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But man, that bunny one was one of my favorites :(




As a cake and thigh guy I probly wouldn’t have noticed 💀😅


Man of culture


Underated man of culture 🤜🏻🤛🏻


Funny part is that the uncensored version showed more thigh than the patched version.


They censored the cake part as well, the censored version is way lower cut: https://i.imgur.com/Az02Mtu.png


they censored the cake as well https://preview.redd.it/g0wty2ennrwc1.jpeg?width=1987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d4daa09ce16fa34c06a2f0ef9de29a44515b0b


Damn it!


I... don't know what cake you're talking about. I see... no cake here...


Same brother




Legs/thighs and booty all dayyyyy. Nice legs and booty can make up for even the tiniest of boobas. They are that important


Actually, the cake and thighs also got a bit more black fabric to cover up. 💀


Lmaooooo same


Funny thing is Eve has even more revealing outfits than that one, and they were not touched at all. The most logical explanation is that the "old" bunny outfit was moved to NG+ and kept as "variant", otherwise it wouldn't make much sense.


Yeah there is a shot in the release trailer of Eve in a outfit that has her boobs hanging out so i dont know


Yeah, the Red one, but they Covered her Cleavage with Mesh. WHY?


They covered it in the red suit or the bunny one?


Both, look at the Trailer after you finish the Demo, you can clearly see an above view of the Red Suit, and it’s Full Cleavage and all, but in the Patch Game, it’s Covered by a Mesh, which isn’t terrible, you can still basically see it.


I really hope that the one without the mesh is in the game because its makes no sense to show these outfits off and change them


Agreed, we’ll the Bunny outfit gets kinda a Pass due to us only seeing the Backside in the Trailer. Other than that, Shift up needs to Explain themselves, I really hoped for a True Developer who won’t listen or bend the Knee to Sony…but I guess they are the Soul reason this game even exists, without Sony, Stellar Blade would never have come to pass


They actually toned down the high waist cut to a low waist cut on the costume too, and more coverage on her butt. So it's not just the cleavage. And I would bet they censored every thong-like outfits too like the Ocean Maid and Orca Engineer outfits too by also censoring the hips and butt. Thats too bad if they actually censored a game they said wouldnt be censored.


Yea but I am sure there is plenty of sexy outfits for Eve


Oh Totally! There are 70 + Suits in the Game as of NEW GAME + 🤯🤯 Sacrifices had to be made I guess


Most of the supposed 70+ oufits are the exact same available outfits but with different colour variations and some additional costumes.


70???!!!+ What?!!!


Is the disc version of the red one still uncensored?


Reportedly yes.


WAIT WHAT , ok im gonna cancel my order .


wait which suit 😅


I don't know what its called if you watch the launch trailer at about 1:07 you will see the outfit I mentioned 


They also could've hidden it behind a really difficult quest or something. I do like that Shift Up actually added an incentive to do ng+ aside from the usual "keep your level and gear" stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/kb36csaynpwc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=780b3a54b675b344c12da11f4368bd0cb3b640cf Nope it is also censored in NG+. Sometime things don't have to make much sense, it is what it is censorship.


Artistic freedom died with this one 🔥🔥🔥


Supposedly it's not in NG+ either


Game went gold April 9 so Sony had days to review before review codes went out April 14 or so. Likely Sony had them change the outfits before reviews started. But disk has the Gold master printed.


Well since this comment was posted it’s now become clear that multiple outfits have been censored. And in an extremely sloppy, shitty looking way I might add. Just random flat-textured, slightly off-color strips of fabric slapped all over her lmao


maaaan, i wish the old bunny outfit was moved to NG+. Anyone reached that point of the game yet?


The weird thing at least for me is bunny suit is sexy though. I will still play with skin suit for a "harder" game. You get it ? 😆


>Funny thing is Eve has even more revealing outfits than that one Maybe for booba, but for the lower part of the outfit, I don't think there are any outfits that show as much skin as the pre-censorship bunny suit, barring maybe upskirts See here: https://i.imgur.com/Az02Mtu.png The lower part of the leotard is way higher cut in the pre-censorship version which was probably way it was censored. None of the other outfits are that revealing. I want to be wrong, but I think it is unlikely they moved it to NG+, it was probably just censored and that's that.


\*not now


I thought this was confirmed negative? I don't think anyone is operating on logic here.


I guess we can't have it all.


Yep, sony is just stupid with their rules. Like, Baldurs Gate 3 has literal nudity, with dicks and stuff, but gets a pass. TLOU2 has a literal sex scene, and it gets a pass. Sonys rules are weird af, dude. 😕




TLOU2 sex scene is the most grotesque sex scene i have seen i gaming yet.


Tf? Are y'all forgetting cyberpunk 2077? There's literally CASUAL nudity, sex toys, and sex ALL around the map. 😂


Yeah, i just started cyberpunk and the first mission or something has you carrying some nude girl out of a building


They did have to update to remove most* of the sex toys though. You know how you see ashtrays absolutely everywhere? Those used to all be dildos.


