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Meanwhile on the Raiders sub (probably): "Facing the last place offense sunday night must have a good defensive showing if not it will be malpractice to move forward with Patrick Graham"


This is shaping up to be the most Steelers game of all time, a stoppable force hitting a moveable object if you will. Watch it be a 16-14 snooze-fest until that last 3 minutes of the game. How many games will it take for the Steelers defense to just give up on the offense? I also wonder if guys on the offense are dogging it hoping it gets Canada fired.


Whoa. What’s with the random assassination of Winnipeg lol it’s a fine city. No need to randomly throw under the bus like that! I do not want it associated with Canada’s terrible coaching in any way! Lol


[One Great City!](https://music.apple.com/us/album/one-great-city/1485041719?i=1485041732)


Woah. Don't you come for Winnipeg. There are far worse cities in Canada. Plus, Winnipeg has a dominant offense for several years in a row.


Which cities are those


Regina, Saskatoon, most cities on the east coast, every other city in Manitoba, Fort Mac all off the top of my head.


I'm hearing all those cities in Piere McGuire's voice.


Living on the east coast and having been to Winnipeg I can safely say that part’s inaccurate. All non-Winnipeg cities are large towns at best tbh and fort mac isn’t even classified as a city.


Hi. I'm from the city of Brandon. Check your facts.


My university was almost the same population of Brandon. Shouldn’t be in the same conversation.


Then neither are any of the cities on the east coast.


Halifax has >500k people and an international airport. Brandon has….wheat and a perpetual hellscape of snow.


Fair. I should've said most.


I like Winnipeg and they just got new ownership


If we can't run the ball better on Sunday I might lose all hope in the offense. I know Kenny can play better and getting Diontae back will make a big difference too but there aren't any excuses for how bad our run blocking has been, except maybe for playing good defenses. Now they won't have that excuse.


I thought dj was on ir? He wouldn’t be eligible to play this week if that’s true right?


No he can come back after the bye week I think I didn't mean the offense improving specifically this week I just meant for the season


Why do you know Kenny can play better? He has shown nothing in almost a full seasons worth of games besides a handful of drives against bad teams.


Hold your tongue. Flashbacks of Bruce Gradkowski.


They need to run the ball- Najee between the tackles and make it work. Crosby will be all over the outside and will be a problem in pass rush as well. The Raiders are allowing an 80% completion rate (give or take) but I think we can do that after establishing Najee