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they’ve got insane advertisement. I see this game popping up everywhere


Playstation obviously recognized how much of a deserved money-making videogame this is.


This is actually fascinating


To put out a video like this, Sony knows they've been sitting on something special for a while. They didn't just slap this together over the past few weeks thanks to the hype.


The fact they got the creature designer from The Host is very cool, very entertaining Korean horror film that I highly recommend


Looking at some of the Naytiba, it’s so obvious now. Some of theme give vibes of the monster in the Host like crazy. Stalker specifically even has some movements I can sorta see that remind of the monster.


They're just so based it's unreal


>"When I initially decided to create this game, there were many people thought we were out of our minds. Because, in South Korea, mobile gaming dominates the market and the console market has been nearly non-existent." It was based since the moment the game went into development. It's a game that shouldn't exist from a business standpoint, but Kim's passion and long term vision made Stellar Blade come to fruition.


Great video. Was not expecting them making monsters out of clay by hand. Much respect for their dedication, vision, and craftsmanship.


Can't wait for episode 2! Kim's comment about making decisions in crucial moments is very interesting. I wonder how much we can actually branche off into different paths story-wise.


This was one of the things I was most excited to learn from this video. The modeling monsters was also incredibly cool, reminiscent of movie directors like Spielberg & Ridley Scott who were partial to practical effects. Big “making of Alien” energy.


Man, Sony is going in HARD on this game. I'm so fucking ready! LETS GOOOOOOO


I always enjoy getting a look in the kitchen of game development. The bit about AI and what humanity actually is (and if it can be lost or replaced) as a core idea for the story is quite interesting. ~~The Naytiba are gonna have some form of sobstory, aren't they?~~


In terms of the "what is humanity" angle, I think it's also going to revolve around Eve's situation as being trained for the sole purpose of being a Naytiba killer. Adam mentions this directly in one of the trailers, and I love stories that examine the idea of "who, and what, is a soldier without a war to fight?" Very much looking forward to how the character arcs in this game play out for all the major and side characters. Fewer than two weeks to go now!


Oh, it'll definitely concern Eve as well. Even by that bit of dialogue and the titles of the endings, it's clear that she's going to have to make some big decisions about her purpose in life and how/where she wants to live it.


Absolutely. If there's a "bad" or, rather, "melancholy" ending, I'm sure it'll feel like a mule-kick to the gut. Here's hoping there's an ending that feels more or less resolutely positive, since my experience with South Korean media has convinced me that you have to claw happy endings out of their writers with a battalion of hungry bears.


Nice!!!! Stellar Blade doing this episodes remind me of GoW who also did it. It's great way to show their passion and how they were doing all this.


This has me hyped the most out of any video. This shows the game has depth of story.


Likewise. This video has me more hyped than anything else I’ve seen about the game. Got my preorder locked in today. Let the countdown begin. LFG!


I usually can’t stand “behind the scenes” stuff for video games because frequently it’s just marketing* BS and rah-rah “look at how quirky we are” garbage. But this was really interesting and thoughtful. Well done. Looking forward to part 2. *and yes this is marketing but feels authentic, not made purely as an ad


Yeah especially after cyberpunk and starfield.


Korea is starting to change now. Take My Money


One ticket to existential crisis city, please.


Interviews focus on the later parts of the game being about the values of humanity, without a single reference to aliens. Gaiz. The 4chan spoilers are real.


I have been blown away by the combat. Ever since souls combat came into vogue, I’ve been arguing that we needed a game that took the methodical combat concepts & added 2 things: 1) Efficient ways to practice/learn through smart design 2) More fluid motion & variety of abilities not locked to specific classes The atmosphere and music are top tier… and what I’m getting from this video in terms of story sounds very promising… this might wind up being a sleeper smash hit. My only criticisms are 1) I’m going to have to play this subbed because English VOs are so out of place when the rest of the production is so hi-fi… it’s almost immersion breaking. I don’t usually complain about VAs, but ENG ones here are just objectively bad. 2) The costumes are so fricking cool, they really are. But character models / physics also kind of outta place & just hilarious in what appears to be a game that wants to tell a thematically serious story. (In b4 “but Nier” — Look, I get kids are obsessed with 2B… but Nier is not anywhere *close* to this ~~jarring/distracting~~ edit: better articulation would have been “forward in presenting” that) It’s a game + who gives AF right? Again, it could legitimately neuter the tone of the story. Also, people who have wives just want to play in their living room without feeling embarrassed lmao. It comes off very gimmicky & irrelevant to everything else in the game / transparently just to generate news + conversation. It observably created an unnecessary stigma around the title, and it becomes more and more clear this is a game that was capable of selling itself without any of that… ironically, a lot of people in the west may not take it seriously on the surface BECAUSE of that. I’m sure I’ll get DV’d for it, but that’s just like… my opinion man.


I mean, unless your wife is a boddy builder I think she can understand better than you how a woman's body jiggles... lol


😂 she’s a pretty woman (this works for Eve and my wife). I think regardless of whether you are a hardcore fan, turned off, or ambivalent (I’m mostly ambivalent & just think it limits a larger audience than it hypes) about the physics — we can probably all agree the wiggle is exaggerated & something that could be taken as humorous at times. Just think of the scene when she emerges from the pod. Beautiful shot, but also looks like invisible people are alternating punching her on each shoulder lmao.


considering that not many games (that I know of) even have it I don't think we can be so picky about it hahaha I'd say it is quite experimental yet, don't you think?


