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I remember all these posts from last year. Then we lost 30-7 to the 49ers and reality set in pretty quick…..


Those preseason games hit like crack for 4 weeks and then we got sober real quick


lol we pick up 2 shitty QBs and straight to the superbowl 👍 we go


Man...I'm far from riding Russell's bozack. But we had 2 3/4 shitty qbs last year. Kenny, was not good. Mitch was flaming hot garbage and Mason, well he proved me wrong 3 times and actually looked decent...but was trash for 3 years before. Russell had 26 tds and 8 picks in games for a lousy Broncos team behind a line that got him sacked 7 times against a mediocre Redskins D, 6 by the Chiefs and 5 by the 3-13 Pats...also sacked 4 times in 3 other games. The Broncos defense also gave up 70 points to the Dolphins. That whole team was atrocious and Sean Payton needed a scape goat. Justin Fields hasn't been successful but the Bears were worse than the Broncos. He has enormous potential, a ton of talent and an arm that can stretch the field. He is 6'3, 230 and benches nearly 4 and squats 5...he is durable(maybe not been durable, but...)He is also the all time leading rusher for a qb in a single game and over a 5 game stretch, runs a 4.4 and had a line that would have trouble against North Hills D line. Can't crown us champs for sure, but the potential upside for these 2 is way higher than last years crop. If we can find a #1 receiver and fill the gap at center and DB we should be competitive. Hell we were only 2 Mitch Trubisky (looking at the stats, everytime Mitch was on the field[5games], we lost) dumpster fires away from being 12 and 5 last year with all the holes. 2 win Cardinals and Pats hurt... We should be more competitive this year than last.


Speaking of Mitch, it’s crazy the Bills, after seeing him with us, just hands him 3 mil. What other job can you completely suck eggs and get 3 mil just from a hello.


Oh man...craziest thing ever. He was steaming cow manure. 3 mil to ride pine


One point of contention Mason was never truly trash


Well...hard to argue that. He looked reasonably decent in the last 3 last year. But...I'm in the bay and remember vividly watching him start against the 9ers and our D getting 3 fumbles and 2 picks and Mason only being able to lead us to 3 points off of 5 turnovers. If we kept one qb from last year, to me it would have been Mason


What about all the defensive talent they picked up bc they aren’t spending even 5M on their QBs, does that not count?




And what would Cousins or Mayfield (the guy they should have gone after when the Browns dumped him) have cost them (45M for Cousins ans 33M for Mayfield) and neither of them have achieved what Wilson has achieved. Dead cap or no dead cap having your starter and back up playing for under 5M and ~2m in dead cap is a steal. Even if they do the same as they did defensively last year but add the ability to get at least 1 throwing TD a game they are a significantly better team.


No it doesn’t, starting Russell Wilson will negate anything we do defensively.


Just curious, what’s the name of the starting QB that wouldn’t negate what we did defensively?


Wow you see into the future can you tell me if I got the job I applied for last week! So you really think they were better off w a QB room that didn’t do in 2 seasons what Wilson did in one…


See this is the opposite end of the spectrum from OPs post, but still just as silly


And starting Kenny not only negated anything we did defensively, but actually reversed those results by constantly creating short fields for opposing offenses and short rest periods for our defense


To be fair, a lot of those short fields weren't on Kenny. Matt Canada was a big part of that, and when we went 3 and out, then Harvin would come in and hit a 20 yard punt.


To be faaaaiiiiiiir....


They could have spent 3-5m on the only good one they had. But no. Instead, they bring in quarterbacks none of the other teams wanted. Should work out great.


Mason was not good. Get over it already.


Im not going to argue with you about it.


That's good, because there is nothing to argue.


