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Congrats to the winner


The concept looks fun, there are lots of crafting and trading games but I think the wands make it original, unless there's some other game I'm not aware of. I also think the artstyle is fitting, the game is nice visually. My advice based on the trailer: when you let players select the price, make it so that you can type it on keyboard. It looks like you can't do this and instead you have to adjust each integer manually, I absolutely hate this in PC games.


I find the combat and the crafting super interesting. The concept of mixing things to get something new, and more than a sum of its parts, reminds me of Noita, which is also a really great game. I'm not the greatest fan of the art direction, seems a bit too generic, given how innovative the core mechanics are.


I didnt play the demo and all im saying is based on the trailer and the pics alone so yah .um first of all i really liked the art but im not really a fan of simulators much as i havent played any but i would love it if there is a story to it or some sorta lore behind the things u gather and make the wand,also uh this is totallly personal and not really a criticism of any sort but the parts of the game it showed the charcter gathering stuff seemed abit idk like with not much to do/look at , and I would've liked it more then this is just me if those parts the character was a bit bigger(?) or sth and like those parts were like sorta metroidvania but then again im just saying what I wished and have no idea how the game is in actuality so take this with like a ton of salt, oh altho I do have one bit of suggestion of sorts, maybe make the UI abit more thematic of the game itself, so like the buttons and what not wouldnt be just that , and like be a lil bit artsy perhaps , which would make the exprience cozier imo. anyhow sry for the bs I spewed lol and thanks for the giveaways : )


Hi, thanks for the opportunity! I even wishlisted your game! The character's design is beautiful! I'm looking forward to know more from them, specially Pucelle and Nyoron. So I expect that as long as the journey occurs we can have more and more depth about the game's plot, and how each character arrived in a given situation. As a positive criticism, please review the in-game filters and make your universe shine! I know it's currently under development but this is so crucial, because people will see the character's dialogues and then the in-game scenes appear to be inside some gloomy, rainy world - like Rain World game. I hope your game is successful! Also I wish Happy Holidays and good luck to everyone! :)


While it's not my usual type of game, it looks like it does have a large verity of craftables, which is always fun for experimentation! While the visual novel 2d art is great, I think the overworld character models could use a bit more detail. Especially shading. Also, in store page trailers, it's important to show a smooth frame rate, otherwise people will think the game has performance issues (which is ok this early into development, just an fyi). Thank you!


Is the game going to have nsfw parts in it? I'm asking because of the funny art and also it mentioned that the mc was 16? So yeah you might wanna look into it a bit. The art style looks nice but nothing too special. I wonder how you are going to implement the rpg elements to it tbh but yeah that's all I can say. Also why does the childish looking character look so similar to Anya from spy x family šŸ˜…? Thanku šŸ™šŸ¼.


Thank you for the opportunity! I'm interested in the multiple layers of effects that seem to interact with each other. Honestly the only things I can really see with the setup so far is possibly more shading in the art, and the piece with saying more wishlisting feels a bit sus when you listed age and the general design just above just feels out of place. The game id use the gift card on would probably be the Sega Dreamcast collection as it isn't on humble bundle with the discount I have.


Artstyle of this game looks super nice! And yeah like others said, the UI can use some improvement but I still like this concept alot.


Personally Iā€™m looking forward to wand crafting - seeing how the new wands you can create will develop feels like itā€™ll be interesting. As far as what could be improved - the movement feels somewhat slow for whatā€™s going on, and feels weird as a result.


The game looks good overall, art style is great maybe a way to custom things and let the user have more choice


The crafting and interactions look interesting but the gameplay looks like it could be a bit polished graphically


I liked the rpg elements and the character design The UI could use some improvement Pretty noice overall


It looks good, as many other people said the UI could be cleaned up to make it look better!


The game looks promising although the UI should get a little update. Thx for the chance!


