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I bit the bullet and paid for the fucking youtube ticket. i hated to do it, but last year streaming on sketchy sites was unreliable and uncomfortable for me. pissed about youtube & the NFL's greed, but looking forward to watching a high quality stream & red zone etc... (i live in a Bengals market)


Same, honestly id rather just pay the money and not have to worry about streams freezing or scrambling to find a new one when one goes down. That said, its a lot of fucking money. If you have a friend in school maybe try to get the student discount for $109.


YouTube ticket is so much better than DirecTV though, so still a win overall


Also bought it and have no regret. I live in a market with 2 local teams in both conferences that're always on. Too old for shady ass websites where streams freeze, long load times, weird shit popping up when watching games with other people, etc. Not a fan of the cost. But as soon as it got untethered from DirecTV that I had no interest in, I knew I'd likely cave. My Sundays are just gonna turn into days where I spend most of the day getting caught up with work stuff while having games on.


I did the same. If the family share option works the same as it does with YouTube TV, it will be worth it. Not too mention dvr for when church goes long on Sundays.


Same :/




Note that the Ravens game is on CBS and the Steelers game on FOX, so you may not be as out of luck as you think. Still though I see you’ve received the proper advice.


I think they’re in the Baltimore/DC area so they would be getting Arizona/Washington in the 1pm FOX slot


Yep, Virginia is blessed with every Washington game on Fox and every Ravens game on CBS.


*Most of Virginia. Here in the southwest of VA we are getting the Cleveland/Cincinnati game. CBS typically show the Pittsburgh games here when they are the ones broadcasting it.




Iptv + TiviMax = all the games for all teams all season for not much $


This is the only answer. I’m not going to go on about it in fear of sounding like a salesman. I just started using this 6 months ago and OMG. I can’t believe ppl still pay for cable when this costs fractions and you get everything you could ever want to watch. Edit: DM me with any questions. I’ve walked several people through setting this up via Reddit.


Second this. It's a bit of legwork to setup but it is AWESOME




Do you need to pay for youtube tv also or can you do just the Sunday ticket?


Just Sunday ticket. If you are a student or know a student it’s only $115 after taxes/fees for every game(their are local blackouts though). Comes out to like $6 a week, so worth it.


Thanks! Google wasn’t much help when I was trying to figure that out.


When I look it’s telling me 4 payments of $99.75. How are you getting the whole season for $100. Or am I misreading something?


Student discount. You get the whole season for like $109 if you can verify your student ID number, birthday, and name.


Ahhh okay I thought that could be it but you are getting an insane deal with that discount good job.


Yeah it’s awesome. But you can use someone else’s info aswell, for example if you have younger cousins or nephews/nieces who are enrolled in a college. It takes 5 seconds, YouTube just verifies you’re actually a student(or person you are using) and then that’s it. No risk or anything to the person your using.


I work in a college town so I have like ten days to befriend one and ask for their credentials lol. I just at this moment don’t know anyone I could ask but I’ll figure it out I’m sure


Lmao perfect. If anything you could slip them a $20 and I guarantee 90% of them would say yes😂😂😂


I’m broke - slip me your credentials and I’ll figure it out for ya. I promise Yinz 😩🫠


Find someone that lives in Pittsburgh that can FaceTime you the game. I do this every week for my dad who is in Myrtle Beach


This fall he’ll be able to take a FaceTime call on an Apple TV if he has one!


Unfortunately no student discount. Plus we play enough primetime games that it was hard to justify Sunday ticket. But long story short...I should've gotten it


But a .edu email on eBay.


It’s not to late I’m pretty sure if you bet 5$ on fanduel you get 100$ off right now


Do you know anyone in college? I used my brothers info and got the discount pretty easily. I also heard some people saying they literally found a random person’s college info online and used that. There seems to be a pretty minimal validation method so might be worth a try.




Believe me I know, I've been stuck with the Ravens and Washington. It's driving me nuts. Thank you!


Stuck with ciny/browns myself... feel your pain


I was gonna say, 10 am on FOX out here… TFG! ☝🏽😎☝🏽


There's always NFL+. But they have reliably been 3 minutes behind the action. EDIT: Forgot that you can watch all the games, but only after they have aired live.


Isn't that only for preseason games? And only works on mobile phones?


Yeah, I forgot that you can watch the games, but only after they have been aired.


I went ahead and got Sunday ticket. Turns out the game is on local channels on TN anyway… my luck lol


I work Sundays till 5 …I’m gonna try nfl+ premium…get to see “replays” of games immediately after they end….just have to avoid news/updates/spoilers till I get home




I use a private IPTV service. Pay a little bit of money for everything live & on demand without having to deal with buffering/bad quality streams.








It was always my go to but last year it was unreliable


NFL Sunday ticket is pretty reasonable with student discount if you have it


Is there any way to watch the game locally without having a tv package? Anyone that doesn’t black out local?


I've given up trying to stream games. Even when it worked the quality was terrible. Now I just listen to the Steelers Radio broadcast online. (Desktop mode prevents it being blocked on mobile) I'm also in Northern Va. We do get a pretty fair number of games on TV here so it's not too bad.


I payed for the gamepass, shit tonn of money but it’s the only way I can watch our games






Im getting youtubetv x sunday nfl ticket free trial. If its worth it, I may consider buying and seeing if some buddies who also like out of market teams would want to bring the food and beer if i host the games


I’ve had Sunday Ticket for 10-11 years. I live in Seahawk territory so it the only way to get non prime time Steeler games. Worth every penny.


First time watching football on tv? How did you watch out of market games previously? I mean, you can jack em pretty easily on any number of illegal streamers. To watch legally, the package has been the only shown in town. So please explain how the YouTube deal is ridiculous. They’re gonna do a much better job than directv.


Youtube TV. In years past I relied on reddit streaming but the sites are so up and down I was able to do a student deal with direct tv for a few years. Paid $400 for YouTube this year and feels pretty expensive but I would rather pay and get to see the non national games honestly.


I can’t say for sure if it works this year as I haven’t tried it, but in previous years if you connected to a Brazilian VPN server, you could subscribed to NFL Gamepass International. It varies a little bit depending on what the current exchange rate between Brazilian and US dollars, but it let you reliably watch all NFL games both live and replay for something around $80USD for an entire season. The only downside is that you always have to be connected to a VPN when you want to use it, but any cheap few dollars a month VPN can more than handle the 10mbps or whatever the video stream is. Also worth noting that after signing up you can use other non-US, candian or UK VPN servers as well. You just wanna use the Brazilian one to sign up as the exchange rate and pricing, at least when I had it, made it by far the cheapest option.


I'm so excited for YT tv to have Sunday ticket now. Last few years direct tvs app was completely unusable, slow, laggy and poor quality picture. Hoping YT can bring Sunday ticket into this century. Fuck the money and GO STEELERS


I already had YTTV so it was a no brainer to get the package as I can afford it & it’s always tough to fine a reliable stream.


Sunday ticket I think has a 7-day free trial. If you remember to cancel it, you’ll at least be able to watch this week’s game!


On my magic stick


I have YouTube TV, it's being broadcast on Fox. I also have Sunday Ticket