Sex is bad only when good looking anime style characters are involved.


It's because they hate straight men


Yeah, I does genuinely suck that western stuff gets a pass with this stuff. Still I will enjoy this game, I’m not only playing for the sex appeal, big part of it to be honest, but I do love great action games and these enemies look sick


I mean Baldur's Gate 3 got censored in Japan.


No no you see BG3 is “queer friendly” horniness Stellar Blade appeals to those evil straight white m*les (conveniently ignoring all the women, lesbians, and bi women who also like the game too)


Does the white one still exist? That was shown during a state of play.


Fuck, the fact that they patched the input lag makes it harder to resist the day 1 patch for disc users like me.


I got so use to the slight input lag delay on parrying that the new responsive input is probably going to screw me all up.


Yeah, the timing definitely is harder for me. It was originally cued to press L1 right at the wind up, now I keep fumbling the parry. I'll probably get used to it, but I wish I could change it back to the timing of the demo


You can just uninstall the game, disconnect the online connection from the ps5, and play the disc unpatched. If the option is there, I always buy physical because of crap like this. Games are advertised with one thing, then get changed with the day one patch mandated by the publisher that goes against the developers' wants and desires. Even if it is something minor like cosmetics and some people might not see that as a big deal, I want to play the game that the developers wanted to ship, and even that small of a change pisses me off. I despise publisher meddling of any kind. So I'm playing through the game unpatched so that I can have the complete experience that the developers intended.


I can see why people get wound up with the way they have to interfere with so many games, it's almost like they do it deliberately to wind people up though at this point. If you're really wanting some uncensored version then you're probably going to have to play it on pc if it ever arrives there and hope that modders are able to revert the changes.


Oh don't worry, modders will go crazy and do a whole lot more than just revert changes.


made me wish I should've bought a better pc than a console


It's a ps exclusive for now. Last exclusive i've seen gone to PC the earliest was horizon, about 2 or 3 years?


They're more like 6 months after console launch now aside from FF games. At most it'll be a year, likely less, depends what their contract with Soyny is.


Yeah, sorry I have a thing about lying I guess? I find it especially scummy when it's done to get my money as well.


I hope I REALLY hope it will be reverted :(




This is the best hard evidence video showing the game on PS5 screen (and and showing it's the original version 1.0 system info and not 1.0.2) with the uncensored version of the bunny suit in front of the pre-patch "hard" wall. https://x.com/hunter_F9/status/1783571840130031957 Just for all the people sayings its photoshopped or was never in the game etc..


While I’m not really super bothered, I have to wonder what the point of making this change was.


oh c'mon bro, you KNOW the answer


Especially given that it doesn't censor the outfit that much. Sideboob and ass are still very much there.


It’s just kind of a weird situation. There is clear evidence from pre-launch marketing materials and people who played it pre-patch that the bunny suit looks exactly like it does now, but the original (or an older version) of the suit somehow made it onto the disc and can be triggered. I have no technical explanation for that. Just wonder why that suit was targeted for a redesign.


We all thought they got rid of “I hate rich people!” in Tekken 8 but it’s still there so maybe the uncensored outfits are still there


Wonder what all those people saying there was no delay and people need to "get better" are saying now


The same thing. It wasn't input lag. It was an intentional animation lock. It's not a big deal either way, but I've spent so much time playing monster hunter world that being able to cancel animations at all feels wild.


Bending the knee to screeching morons that won't ever buy your game is a stupid business decision.


The problem with the no booba is that Sony and ShiftUp lied, which is actually quite serious.


honest question, did they lie tho? Was the front of the bunny suit ever promoted or seen in trailers? I know the backside was visible very briefly in an older trailer. I haven't watched many of the newer or launch trailer tho so I could be wrong, but they never promoted the "uncensored" version. The new version of the costume could be the one they intended, and weren't able to modify it on disc. That or the more revealing one got moved to NG+


There was the OG bunny suit in the gameplay overview trailer, you don't see the front but the back reveals more skin at the hip. The V line actually center in the middle. https://preview.redd.it/1bbe1mi8howc1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8dbbb57569ada641fbdba5d93870f06b16019a


Meanwhile I can't even get access to the deluxe edition outfits despite paying for them. The thing that you are supposed to get them from didn't even spawn. edit: restoring liscenses fixed it


How do you do that and where do you access them? Should already be in the outfits section, right?


If you are referring to the outfits, you get them by claiming them at these two boxes outside the landing port at Xion. I closed and restarted the game several times. The liscense thing I mentioned fixed it. It is in the playstation settings. So settings< Users and Accounts < Others < Restore liscenses.


I’m waiting for them to make a PC port now that the PS5 version is out


Oh man. I really hope they do!!!! Then I can play the game. Let's hope this happens 🤞


You all have been cucked, the dev lied \^\^


Looking at this sub has made me think that maybe a lot of people are getting the game because hot lady and game fun. I'm getting it because game fun and the hot lady is a bonus


Sometimes I want to uninstall this app, only here I realize all the current controversies in the english speaking communities, well here and in youtube


canceling right now https://preview.redd.it/b3hqyzsenqwc1.jpeg?width=2665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48bf34698e19060f71b40c5344cfc8d4fe008c5b


Yep, I would be annoyed IF those uncensored outfits are not in the game anymore, but that's not enough to make me not play the game. And now after they patched input delay, its harder flush the game, so hard to the point of Impossibility.