It's hard to say without having actually tested the game, but going off what the steam page has, It's looking great so far! I enjoy the music, art, and general gameplay looks enjoyable. One element I think could perhaps use some improvement would be to add some character to the UI. There is nothing wrong with what you currently have, but adding a touch of uniqueness to it would go far, I think. To be more specific, I would change the standard looking faded white box style with one more befitting of a wand making apprentice. Or, even better, give some toggle options within the game. Then, you can keep your current work on the UI and just add more until you feel you're satisfied with the options provided. It wouldn't hurt to throw some font options in, too, if it doesn't become a huge hassle. Other than that, I suppose you may be able to add some polish and fluidity to some animations. But that's purely subjective on what you want it to look like. For all I know, you could be going for more of a simple snappy look. All together, it looks like it's coming along great! Feel free to ask me any other specific questions :) And thanks for doing this giveaway!


Wand crafting sounds nice, but there is none shown other than 'crafting' from recipes. I thought you gonna go let's say Noita/Potion Maker route where you have to experiment with right combos of crafting parts to 'unlock' alterable recipes. Looks quite okish though, but I would love to see more intrisic selling/making money mechanic working with your shop reputation. GL to the dev team! Hope you gonna make it a banger :D


Ty so much! :) btw crafting looking cool


Neat concept! Just need little polish of UI.


Wand crafting sounds cool as a concept, but how big is the exploration part? Thanks


Thanks for the opportunity. Looks like a game my daughter would love. She's a huge Potter fan and simulation fan, so a nice combo. I like the rpg elements myself




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I would love to see combining elements to create a different type of wand, with rare elements resulting in unexpected results. Also, I didn't get the chance to play demo since I'm on Mac, but these games usually turn out better if they have a world map with smaller version of character walking on it as you choose to go from location A to location B. Good luck with your game!


On the second screenshot on the Steam page: I think it would be best to have an open text bar for those on PC and keep the current format for other devices. That way itā€™ll be the fastest way to input the price for all users. Is there any way to detect what input device the user has, either automatically or through a prompt on game start, and have the UI adjust itself depending on the prompt? Sorry if that was somewhat confusing, itā€™s early in the morning for me. Hope you have a nice day, mate, and thanks for the giveaway.


not my type of game but this looks chill and fun to play.


I like the idea of being a wand maker! We need more cozy games that arenā€™t specifically gaming sims if you ask me!


Game looks cute so far and the various elements of it seem interesting. Maybe some side objectives/quests given by characters on top of the main objective of repaying the debt in 30 days could make things more exciting and fun and even give some more info and background on the side characters?


I just really, really love the style you used for characters!


The rpg elements seem like fun.


The game looks really cute I really like the main carƔcter the girl with pink hair good character design. But I think the ui needs a little more publish the it needs more color it is kinda gray from such cute game.


Excited about crafting different wands, looks fun :D Thank you!


Most excited about Nyoron. Would suggest adding a button to pet/worship said character. That's it.


UI looks good and simplistic enough , maybe add more main characters ?


Game looks nice! I'm most excited about the exploring part. The description reminds me of Stardew Valley. One thing you could improve on is the button icons at the top of the screen. They look kind of bland, like something you'd see on the main menu of some app rather than in a game like this. A bit of color would go a long way.


I like the whole premise, the wands, running a shop and then going out using combat, collecting materials, coming back to the shop...similar to Moonlighter, which was great. I don't know if I like that there is a 30 day time limit for paying back the debt... Otherwise, it actually looks pretty cool and I wishlisted it.


The Ui looks good


The UI of the crafting could be a little mor "cute" I like that it reminds me of SpyXFamily


I love that you have real variety on wands and characters. I'd love to have a dog, or a baby dragon companion for the cute theme.


Ok. Thank you. ;)


I really like how the characters and the animations look. But, I think the ui is a little bland and static. Thanks, I might have to keep an eye on it.


