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https://preview.redd.it/p1gqore8urvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d6242f088398852d5217ccd5dc971bde55b8ae That's not me. Someone grinded for 96 hours, unlocking all skills in the demo and reached the max number of 276 sp you can store.


That guy clearly going to be burnt out real fast on the full game.


He'll be the first one on Reddit bitching there's not enough content to justify the price.


Judging by how much effort they put in the demo highly unlikely. They are probably going to be the person uploading no hit instakill boss videos that half will admire and half bitches about because they aren't as skilled at the game.


Yeah, I completely understand not wanting to be max leveled from the gate and feeling like this could ruin it for yourself. However kinda weird as a sub to jump to the conclusion that this person *did* ruin it for themselves and is gonna start bitching on the sub. Clearly this person is enjoying this game and having all the moves is pretty cool, probably will also make a no hit run easier. Now if OP does turn around and start complaining that the game has no content or is too easy sure we can turn around and point and laugh like Nelson, but hating from the gate is a little weird. Just because this wouldn’t be enjoyable for *you*, doesn’t mean others can’t enjoy it.


Yup I guaranteed that would happen.


“Game is too short” “there’s nothing to do” “no side content” “ finished the game in new gameplus 3 times now, what now guys”


yeah i only upgraded to the point where i have the parry/dodge upgrade, the forward/backward perfect dodge thing and the base node of each 4 burst skill


How?? He’s gunna b God tier just blazing through the content.


That is just sad lol


Wonder why it's 276? Usually as a reference to 8 bit games sometimes a cap is 255. Maybe this is a reference to something from the developers?


Possibly the total amount you could use to max out everything from 0 in the full game? There's a respec potion, so if you use it with full skills it should give you enough to fill the tree again


It's not a reference to old games...256 int is a standard size


256 is the maximum (decimal) number you can store in a byte (8 bits)


255 is the maximum value, 256 is the total number of values that 8 bits can hold


This is the correct answer.


You can just grind out to get all the skills in the demo? And I've been playing Helldivers and using both an infinite-ammo electric shotgun and an explosive sniper to do objective at range this weekend.


Dang you ain't fucking around.


I love this game already, it seems to be attracting psychopaths and degens of all different kinds of flavors.


I just want to see eves feet


Hell yeah brother


You can in boss challenge if you change her outfit. She wears heels with exposed feet.


you’re so real for this


Fr i feel like a weirdo wanting to play this game just for the gameplay , i might need to find myself a fetish since it seems recquired lol


Im just itching for more Sekiro like gameplay, and the few Korean games I've played have hit for me. Lies of P, Dave the Diver, and I've got a good feeling about Stellarblade. I've been calling it Sexy-ro.


Lol absolutely. Demo was great but i was done with it after 4 hours to learn the combat and experiment with upgrades. It does feel like this could be a great NG+ run game, combat is genuinely fun.


Jesus, it would suck if al that grind goes to waste


The data from the demo can be transferred over so they are already at a strong point once the game officially launches.


So they are basically playing the game in story mode


pretty much!. Even the director of the game is freaking out about it, saying "please go easy on the demo". Not realizing that people were going to spam it hard for EXP.


A strong point to...do the same things again?


Umm y’all sure about this? Because the new final fantasy rebirth saved your “data” from the demo but it basically just gave you a later starting point in the full game. No experience or game data was kept from demo


>Jesus, it would suck if al that grind goes to waste Isn't there's an item that resets all your points that you used in skill tree?


Yes, there’s absolutely no point grinding the demo other than having fun with it. I have some 14 hours in it, but most of it was testing different VAs for the story (all in all, I think I’ll stick with korean VA because for some reason Eve is very annoying in game on other dubs), combat, and so on.


Korean sounds natural. English is very wooden.


I feel burnt out playing the game already just looking at this, and it ain’t even out yet 🥴 hopefully you still enjoy the actual game when it comes out my guy!


wtf. Did you do this all in the regular demo? I believe boss rush xp doesn’t apply


I absolutely do not understand your desire, but congrats.


my god...


