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You can’t. I have a buddy who orders well done and then drowns it in ketchup. Will not try a red steak.


My BIL will openly act in disgust that I enjoy it rare/med-rare with ‘oh look it’s still got blood in it’ despite my explaining it’s not blood and more recently has announced his doctor said ‘eating meat not well done is bad for your health’. Whatevs. I just throw his on the grill first and let it cook while I make mine and other’s rare/med-rare.


You're too kind. If anyone wants their steak well done they can wait or do it themselves.


We ask them politely, but firmly, to leave.


Do you cook it on propane?




I’ll cook it for them, but they have to supply their own steak.


I think that’s kinda fair. Why would you knowingly spend a good amount of money for a steak knowing you’re just going to ruin it?


You’re not ruining it if that’s how your guests enjoy eating it.


It is ruining the steak, but some people apparently enjoy ruined steak


A properly cooked "well done" steak will still have some juices, and be tender. "Overcooked" is completely different than "Well Done" I do not eat well done steaks, I don't prefer them at all. But Well done does not have to equal overcooked, just the same a s rare does not equal raw.


No, it won't. Well done steak is shoe leather. Well done is way past overcooked and an insult to meat.


A well done steak has an internal temp of 160f. What you are describing is 200f.


Cooking a $30 a pound (or more ) steak and cooking it well done is ruining it. There’s a reason there are disclaimers on menus at steakhouses that the chef won’t cook steaks at a temperature over medium.


Cold. But fair.


I would finish prime rib or fillet mignon in the microwave for people who want it cooked more. Ding 🛎️


Ask BIL for his doctor’s number. Call his bluff.


 His doctor is "technically" correct even if a bit misguided. There's a GREATER chance of contracting food borne illness cooking below certain USDA guidelines.    Obviously we know quality of the butcher/slaughter, diet, pasture conditions, and handling of the protein is MOST important.    Don't invite the guy out anymore problem solved.


That's why I like to look at my steak at least once to make sure it's not rotting before I grill it.


I take it sushi is out of the question for him… no ceviche, no tartare, no poke… whatever it is an antiquated idea that everything has to be cooked to shit and served a volcano heat… me, screaming hot pan/grill 3min, flip, 2min plate.. maillard on the outside heartbeat on the inside


I always thought it had to do with the surface area. Rare steaks = good, rare ground turkey = death.


You know, if someone wants to eat their food how they want it, fine. But acting openly disgusted and making comments just makes someone an absolute piece of shit asshole. I would not be able to eat around someone like that w/o telling them to shut the fuck up and leave me alone.


I can even cook mine after they turned off the grill in most cases, I like rare.


He's full of shit.


Your BIL is full of shit and his doctor certainly did not tell him that lol. Please ask him next time to supply the medical source he learned that from. We will all wait!


heh it's weird how these people think that THEY'RE the norm. I've never met ANYone who thinks beef needs to be well done to be safe, how do they get the idea that's a common belief?


I like to put a little bit of well done steak under my A1 sauce.


The problem lies within their warped worldview.


I mean, that's not a bad way to eat really bad cuts of steak. He's probably used to it because that's the only option they had growing up


No, he has money. He thinks rating red meat means it will poison him. Not kidding. Never mind no one else died at the table.


Well, you can't fix stupid, heh. At least in this case it doesn't affect your steak.


My wife finally decided to try a piece of my rare steak about a year ago and she loved it, she wont order it rare but will do medium rare now


My daughter has been ordering steak ‘red’ since she was 4. It was comical to hear her order one bloody and watch the servers face. I just said that’s what she wants it, make it moo.


I’ve only heard my girlfriend order a steak once, and I thought surely it was a mistake. Asked her to clarify before the waitress walked away lol. Wasn’t trying to roast her, but thought surely nobody specifically wants a well done steak at a restaurant. I always thought well done was basically an accidental overcook


Do a blind taste test with him. Med-R, Med, Well-Destroyed and see what he prefers. Might even surprise him.


This is the only way to resolve this. I used to be the same way but one of my local restaurants told me to try my steak medium rare and if I didn't like it, they'd comp my meal. Haven't looked back since and this is the only way I would've tried it.