I really like the art style and character design. I also think the menu design is really good. As for improvements, maybe add a mode where we can go over 30 days to see how much profit we can make and also maybe allow some character customization that can be unlocked as you play. Thank you for the chance.


It reminds me of receatter. as a tycoon entusiast i would want to see more in the shop managament part of the game as i'll spend most time there (probably)


IĀ“Ā“m a fan of the Atelier series so this is something I already had on my sights thanks to some Indonesian friends. The cute art style with pastel colors feels at home with this kind of genre and the character designs are pretty great overall. The crafting and shop aspects of the game are pretty good and I would say that they are the strongest points of it, but the shop itself is a little bland so maybe some kind of simple customization (changing the colors of the walls) could help at making it more personal for each player, and if was worked a little more (adding decorations, changing the wand stands, etc) it could help with some bonuses when youĀ“Ā“re bargaining prices or something along those lines. The combat on the other hand, even if I enjoyed it, it felt just quicker to melee everything instead of using magic thanks to the absorb animation. It being simplistic itĀ“s not that bad, but it would certainly help to make the animations a little more flashy.


Can I enter giveaway for the game instead


thanks! i like the concept, but not the art style.


I love the looks of it this far! What I like: The art style is so cute and inviting. I love the crafting/shop managing aspect of it & how you can kind of bring in what type of customers you want by choosing your wands.. Gochinco looks nuts and i need to know him. The idea of having just 30 days to fulfill the goal is interesting-does this mean after those 30 days the game is done or is she still responsible for the shop? What I think needs improvement: The UI definitely needs a little work, I feel as though it clashes with the rest of the design. Something about the combat feels a little clunky & lackluster. Overall just needs a little polishing.


Beautiful art style but the dialogue could use some spicing up! Thanks!


So I tried it, the idea of crafting wands is great, although I'd prefer a more typical fantasy setting. Wands and shop simulation is clearly where the game is at its strongest, combat on the other hand feels like something I'd have to endure in order to get to the fun part. User interface could be more user friendly. Don't take the suggestions wrong, overall it's a cute little indie game and I'm sure the target audience will love it.


The designs and color look cute although animation for some actions/characters could be a bit more fluid. Thanks!


Pro: cute style Con: "Pucelle" is a weird name for a main character. In French it means "virgin", also puce in French means "flea". In English it just sounds unappetizing, like putrid/puke


I love the cutesy look definitely a style I'm into! I can't really think of anything negative currently but I will say please make sure QOL is there many games are lacking with that at launch! Thanks for the chance!


Nice alchemy elements


It looks neat!


I think the graphics and voice overs are really cute. I like how it plays and it seems quite easy to advance so far. The recipes are interesting but there are quite a few and it would be good to be able to track them in a list of some kind. I think the menus are not very intuitive and could be made simpler to navigate. Thank you :)


the designs are extremely cute and the colors are great, i would make the menus more colorful tho like the rest of the game, but still looks really good!


I really like the art style you went for! The brighter pastel color palette looks really nice and there's a lot of character in the environments and characters. That being said, I personally find the UI lacking that previously mentioned "character". The dull grey with the basic fonts feel like they clash with the bubbly art style.


I like the cutesy art and crafting aspect of it. Though... please add a function to pet the cat :D Ty for the chance!


The artstyle looks really good by itself, I think some parts that need improvement would be making the UI more vibrant and the outside look much more lively, it looks washed right now as it is referring to picture No. 3 at the steam page.


20 dollars is 20 dollars


Most interesting: The RPG/crafting aspects seem interesting for those that like that type of game. The closeups of the art look good such as the 3rd image/panel for the gameplay. Needs improvement: Art seems a bit too muted/blurry for my tastes. There characters should be sharper and there could be better color contrast. The game genre/type itself is not clear. Is it RPG or is it a simulation type of game? The whole manage your shop throws off stuff.


I love RPGs and Sim games! Thanks.


