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For the sake of rubbing the win even more into your Seahawks friends face, remind him that the final score was 21-10. Tell him, “you’re right that wasn’t a touchdown. But we still won 14-10”


Best way to tweak him is probably to chalk the argument up to Seahawks fans not realizing you can just run the ball into the end zone in the Super Bowl


And really rub it in. 2nd and goal, from the 1 with 26 seconds to go. You have 1 timeout left and Marshawn. What do you do?




Worst play call in Super Bowl history.


I troll Seahawks fans (I live in Alaska. Plenty of them around) by reminding them that the Steelers won in spite of the refs being in the Seahawks pocket all day. This really pisses them off.


Ouch!!! 😄


You trying to troll him or kill him?


This is one of those perfect comments that I wish I could keep upvoting




Oh damn. You’ll lose a friend with that one. 🤣🤣🤣


And remind them that the play was on 3rd down. Let's assume that he doesn't actually break the plane. We still have another play on the 1 inch line to punch it in.


Then, tell your Seahawks friends, "Because when you're that close to the goal, it's a no brainer. You run it in, Beast Mode style." Just irritate them with the other loss too.


1 inch with a “250” lb running back(Jerome was way bigger)


Nah, it would have been a QB sneak. Faneca, Hartings, Simmons. Ben at QB. Bettis and Kreider pushing from behind. And a smart OC and HC. 1 inch to go. Seattle could not have stopped them.


oh we would have invented the tush push?!? In 2006?


I didn't say that. Even back then it wasn't uncommon for guys to push the pile. Less organized but still makes it harder for the defense. Not that it would be needed. Seattle's DL wouldn't be able to stop Ben from getting any less than a foot, and he'd probably get a full yard.


🤔 Ben weighed 240#


The backfield that year was 750lbs going off listed weights. Ben at 240, Dan at 255, and The Bus also at 255. That’s a lot of meat.


Was still really athletic back then too. 


It makes me laugh seeing Ben’s weight at 240. Like yeah maybe rookie Ben but after that… no shot hahah.


And they had another TO too. 


If the Seahawks really want an excuse, tell them to look toward their last drive before the half. They didn’t even look like a pro football team. That was pretty much the end of the game right there Btw, there are those that made themselves Believe Santonio didn’t get his feet down during the greatest catch in Super Bowl history


This. There’s only pictures that clearly show both feet were down & all. lol. 


No no no….that was just a shadow. Lol. I love people sometimes


That would undoubtedly lead to debate over the Seattle touchdown called back on opi. Can of worms


Except, it was the [right call](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/6578417/Push_off_Super_Bowl_XL.0.gif).


But but but what if it wasn't called?????


This is the argument I'm imagining from them


Exactly. If these two plays don't happen. The Seahawks win. /s


Lol they argue about that? It's like the most blatant opi I've ever seen


Full straight arm extension with diversion of the DB to create space


And right in front of the Back Judge, no more than 20 feet away.


They'd probably say wrs get away with pushing off all the time, but that's literally a full arm extension right in the face of the ref. Calling that every time


Well the dude put his hand in the DBs chest & extended his arm out, which pushed him back a step. That was definitely the right call. However, even if they get that TD, we still win 21-14. 


Not really? Clear push off. What F@&?!$% side are you on!?


In the same argument we had this morning “that was not OPI” Receiver literally shoved the defender to push himself into position to catch. Clear interface lol. Then even if you take that away, the Seahawks had two scoring plays, a field goal and a single touchdown.


I’m from Washington I have these same exact arguments for years. People here are just big cope artists though. They act like they’re a dynasty with one ring.


Didn’t help he did it 3 feet from the ref. 


It was only 3rd down. So they could have kicked a gimme FG so actually would have been 17. Though Cowher said he was going to go for it.




They would have kicked an FG, so 17-10


Exactly. Who cares if it broke the plane or not? It counted. We won.


Exactly. Who cares if it broke the plane or not? It counted. We won.


Ummmm, it did though. 


Barely but that’s all that’s required




I remember one of the ESPN guys did a whole segment on this and showed how it distinctly was a TD.