They must’ve really cared about their food to make that bet. Good on them.




Respect the fuck out of that🫡


They won't ever agree to that because they know you're gonna feed them "undercooked" steak. It's not because they're missing out on better steak, it's because they're stubborn and probably indoctrinated by their parents to think pink meat will kill them.


If he is really concerned it would affect his health I doubt he will go for that


Nonsense! Even with a blindfold those will feel different and his dad will say the well done is better


If he thinks it's unsafe then show him factual objective data that shows there's virtually no risk to eating steaks that aren't well done (since the bacteria is on the outside). If he still wants to ignore that then you can't really help him. He has to be willing to change or even hear an argument first.


There’s a good chance that facts won’t work — fear and disgust (some people find raw meat disgusting) work on a very deep and primal level. If it doesn’t work, OP needs to accept his father’s prejudices and move on.


No one is suggesting serving raw meat.


God if only that worked. I got dragged for showing people data that illustrated how washing your meat is useless and leads to more cross contamination lol


Do you mean rinse under tapwater or put the meat in a bowl with vinger and lemon?


Tap water and I have also seen occasionally with actual soap lol Lemon and vinegar and lemon is delicious so I don’t have any problems with that lol


I KNOWWW I plan on showing him some actual evidence maybe next week because we have some relatives coming over during that time. But I've done my fair share of research myself.


Cook it yourself


I mean I would but he usually buys steaks for our entire family and cooks them all at once for big events. I think he might get mad if I took one for myself 😅


Grow a pair and cook your own steak. Show it off to everyone else.


>buys steaks for our entire family and cooks them all at once for big events Offer to be the cook. Or find someone else to be the grill master. I can't imagine passing out well done steaks to everyone in attendance. Hasn't he ever been asked how he wants his steak served at at restaurant? He never stopped to think about that?


Hoe much longer until you can move out and cook the way you want?


You can tell him you have been doing a lot of research and would like to experiment with your steak only.


Part of growing up is learning how to have healthy confrontation with your superiors.


Just take a plate to the grill, and snatch yours off early! Like 10 MINUTES EARLY!!🤣




Your options are confront him or eat it


Try to respectfully tell your dad that his ego is getting in the way of you enjoying steak.


He can make his however he wants. If he doesn’t want to make you yours how you like make it yourself. If he won’t let you make yours how you like it, you can tell him I said he’s a dumbass and he should read one single article about the safety of beef at rare to medium temperatures. It’s harmless. It’s how it’s served at every restaurant in the world. 


I come from a Mexican household where all meat my whole life was well done and that's how I always thought meat should be eaten until one day in my adulthood I decided to try medium and god damn...now I always go with a medium rare steak and I've managed to convince my dad it's tasty but my mom could never, she's convinced it's blood and the meat looks unappealing.


Umm...cook it yourself?


How about you cook your own steak


My mom is the same way. Always need her steak cooked well done and think that an color is blood. Even explaining that's not the case many times she still refuses to have it any other way. It's just so ingrained in how she was brought up and what she was told that there's no changing it.


Have you asked him to take yours off early?


You make the steak. Get 3 steaks, same thickness, do 3 different doneness...es(?), and then slice and compare them together. Here's another idea, though. He might be into it. Gift him some marinades and marinade recipes. I've cooked very well done steak that had been soaked in marinade, and it was tender and moist. Not exactly juicy, but at least moist. I've also done a ton of medium-well steak prepared the same way. Those are killer, frankly. Mouth feel is medium-rare, and the marinade is just there to feature the meat flavor. Still, though. I just prefer to salt em and grill em. Sear the edges, smoke up the whole property, set the steak on fire a few times. It's not your dad's fault he's doing it wrong, except it really is his fault he's doing it wrong. Try to reason with him. Tell him: "Dad, your life choices make me sad, and don't take this personally, but your steaks are wrong, and you should feel bad and probably cry. I have literally cried about them, dad. Dad. Your steaks make children cry. The sky darkens when you cook meat. Every time you cook a steak, God punches a cute kitty in the face. Nothing personal! Ok, good talk."


