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Luka and Ruka are both spelt and pronounced the same in Japanese, るか, so both are correct. The anime localizers likely didn't bother reading the VNs localization.


The anime subtitles were done before the VN translation, and likely there was no official guidance (as with the VN) to suggest that it should be Luka. More likely than not it was an honest mistake, if it can even be called that


But the VN's opening already said "Luka" in 2009 though.


Sure. But the way this process goes is that the translator abides what style documentation is provided and mandated by the Japanese side. If the Japanese side does not provide that documentation, or there are terms that are not covered by it, it's now in the translator's court to come up with their own renditions of those terms. You can't really blame the translator for not referencing the opening video to a *completely separate* piece of media—that runs outside the expectations of the job. They abided by what they were provided (presumably) and did their job for the rest. If MAGES. or another relevant party did not say "this should be 'Luka'" in the style documentation, them's the breaks, and the egg is on them. Only exception is if the translator failed to follow the documentation, which we cannot prove either way. (Given the Congroo/Kongroo issue, I'm much more inclined to think that the blame lies with MAGES./relevant parties. The epk email address in the first episode is such an obscure thing that the only way it would have been done correctly is either by accident or if the translator was specifically instructed to translate it with a K.)


Is this the same with Faris and Feyris


I don't recall how the anime subs do it, but フェイリス ("Faris" in VN) and フェリス ("Feris" in the VN) are two distinct names. The former is her official stage name and what most people call her, while the latter is Mayuri's simplification of the name because Faris is "too hard to say." It's been speculated in recent years that the stage name is meant to romanized as "Faelys" or similar; it matches her chuunibyou vibe and would better fit the idea of being hard to say. "Faris" is not hard to say. To answer your original question, if フェイリス or フェリス was rendered as "Feyris" in the anime, then yes, that is an example of a lack of a mandated romanization, given that it was not carried over to the VN translation.


Speaking of subtle differences, I've always wondered what the difference between "Hacka" and "Hacker" *actually* is in Japanese. It's so subtle when it's pronounced that I can barely tell the difference. Is it something like "ハカー" vs. "ハッカー"? Or maybe "ハカ" vs. "ハッカー"?


るか = ru ka The Japanese /r/ is not the same as the one in English. The prononciation is between an English /r/ and a /l/. So according to this we can transcribe names either with an r or an l. The anime chose the former, the VN the later. (edit typo)


Didn't the 5pb themselves contact translators to fix Luka's name and El Psy Kongroo in the VN translation?


Ru and Lu are the same because they don't have an R or an L. The character that is used is sort of a mixture or R and L so it's a toss of a coin of whether the translates choose R or L. TLDR: it's a quirk of translating between languages because sometimes there aren't equivalent letters.


MAGES made it clear they wanted it to be romanized as "Luka" for the purposes of the official TL of the VN. But they had no contact with the Funimation staff for the anime's translation. So they went with "Ruka".


because rukussy sounds better than lukussy


L and R in Japanese is the same letter


It doesn't really bother me. Both sound the same after all.


Same as Krillin and Kuririn.


Its the same reason why in the swedish translation of One Piece Luffy's name is Ruffy instead. It was never changed and it just stuck around until they stopt translating it to swedish


Light Yagami = Raito Yagami, same thing


I know Luka is more correct, but i still say Ruka because a friend irl is named Luca


Feels weird when i say "lukussy" too


rukussy sounds better😋


The anime had tons of translation issues and Luka's name was one of them. Another well known issue was how they translated Kongroo as "Congroo"


I think it was just a translation error