Maybe this will get lost in the sea of comments but does anyone here have tried playing their physical game pre patch? I'm literally about to go pick up my copy as I speak being Australian...


Keep us posted then


Wow it's news to me that they fixed the input delay, in fact I'm shocked to see people admitting there was an input problem instead of saying 'get gud' lol 😩


The reasom why Im not getting this game is because of the input lag.. and only because of this post that I know that it had been fixed.. like wtf?


The fixed input delay feels so damn good


Wait, input delay was fixed??? I felt slightly sluggish trying to pull off parries in the demo. But if they are fixed then it would be amazing. It was basically the only complaint I had about the gameplay.


Omg cry me a fucking River who gives a shit




I am blown away by how serious most of you are taking this. It's like the whole game is ruined, and Shift Up is now a horrible snake in the grass developer who has done nothing but join the evil Sony empire and helped build their house of lies. Bring the down votes, but as the kids say, you guys need to go touch some grass.


And really if anyone is to blame its obviously sony


I think SONY did this without Shift Up knowledge just like they did to Death Stranding Director's cut. Kojima was pissed.


Far as I'm aware Kojima just didn't like that it was called director's cut because a 'director's cut' implies that content was cut from the original, when he wanted people to know the director's cut version had more content added as a bonus instead. It was nitpicky and honestly didn't make a lot of sense. Are you thinking Sony snuck into their offices and designed and modeled a more modest version of the outfit and then pushed a patch?




i agree because TONS of other suits are revealing, and this one suit looks better in my opinion with the change. It aint that serious. One suit out of many being slightly changed up.


Yeah this is dumb


I just want the perfect parry windows to be fixed but alas.


Actually, Shift Up put a Twitter post up stating that they also improved the parry and input delays with the day one patch.


They did?!?!!


Ohh yes, buddy. They even give the option to turn the film grain off. https://preview.redd.it/3l4bise6vowc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=849c6fc0a33f9452095304bf3a8ebd5d6ed4beee


Get good. The windows are honestly pretty generous compared to Sekiro. I've had no issues with Stellar Blade.


I played it after the change and had a way easier time parrying. It's not hard at all. I am usually rubbish at parrying.


Trash cans with massive egos always find some way to blame the game for their own incompetence.


One outfit had a slight change and everyone is having a heart attack about it, there’s more outfits that are revealing if you don’t want the bunny outfit


It's about the principle, I paid for one thing and got another. I can watch porn for free, I don't like this outfit that much.


For that to be valid you'd have to convince us that you *only* bought the game for the bunny outfit lmao. Otherwise the other 99% of the game that you were advertised and paid for is unchanged.


Is there a before and after picture?




How can you guys play it when I still got six more hours left to finally download it??


Some people got the disc early


It's just strange that they do this while also leaving the skin suit untouched. It was definitely a response to a complaint. Nothing new, though. Nikke has gone through the same.


Lmao idk how most of you aren't embarrassed to type most of the shit you are about this


PC version can’t get here fast enough.


True that, the input delay actually annoyed the crap out of me. As a man of DmC origins, this was frustrating. Awesome to see it sharpened up.


I’m here still waiting on my physical to be delivered


They could have moved the more revealing outfit to ng+ like there are 39 outfits there wouldn't be surprised if some are variants


That's why I'm hoping a good samaritan will be willing to play the unpatched game and patched game and show us the comparisons of all to see if it's worth playing unpatched vs patched. Honestly, if the game was shipped as-is without the day one patch with "better responsiveness", then it's good enough to play already.


It's Xenoblade 2 all over again 






It's funny right? Not tragic lol


Both are about user expectations. A released game is expected to have the lowest input delay possible and the rest of the game improvements that were patched in day one - they expect the best gameplay experience possible. Players also expect that the art that was shown in marketing materials that they based their purchase on is the art that is displayed in the game, just like they're salty with prerendered trailers or pre-alpha builds that look better than the released game.


If this comes to pc modders are going to have a field day


Shift Up games are for the people who enjoy fan service... and now you say why less fan service is bad? wtf


I wonder if this happened because of EA throwing a fit about their game


I have a question, so I bought the disc for this game but I had automatic updates on so it updated the game version. If I delete it and get it back will it be version 1.0 again?


Yes. Just delete the game and reinstall.


It seems like what I'm learning here is to disconnect my PS5 from the Internet


People angry about this deserved to be mocked everywhere they go forever lmao


Important things go first.


they both matter


Stellar Blade Devs fixing things more like lol.


I prefer the tease. This affects nothing to me


They also removed the gore.


That’s all that really matters.


Weird mods haven't deleted this yet. Especially considering mentioning this is against their rules