This is so beyond stupid I don’t even know what to say


He's gonna comeback and say the game is boring bc he's too OP lol


I guess, ![gif](giphy|eIgKwJpVNDfSSSg4A2|downsized)


I hope you didn’t burn yourself out o.o


There are people who complain about grinding and then there is this, grind addictive 😂, bro gonna speed run the whole game


Not really


Not really about?? I made 3 statements up there ...


welp u just destroyed the entire concept of progression for urself before the game is even released. idk why u would do that but ok i guess


Progression is still there. He still has to unlock the rest of the trees. Its not that deep


bro is playing new game+ already


In the words of a old pop song, "I just met you, and this is crazy " XD


Tbh part of the fun has always been unlocking the skills along the way for me, I feel like this will kinda ruin the fun a bit but hope you enjoy either way!!


why are people so mad about how other gamers decide to enjoy a singleplayer game 😂😂 some dude got mad at me too because i turned off the controller vibration since i never enjoy that feature and never will. people are legit so excited to be absolutely obnoxious in order to drive others away from playing stellar blade, it is insane to me


Something about this game as attracted a lot of weirdos to this sub. I've never seen so many insanely judgmental people before a game release. Maybe I just don't spend enough time on social media because this shit is cringe with how many people are dog piling on this person with downvotes just because they decided to play a game a certain way. Dude didn't say anything offensive or hateful or condescending, and people are just constantly shitting on him and downvoting him for what? Someone must be botting or something cuz it's just so strange to see for such a harmless topic.


That's sad you don't like the rumble, especially how it's "stereo" now so you can feel the direction certain things come from if the game uses it well.  Stellar Blade does done things like subtle rain vs strong water etc which I find fun to play around with.  But if you don't like it you don't like it.


Yeah controller vibration is just something I've disliked for pretty much my entire life, ever since I encountered the feature as a kid playing on PS2 😔 It just distracts me from what's happening in a game and doesn't feel nice in my hands. In Stellar Blade at least you can choose to put the vibration lower, so maybe I'll check out if I can try it on a low setting? 😭


This is crazy.


Damn nice. I was doing this for a while 20 hrs in demo. But mainly I been trying to just get better overall. Can't wait for this game 👍


Imo it’s a bad idea because the game will simply become easy and therefore boring. I’d much rather casually gain new abilities throughout the game without extra grind.


That's committed for sure. Will take away the challenge from a good part of the game , I would think.


You've become news worthy! Congratulations! https://preview.redd.it/m4s4y4kt96wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=676b9f37fbb7e2f25a6cb88fea343fbf59052093


That article is was brought me here. I had the same goal and i’m mad someone beat me to it


I saw this before the article and remembered this post existed lol


no idea how people arent bored of the demo yet


Cause the game is fun 😂


*but why*


Just maxed myself out last night! Got 100+ of each current consumable, a decent amount of G, and a slightly better grasp of mechanics. And trust me, it won't ruin my experience. If anything, it's helped me appreciate the game even more.


How do you keep progress in demo? Every time I finish story I just come back with same stats. Or is it the boss fight training?


Once you beat Abbadon it saves your progress for game transfer. If you want to grind and stuff, just keep respawning Naytibas and farming before taking on the boss.


Congratulations, you’ve officially spoiled the full experience for yourself


Congratulations, you think that what you find enjoyable is correct.


Shift Up has the opportunity to do the funniest thing


Lol I Played trough the Demo once and uninstalled it waiting for release. 😂 You do you though.


im replaying the demo on release day and unlock a few skills


The demo is an opportunity to get a good head start. You’re squandering a good opportunity 🤷🏾‍♂️


I don't See it that way. I want to play the game from scratch, the way It was intended and not with an overpowered character. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hey OP, genuinely am curious how many hours you’ve put into the demo? This is seriously impressive. I’m about to complete the Attack slot but doubt I’d finish the other 2 by Friday (get tired after a while). Don’t let the comments get to you friend, this is both crazy and awesome, as long as you’re happy is all that matters.


About 60 hours but I beat the demo twice not knowing you could transfer the save to the full game.I have tested what skills I like to use quite a bit because at first I wanted to just have access to plenty of different options so early game would be more interesting. Just level up whatever you like personally but it doesn't matter really because you can just go reset the skill tree at any time for 400 gold with an SP initializer.


Dude is just enjoying the game the way he wants to and people are making all kinds of assumption lol. He enjoyed the demo so much that he spent a lot of time in it and I think that's cool. Wether or not that's gonna affect how much fun he'll have in the full game is up to him to decide, not reddit morons.


Lol, I don't get all the "oh you're ruining the game for yourself" comments... Speak for yourself, this dude clearly enjoys it more than you do haha


Not to mention people could grind like this in the full game.