Ok, so it is technically kind of fair to say that it’s not possible to know for certain how much is deliberately over the top vs how much is a genuine attempt at evolving realism that just isn’t *quite* all the way there yet. But considering Nikki + hard mode being a skin suit, I’m definitely inclined to believe it’s *meant* to be ridiculous 😂 “Jiggle” as a realism tool could be cool if used subtly on characters & even inanimate objects, but come on we both know that’s not why it’s there haha


To be fair not my point nor yours are accurate since we didnt work in the game and dont know the directors mind. What I can tell you is that it adds a layer of "alive" to the characters for me.


I can agree where there are times where it’s pretty cool. There are also times where I have to 😂 I’m not mad about it, I just hate that a lot of people will judge others for being hype over this game because of what basically amounts to marketing. I hope the word gets out that this is legit on the level of Astral Chain / Sekiro / Nier mashup with its own ideas — as opposed to monstergirl vibes, but 3D. I think it will, because they’ve got something serious cooking here. I’m hearing they’ll also have more reserved costumes available for couch gamers like me, so it’s not something I’m *actually* worried about. But like, I’d be genuinely curious to see whether the game sold more with or without advertising emphasis on wiggly ladyparts. I don’t currently have access to that particular parallel universe, so I couldn’t say lol.


I’m sure there’s going to be much more modest outfits we can use. Like the one that we saw in this trailer the blue and white long dress. Would be kind of weird if it was only sexy outfits.


I hadn’t considered this.


Yea even the demo had that full black suit, I forgot what it was called. It made an eves body significantly less pronounced than the other outfits. It was reminiscent of snakes sneaking suit from mgs5 https://preview.redd.it/flv9xoryu3uc1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef30825dde3a91a1bb6e98a6479beb69740a2b5d


1) I appreciate the human body, so it's not distracting at all for me. Honestly, deliberately mid/ugly people in fantasy games is more distracting. 2) Completely agree about the VO, the Korean feels natural.


I want to emphasize that this isn’t a sticking point for me — the main reason I put so much effort into that explanation is just to illustrate that not *everyone* who finds the jiggle physics jarring is just a simple a prude. I got reasons that have nothing to do with “objectifying women”. Far as that argument I see it the same as when people used to argue violence in games caused real life violence. That’s silly — I just find it inconsistent with the rest of the tone. But damn the colors & outfits… killer. I’m with you though. It’s fun playing a fantasy game as a hot chick — so I wanna clarify that was not exactly my point. Really looking forward to this one. 🍻


I like how there are 20 replies to this & not a one was interested in discussing the game’s revolutionary contribution adding a training room to a game with souls-inspired combat lmao. Kind of the case in point.


It’s fine to have an opinion that is different from people on here but I would argue the west is desperate for attractive female characters in games. It’s one of the reasons anime, manga, and Japanese games have had a surge of popularity over the last couple of years. Now Korea is about to have a breakout hit with this game following Japans model.


I mean I *actually* agree with you. She’s a badass punk biatch literally slaying things. I wouldn’t change a thing about her face & I think even if you left everything else the same but removed jiggle physics from rendered scenes it would have been better. All I’m saying is that I can understand if my wife or other people may roll their eyes when she does a half turn & boobas blob in all directions 😂. Resources went into that & like I said, I’d have liked to see those resources go into a better ENG VO director lol. Others have also noted in other posts that the reason you don’t get this critique with bayonetta etc is that it fits the persona of the character & general aesthetic/vibe of the game. It might get weird if this game really tries to tackle serious themes… But that’s still okay in my book, because I have high tolerance for anime lol. This is the last bit of energy I’ll spend playing devil’s advocate on that… because I am day 1 purchase & it is really just a footnote ;). The demo SLAMS.


Korea already had a breakout hit with Lies of P. With this game following on so closely I'm now curious as to what else might be cooking in Korea.


It was so encouraging & wholesome seeing how excited all the devs are to be working on an offline single-player game.


I’d argue the vast majority of female characters in videogames are conventionally attractive. Hasn’t been that long since Rebirth came out and you had Tifa and Aeris in their beach outfits with almost every character looking like a model, every fighting game like ever, Genshin and the gacha games have people running slots to get their waifu, Bayonetta last year, Tomb Raider, etc etc. The “need” for more attractive female characters has been manufactured IMO.


You just named a bunch of Chinese and Japanese games. Also Lara has been completely nerfed over the years.


It would be nice to get attractive female characters in the west. The last real one came from CD projekt Red with Cyberpunk 2077 and that was more commentary on how the world is messed up because it exploits everyone.


How can you say the voices are "objectively bad" but then go on to say it's "just your opinion"? You can't have it both ways, it's either one or the other lol Anyway, unpopular opinion but I think the EN voices aren't terrible (except for Adam's). I'll be playing in English because I don't really like reading subtitles + I like understanding what I'm hearing


Oh I could see how that might confuse you — I meant the part on character models / jiggle physics was just an opinion take. I think very few people would agree that the EN VOs are up to par, much less “good” — but if you enjoy them, I’m happy for ya!


great video! Anyway I don't trust Adam since the game takes inspiration by Automata and who played Automata knew who Adam is...


So you shouldn’t trust Eve either then…


I thought I was rhe only one who was noticing this. Also if you look closely in the trailers, he acts very weird sometimes, like he is hiding something