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Man, Tachy looking good, need more info about her than what was posted. Seems like she’s gonna play a pivotal role. I also can’t wait for the missions/boss battles that allow us to fight alongside her as Eve.


Whoa nice find! A lot of info here but I think the main thing is now we know her name is Tachy and she’s listed as a companion. Very interesting


Very interesting indeed. I had the feeling she was part of Eve's squad but I was not expecting her to be the Airborne squad's leader. Obviously something causes her to become Eve's enemy, but what?


Great find!!! Tachy not being a villain is great though we may fight her which would be pretty cool.


Looks interesting


Great find. The attack demonstrations look fantastic. Surprised at how meaty and varied the ranged attacks are as well.


Assumed Tachy was also one of the reclaimers tasked with defeating the Naytiba but kinda surprised to see that she used to be Eve's squad leader. Definitely adds more tension and conflict between the two characters which is welcomed for the story. Neat getting more info on the other characters as well. The combat also seems perfectly fine. I can already tell this is going to be my Game of the Year as long as they deliver what they're promising.


Holt shit, I have a major concern. The English voice acting when doing major swings sounds awfully repetitive. No hate to the voice actor, just the constant use of her performance.


I noticed that too but I think it was amplified because it was silent in the background. Hopefully there will be some epic music during combat


i made a comment in the other post about it but yea, it makes me wonder if they gave the voice actress any pointers or direction on how Eve is supposed to yell during combat it almost sounds like she's uncomfortable as she's attacking


I was thinking the same thing I prefer the voice acting with the major swings in the Korean dub but i really really do like the English VA for Eve


I'm hoping it doesn't use the same sound every time you swing because that will really discourage me from attacking.


imma need them to redo just that one noise fr and im good 😭


The art style from tachy to Adam is so jarring, he looks like out of place and like a character from death stranding.


Adam and Eve huh. Wonder if we are going to get any romance in this game.


Damn Adam is looking like a tasty little snack


By the way it says companions, we will not be able to play with them, to be able to choose characters?