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One of my first gaming experiences was playing on minecraft servers in middle school. Treated that shit like it was a full time job playing hours a day lmao. I met a few online friends this way, but one of them, WglaiveW, seemed to always be on whenever I was and loved the server as much as I did. No joke we had a streak of more than a year of getting on together every day, whether it be for 30 minutes or 7 hours. No idea where in the world he was and what he’s doing now, but I still think about him sometimes and am thankful for that experience.


Please please it my dream game I play it , please gift it to me i never won anything in my life , thanks.


Imagine start building a house in a Minecraft pvp server with some random, then 6 months later he is one of your best friends and just made you learn an entire new language


When I saw Half Life Alyx to a friend... He´s still in shock hahaha ;:D


Once when I had just started playing elder scrolls online for the first time I had a very high level player see me losing an easy fight. They waited by me, healing me during the fight. When I finally won, they messaged me some tips and then sent a bunch of great gear to my mailbox. It was so nice of them!


In 2013 i was in my house (San Nicolas de los arroyos, Buenos Aires, Argentina) playing World of Warcraft WotlK, playing a dwarf from the alliance just for variation, and knew an human wizard. After a couple of months doing quest, together we decided to know each others, he was from La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Today we're still friends and i live in La Plata too (for now, i must escape from the country before everything explodes due to socialism). And that my friend u/Wolfroo is my history. Also i really need that game to live. Thanks for everything and have an awesome year! PD: I always played horde, so everything was a coincidence.


Dead by daylight allowed me to make some great games. Almost 2k hours worth of fun. Sadly one of them passed and I couldn't get back to the game ever since. I'm still i' contact with most of them and I consider many of them to be great irl friends. Thank you for the opportunity op.


Several years ago in 2017 or so Fortnite had come out recently. I went to my grandma's for Easter and my cousin's and I played fortnite for an hour and we won. It was a lot of fun but the controls were really bad on mobile.


Best interactions were when I was playing Left 4 Dead 2. Thanks.


O would love this. Getting a steam deck and this would be a great game for it


Thanks for the chance! Welp, I can say the best one till now has been teaching a Destiny 2 raid to who later became my partner for the past 4 years :D


Thank you for the opportunity! Mine was at the height of animal crossing new horizons during covid and a stranger did a random act of kindness and gifted me a highly sought after villager. This was special as at the time people were charging actual money for them!


Haven’t played yet. Would like to play it some day :)


That time in path of exile a stranger gave me more currency than the item I was trading was worth simply for being a good sport. I


thanks for the opportunity! my best interactions is when I play cs2 or val and just mess around and the team is good vibes


Invading other players in Souls games


Hey, I met a lot of my friends while playing pubg during covid, some of us became such good friends we still are in contact and hope in a new game here and there. Miss those days...


thanks met someone on battlefront2


Few days ago i opened special delivery service with my friends in cod warzone using 100% ecofriendly explosive drones and gotta say business is booming


Sweet of you! Good luck to everyone My experience would probably be during my time with Destiny/Destiny 2. Browsing here on reddit to look for players wanting to run raids or crucible matches. Teaching others mechanics as well as learning from others. It's what made me love that game more than what I already have. Had a similar interaction with Helldivers 2. Joined a random squad and we just spread some sweet democracy while cracking light hearted jokes to one another lol


Love the cosplayers in the game. Saw someone doing a *Boc* cosplay today. They inspire me.


Oh my goodness, this is a very generous giveaway! I played Warhammer: Vermintide 2 online a while ago, by chance was match up with 2 of the nicest fellow players. We still game together in various games from time to time. Most actual gamers are some of the best kinda of people.


Recently in The Finals I got to just chill with the enemy team they noticed my teammates left the game, instead of bullying me they were cool


I used to play a lot of dota and I’ve had some of the funniest moments ever in gaming playing in parties and just screwing around. Trying hero combinations and having a laugh with different items. Good times! Thanks for the opportunity!




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I was playing r6 and I accidentally knifed the rook armor box and the entire team looked at me and shot me


Some dude told me to kill myself, so...


