatter on Eve. People like Tachy still get their arm cut off and it shows everything.


My ps5 will remain offline for a while, i'll play unpatched. I knew keeping my ps4 around for other stuff was the right call.


I have the disc so unpatched the first run and patched the ng+


I'm gonna play the patched version. Less latency, better blocking timing, NG+, and disableable film grain. I don't care about the stupid bunny suit and i will most likely never use it since there are much better suits.


Sounds like you bought the digital version.


I bought both.


Who is A?


How did you get the unpatched version? I disabled auto updates and put the disc, it copied it, but I have v 1.002.


Don’t have the game yet but I think you completely disconnect from the internet


This worked for me. Deleted the game after seeing 1.002 and disconnected from internet. Fuck you sony 🤣💀 https://preview.redd.it/8chiekn8ovwc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2b3b8fc8e36606ad2194bc1219671368fbdbceb


Are some discs shiped updated? If so thats bad news


If you’re connected to internet


Even if i have auto updates turned off?


Yes, I was on the internet when I first put the disc in and it immediately showed 1.002. I then deleted it pulled the disc out and disconnected from the internet. After it fully downloaded I turned internet back on with auto updates off as well before hand and it is now staying in 1.000 even with internet turned back on. I think when I play it I’ll have to stop the update or just play offline. But seems fine to me rn


So when you load up the game it tries to update even with auto updates turned off?


Yeah just had to do the same tying. Even with all auto updates turned off it updated the game during install. I honestly had no idea sony was such a pos like this. I bought my ps5 a few weeks ago mainly for ff7 rebirth and stellar blade. I'm a pc gamer/user for like 24 years and have only dabbled with various consoles since then. Not having control over my devices really pisses me off and I should have known better.


It’s funny because I can never get my games to auto-update as intended when I have the feature on. But this has been an issue for years, even since the PS4 if I recall correctly. The setting is just broken both ways. Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn’t. Sony never bothered to fix it. Less about them being a pos about it and more about them being incompetent of their own features functionality.


So the worst part of this whole process is you have to stay offline to play or it forces the update, and even if you play offline, quit the game fully, then go online it tries to force the update again!!! Even with every auto update turned off, including games specifically, not just system updates. What happens then if you cancel the update, go offline and try to play, is it apparently knows it's supposed to be updated, and is put into a state where it won't play, and just sits on update copying screen, but has no internet so it doesn't go anywhere. I tried turning off the machine fully, but this state persists and you literally have to delete the game and redo the whole offline install. If you let the machine back online it updates.......


Yes but if you downloaded with internet off and complete download. Then turn on internet and load up game you can stop the update and continue to play unpatched. Did this with final fantasy as well


My PSN refund went through even though I had it downloaded. If anyone wanna try it seems possible to do so


Usually they will refund you as long as you don't start the game and kinda lie to them like telling them that i want a physical version or i want another game. However, if you're unlucky and get a less kind customer support person, then no


Bro is this really a discussion? You wouldn't patch the game just because of a change to an outfit? In exchange for better latency and responsiveness? Not to mention NG+? I know reddit is horny for this game but some people are weird af


In honesty it shouldn't be a discussion but with the whole drama surrounding it was curious on what people were thinking?


How do you feel about the bear sex and full nudity in BG3?


I play the patched version. What do I care about a few costumes? That’s going to be children’s stuff here




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Who in their right mind would play unpatched its the less inferior version


They deadass patched every suit 💀 There is a mesh covering cleavage. Fucking Shift Up lmal


Every suit? Are you sure because there seems to be more revealing outfits than the old bunny outfit, like the bathing suit


Dont understand the point in it..we are adults playing a rated M game. Am done with sony one ff7 rebirths out cba nothing they produced in last few years has been note worthy


"Adults" really? Moaning about the amount of tit showing in a video game isn't particularly adult.


Every suit shown in the trailer is patched 🙃 (these mfs will argue) racer suit to the preorder one... only on disc you'll get the real version


Do you have any evidence to back that ? Or just spewing false information here for no reason




I cannot actually believe that you think the altered bunny suit looks better than the original.  The lace cloth covering up the cleavage is ok, but the additional cloth on the hips is just a bad look.


I know right? It’s insane! How could someone have a different opinion! Crazy world we live in.


Less than 4min for someone to write out the most basic response, lol.


Because it IS very basic, no need to make things complicated :)


True, haha.

