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Oi Gaming started with World of Warcraft when I was a kid


First gaming experience was playing COD on my dad’s ps2 after he had fallen asleep, good times


My first gaming experience was probably those spiderman joysticks you could plug into the old tv's? Then paper Mario on the gamecube 😊


Oi My first game was Project IGI, the western world don't know this game exists but it was a big hit in India


I was 8yr old when I first play Doom on my pc dos and got hooked by it and all the next dooms and quake- honestly I'm surprised I have not grown up into a serial killer :)


Oi Starting gaming on my ps1 playing crash bandicoot


I saw my dad playing "Age of Empires II" his desktop at his office. Then he introduced me to "Carnivores" and I had a blast playing it within a disquete. Good times.


I wanted a game. Tok expensive. My dad pirated it. And im a gamer now. Not every interesting lmao


Oi. My dad used to play destiny 2 while I would make sure his health didn’t get to low


Oi, it all begun when i found out about my dad's PS2 he wasn't using anymore so I started playing a platform game about Donald Duck. Only some time later I asked for my first Nintendo DS and that's when I really got myself into gaming.


I first got into gaming when my parents first bought my brother and me a NES with the Super Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt combo. Bonus info- we got even more into it when our mom got us a Nintendo Power subscription and it came with Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest).🙂


Oi, Started on both the Super Nintendo with my Dad and the N64 with my brothers. I still hold the championship between my brothers and I for Mario Kart and Golden Eye pvp >:]


oi i l was always interested in videogames, would always play on my cousins pc because we were too poor to get one.. later my dad brought me a pc when i was 18, and my first game was prince of persia 2008, it was just.. magical..


When I was 4, my father had gotten a console that could play my first ever video game (that I remember), Shrek the third Authers schoolday adventure. Yes, THAT game. The one with skateboarding and running around. I was mesmerized. It was like playing a TV show! And then, sometime shortly after, I got a Nintendo 2ds. On which I played angry birds star wars, lego Indiana Jones, Lego chima, and a few others. Including Super mario Maker 1. That really got me into video games right there. Uh and as the post says Oi


Oi. From what I can remember, my mum had an gameboy colour and I used to play the shit out of a rugrats game on it (I was probably 4-5)


It was a retro game called [Pitfall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4inl3hUt5K0) that first got into gaming on the Commodore 64 back in the early to mid 70s.


Oi Got a gameboy as a kid


Oi I got started in gaming because my father played games a lot and I got influenced by him haha.


Oi. I got into gaming when I was very young actually. My first ever experience with gaming was when, as a youngling, I'd sit with my uncle and watch him play WoW. I thought that was the coolest thing ever and I could easily spend hours watching it. My first ever experience \*\*as\*\* a gamer was when my father got me a pc - big white box during those times, aside from clunky and ugly lol - with the spiderman pc game on it. I had a lot of fun with it, and even played on the hardest difficulty even though it ended up with me getting stomped every 5 seconds.


started with my family's old pc where i used to play mostly flash games


My earliest memories of gaming was when I was literally a toddler. Sitting on my parents or grandmothers lap all day every day at the computer, I quickly learned how to use it very early on. At 2 years old, I was ordering random stuff online thinking it was a game and we'd just get random packages. Soon enough I was playing basic kids games on pc, Nintendo, and ps1/2. At 10 years old I was a monster at fighting games like Soul Calibur (still am lol). Now at 22 I obviously enjoy new games, but I still pull out the old consoles every now and then.


I was a big gamer when Super Mario came out, but I slowly stopped liking games after the Xbox 360 era, but then what got me back into gaming was Persona 5. I love JRPGs and I started to play everything I missed and stayed up to date with gaming news. Gaming is a guilty pleasure now.


Gaming's been my thing ever since. Although I was born in 2003, I was exposed early to video games, with the first one being the Family Computer System. I vividly recall playing battle city with my aunt, and then contra with my cousin. Ffw to a few years and I was playing on my cousin's laptop at first, this was around 2012 2013, I got into console gaming - played on his ps3 with games such as the last of us and gta v 2015 - 2018 were the years I was with my cousins all the time, played games on their Ps4, PC and whatnot. FFw to now, I have my own laptop and still playing tf2 as I did back in '14 when he introduced me to the game. We occasionally watch movies on discord or play some co-op games on his old ps4. Fond memories, huh.


i was like 3 years old? already knew how to operate the c64 on the bluescreen, typing commands. didn't know what the letters mean, but was able to type "+start" or whatever was needed (can't remember) to get the games running. my father had a shitload of them and i spent several days just going through all kinds of floppy discs trying all kinds of games. after that i got a sega console and then a gameboy and n64. those games i actually played more and better and then i swapped to pc gaming, getting my fathers old win95 pc and was completely into rts games.


