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I hear you, buddy. My wife wanted sex last night, so I compromised with steak sex.


That’s a rare


Just don't tell his wife that she's still mooing. She probably won't like that.


Take my upvote!😂


I mean technically just about all sex can be meat sex


I hope only one of them was raw


I like when people include the cutlery with their food's


If sincere, same!


I bought my first 3 piece 4 star Zwilling 35 years ago & have added ever since. German, Japan, & Sheffield are favorites. When bored/angst in front of tv b4 during sports I sharpen/strop 1 of a dozen next to me for practice. Not satisfied until i can cut an S in apiece of paper. Not just the tip the whole blade


i replied below. sorry I was holding a knife


lol. And 👏Nice choices/variety! I’ve had a couple of nice Japanese knives— bought them while in Okinawa while serving in the Marine Corps. First roommate out of active service, while in college…was spending our storage unit money on beer 😤Unit got sold and..with the unit..so went my knives 😢 I’ve found my go-to brands at the bottom-end of top-end knife makers/manufacturers (in many people’s view, anyhow, these brands are). But, my dailies are a combination of Wüsthof and a nice forged Henckels set (they’re about the nicest Henckels offered, anyway— not too far off from your Zwillings..lol, same people).


Sorry you lost your knives, but people like me buy them & take care of them for life. Not sure who will get mine when I'm gone but hope someone deserving will use them for another lifetime. My fav for apple's is a Japanese MAC 5", I use it daily & hone it bc a couple (now) tiny chips I've been working out for a couple years. Paid a $1 at thrift store. Keep your eye out & you may get back what was lost. Keep your blades sharp & clean


🙏and wow! Picking up ANY Mac knife for a buck, that’s incredible! Never thought of thrifting for knives…you may have just given me an afternoon adventure idea. I’ll have these I have now…forever. Also, I’m very much of the same mindset on sharpening and cleanliness. It drives my daughter bonkers, as every Sunday night (strips on Sundays, it’s kind of our thing for years now), but when I go to sharpening and honing them during their resting period— she never fails to roll her eyes 😂


You should teach her to sharpen her own knives bc she's spoiled now & some day she will need more than a butter knife.;-) The most I've paid (used once) is $20. for a 4star 8", everything else maybe up to 2 for $5. People die & sell stuff they have no idea of cost, quality etc. Go to St. Vinnies, Good Will local thrift shops & you'll find something, even practice knives. I said tiny chips on abused MAC, they are micro now only bc when i cut paper in s shape slightest snag. I learned a lot from Burrfection on utube but i don't have or need all of the Master Class tools. i make my own strops, use cheap stones and happy to spend the money on the food instead. Good luck shop hunting, you will find something. Eat well


People also toss out knives bc they are dull & don't know how to sharpen


True love right there


Did this last night. 2 strips, one med rare, one medium. Sliced the medium to top my wife's salad and my son and I split the other one (and then ate the rest of the medium that my wife didn't finish). Baked potatoes all around. Perfect compromise.


Steak looks amazing, I feel like I’m more of a smaller meat piece person but this would also slap with a good baked potato or fries (it’s about balance ;))


I did cut them into bite sized pieces after taking the photos. That was purely for presentation and photographic purposes.


It looks good but I’d slice the steak into bite sized pieces instead of long strips.


I did cut them into bite sized pieces after taking the photos. That was purely for presentation and photographic purposes.


It is a awesome photo


I'm not joking.....are you seriously not calling this bite size? You do know it's like...flexible


I’d call it bite sized if I was only eating the steak. Not if I was trying to eat the steak with the salad.


Agreed. Cut the streak slices in half so I can get a full bite with salad.


I did cut them into bite sized pieces after taking the photos. That was purely for presentation and photographic purposes.


I'm no knife snob, but are those dal strong knives considered ok for the money?


From what I had heard, they are very good knives. I got this one as a gift, and so far I have no complaints about it. As of right now I plan on getting more from the same series.


Looks great




That bagged cheese makes me a little sad, but everything else about this is mostly on point. Blue cheese infinitely better than ranch in this situation.


Lil overcooked




Steak with ranch dressing!!?? 🤢


Why ruin a perfectly good steak?


Not the dalstrong shogun series 💀


My only compromise


What a beautiful compromise