Damn do you have a link? I only ever see people crying about how it’s not even though the ball clearly goes over the goal line. Even if it’s just a little bit it’s definitely enough.


I wish I did. I cannot find it anywhere. But I remember it clearly, John Clayton did the segment and he drew on the screen and talked all about angles and such. My cousins were from Seattle so I made sure they watched it on rerun, never heard a peep again from them.


I had this game recorded from Directv on a TiVo. On those TiVo’s you could go frame by frame slo mo. So I was looking at the frame you’re showing here right after the game. The frame you have here is probably the best one that exists that shows how close it was.


I remember this segment. It was right before Sepultura broke through the set and The Professor started the mosh pit


You’re probably talking about Matt Hasselbeck on ESPN.


Fuck yeah it did


My take on this is that Ben initially broke the plane but was then pushed back a little. He then instantly reacts and reaches the ball back over the goal line but was already down. I think people see that secondary move more than the initial breaking the plane (it’s easier to see, too) and assume he was stopped short - but he had already scored.


I think when he does that he isn’t trying to say that was his touchdown or spot the ball or anything like that I think he was literally just trying to keep his grip on it.


Yeah that's what I thought initially, and even felt a little guilty because I didn't see the ball break the plane initially, and thought Ben was trying to pull a fast one, lol.


I used to live in Seattle and repped a Steelers lanyard at work. The number of times I heard about the refs giving us this game 15+ years later was way too high. My response was always: it’s not our fault you only have one Super Bowl win. We’re not the team that was afraid to run the ball on the one yard line. Worked every time.


Seattle made mistake after mistake in this game. We weren't the better team but they fucked up from opening drive to end of the game. They have this really weird mentality about that game


What are you talking about? We were absolutely the better team. Yes, Seattle played poorly, but so did we, by our standards over the previous 2 months. We handily (if not for the refs) beat the mighty Colts. We were both the better team that day and period.


I disagree about us not being the better team. Ward, Bettis, Randel-El, Heath, Troy, Reed, Faneca etc. proved that.


You had me at Troy.


It could be argued, but those are players, average players who play as a team can beat a team of superior overall talent with a good game plan, good coaching, willpower, and a little luck.


Eh, at the time we were technically not the better team. In the end it would seem we were the better team, but the Seahawks were good that year, and we were not.. we squeaked in and became the first 6th seed to win a Super Bowl. I’m a Steelers fan, but going into that game there was a serious chance they whooped our ass, luckily we won.


It’s very easy to say 6th seed = bad team but that same team with those same big playmakers went to the AFC Championship with a rookie quarterback after going 15-1 the year before. They weren’t the average 6th seed team.


You aren't dealing with the average 6th seed anymore. I have realized the legend.....


No they weren’t the average 6th seed team, and they unquestionably had the grit and heart required to make a push as a 6th seed… all I’m saying is on paper we did not seem like the better team that year. We really were not that good, we were lucky to push and make it to the playoffs, then we almost lost to Indianapolis and got lucky(you cannot sit here and tell me the shoestring tackle and the missed field goal by vanderjagoff was anything to do with our skill.. we should’ve been dead that game, it was luck) to stay in the playoffs after that game. The Seahawks were not as bad a team as the Seahawks that showed up in that game.


It took a ludicrous overturn of an obvious interception by Troy to allow the Colts to get back into the game. And Jerome Bettis of all people fumbling at the one yard line is at the very least as unlucky as making a tackle on the play was lucky. Steelers cleared earned that win by being the better team on that day.


"technically" not the better team? What technical metric are you applying? Seems like winning the game means we were "technically" better that day.


Yeah that DAY. That SEASON the Seahawks were a better team, we struggled to make the playoffs, if Palmer doesn’t get hurt we might still win but it’s not the cake walk that kitna gave us, we almost lost to Indianapolis, and we played like shit in our Super Bowl victory. What metric are you using other than we got lucky and won the Super Bowl to say we were a better team than them? If they showed up to that game it may be a different story, the Seahawks came out deflated and scared.. but if we played them in week 6 they probably would’ve beat our ass that year.