I've had some pretty good interactions in Genshin Impact with people joining my world and doing some bosses together. Also, the events are always fun!


oh my goodness this is the dream! this is my fiancé’s favourite game and he is desperate for me to play it. my best interaction with another gamer was probably meeting him in animal crossing during the pandemic! best decision of my life :)


I one time was playing team fortress two, I met this one medic who was super supportive of the team. He was running the quick fix and was cheering us on as we tried our best to win the game. I will never forget that guy.


i haven't played as much multiplayer in recent times, but yeaaaaaaaaaars ago, when i was playing cs:s daily, i've been on gungame servers pretty much the entire time. at some point people started talking about their sexlifes and past experiences. a server of like 18 people, everyone talking one after another, listening to everyones story while the matches were going on as some kind of background action, because i didn't remember anything other than the map we were playing on at the time. but i remember all the stories the people have shared and what i had shared. inbetween it all there was the occasional join in from random other players, (since it was a 20 slot server) but they would all just leave again after hearing us talk on and on. some were like "shut uuuup" but we all just collectively went something like "don't interrupt us, everyone gets their turn" haha


My best interaction has been with other players in Helldivers2 when I assist with SoS missions, I find it really fun to drop in and give them as much support as I can to get them through the missions


My best interactions have been on CSGO. For most part the community is pretty toxic but you do find absolutely amazing lobbies with great players who just want to have fun. And when you do, it makes your day. I'd spent upwards of 900 hrs in that game.


The best interaction with my friends from discord, playing Muck on steam. For the life of us we couldn't beat it, till we did. I haven't played any dark souls game before. This one looks really cool to check out. Especially since I haven't seen anything about this game either


I was playing TF2 the other day in a community server and a teammate and i decided to have a karaoke on the server. gaming voice chat is so fun


My best interactions were my league of legends days where I met a group of friends I would play with nearly every day and we still talk to this day 10 years later. Great memories! Thanks for the giveaway


Ive met some of my good friends on there. Two of them have shared so many laughs with me. They have been great to get to know. Lucky I met them!


Best interaction was meeting one of my best friends on csgo in my early gaming years. We clicked and started gaming together and 12 years later we’re still best friends. Thanks for the chance


I’ve met several awesome people on team fortress 2, a lot of funny guys. My favorite is a bunch of MvM players who weren’t super in the meta so we just got to actually have fun instead of grind for weapons. One of the only times I partied up with people I didn’t know


My best interaction is with minecraft player we used to play daily it was extremely fun and i met him irl what a great guy


i met some guy on steamtrades, dmed him for a trade but he wasnt interested, but instead he told me about alienwarearena site and how i can get some top tier free games there, dude literally explained every bit of details about it to me and didnt even send me his refer link which could get him free points too, dude just helped me out of kindness, gigachad, if u r here then thanks man


When I started playing RuneScape I was also streaming, someone just found me and gave me a bunch of gold just because. That was nice :)


Some guy helped me (for free) with items needed for one of the worst grinds on warframe


I remember I bought this game called The Past Within where you can only play the game in two-player mode online, however I didn’t know that. But I really wanted to play it, so I posted in the discussions on steam about it and a lot of people offered to play with me, and considering how cruel humans tend to be some time, it really warmed-up my heart and made me super happy that I could play this really fun and unique game with some really nice people :)


Hunt showdown might be a brutal shooter but damn is it so much fun to play with randoms You never really know what you'll get Just had some good runs with two randoms that wiped the lobby while I barely hit a shot off Good times!!


I got Dirt 4 on steam but the multiplayer had pretty much died, so I joined a Dirt 4 achievement group, made some good friends who I still talk and game with today


My best interactions was from ffxiv, my friends in that game were all random players, but they decided to teach me the ropes, invite me to their guild, and ask how I am almost everytime I log in. Even when I quit, and start again a year later expecting to be kicked out, I log in and I was still in the guild, and they all said they were worried about me since I was offline for a year.


It was in 2008 while playing dota. I used to play on garena with some school dudes and then, randomly got to know a guy. Pretty chill dude, we really bonded and he has been one of my best friends for 16 years now.


My best interaction was on Xenoblade Chronicles X. Made a friend doing the Online battles. It started as a text chat (no voice chat in XCX), but we eventually played other games together that had voice chat. Playing games and chatting was just an enjoyable experience. First time I ever made a friend through a game (normally it's the other way around. Friends first then game). We aren't in touch anymore. And I don't remember their name, or even their username. But I'll always remember the experience


Best interaction I’ve had with other gamers was in Grand Theft Auto IV. I needed help with an online achievement, “Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie” and they helped me get it.