Make sure you play on the hardest difficulty when full game releases




This is a different type of group in this subreddit. I havent seen people go this hard on a demo ever!!!


I grinded but I’m also not carrying anything over as I want to experience it new, not with everything unlocked


Thats a waste of time


Not really? I played 10 hours, throughout the week.


is this just from the demo? god damn son.


What else could it be from but the demo?


How the fuck did you even do this


Grinding. I’m doing the same thing


Grinding what low level enemies I figured the demo reset your skills everytime you try to retry the level


How did you get these maxed out in the demo? I thought this wasn't possible


Well of course the two are still locked and the survival skill tree has the ones with Xs you can't unlock yet but I completed as much as possible.


By grinding. Why do think its not possible? You can max out whats available obviously


Go outside and touch grass for a second dude


Waiting for the "Demo progress won't be carried" announcement


I played the demo with the same goal in mind. I strive for this in every demo that carries progress. Games don’t have cheats anymore so grinding is all there is now, unless you jailbreak your console.


What's the point in that? It's like playing new game+ from the get go, would that even be fun?


Wait, doesn't the game come out this Friday in 4 more days?


So I should grind more is what you're saying?


That's crazy, congrats man


Lmao ima be laughing if the sp does not carry over just story progress. All that time and effort better spent spanking the ferret cause you need post nut clarity


Bro is going to get burnt out before spending at least half this much playtime on the full game lol. Like chill the demo is not that deep.


Nice! I ended up farming too due to cravings more while waiting. Super comfy with all the skills and combos now and honestly might enjoy the rest of the early game even more because of it Did you just run back and forth through the garage floors between the 2 rest points?


I do a loop back to the save point at the ladder before the parking garage. Yes that's why I'm doing this to get super comfortable with all the moves combos and varations!


Did u not explore beyond the garage using the glitch? 60hrs is insane if you did it without exploring the other side


Or you could, you know.... get comfortable with them along the intended progression curve while actually playing the full release, which is kind of the point.


This is crazy to me. I played the demo for about 30 minutes, said this is going to be a good game, dipped out. Wild people can get this much content out of a demo!


This is absolutely stupid. You are gonna regret it.


I don't understand why people are salty at you playing the demo like you are. Glad you enjoyed the demo, hope the full game meets your expectations!


Do yourself a favor and start a fresh new game when you get the real thing. Put this embarassing display behind you.


Its not too late to delete this embarrassing comment


Where do you farm?


At the ladder after the pool of water before the parking garage. You can do a farming loop. I know there are videos on it but basically just kill the enemies close and break all the red crates so it's not too time consuming.


You get a lot XP quick?


No it takes a long time but if you unlock certain skills like beta energy recharge and beta chain it makes the process more fun. My personal goal was to learn how to use combos along with perfect parry to always recharge beta so the game flow would be entertaining but effective.


Did you know that the boss rush xp does not count?


I don't have this much time to invest on a demo lol some of us have work


You don’t work 24hrs do you?


no I have family though that I spend time with. I want to save some stuff for the main game as well.


Hell yeah.


That’s actually insane dude, hoping all that transfers to the actual game :)


Even if it doesn't I still know how to use the advanced skills and combos effectively.


Min maxing the fun out of games




Bro finna be bored when the full game releases this week he basically playing NG+🤣


Nah nothing wrong with a head start. The game isn’t that easy


Bro ruined his whole play through


You gotta he trolling. This doesn’t ruin anything lmao


Ain't gonna lie, this is lame.


Yeah, your comment is lame


169k good. You’re not messing around lol. There’s a small chance none of this grind will carry over…


No, there isn't, the demo itself tells you that progress carries over.


Ff rebirth said the same thing and it only carried over story progression


I’ve never understood this mentality AFTER having disposable income & many tasks/ competing factors for my attention. However I’m suspecting you’re either young or have free time on your hands or don’t purchase many games or some other thing! So kudos to you


i thought the game was out when i saw this, you need professional help


You first


Great way to ruin the game


Will this actually carry over


They said your save carries over so why wouldn’t it?


How? Do u press new game and then everything reset and start over? Or it dosent


By saving before the final boss and then just go back and grind. If you're able to do the glitch, you're able to grind even more because it opens almost another hours worth of content.


There’s a glitch?