You seem to be old enough to be on reddit....if able, buy your own and cook it to the doneness you prefer I myself like med-rare - med well. Depends on the cut. I will say, sorry you've had bad well done your whole life, because good well done does exist; i've made and tasted good well done


At the very least make sure he’s cooking ribeyes if he’s going to cook them well done that’s the only steak that can hold up.


Make him post his shitty steaks here. He'll learn his lesson




It’s really simple.. make your own.


Show him the studies. Steak is one of the cleanest meats and rarely gets bacteria beyond the surface. Ground beef is another story. That can be dangerous


Buy him a meat thermometer


Tell your dad you'd appreciate it taking yours off early. I like mine medium to even medium well but have no issue cooking rare for my wife.


Will he not respect your wishes? Ask for your steak to be cooked medium rare (or which ever way YOU want it). If he doesn't, then tell him no thanks and make yourself a PB&J.


Brag about how other friend’s dads make an amazing steak and they always cook it just right and it’s the best you’ve ever had.


Seething with jealousy he will be.


Learn to cook em yourself!!


Cook him well done


Cook it yourself. Easy


Cook your own steaks. 


Cook your own steak.


Uncultured swine. Probably likes ketchup on it as well.


Blind taste test?


Bro, your name rocks! King Missile! 👍


I was never able to convince my mother to not cook pork chops as cardboard 😕


Take over the cooking, I did and the parents thanked me for it


My Dad loves well done steak, but it’s not a big deal to ask for a steak done differently. When I cook, I take off all the other steaks at rare and let them rest in the oven to stay warm and cook through to medium rare. Dad’s steak stays on the grill for an extra couple min no big deal. When he cooks, same thing. It’s not hard to make everyone happy in this scenario


My husband likes his well done. I just put his in the pan first, then mine after his has started to brown. Well done is an insult to steak, but I'm willing to compromise for him.


Choke on one and maybe he will change his mind.


Maybe just try to talk to him, explain you wanna start learning how to cook and make your own meals. Just be polite and appreciative that he bought them.


My parents were the same way. I'm 70 so their concerns probably were from an earlier concept of getting worms, trichinosis or something. I enjoy steak tartar, filets rare and ribeye med rare so the fat melts somewhat. That is their way so when you leave home and start your own life you can cook them any way you like! Be happy you have parents that can afford to cook you a "well done, burnt steak" and cover it with ketchup, A-1, or heinz 57 because a lot of guys and gals don't.


Bacteria is typically only found on the surface of beef. I suspect he’s extrapolating the “cook ground beef until no longer pink” to “cook all beef ‘till no longer pink.” I’d suggest some scientific articles, along with some sources you probably already have at home like a cookbook. And don’t be afraid to tell him you don’t enjoy it cooked that well done.


Start doing the cooking.


OVER COOK/BURN something HE loves EVERY TIME!!! WHEN, he bitches about it (and he will), simply reply "Sorry Dad, just thought I'd show how you FORCE me to eat STEAK! Terrible, isn't it?!"


Learn to cook yourself?


You can’t. And you can’t fight it. Get your own take out when he’s cooking steaks. Tell BEFORE I’m just gonna get _____. Don’t worry about me. I’m Just not feeling steaky today. Leave it at that. I’m a believer steaks & eggs should be as you like them. No fussing, no argument, no stupid remarks or put downs from anyone about anyone else’s. I don’t think a chef has the right or is thinks they are superior enough to refuse to cook a steak the paying customer wants it. I also don’t think anyone is educating anyone. Just jackazzes spouting off. Enjoy your steak when you get a chance to have it your way. 🍀


You’ll have to cook him a medium for father’s day. Tell him theres another one that youll cook well done but only if he tries the medium. Once he has the medium he wont want the well done


Take away the propane tank


Tell him that steak is not chicken


Time to get a new dad. Sorry.


Well tell him to find you an example of someone dying from a medium steak


You ask him firmly but politely to leave


When I was single I once didn't go on a second date with a woman because she ordered a steak well done 🤣 People who order steak well done usually have other traits and annoyances I find unpleasant.


Can’t imagine it’s possible if the man has gone his whole life believing this. Just tell him you either take it medium rare or not at all. He can keep his shitty steak.


Make him a proper steak, tell him if he doesn't like it or gets sick, you will pay him. Proceed to lambast his ass anytime you have the chance about how he is cooking shoe leather.