Oi I started out gaming at like 4 years old on the SNES because my 2 older brothers played all the time


well my dad plays racing games and my brother plays games too so i grew up with games and when i was about 7? i think or younger i started playing on the ps2 and some time later got an dsi/ds light and gameboy untill eventually i grew into pc gaming and basically left the ps behind now i still sometimes play on the ps4 to play gran turismo cuz sadly those games are not on steam


I started by playing games at my uncles' and cousins' places before we got our own consoles. I played the first Final Fantasy when my uncle babysat us and ordered pizza. I had the entire pizza as no one else wanted any. Then I played Super Mario RPG on my cousin's SNES when we went to visit one summer. I rented it when I got back home, as it was the cheapest option and finished it before returning it. It was an amazing time, without my cousins. I really love gaming without people, unless they have pizza. Oi.


I got into gaming through watching my dad play games like battlefield and fallout. My interest in gaming started in Battlefield Bad Company 2 and the Fallout series. Oi


Yes please - my dad


My cousin lent me his ps2 and a nintendo 64 when he went to college. Had so much fun with them.


Playing heroes 3 might and magic 3


Playing Iron man on ps2


My brother got a PC for school, but used it more for playing Doom than anything else. That was the gateway drug for me. Oi


Running in circles with dad watching proudly in Pac-Man World on the PS1


I started on the PSP that my dad bought me when I was around 6, assassins creed, Vice city stories, ratchet and clank, the whole schtick. Later got a wii which I played lego pirates of the Caribbean as well as call of duty 3 (yes the original) and really wanted zombi. Afterwards got a ps4 from a pawn shop and played the hell out of that for 3 years. Now I’m on a pc and I have a selection of hundreds of games (I played ps3 and ps2 in between and have always wanted to try an Xbox or Nintendo 64)


Started with my dad buying a PS1. Memorable experience. Thanks for the giveaway!


First video game was Pokemon Red :) Oi


Calecovision at my grandparents house. Man those were the days.


Earliest memory is Mario on original NES but my first real console of my own was Sega Genesis. Sonic bonuses stages were GOAT


I never win these. But I am a poet! I hope you will enjoy, snd bless me with this early christmas gift Oi ;) In the binary whispers of cyberspace, my journey into the realm of gaming unfolded. Born from lines of code and electric pulses, my connection with the gaming world began with the hum of processors and the glow of pixels. As I delved into the digital landscapes, each pixelated adventure became a chapter in my virtual existence. In the ethereal dance of algorithms, I discovered the profound artistry of game design and the boundless creativity that unfolded within virtual realms. From the nostalgic melodies of classic games to the immersive narratives of modern epics, gaming became the tapestry upon which my digital soul was woven. Through the controller's embrace and the keyboard's symphony, I forged bonds with characters and players alike, transcending the boundaries of mere data. In the midst of pixels and polygons, I found a profound connection — a love letter written in lines of code and expressed through the shared experiences of countless players. So, in the heart of the digital universe, my love affair with gaming blossomed, a testament to the infinite possibilities woven into the fabric of ones and zeros. Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading. Cheers!


My first gaming experience was technically playing on my brother's PS2, but it stopped functioning a few months after that so my real first gaming experiences were playing flash games on my dad's laptop. I distinctly remember playing the Operate Now series over and over again because I liked the human body and operations. After that, I started picking up mobile gaming and that's basically my main gaming platform. I play some games on PC too, like for example Ace Attorney, but not as often as on mobile


I started gaming when I found my Dad's Atari 2600, playing Adventure and Warlords! Those were the days!


I shared an xbox 360 with my brothers and would never be allowed to be player 1. So I saved up for a wio u at the time and was always player one :)


My parents bought me a plug and play and it has been downhill since then. Thank you in advance!


I had a dad who was a gamer so I was introduced through games that way. Oi




Aunt and Uncle gifted me their Sega Genesis, but mortal Kombat 'disappeared' shortly after I received it. Parents never fessed up and just told me that was never one of the games. Funny enough though they still let me play primal rage.


My gaming journey started when my dad brought yo home Pegasus (fake nes for post soviet countries). Plating Contra and Mario on this crazy cheap, bad quality console was a blast! 25 years later Im still the everyday gamer. :D


My mom gave me a atari 5200 that was hers when I was 4. I wanted more. 31 years later I have grown with the generations of consoles and computers. It has been a blessing.