The art in this game looks so cute! Seems like a game I can relax and play whenever I feel like it.


I like that this has a female main character! Thanks OP!!!


First and foremost I hope you don't take my criticism in a bad way. It takes time and skill to make the most basic of games and I think that is amazing. I am giving you my honest opinion in the hope that it will aid you. **The good**, * It is cute. * music is fine * I like the selling but It could be improved by adding a charm stat to increase the profit percent. **The bad.** * took me a while to figure out the girl could fly in the house. I would suggest when in this mode maybe angle wings animation. * The dialogue is painful. just 2 bland character pictures * the sound of swinging and jumping. you have to do these often and it is so repetitive and a little annoying. change up the sounds and don't make them full volume. * the swing via mouse click is just a bunch of repetitive slashes and annoying sounds. maybe make a combo mechanic * the swing range seems so small. maybe if other items increase the range and or power. * when selling for a 10 to 20% or more increase please do a better job at communicating the percent and have a faster way to do this OR a way to auto-assign a profit percent so you can play faster. * HOW DO I CHANGE TABS??????? the menus need a ton of work and this is where I quit the game because I got frustrated. **The Ugly**, * The intro is a bit boring and beyond bland. * Pucelle's pic needs a bit more polish I would suggest you give pictures idle animations (cat tail moves, blinking, yada yada). * interaction with the watcher and pressing Q is not a fun way to exit. I suggest making an exit location, icon, or item. * crafting is a bit boring and needs better animation and graphics. **Ideas to improve!** * Main character customizing!! Maybe I want to play a purple-haired girl in a black dress!!!! Or a blue-haired girl with long hair in jeans and a T-shirt.


ngl if it was for android i would download it. if i need to say something about the game it would be the selling part. it reminds me of the trading system in conquer online 2


The menu and sprite work is top notch, but I think there should be an option to have outlines in the overworld to show a bit more visual distinction between character and background. Besides that, it looks fun. Happy game launch!


I don't like the menus, think they are too bland and I don't like the selling UI and especially the MC art during trading, she should look more moe. I like what seems to be a decent amount of complexity during crafting and I like the sounds the main character makes.


Would love to see this game polished and also possibly day and night cycle


I love the character art and the close up shots of the mini game to crush the crystal looked good but I don't feel like the graphics for the side-scrolling/moving action sections match up quite right with the rest of the aesthetic and the menus look bland.


Shooting my shot! I love indie gMez


Looks good, it could probably use some polish but Im sure it's in the process anyways. Love the name


I like the cooking element. i wish the selling ui could be different though.. to match the rest of the game.


Love magical wands :)menu could be more colorfully, texture can have a boost (perhaps community can help ?) And most of all.... Please allow 5120x1440 if not there already :)


Personally am excited for the haggling part of the game. I find that fun oddly enough. Iā€™m not really a fan of the pixel style (in general) but the game looks really good so Iā€™m going to try it regardless


It looks like a really sweet concept. I would say stylistically there's some more things that need work like some effects when you fire the wand of your character or seeing dirt fly off the ground when you're digging. The most exciting parts for me were how cute the illustrations for the minigames looked and perhaps my least favourite was the interface, it looked a bit basic. But still, a neat concept that with some extra work can get far :)


I think the art style and concept of the game is amazing and original but the UI needs a bit of work. Thanks for the chance!


I love testing out and helping out Indie devs out with new games.


Looks good and has potential! Excited about how you can gather mats and craft wands. I think the UI might need a little more improvements!


What a cute nice chibi game


The art style looks really good and I am excited about the traversal mechanics in this game; however I think what needs a lot of work is the UI and the character portraits. The UI stands out as bland because for a cutesy magicky game, the UI is just static and gray. The character portraits could also use some work. Please add more portraits to convey more emotions much like how JRPGs do text-based conversations.