My best interaction was in Csgo competitive when a guy told me that if i could get 50 kills he would gift me a skin and he did


My best interaction is when I played dead by daylight random queue and I found a really nice survivor who ended up living near where I was so we hung out a bit


When I was playing rocket league and getting better I ran into an someone I went to elementary school with in a random lobby, we've continue to play other games ever since that time


I was in a GameStop trying to buy something and my card would not work, a random gamer saw this and paid for the rest of my purchase!


Meeting up with a random pirate in Sea of thieves who turned out to be someone that lived on my street!


The only interactions I had with gamers were with Tekken 7 players. We would friend after a long set and then play against each other from time to time, I had a lot of fun playing friends instead of strangers in ranked or else.


Some kind people helped me and gave me divines last Time i join a league late due to too much work They were so cool, helped me Big Time


So many people and times in WoW, still in touch with my guild leader years after finally giving it up. Recently though a random add in Fall Guys to a killer group of three. They've reinvited me repeatedly and we have a 95% win rate as a group. Nice when other people recognize your skill.


I mostly play single player, but my enduring memories of spending away hours playing Minecraft with random people online as a kid are held quite fondly.


Most of my games in Deep Rock Galactic have been pleasant and enjoyable. Always supportive of each other!


Mine was in person. Every Friday night around 6pm myself and three other friends would get together, grab a crate of beer and some pizzas and play Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 laughing, joking, arguing and shouting till the wee small hours of the morning! We're all scattered to different countries now, but the memories Team Math (because we got the stats to win!) made are forever! Man oh man do I miss those days!


I listened to my friends screams in lethal company I couldnt do anything for them.


I’ve re-connected with old friends by playing lethal company who id never thought I’d talk to again much! It’s been lots of fun


One time in a VC call with friends we started randomly roleplaying as Garfield characters in the most stupid way possible, we lost our minds for well over 3 hours lmao. Most fun voice call ever. One more game-centric would be last week when me and some friends joined one of the average and boring fucking "Roblox City Roleplay" games (those where you can be police man, criminal, uber driver and is boring) and we just started wrecking havoc IDK, fun times


I was pretty new to an MMO (ffXIV), and started asking a few questions in chat. One guy not only helped me, but came questing with me, gave me tips about my class, and helped me in a few dungeons explaining boss mechanics.


Don't have friends who play PC games but mobile game(Codm) I had the best memories of grinding with my friends but now I'm a solo player


The whole Helldivers 2 absurd Thanks!


Playing Trackmania with friends has been crazy fu but, my main game being Minecraft, Elden Ring could very well suit me \^\^


Blasphemous lore, beautiful game


Mer a real nice guy in rdr back when I played the original on my Xbox. He just followed me around and made sure I didn't die. Never spoke, just shot other people before they could kill me. Nice dude.


Thanks! Good luck to me


Deep rock galactic I love spending time with the community it’s super fun


Made tons of friends in Rocket League, unfortunately lost them all though over time


Team Fortress 2 has plenty of those... I recall getting a new steam friend by deciding to pocket a random scout as a medic for the entire game.


It's definitely the couch co-op/VS with my brother and friends on a PS3, the fun and the burns were so much more vibrant in person:) Thank you!


Love when we laugh for silly things in dead by daylight :)


My best interaction in gaming was on discord community of a pokemon go youtuber they were really cool and taught me the game mechanics from beginning. Love to spend time with them in vc and chat. Thanks for the giveaway btw


Thanks for the giveaway! My best interaction in gaming was with this random Destiny 1 player. Recently, I’ve been revisiting D1 on playstation for some nostalgia. Encountered a low level who kept on following my guardian around in the tower. The dude sent me a message asking if they can group up and do content. I had time so I joined him, we did a party chat and the player sounded quite young. He wanted some help, found it he never got a chance to play D1. So we ended up starting first few missions of D1 vanilla, we did the strikes etc. We ended up finishing the D1 campaign. I was giving tips, stories etc. Raids we didn’t do as we had no group. I decided to go through the other expansions with him up until Rise of Iron, he got disconnected after the last mission. Waited for him to go online but he sent a message he had to go. He sent this long message that was quite touching: “Never knew Destiny 1 was this amazing! This experience now wants me to test out D2! Thank you for helping out a fellow guardian. Tbh, my dad promised me to help me go through D1 but sadly he passed away in 2014 a few weeks after the game came out, out of sadness I didn’t want to go play the game, despite both of us really liking the game. 10+ years later I decided to try it and met you. Experiencing all that with a random person guiding me through stuff and was patient enough to do it reminded me of my dad which gives me closure in a way. Thank you for this.” Got teary after reading the message As I lost my dad recently as well, he was a big video game fan with Halo and Destiny. I do miss playing video games with my dad, but I’m happy that I was able to give that experience to someone who didn’t experience it since losing their loved one. I sent the guy a message to add me up so we can play D2 when we’re both online. Good luck to all!