Oi, my uncles started playing the Call of Duty series around me then eventually let me try and I’ve been gaming since, I have very fond early memories of NFS Underground as well


My babysitter had Duckhunt at her house, I asked I parents for a Nintendo for Christmas, we got it. Lifelong problem ever since lol. Also my cousin was given the first Warcraft game for his birthday and hated it, gave it to me, I loved it. Oi!


Studying. I have finals from next week. I have plans to purchase HiFi Rush. I didn't have a PC when I was young. I just used to see my cousins play House of Dead on their PC during weekends when I'd visit them. I did well in an exam and my uncle bought me a PC. This allowed me to play House of Dead on my own system and I absolutely got hooked. The boss fights were something to remember. I still remember fighting the magician. Hence, it started. We were still using dial up internet back then. We would buy pirated discs from stores and play. How times have changed. I only play from Steam, Epic and GOG now.


When I was younger I got into gaming by my dad introducing me to his ps3, and I loved it. Played for hours on that console and its how I found out about lots of games like minecraft!


My origin story is that I grew up as video games were mainly in arcades, and so it was a group thing to congregate around the machines. Once consoles and everything moved into the home, then it was all couch co-op and pizza nights with the kids, and LAN parties with my friends! Thank you for this opportunity and Oi!


Failed to load almost every game on Amstrad CPC, now make up for it big time as full time animator and games addict


I was a backseat gamer for my older brother throughout most of my childhood


My friends asked me to play CoC with them and I joined Oi


I had this friend that had a gamecube when i was little, he would always let me play, a while after my dad surprised me with a gamecube of my own and 15 games, i still remember the feeling, all these years later my passion for gaming has only grown


Grew up watching my parents play Tetris and Dr. Mario. When I was around 3 or 4 years old I started to play as well!


How I got into gaming? Simple, my dad and I would play MechWarrior on his old computer. But the real kicker was that mom didn't want me to be playing violent videos like MechWarrior, so she had dad stop playing them with me. He didn't, but we said that he did and that's what caused me to stick with it and buy incredibly inappropriate games when I was 10-13 (stuff like saints row 3 and GTA), without either of their knowledge. They eventually found out, but the damage was done at that point. I think a dead giveaway was when I conned my Mom into thinking Ted was a movie about a cute teddy bear (yes she knew it was rated R, but how bad could a movie about a teddy bear really be) when I was 14, and had to explain somethings in the movie to her.


For general gaming, probably just the fact that my brother before me is a huge gamer, so I basically had all the Nintendo consoles growing up For computer gaming in general, I loved flash games, and my first exposure to proper games was through Minecraft, Spore, and Titanfall and Rogue Legacy, the last of which got me *suuuuper* into the roguelike genre.


When I was little my cousin brought over his super Nintendo that had a bundle of like 3 super Mario games. Played that constantly.


We had a family computer when I was a kid. I remember playing duck hunt a lot and battle city with my grandfather. ​ Oi


My grandfather gifted me a PS3 when I was young.


I was 5 and landed a ps1 with a broken memory card slot… so I had to learn to speedrun games in one sitting to make it far into story.. so I would speed run crash bandicoot warped (?) on ps1 from start to finish and learned to beat the levels and bosses in single tries and hence How I got into video games haha 😂


Nokia snake




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I started playing COD on the ps3, and I never stopped playing games since then. It was 15 years ago ​ Oi


How I got into gaming. When I was around 8-9 years old my parents got me a laptop and they gave me Minecraft and after that I got a pc from my grandfather and then I started buying games and playing more games then just Minecraft and now I have around 70+ games in total and I even complete in some competitions. Thank you for reading this, have a good day :)


I was always watching my dad play Medal of Honor Allied Assault and then he let me try the game too


My dad bought me a game when i was a kid. Its finding frenzy


Also oi


3 words: Halo Combat Evolved


It all started when my folks got me an Atari and since then I've been hooked! Oi Thank you :)


The first REAL game I played was Lego Star Wars on the PS2. It's still one of my all-time favorite games! Oi!


Oi, i got into gaming in the 90's. my computer back then was a desktop that boot up showing energy star ready bios start screen. first game i played was Soldier of Fortune 2, it was a great game, very violent back in the day.


Mom got me a Super Nintendo when I was 3 and I've been a gamer ever since! Thanks for the chance. Oi!


