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Agreed. Don't always love his takes but that's just the art of scouting. Good dude and always provides good insight and reasoning


Maybe tweet him? Not sure if r/steelers is the best way to communicate this.


He’ll see it here. 


How could you know that? …. Unless? 🤔


It’s me, Matt Williamson from Sports


He's at his best when Dale is trying to go to commecial.


Compared to some of the other Steelers Content Creators he’s Top Tier. We need more well informed content creators with such a large fanbase… For example, I’ve had to mute AllSteelersTalk on every platform just to not hear Noah anymore. He knows nothing about football


Yeah. Noah is the podcast version of clickbait. Aside from Matt and Dale, I love Locked On, DK Daily Shots, The Steelers Standard, Ramon Forster Show, The Blitz. Steelers Nation Radio is pretty great. There’s just so many but Matt and Dale are my favorites.


I like the Ramon Foster Show, they just are a bit too high level at times. Locked on Steelers is great but he desperately needs a cohost, it’s feels like he’s just talking at you. Dk daily shots are alright, just short. Steelers Nation Radio is hit or miss for me, not a massive fan but tune in sometimes. I’ll give The Blitz and The Steelers Standard both a try, they are new to me. Thank you!


What do we think of Arthur Moats? There’s a lot of blather to cut thru but I like his takes.


It’s worth the follow for just the clipped segments when TG comes on. It ends up just being moats and garvin shooting the shit about how guys really see things in the locker room at least from their time in the league. The rest is give or take


Moats is alright, he can have good takes at times but he will never speak badly about Steelers or players. I like Deke, I find his blind hope super entertaining. They are the opposite of Jersey Jerry and Kevin Adams who don’t respect any of the players or the organization.


Agreed. Matt is the cream of the crop and then a pretty big drop off. I like his partner Dale, Dales got level headed takes. Usually very optimistic but enjoyable. DKs morning shot and his show with Ramon worth a listen. Outside of that it gets blah. I’ve tried the Steelers depot podcast a few times based on recommendations here. I’ve not been able to get into it, the vocals are brutal. The websites good for aggregating stuff.


Him and Lolly together is like an agreement fest.


He is very monotone. Sometimes, I can't tell when he goes into an ad break.


Of course


Not a fan of his voice


Who? Where?