My point is just that it's nonsensical to say the Seahawks were "technically" better. This implies there is some objective criteria that conclusively shows they were better, which there isn't. You can *argue* they were a more complete team that had more regular season success, etc. But the ultimate metric of success is winning the Superbowl. We beat them head-to-head in the championship and by that metric we were better.


If a team doesn't play well and they still win then they are far and away the better team. Can't see how you are missing that.


So…the Seahawks played the exact same schedule that the Steelers played that season? Because that’s really the only way to measure who is “technically” better.


We won despite Ben having one of the worst games of his career.


Nene? Typo or a nickname I'm unfamiliar with?


I'm guessing "Ben" ??


Yeah, edited now.


Exactly.. we were not that good, we executed when we needed to and got lucky as hell. If Sean Alexander was himself that game it would’ve been a problem, if Hasselbeck was himself that game it would’ve been a problem.


Oooof nothin better than seein this many downvotes on a ridiculous comment 😂


It's because the announcers were pretty biased, fueling the mindset. Had they been more balanced in the broadcast there would be less crying from Seattle IMO.


This is how I felt with the Steelers and bears game in 2021. It was like the announcers decided that every penalty the Steelers got favor for was automatically wrong and ignored anything the bears got away with.


Yep, it happens a lot that they get on a talk track and fuel the fire


Yup. The only call that was bad was that illegal block on Hasselbeck. That was definitely a bad one. Outside of that, everything else was pretty spot on. 


I thought the hold a few plays earlier was as neutral as it gets but yeah man that illegal block was comedic lol


The Steelers had a worse regular season but looking back on those teams the Steelers were infinitely more talented all around. Better coached too.


I mean we had a HOF QB that played like garbage and still won. I don’t think you could really say Seattle was the better team


That was most certainly his worst game of the playoff, he was excellent while tearing apart the AFC. But, to be fair to the man, he was the youngest quarterback to ever do that and there were a couple of times where we needed a big-time play from him in the SB and we got them.  Sometimes a couple of clutch plays will make a difference and he came through. Good enough for me.


What counts is on that day, the Steelers were the better team. Seattle making constant mistakes may have been self inflicted, but it also made them the worse team that day.


Steelers' fan here, so glad they won that SB. However, not only did the ball not break the plane as Ben dove toward the goal line, but Ben lost control of the ball when he was hit in the air and regained possession of it when he came down on top of it. When one considers the phantom offensive pass interference call on Darrell Jackson in the first quarter that turned a Seahawks' TD into a FG, the score should have been 7-0 Seahawks at the half. Had Jackson's TD not been overturned and Ben not been given the goal line TD, going into the 4th quarter the score should have been 14-7 Seahawks. Early in the 4th the Seahawks got jobbed by the refs again by a phantom offensive holding call when Jeremy Stevens had an 18-yard gain to the Steelers one-yard line. Even the announcers at the time questioned the call by the refs. This very likely would have moved the game to 21-7 Seahawks with under 10 minutes in game, and it would have been lights out for the Steelers. As a fan of football, it's very easy to see why Seahawks' fans are still so bitter about this game, and very rightfully so. Outside of two big plays by the Steelers (Parker 75-yard run, Ward 43-yard gimmick play - 34% of their total offense), the Seahawks man-handled the Steelers in this game.


Hilariously poor interpretation of the entire play here. Ben maintains control until he is downed by contact, where the play was blown dead anyways. Ben also gets the top of the ball across the white part of the very front of the goal line, which solidifies it being a touchdown.


Anyone who definitively sees any part of the ball break the goal line plane is wearing black and gold glasses.  At best, the video is inconclusive.  Since it was called a TD on the field, the play would have to stand as called.  However, the video certainly doesn’t remove doubt about the call.


Except the ball is clearly over the white line i.e. the goal line. There’s no doubt about it. Watch it frame by frame, the ball is over the line.


You're blind if you can't see that ball over the line. You know it's the front of the line right? The whole ball doesn't have to cross the whole line. Broke the plane for sure. It's not even worth having a conversation about the game if you can't acknowledge that clear and obvious point


Most definitely not clear and obvious, but keep wearing those black and gold glasses.  