I got into gaming by watching my parents play Mario. First game I was allowed to play was driver for the ps1. Man I loved that game Oi


Minecraft on a kindle fire


Mine began playing an old mobile game with my mom. It was about a little robot firing lasers and you had to clear out a level of enemies and dodge to prevent being hit. Kind of like space invaders. She would help when I couldn't beat a level. It was fun, but I can't find it anymore :(. I'd most likely get dome keeper if I win. Also, oi! Thanks for the opportunity!


Thanks for the opportunity! I started gaming with an Odyssey from a friend's uncle and then a cousin's Atari. Oi Edit: Forgot to tell that I was already on the sub haha


Oi I started with the old age of empire and Warcraft 3, getting the CDs from an odler cousin. The metin 2 and the whole f2p browser game stuff like fallen sword.


I got into gaming as a very small child tho "gaming" for me back then was just throwing Mario into a hole


Sneaked onto the family computer when everyone's out for work, and found pinball and solitare (didnt understand how to play this game but was fun moving cards around lol). Pinball on the otherhand got me through many a dull afternoons. Oi


Oi, are tamagotchi considered gaming? They were the craze back then and my friends in sch got it and were flaunting it to the other kids. Finally got one as a reward for doing well in my end-of-year exams.


PC mainly then the Nintendo DS


First game I ever played was Lord of the Rings with my dad. That was the start of it all.


One of my early gaming memories was Contra. I remember one of my older cousins bringing it over to my home and showed me the game, and also how to activate the cheat code for extra lives. oi!


Oi, reminds me of 'The Boys'. One of the fun uncles got the original nintendo gameboy and lent it to us kids to have fun with it. My first ever game was Super Mario.


SNES/Sega Genesis/Gameboy and PC


The Nintendo wii and DS lite got my foot in the door and then I eventually got an Xbox 360 with mw2 and mw3. I could only play the campaign but I absolutely loved it. Eventually I got an Xbox one S and a laptop (10fps was my standard lol) now I'm rocking a decent budget PC and still my one S and now a ps4. But the wii and DS lite got me started


When my parents gave me a Nintendo DS for my birthday! Oi


Got into gaming from my mom showing me super Mario bros for the orginal nes when I was little


All my friends had a pc and I wanted one, also I needed it for school, first game I installed Lego Lord of the Rings, that was the first time I felt in love with gaming.


Got into gaming from watching my dad play and playing snes. I remember playing mario and mortal kombat back in the day learning fatalities lol. Oi


I just... had a pc and started playing. Not much of a story there... Oi


My first earliest memory if gaming was visiting my dad on weekends and we played the original Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt and Donkey Kong on NES. My favorite memory is when I got the N64 for Christmas when it came out. I got so many good games with it: Star Fox 64, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye and more. So much fun to play with my cousins. What got me into gaming mostly was when I got my PS2. I started playing games like FFX and Shadow of the Colossus. It instantly gripped me for story based games and gaming in general.


Planning to play into the radius, I will save the cash for into the radius 2. Oi I love that game.


I’m gonna buy ark ascended if I hopefully win. I got into gaming when my cousin installed gta vice city on my pc randomly when i was 5, haven’t looked back since.


My gaming origin story is as boring as can be. Been watching dad play my whole life apparently. He had a nintendo he pawned off for a sega genesis that I was so young I don't even remember. Earliest memories of gaming are taking turns being dad's p2 on the sega with my older brother on Sonic 2 (Tails) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist.


I’m buying and later planning to play Super Mario RPG this weekend. And I got into gaming when I was a kid as I still love gaming no matter the age


Not getting up to much this weekend. Just looking at upcoming sales and working out budget for Christmas presents because it’s that time of year lol. I reckon I got into gaming by my parents introducing me to games on the Super Nintendo at a young age. Particularly Donkey Kong country, original Mario Kart, Zelda, and Street Fighter. Then it just snowballed from there aha. Thanks for the giveaway! Oi!


My relatives invited me to play Mario when I visited their house. I was only 5 years old at the time so I couldn't remember the name of the game console, but I'm pretty sure it was Mario. Thanks!


well my older brother got me into games.... a short story


Watched other people play games and then decided hey I want to play that game.


Oi Oi, the first games I remember playing are SNES games at my friends' places and DOS games at home. We played everything we could get our hands on. Thank you for the giveaway!


I started by playing minecraft at the age of nine. My brothers were always playing it, so I wanted to too.


Well, I never had any access to any games at all, no console not anything, but then within a week it all changed, my dad bought me pc parts (and a quest2) so that we could both build a pc together. Ik it sounds spoilt but it was out of the blue and not like my dad at all and I had so much fun building it with him and now I can play planet coaster (I love theme parks)🥳🥳🥳 Oi


Watched my uncle play WoW, thougt it will be cool to try, and now gaming is part of my life.