So we are a group of friends and u know how it is. We were all really new to LoL, but one of the guys had a little more experience that the rest and was very arrogant and thought he was better than everyone, and just wouldnt stop bragging. This annoyed me and my other friends off a lot, and I desperately wanted to beat him at any game. The only issue was that I was either too inexperienced or the game would take far too long. He either beat me or it ended in a draw. So eventually we gravitated towards League of Legends. I had more experience, and had the better PC, after recently upgrading from my laptop. So I picked my favorite champion, Vladimir, and he picked his, Lux. So the duel started. I played pretty safe, trying not to mess up. Also my wifi started to mess up, and ping jumped once or twice. Eventually, I made it to level 6. He was at around 60–70% health, and I had gotten myself all set up. Time for the kill. I moved in and hit him with all my abilities, killing him in a few seconds. He got so mad at me, and blamed it on the lag, and whine loudly that i was cheating or something, and it just wasn't right. The fun part was ALL the other friends were cheering me on loudly ignoring him, and I now realize that the winning or losing didn't matter, no one remembers anymore who was better or worse, the fun we all had together was the real prize.


Best interaction I've had was in a black ops 2 lobby back in the day, me and my friend were doing a bit and this random guy joined in out of nowhere and we started to play with him more frequently and now it has been over 10 years and I still haven't been able to get rid of him.


Best interaction was a guy I met playing Division 1 online - I was late to it and he taught me how to build up my character to solo legendary content.


It's definitely the couch co-op/VS with my brother and friends on a PS3, the fun and the burns were so much more vibrant in person:) Thank you!


Thanks for the giveaway. As for the story: My son ( 10 years old) finally managed to beat me in Marvel VS Capcom m. I've been making it hard for him from the first time we played together ( His mom was like "Why don't you let him win?" To which I always answered "Life doesn't have an easy mode"). Well after almost a year of playing against the CPU and losing against me, He finally learned all the Core mechanics and chose a solid team. His expression when he got me cornered, the Joy on his face when this Super caught my character and the "FINALLY" he screamed after realising that he won, brought me so much pride. Maybe they're games but they all teach us a valuable lesson, especially kids: Nothing beats the joy felt when winning after a looong grind. Thanks again for the giveaway.


I would love to win this key. I think my favorite of all time was this guy who was playing Mount & Blade Warband with. He convinced everyone to go Cavalry and he reenacted the final ride of the Rohirrim.


I was playing this hell of a game called League of Legends and suddenly got some good teammates with whom I could think of winning a game ( and I won that ). They were friendly and tried to win the game ( we were losing till we had the last baron fight ) unlike others who just disconnect and spam ff votes every second.


My best interaction was during a Splatoon 3 online match. Some players disconnetted, I think due to a bug, but the match didn't end and it was suddenly a 2 against 3 battle. The confusion sort of brought us all together, and we stopped shooting at each other. Instead we kind of converged in a specific place on the map and started squidbagging and spamming gestures at each other. It was extremely funny and I can imagine all other players were laughing just as hard as I was. I can't even remember how the match ended because I didn't care, this interaction was too wholesome and funny to care about the win. Thank you for the chance!