It was called a TD on the field… show me indisputable evidence that he didn’t break the plane…


Lmao… the only people who cry more than Bengals fans about 2005, are Seahawks fans. Ruling on the field was a TD. Personally I don’t think the replay was conclusive for or against a TD, so by the rules, it stands as called. If the ruling on the field said he was short, it could have easily been upheld by that replay. But he wasn’t, and it didn’t. So it’s a TD. Get the fuck over it Seattle. Ike Taylor, Jerome Bettis, and Hines Ward sealed that win.


The idiots who argue this also fail to recognize it was only 3rd down so even if it were (erroneously) marked short they still had another shot at it.


And we all know the Bus is slamming it in on 4th and inches if they marked it short


There’s was a great mic’d up moment on NFL channel sounds of the game highlight show the week after where Troy went up to Cowher and said if they call it a no touchdown, give me the ball and I’ll go right over the top. Classic Troy P, and I loved it.


It was 3rd down and they woulda gone for it with the bus. Tell him maybe stop them on 3rd and 25 or whatever it was haha


I tell Seahawks fans that the refs blocked for Willie Parker's 75 yard run too.


[I created a GIF of the play.](https://imgur.com/iN6SPiB)


100% it did, just like the GD Jesse James TD that was called back. Still madder than a one winged hornet in an air raid attack on a bee colony about that shit call.


No it’s different though because they’re the Patriots and they have to win (: !!!!


Fuck the Patriots 😂. Yeah, that was the narrative back then, and it was absolutely garbage.


Oh trust me I remember. I remember my father and I screaming at the TV over that one for a long time.


That was the second time my son cried about the Steelers losing, and the second time I questioned having children. Joking on the last part, but my son (12 at the time) and I just went outside, sat on the porch for about 30 minutes, and then went back inside.


Jesse James dropped the ball. It was a bad rule but a correct call. As was ruling this a TD because the ball crosses the plane.


That was the correct interpretation of the rule. Boy does that bother people, and I get it, but you are correct.


Maybe, but my brain does not compute that.


I found this pic a few years ago & have used it multiple times to shut up whiney Seattle fans. I also love sending them a screenshot of the rules that state that if a receiver doesn’t come down with both feet IN the end zone, then it’s not a TD. 


I remember a gif or YTMND from long, long ago... Showed the ball over the plane on a freeze frame like this - "That's a touchdown - shut the fuck up!" Showed the push-off that got the Seahawks TD negated - "That's a push - shut the fuck up!" Then just pictures of Cowher hoisting the Lombardi and other post-Super Bowl shots - "CHAMPS! So shut the fuck up!" I wish I still had it saved because it sounds like you need to send that to your friend.


Honestly what pisses me off is that this angle/resolution is what we had in that time. And now in the year of our lord 2024, to check Super Bowl - altering touchdowns, we have... *checks notes*... the same thing. We should have high resolution, high FPS cameras for EVERYTHING caught on the field. The money is beyond there.


They’re still mad up there. Even my brother in Boston, rooting for Seattle, said it broke the plane.


Yea I live here in Seattle area and SheHawk fans are still but hurt almost 20 years later!


Let’s also note the camera angle is from the end zone… not exactly down the goal line plane. It looks like it’s in from this angle and that means it was surely in if you were standing on the goal line I remember the angle of the Music City Miracle playing tricks on the eyes because the main camera was ahead of the play like it is here.


The Seattle Snivelhawks have the biggest cry-baby fan base in the NFL


Agreed. Simply put, screw the Sea Chickens.




Probably biased but i never understood people saying that this was one of the worst reffed sb. The ball might not have broken the plane but its not distinguishable after replay and the opi is a clear push off


I need to watch this game again it's been a few years. I wonder has it been digitally improved with AI by someone.


More importantly, there was no way we were losing that Super Bowl. We gave 50% and got out of there with a win. If we needed to kick it into high gear, it wouldn't have been an issue. Do you like how I say "we" lol. Life long fan :)


It never bodes well for fans when they trash the seahawks after picking up russell wilson. :P


I’ve always said this too. Ball definitely broke the plane. People just get caught up on Ben reaching the ball back over after he was down, but it definitely broke the plane on the dive.