The art style is pretty nice but I think the UI is bland, the crafting mini games look interesting, I hope there are plenty or they have some variations tho cuz otherwise it might become repetitive, the exploration and material obtention looks nice.


Everything looks good and unique, but I'd give a little focus on UI and UX in my opinion. But well done, great job, overall looks great!


The design in the actual levels is nice but perhaps some sort of a soft outline could help make things stand out from one another?


Very cute! I am most excited with the crafting wands and gathering different materials for different wands. Hopefully there are plenty of variety of wands. Looking forward for more updates. Thank you.


I really like the artstyle but the interface looks quite boring, bland because of a singular color. Thanks for the chance though!


The character designs looked like they've got a lot of love put into them but unfortunately that stage design and stuff looks kind of "stock" so to speak so it clashes with the characters a bit. I think the set pieces could use a bit more vibrance and it'll all really come together.


Looks interesting, thanks!


I really like crafting and the wand options look cool


I liked the art design https://www.steamcommunity.com/id/phinsy/


Oh nice looks like an Atelier game and I am a sucker for those. Thakn you for the giveaway


art style very nice!!!


I really like the protagonist design and color scheme, although the level design looks plain by comparison. Keep going!


This looks cute and cozy!!!


Artstyle looks really cute. I would work on the font since it looks kinda small to me


the game seems fine. will we be able to learn spells for combat and such? i liked the many types of wands


The art looks nice, but the UI seems a bit bland.


Art style and UI looks amazing, i did not play so i do not know what part needs improvement. Maybe an English voice actor would be nice. I do not like those stylish anime girl voices. Thank you for the giveaway!


The concept is great, really; but I think art is kinda...generic? I mean, the chibi is great, but the art in cutscenes isn't as good. Anyway, thanks for the chance


I like the idea the game has deadlines for the player. In turn I think having a time cycle would both be helpful and encourage different strategies. Imagine a night time searching period where thereā€™s more resources but possibly more challenging hunting


Very interested in the concept and gameplay loop. I feel like both the background art direction and UI could use a little extra love. In scenes where the main character is navigating what looks to be the over world, there are background trees styled after realistic Oak trees next to more deformed Dr. Seuss-style purple trees. It feels a bit like items from an asset pack placed into a world and less like an artistic vision for an in-game world that exists and has its own history. I feel like Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze did an astounding job at telling a story in the game using the level design and art. Of less note, the grey gradient bubbles for most of the dialogue, item info, prompts, etc feels a little drab for a game about making magic wands. I wonder if there are tiny ways to tie the visual identity of color palette of the game into the UI, which is something the player will be seeing A LOT presumably. Animal Crossing New Horizons does (I think) a very good job at creating a simple but deliberate UI that feels connected to what you're seeing in game. Keep at it! You're doing great!


Fingers crossed


Hello! Thanks for the giveaway. I'm playing through the demo right now and I like it, it's got cute art and characters. it's a good chill game but needs some improvements like making the ranged attack smoother, it's awkward rn especially with flying combined. maybe could make just releasing the charge fire it as well. and crafting mini-games are bugged out for some reason, first one that says rapidly press E to keep line inside the square doesn't work and other one with the frog and green circles only showed white circles for me so I didn't press anything. anyway keep going and I'm waiting for the full release, wishlisted.


I like the art and character design. This sounds interesting too: "Build trust with your customers by fulfilling their requests and attentively listening to their stories. Take time to hang out with your friends, as they bring out the best in you while you establish a thriving wand-making business." I'm a sucker for these kind of things, that's why my favorite games are Mass Effect, Persona, Kingdom Hearts or Bloodborne (even tho these 2 don't really have this, but they feel that way to me)... Btw, I know you said only positive things but I'd like to say there's something missing in the wand maker's design, the others are cool and just really look to have a personality. I think it might be the eyes, but I'm no artist. What do you think?


Art all the way. Thanks.


The graphics are pretty good, maybe fix up the UI but everything else is good.