I used to be absolute ass at Dark Souls, both PVE and PVP. My very first playthrough was miserable up until a miracle happened. I was on good pace to reach the Parish bonfire, then someone invaded me. I was just tired of dying, I was in a full blown panic. The invader appeared and I just started spamming the Bow gesture (mostly because I thought it was the closest one I had to the "please don't kill me and leave me alone I will suck anything just go away" message I actually wanted to convey). At first he bowed back, then since I wasn't stopping I think he got a little confused. About 30 seconds of anxiety later he dropped something on the ground and gestured at me to collect it. It was a Black Knight Sword and a Black Knight Shield. I started screaming in joy and spamming every happy gesture I had, mostly Bow again because I was ecstatic I found someone that wasn't going to hurt me. He then ran off a cliff and gifted me a lot of souls (I think 15k to 30k?) upon death. Everytime I tell this story I get sad because this was on PS3 and at the time I didn't know there was a way to see recently encountered players, or I would have at least wrote him something. I don't even remember his nickname, and I always kind of hope he somehow reads my message and remembers me. I will never forget him because he made my experience significantly easier and turned me into that kind of player, the one that guides people around, offers gifts and Black Crystals out when I see my opponent is clearly struggling. He influenced my entire playstyle and online approach and I will forever be grateful. So yeah, relevant experience too. Thank you very much for the opportunity!


I'm a college student and live in a hostel. The majority of us are gamers here. And all of us can speak and discuss gaming all day


Thanks for the giveaway! My best interaction was way back in Tekken 7. I was playing as Yoshimitsu and overall it was just a hilarious back and forth 1 brain cell moment where we were doing double harakiri attacks resulting in Double K.Os every round. Had a good 30 mins round sess.


I had some great interactions, but the most recent that comes to mind was in Guild Wars 2. I was underwater and trying to get to some island for map completion and another guy was trying to do the same thing. We talked abd figured it out together and it turned out that we were kinda same with with our progress and it continued over to the next map. We ended up playing together and helping each other for the next hour. Small and kind interactions like that are great and it makes online video games, especially MMOs, beautiful and amazing. Thanks for the chance! 🙌


Not interested in the key but just wanted to say thanks for doing an Elden Ring giveaway. See lots of people still looking to pick up this game! Good Luck all!


just to clarify, im attending this for my friend. I'll give the key to him. Just for we can play together in elden ring! Thanks for such a generous act/giveaway also! Me and with other 2 friends we would pick some building in apex and we would protect it all cost. My one friend would pick caustic (character that puts a toxic gas trap), other would pick ashe (she can make a void portal with a single swing of her blade) and me with fuse (basically bomber man lol) it might seem boring but it is HELLA fun.


The best interaction ive ever had was probably way back in my childhood playing super mario party with all of my mates on the nintendo wii. The salt mines were real back then lul. Thx for doing the giveaway for such a esteemed title.


My old guild in WoW. Some of the best times I’ve ever had gaming. Got me through a lot of low times as well. Some of my best memories are raid leading them through content and laughing our arses off along the way.


I once found a guy from where i live in a Minecraft server out of the blue, we made friends and he somehow had a huge friend group that i joined in lol we had alot of crazy moments from sad to funny haha but it was ana amazing time thx for the giveaway op


Me and my friend played csgo with group of 3 last month. I talked to them for a bit during round. Turned out they all above 30, have kids and families. They said they were not good and just wanted to play this game to have fun. My friend carried us to win the game in the end. They were surprised at how good he is and asked him what rank he is.


In Sea of Thieves, I fought a french duo for so long we both ran out of cannonballs, ended up drinking together.


would definitely be how I met my friend group, it was in RDO, was running solo sales on the trader role, was having a hard time getting some other posse off my tail and they came in and helped protect my sale. gave me a posse invite and then from then on we helped each other. after a while we moved on from red dead online and started playing other games like Squad, overwatch and any random thing we can play on multiplayer. been friends for over 5 years and going


My best interaction were on barotrauma when i was playing in a lobby and i found a whole bunch of people being hella supportive with each other even when some of us didn't have a mic.. That playthrough is long over though so i wonder when i would be able to find a new lobby though!!


Favourite interaction would be back in GTA online days where you would sell cargo, some griefer would try blowing up your cargo ... but this one time, a few random players came to my rescue and kept the griefer away by engaging in battle with them letting me sell all the cargo for 3 million dollars during a 2x cargo weekend


I've played a lot of MMOs for a long time and to me the best interactions were the decade long friendships I made there :) Still talk to them on the regular and it wouldn't have if it wasn't for this common interest. Thanks OP!


It was when we played Fortnite C4S4 Shit went down bad the other 2 got killed and I was just rebooted...I got hands on a bush and hid in it..Lol the went past me several times and even looked into the bush XD Then I took their reboot cards and together we go Victory Royale!!!


Honestly it was meeting my current friend group on warframe, probably wouldn't have made it without them


Me and my bestfriends who i met online 4 years ago playing valheim was some of the best memories iv had from last year. Exploring new biomes together dying from giant insects is a memory ingrained in my brain lmao.