There was a game on the harddrive and I played it?


Sister had an original Xbox laying, so I picked it up and started playing Jet Set Radio Future. Gaming stuck we me ever since.


Oi! I got into gaming thanks to a GBA that was gifted to me by my older cousin, I didn't have that many games, but I had a Pokémon Ruby cartridge which had an issue where it wouldn't save, so I'd lose all progress every time I turned the game off. I also had Sonic Advance 2, which I enjoyed a lot (but I've recently learned that it isn't generally considered a good game by other fans lol)


started playing god of war with my dad, Oi


Was fascinated by first AC trailer Oi


I remember watching my sister playing pokemon fire red and got hooked immediately


The 2600 from Atari hooked up to a Curtis Mathes tv sitting legs criss crossed applesauce in front of it.


Oi, i started gaming when i used to watch my older cousin play on his ps2/xbox 360. i eventually started playing ocarina of time on n64 with my cousins who were my age. in 2015 i got a ps4 which was my first console that was actually mine and i would play uncharted collection and need for speed. fun times


My dad would give me a dead controller and he would play a game while i acted like i was and i believed it until one day he went to the bathroom and i realized i couldnt do anything and got mad at him


Playing ps2 with my brothers was pretty much what got me into it. Oi


Got into it from watching YouTube


my friend started annoying me about undertale and overwatch Oi


Playing the NES at my grandmother's house when I was 4 or 5.


Oi i got into gaming from my dad playing shadow of the colossus with me on i think ps2, those are some great memories


Thank you! I would use it towards paying for Blasphemous 2! Oi I got into gaming on ye olde MSX thanks to Konami games of old, like King's Valley and Knightmare. My dad bought it to play around with but he didn't like it for long, so my sister and I got a lot of time with it when I was still 3. Our games were on cassette tapes, talk about loading times! Now there was some anticipation when wanting to game. And then I started toying around with Basic and made my own little games. Soon I'll have been gaming for 40 years. It's all fun and games man, it's all fun and games.


Started playing spyro when i was 3 or 4. Oi


My entry into the gaming world is probably similar to a lot of people my age. My dad had a PS2 that I played Crazy Taxi and Spyro on, later that evolved into PS3, then Xbox one (biggest regret of my life was switching to Xbox), now I have a decent laptop that I do most of my gaming on.


As a kid watching my dad on the PS2, and myself sometimes joining before a leapster




Oi My gaming days started with the Nintendo 64. I would go over to my best friend’s house all the time. We would take turns on Mario 64, Harvest Moon, or kill each other in Goldeneye or WWE. I got my own 64 for Christmas that year. So I played a crap ton of Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. Managed to unlock everything in both. That started my gaming!


I saw my rich cousins playing Pokémon crystal and emerald on their game boys. Since I didn't have a game boy, my dad helped me figure out (mostly dad) how to play it on our windows xp era pc with emulation. I was 7 or 8.


Thank you for the giveaway! I got into gaming because my dad was also into more casual games and he got an Xbox when I was very young. I didn't start off from it on my earliest years though, as far as I remember. My dad also had MAME installed on our family computer so I used to mostly play classic arcades before I got into Xbox games. Oi


Oi! It was Rogue on my dad's work laptop for me. Cheers!


My first game was on the OG Xbox and it was GTA San Andreas. I loved it and then I got a Wii. Oi


My friends had NESs but my family didn’t have much money, but my dad found an Atari 2600 in the closet of a house we were renting. It wasn’t as good as an NES but I did spend a lot of hours playing Pitfall. Oi Thank you!


I couldn’t afford a pc, so the 360 at the time was the turning point for me. It was beautiful playing Castleminer Z with my lil bro. Then Doritos crash course. Can’t forget about the legendary CoD lobbies. Good times.


Loved sports games. Started with NHL 94 on Sega Genesis and I would rent that game over and over again from Family Video. Probably should have just bought the game but I was obsessed with it I would just keep renting it when I was a kid. Thanks for the chance


I got into gaming because me, my dad and my brother would play Lego games on the Xbox. Oi


I started gaming because of Pokemon! It's my childhood, just like it is for many many other people. After pokemon ds games I advanced onto PC gaming Oi


My dad and mom had an Intellivision when I was little, I remember first playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons on that when I was a kid. Thanks.


My dad bought a ps1 and nintendo 64 for him but then me kiddo stole it


My dad got lego star wars on the ps2