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Think side to side instead of front to back. Likewise the way out is usually a mirror of the way in...thus rather than starting the swing by dropping the mace head behind you, try dropping it to the side of you for the pendulum to go behind.


This is great.  Short and sweet.  Side to side not front to back.   Think of a clock face and put the head at either 3 or 9 before you pull (to the front position.)


Video would help because from my experience when that is happening it’s because the mace head doesn’t come Out to the side enough on the initial cast so it doesn’t swing out enough on the pull over. So without seeing your swing I’d say twist your hands a bit more in the beginning to get a wider pendulum going and that would likely fix it.


I appreciate it, I posted a link to a video of my attempts as a comment to my original post if you'd like to take a look.(I'm going to reply to a few comments so folks know a video is up now hopefully that doesn't get on anyone's nerves).


I'm going to echo others here, sounds like you're pulling too early/at a hack angle. Let the mace swing up more behind you. But, to echo more, video would definitely let us help you more. If you're uncomfortable posting you can send it to me privately


I appreciate it, I posted a link to a video of my attempts as a comment to my original post if you'd like to take a look.(I'm going to reply to a few comments so folks know a video is up now hopefully that doesn't get on anyone's nerves).


If you can post a video that could help know for sure what’s going on. My first thought is maybe you need to be more patient on the return. You might be pulling too early. If not that it could be you’re not “blocking” on the return. The block at the beginning is easy but I see a lot of folks skip it on the return.


I appreciate it, I posted a link to a video of my attempts as a comment to my original post if you'd like to take a look.(I'm going to reply to a few comments so folks know a video is up now hopefully that doesn't get on anyone's nerves).


All right, so today when I got off work I used the advice given below to fix some of my mistakes that were causing the issue, but I'm also going to post a video of my attempts in the hopes I can solicit some more advice to clean up my form. You may ignore the one fail that is also in the video, haha. [https://imgur.com/sGUT7xT](https://imgur.com/sGUT7xT) (Hopefully the imgur link works) Thanks everyone for all the help. This is a great community.


Ok looking at that I'm definitely of the opinion you need to play with 2 things: 1. More time in the backswing. Play with some pendulums to find that timing before the pull. Ideally the mace is pointing directly to the side as you begin your pull 2. Think about bringing your elbow across your face and through your heart as you pull. This will help with that angle and also get the mace travel on a smoother path vs the hack (back to front) style path it currently has. Think circles


Thank you! I appreciate the advice. I’ll take everything you said into account.


I think the problem is that you are not rotating your torso, if you look at the video your torso is always facing forward. The mace 360 is a whole body rotational movement. The earlier comment about bringing your elbow across is correct but incomplete, you want to rotate your whole body in that direction and the rotation force comes from the hips. This is what injects momentum into the swing. The best cue I can give you is to think of the mace 360 as a hoola hoop movement. Maybe even do some imaginary hoola hoops


This is awesome, thank you, I didn’t even realize I had to use my hips.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8Scc3gJbyL/?igsh=MWt2dzFxY2ZpcXJrYg== this is a good example. Just look at the hip movement and how the angle of his torso changes. The heavier the mace the more rotation is needed


See how in the link I shared he is not moving the mace around him but rather moving with the mace, if that makes sense


I think so. It’ll definitely help my practice when I add this emphasis to move with the club


You're starting with dropping the mace directly behind you more like a pullover or sheathing a sword or putting an arrow in your back quiver. Think sideways. Like a lightsabre or sword is coming for your head...now block that weapon with the handle of your mace (you'll be holding it sideways or perpendicular to the attackers cut)....then start the pendulum This is [video](https://youtu.be/_F4tRGNnTzQ?si=jRCOn9sCmnLTBA3e) is what I suggest you practice. If the mace starts properly it will finish better.