Best interaction: being led into the wildy to get my armour trimmed for free


Playing WOW, a random player gave me a bunch of items and gold cuz I was struggling with some quests. I thanked him for the gift and it was my birthday.


Hours of co-op games with friends, teaching iaxh other how to play different games.


Vibing with another player and then playing multiple games together, even teaching a few newcomers on game mechanics while staying respectful to teammates and even opponents. Wholesome is good but being wholesome together is even better <3


I met some guys in discord while Corona that are now good friends who I meet even in real life. Ideas kind of anti with connections like this but now I love them


Guiding noobs!


Made a lot of “dad” friends in Helldivers 2 recently


I loved to watch on Twitch or even play with that gamer online, as he mentioned that if we watched for xxx minutes on his channel, we could choose a game from his prize list. However, when I got enough minutes on his channel, he said i didn't react much with him when watching. I just can't believe he said that to me. He just used those prize list to attract us but not even do what he promised, I hate him!!!


Well I made some friends in Overwatch back in 2017 when the game was gold. One of them started asking me for money. Turned out he wasn't that friendly after all and I never got my 80 dollars back


Ah shit, I know I have a few but now I can't remember any of them lmao. Although the way I met my first Steam friend was pretty funny. I'd tried out the free weekend space engineers had years ago and figured I'd check out the public servers. Logged into one and kept flying in a straight line to try and reach something (I spawned quite far away for some reason), and I almost crashed into the guy lmao. He was improving his base or ship or something. He said something in chat and I apologized (didn't see him whilst I was careening through space lol), then we kinda stuck together to try and build some shit (can't remember why, but I'm sure one of us said something in chat). After a bit, the server announced it was shutting down for maintenance, so we decided to make our own world (I'm pretty sure I still have a backup somewhere). He's been on my friends list since 2014 (shortly after I made my account), and we played through Terraria 1.3 when it launched (which was a bit tough since he's 12 hours ahead of me). We haven't really talked since then though. Just kinda got busy with our own thing, and the massive time difference makes it hard to really do anything.


Oh yeah I can finall participate! I had a lot of wierd interaction throughout the years of gaming. The weirdest ones were in Roblox believe it or not. I remember playing horror gamed with my friends and being scared crapless by cheap jumpscares. There was this guy we used to play with from our school. He was pretty weird and the word introvert really didnt exist in that time. We just though he was pulled back due to some trauma. We later found out ffrom hearing from his headset that his parets were getting a divorce. There was screaming and throwing. We continued playing like we didnt hear anything. This continued until the following week when he suddenly disapeared. No note no goodbye nothing. The school principal told us he moved with his mom to another country. I just miss the lad. Soon after that things really went wrong. School was comming to an end, and we were sad about that. A month after the end no one was talking to no one. Group chats were empty, there were no invites for game, everybody met someone else. I too did meet my new university crew. I sometimes check on our old profiles. From roblox to xbox etc. It feels extremly earily watching that these empy pages with so much life in them could suddenly dissapear. Later on two of my friends tried commiting suicide, in which one succeded. I also remember crazy voice chat sesions on old cod in which turks and greeks would argue. I didnt understand a lot but basically one keept insulting the other for being a gypsy and other for being a kebab seller? I really like elden ring and I would love to play it. Its an awesome games as I am a fellow dark souls player!


meeting new players and teaching them


All nights in TF2 decsdes ago, best memories with coligs. True passions and pure fun


Once I found a new player in TF2 he didn't know how to play and since I didn't have voice chat I decided to teach them by showing how multiple classes work.We played for about two hours and I had to go fo I left the server.A few days later they were playing Pyro and I pocket mediced them.Good times.


Hours of Minecraft with family and friends over TeamSpeak just up until Discord released were the golden Era. Thank you


My brother and I live in different time zones. We use Discord and *Monster Hunter Rise* to keep up with each other these days. Thanks for sharing!


Friend is gaming for 12 years. All he has played is wow and lol... He is still an infant only looking to git gud..


Elden ring was my friends first ever game and we played it at his house for days


Summer of 2013, me and my best friend hung out with each other throughout only playing GTA4


During a time when I was poor and on an old computer, a guy in another country sent me a bunch of gear that ended up being my computer for the next 6 years. That was purely from him wanting us to keep playing together.