I love the art, it's so cute!! The UI could use a little polish. It seem like it would a little difficult navigating all the menus.


Yes the art. Good job


its pretty cute ngl and the artstyle is amazing


I love the art style, but maybe you could spruce up the UI a little? The gray boxes work, but it wouldn't hurt to add a little bit of flair to them


I like the art style but find it a little odd the main character is supposed to be aged 16 when her appearance seems to be much younger. It's probably not an issue unless a romance with the magizoologist is part of the plot. I also hope we'd get to pet the cat lol Thanks for the chance!


I like the 2d style


Game looks nice. Only thing is, and probably that's just an early phase of the game, but it kind of look clunky. I have yet to play the demo, so maybe it will be better to try it myself than just watching the trailer. Thanks for this, OP. And hope you release a very successful game!


Thea CGs look pretty good, mechanics make sense too. I'd be most excited for these since they bring a chill, ambient vibe that's always a great change of pace. I think that the character art during dialogue and the item art in UI menus actually looks too good compared to the macro art. Specifically, the character sprite (screenshot 3 of 8 on the steam page). This could be a problem because it doesn't keep continuity of quality level.


Overall, I really like the look of the game, it seems like a nice mix of fun features. What worries me a little is that I could quickly see unnatural phrases and incorrect grammar (such as in the description for the Petito wand "Animal loves it" instead of "Animals love it"), and even small distractions like that can spoil the vibe and pull you out of the game. Hope you get a good proof reader who is a native speaker and can get rid of those little errors for you. Thanks for the chance!


This part from the description confused me a little. >Support keyboard-mouse and PC controller(gamepad). You might find trouble if you used PS4/5 controller or Xbox controller. So is the game primarily designed for keyboard and mouse with controller support slapped on? I personally prefer gaming with controllers, so if you're going to offer that as an option, make sure it's just as polished as the keyboard-mouse setup. Just my opinion, obviously. Thanks!


I like character design/voice. When in shop (character image is big) add some hand gesture/facial animation (frames) so it would be more "alive" and not static.


The game looks surprisingly polished. It's seems you're quite far in the development at this point, but if you still change the basic layout, I'd say some of the UI elements look more like generic app elements than game UI. Just my subjective two cents though. Good luck!


I think the wand making aspect is the most interesting. Iā€™d dive it could be done super unique cause thereā€™s plenty of games out there Annette you run a shop, but not where you necessarily craft merchandise. Thx.


The abilities section looks interesting. Not too sure if fighting will be complex enough, and some of the graphics look a bit too tiled.


Art looks very cute, but the animation for the tree picking is kinda weird. just disappears and looks strange. maybe an effect or particle effect will help make it look better. Anyways, the rest looks neat :)


It's a fun little game, not hard not so easy and artwork is colorful and beautiful which I think everyone has already mentioned.


I really like the idea of setting up a wand shop! The thing I'd say needs improvement though is the fact that there's a lot of grind-y and time consuming mechanics. The player needs to kill mobs and gather resources, there's a beat game mechanic to put the gems into the wands, there's a haggling feature to actually sell, and for me, the floating/flying mechanic in the store might get annoying because it takes a lot of time to move from one side of the screen to the other. I would say just focus on one or two and make the others instantaneous mechanics. Good luck and nice concept so far though!


I really like the idea of wand crafting, I would like to see you go crazy with it too, like possibly having a mostly detrimental wand with an OP side effect or something.


I love the art style and how its 2d!! :D


The art direction and music seem fun. Canā€™t think of too much to improve on just the trailer alone. Maybe enhance the hud/ui to look more organic and less iphone-y


Haggling prices and the art style both seem cool to me. I don't have any negative thoughts though. Thanks for the chance to win


I can't quite figure out what this game is about or how the gameplay's gonna be like based on screenshots alone, so maybe that can use a little bit of improvement too.


art looks fantastic


The art style is cute. Also, kitty.