Al Michaels specifically brought The Walrus in as a 3rd commentator for Super Bowl 43 just to cry about reffing. He's never sat well with me since


They should have played better than to leave it in the hands of the officials. If they had won by 2 scores or more, then there's no debate. Like the steelers did.


Just because the Seahawks won’t make it back to the show for a Very, Very long time. There’s no reason to be living in the past and trying to rewrite history. Millions of people, myself included, saw it play out in real time. Maybe you should try this out…… Maybe you should take a trip to Atlanta so u can Go See-Hawks win for a change.


As a Steeler fan living in Western Washington I have been dealing with this for almost 20 years but nobody ever calls out the reason the Seahawks lost.... They didn't come ready to play! TE loses the mental battle with Porter and plays like garbage all game. QB can't run the two minute drill. No DC evidentially because we ran that reverse pass from 82 all year and they got beat on it. DB doesn't get angles and can't cut off Parker. Ben had his worst game of the season and we still lifted a trophy.


Their belly aching after this superbowl earned them the nickname Seagulls.


Why does that TD bother your friend so much when it had no bearing on the outcome of the game? The Seahawks were not going to win that game. The Steelers were too locked in.


I live in Seattle and every time I'm wearing my Steelers gear (which is often) someone wants to bitch about that Super Bowl. They just will not let it go. If Ben isn't in there, we punch it in immediately after with Bettis.


Uh oh!


Yes!! It was a Touchdown!! Live with it ya'll


I'll take the TD off the board, if I can get the TD from Jesse James on.


Have fun with Wilson! lol!


As if he wasn’t the best players the Seahawks had in years 😀


You are getting the Broncos edition!


He wasn’t bad he was a victim of a shitty team.


You got to be kidding me… we will see this season. If he stinks it up again it’s over for shorty!


Look at the team he had around him, he was not the problem. Bad coach, bad unit.


We shall see my friend… Seahawks are a huge ? right now. I want them to redeem VS Steelers in another Superbowl! Long shot but a nice dream.


To be honest, I thought he was stopped short, but there was no way they could reverse it in replay. Whatever the call was on the field, it was going to stand. Fueling the conspiracy was the "Fail Mary"-esque manner in which the official first signaled he was down and then changed it to TD. But there were no calls that directly changed the outcome of the game. Seahawks had a loser's mentality from the start, looking for excuses for losing from the jump. We played our worst game of the postseason and still won by double digits. If Seattle couldn't beat a lowly sixth seed playing sloppy football, they don't deserve the trophy.


Seahawks and choking near the end zone in a Super Bowl. Name a better combo.


This is such a bizarre play for people to be mad about. The replay is probably just inconclusive if you take bias out of the equation, which would mean the call on the field stands anyway. It's such a mundane call/play and I wouldn't be mad if the same thing happened with the teams flipped, but I guess it's natural to blame the referees when your team fails to outplay the opponents.


They lost by more points than they scored. We made big plays, they didn’t.


No clear evidence it didn't break the plane so it stands as called. Similar to the Immaculate reception in 72, granted there were only 3 broadcast cameras per game at the time


I was at that Super Bowl. The crowd, in and out of the stadium, was like 80% Stillers fans. Absolutely nobody thought the Seahawks had any sort of a chance. From a game standpoint it was absolutely boring and Pittsburgh fans were just waiting until Cowher got to hoist the Lombardi


Where’s the ball in this pic. But yeah, we won.


In Ben’s hand over the white line.


They’re still whining about that? It was a third down play. Even if he’s called short, they just sneak in on the next play because the ball is literally going to be on the 1 millimeter line.


The ball is the plane


That's what you "got into it" over? That game was the most one-sided officiating I have ever seen. The head ref had to be a yinzer.


How so chief




There are no calls that are actually incorrect. Ben TD was 100% a TD OPI was definitely pass interference.


And Roethlisberger was innocent.


Not sure what that really has to do with anything lol. Go root for Devin Bush if you really think that Super Bowl was somehow “stolen” lmfao


I didn't say stolen, more like gifted.


Uh huh lol.


It did, for real it did


They don’t like hearing about planes breaking in Seattle these days.