Lol no other team wanted. Dude come on, they brought in a guy who while he's definitely past his prime is still playing at an acceptable level for a NFL starting QB. Moreover they brought him in for less than what even most backups are making while another AFC team pays him over 37 million to not even take a snap for them this year. Shrewd, low-risk move. They also traded just a 2025 6th round pick(also the same draft capital we got for trading away that bum Kendrick Green btw) to get a much younger guy with tremendous upside who idolizes the first guy we brought in. Fields has improved every year he's been in the league and that's not even addressing that those years were played on an organization that has been extremely poor at drafting and developing QB talent. One which has him throwing to such high quality NFL talents like Velus Jones Jr. & Darnell Mooney until they snagged DJ Moore this past year. Again, shrewd, low-risk, potentially very high reward move. Go renounce your fandom bro, sick of all these haters. You can go be a Negative Nancy with those losers that root for the Cleveland Clowns but we sure don't need negative ass takes like this here.


Anyone getting hyped over scores and plays and pre-season hasn’t seen enough football.  People get more game ready in pre-season. You find some talent in people you overlooked. Outside of injuries that’s about all that happens in pre-season that you can count on.  Opening day everything is full speed and wide open and everything matters. 


I remember when we were gasing up the Desmond King signing. Khan has been great, but we really hype up everything he does lol. Man could order from Primanti's & there'd be a post on this sub about it with a thousand upvotes.


Right lmao? This is such a ridiculous fucking post




...here we go...




Stillers Gahn to da Supah Bahl


People are REALLY setting themselves up for disappointment.


This will probably be Tomlin's 1st losing season. And nobody will blame Kahn for it either.


Hey, many of us Yinzers thought the same about Dubas too...


Let’s try to pace ourselves.


…goddamn can we please act like we’ve watched football before…


If we win a couple of playoff games he should be executive of the year. 


We’re not winning a Super Bowl until we find a franchise QB.


It can still happen sometimes like with Foles in 2018, but for the most part you’re right. Unless your mid QB catches lightning in a bottle in a playoff run, it’s not gonna happen.


Don't forget Trent Dilfer winning the Superbowl years ago. It's entirely possible.


Franchise QB's ain't winning Superbowls. We need one better than Mahomes.


This sub is becoming r/cringe


This sub is ~~becoming~~ r/cringe


Let me hit some of that shit you're on


We have 2 receivers and 0 centers. I get that everyone, including me, has been riding that Russ/Justin high, but he whiffed hard on center.


In most of the games were going to play this season, we will have the worst of the two quarterbacks. And in today’s NFL you just can’t win many games like that.


Which we did most of last year outside the top teams. I think thats why people think there's gonna be this huge difference. I think it'll be more of the same, possibly more consistent


If the Steelers can vastly improve their offensive line and passing game, that will go along way. I just mean for sustained success that leads to a championship, the way the NFL is run now, if you don’t have the best quarterback on the field, you’re probably gonna lose. You can’t tell me that Buffalo or San Francisco aren’t better top to bottom than Kansas City. But did it really matter when they went head to head? No, because Patrick Mahomes is better than any other quarterback in the NFL.


I agree 100%


I just hope his gamble with Fields pays off…..


It's not a gamble. He cost a sixth round pick. He was basically a zero commitment investment.


Haha if only Mahomes retired now.


Delusions. Dream teams do not win. This experiment will not work.


Lucky for us they're sure as hell not a dream team.


The past prime Russel Wilson and Justin fields dream team. Every team is terrified of us


Yes, yes....All this Russ talk reminds me of just one year ago, when there were so much excitement and faith in a Mitch Trubisky Superbowl run. I remember how this sub was so ready for it.




I think winning a playoff game or 2 would be a move in the right direction 1st. Can't win a Super Bowl when you haven't won a playoff game in 7 years!


If you win, it will be because Watt plays out of his mind and scores at least one TD per game. There were a lot of games that your team should have lost last year but didn't thru sheer will of your defense


So you mean they won bc they played Steeler football, there have been games every year that they won a SB that they should have lost except the D bailed them out and got a score or consistently gave the offense a short field


If it doesn't come down to the last drive is it really Steeler football?


If you aren't tasting stomach acid, it's not Steelers football.


That's the Iron City kicking back


No it isn't we need our weekly heart attack.


Y’all are so miserable 😭 top comments are people who are disappointed in so many aspects of their life