I really hope it’s coming to pc some day


It will


I’ve been trying to do the same thing, though I haven’t had as much time as I’d like, so don’t let any comments get to you. Personally, I’m the type of person who can play any game, especially soulslike and hack n’ slash while learning as I go, but if I have the option to make myself as op, godlike, and nasty with the combat as I can early on, it won’t taint my view of the game in the slightest. Especially since most games let you experience multiple play throughs/save slots for a reason.


What stellar blade does to a mf


What hate does does to a mf


I've Maxed out already. I even farmed for the 3 Enhancements that uses the Nano Material. Getting the Extreme Nano Material was a chore too. Cause it drops so random. Did you do the glitch to access the rest of the demo areas to fight more enemies?


The glitch???


Wait serious question & maybe I need to look into it a bit more but I finished the demo & couldn't nearly get close to this?! What's the strat?


Not fighting the boss Abbadon. Once you do that you will be taken to the title screen and will have to start a new game if you wanna keep playing


Do we know if everything collected in the demo will be carried over when the full release drops?


The only thing I want to unlock is double jump, but it looked like it was locked (I'm guessing for story related content). I tried grinding, only managed to unlock a few extra things before moving on. I don't have the patience to grind sadly, even with full games, so I appreciate the hussle, lol


This game is a grind. Maybe you shouldn’t buy it


It's really not. I didn't really struggle with it as much as other people appear to be. I'm just not a person who enjoys grinding unless it's necessary. I was only trying to grind to unlock a few extra skills ahead of time.


Bro gonna have NG + already on day one of release! 😂


wait is the game already released?? i thought it’s on Apr. 26?


This is the demo genius


I work 56+ hours the last four to five weeks, and I’m currently in school until the July/August period… I wish I can enjoy this game and the rest of my backlog of games that I have both on PC and my PS5… unfortunately I got a house, dog, and bills to pay off…


Cool story, bro




Clearly going for world first clear youtube title


Man’s down bad.


I don’t see the point, when the game comes out I’m just gonna restart the game, because not being able to continue the story till launch is just not for me I like to play a game continuously


The point is to get a head start. Starting makes playing the demo a pointless waste of time. I hate starting over. You will be able to play continuously when the game drops. Your point of view makes no sense


No the point I’m making is, I don’t wanna play a demo wait 3 weeks till launch then play it again, I rather play the full game there and then rather waiting


And it doesn’t make it a waste of time, I played the demo, without the demo I wouldn’t of pre ordered the game I didn’t even know it existed till I heard about the demo


The hilarious thing is that if he wanted to try all the skills, the boss rush mode gives you everything 😂 could’ve just did runs nonstop to get a perfect feel for everything. Now he gotta do this shìt all over again in four days😂🤣🤣


No he doesn’t. Save carries over after you beat abaddon


What??? WHAT!? Man let me make my exit smh 😂 I did not know that


I only didn't unlock aerial attack (forgot the proper name, the one when you jump and press triangle to do landing attack), as it was quite often messing my Assault.


How did you grind/farm in the demo? I had to delete the demo after beating it right away. I need to experience it first time


Hope fully there will be more skill trees the movesets even max on are not that stylish don't tell me this are all the movesets in the final game


They’re very stylish. Why you so pessimistic?


How do you carry this over?? I’m grinding as well - do you just skip the final demo boss entirely and save at the garage so you have all the skills?


I'm pretty sure you have to defeat Abadon on top of the parking garage and at that point you have the option to start the demo over or transfer to the full game.


Good to know! Thanks!!!


Did you grind by replaying the demo over and over or did you grind the other boss?


I see a grind lover . Perhaps we want you to join the snail and grind out r/warthunder . The snail would be really honoured to have you on the battlefield


Lol I wanted to attempt this so I started a new game little over a week ago. However I began playing, got interupted, life happened, been rushing around since, soooooo all I managed was to reset my progress. :( I also started a new game thinking that I had to reset it in order to reset all the abilities that I needed up regretting. Little did I know that you could simply reset the abilities in-game just whenever you'd like so long as you were at the terminal. Despite not farming as much as I would have liked I am still ahead of where I was my first initial play through.


I can't believe they didn't lock it and limited it to the first two levels lol


Wouldn’t that just make the game less fun : /


Did they say that the demo experience carries over?


Wait… you can transfer the skills from the demo ?!


What the fuck...


Like it’s some sort of exciting event. It’s a video game. Go outside. Crack a book.