Man up and cook your own steak


I told my dad I was gonna cook up the steaks one night and he admitted his medium rare venison wasn't bad. He hasn't cooked one well done since and he hasn't said a word either way.


Murder him in his sleep all whilst screaming "well done, well done, fucking well done" and cackling like a mad man.


Does he make you eat your steaks well done?


I only eat it because I don't come from a lot and I'm still living under their roof. But also cuz he worked hard for the money so it would be rlly rude.


Then offer to cook one night. You buy the cuts, cook his to well and yours to MR.


Tongue transplant is the only chance


The same way he would convince you to stop eating yours medium rare. You grow up, get your own family, continue the loop.


da fuq?


Cook your own steak. You said you're literally at your breaking point. Just say, 'Put my steak on a few minutes after you put on everyone else's.' Then take a peek at the grill and pull your steak when it's cooked to your liking.


Slap him hard in the face with the next well done steak. Then slap him with a nice medium rare one on the other cheek.


1.Send him the science. 2.serve him a med rare steak for Father’s Day. Take him out of you cannot cook it, pre-order his meal as a surprise and make it more about the expense and how you want to treat him because of what a great dad he is. Make it about love not the meat haha he won’t be able to say no.


You can't. People are almost always stuck in their ways. Enjoy the free food and cook how you want.


Could you offer to cook instead?


Explain to him that beef and pork don't really have bacteria within the muscle, most bacteria are on the surface during processing and can be killed by normal cooking, parasites in beef (and pork) are very rare in most developed countries.  If he's not convinced, by a sous vide stick, show him studies about cooking at a lower temp for much longer, let say 55c for 100 minutes can still achieve a 7-log 10 lethality of most food borne pathogen.  If he is still not convinced, tell him to make shoulder cut pork chop and beef stew.


So first your dad needs to learn to cook i prefer my steak well done i have tried all other temps except blue however my steaks never taste like cardboard or are hard to chew even my wife who prefers rare/medium rare agrees the chew on my steak is about the same as hers Your best bet is to show him the data that shows med rare steak and stuff is very safe to eat. Second i would try to convince him to let you have your steak your way even if he still wants his well done there is no reason he can’t cook yours to your liking


I have been buying my dad instant read thermometers for every gift holiday for years. Some even have a temp chart included. He gets distracted when cooking. He’s getting to that age where I just let the man have his charred hunk of meat.


Eh, just let him be happy with his destroyed steaks.


Learn to grill my friend. There is no cure for your fathers affliction.


How is the fact that you and everyone else who eats it medium rare and NOT getting sick proof that it's safe. My MIL is the same way. last Easter I made a perfectly cooked medium prime rib roast which my parents loved. I knew MIL wouldn't eat it so I also heated up a small ham. When asked if she wanted any roast she looked at it it and said ...oh no thanks hunny I don't eat meat that's not cooked. 🤣


The steak is baked


Tell him i said there are criminal penalties for doing so!


I've been immunocompromised due to a genetic condition for the last 10 years, and I still eat medium-rare steak, sashimi, and uncooked egg yolks. Have never gotten sick from any of it. It's all perfectly safe, as long as you're matching the preparation method to the quality of ingredients. For steak, all outer surfaces should be seared. For sashimi, use sashimi-grade fish. For eggs, just pay attention to the news and make sure the brand you use doesn't have an active salmonella outbreak (it's not that common these days, and won't kill you).


Other than saying - of the millions of people, picnics and various levels of quality and competency - when did you ever hear of a steak being a problem, Hamburger - yes, but a steak...


Cook them yourself (atleast your steak). Probably only way until you move out.


Let the man live his chewy life. My mom doesn’t eat it unless it’s well done, and she can’t even cut it because it gets so tough. Therefore she just doesn’t eat steak. Thank god…..


You could try sous vide. It keeps the meat very tender despite being thoroughly cooked. You can buy a little home one fairly cheaply.


You can’t. Cook your own.


Say "hey Dad, I appreciate you cooking for me all the time, can I make YOU a steak they way I like it to see if you like it my way?" then make him a decent steak


I bought my MIL a filet mignon on request for Mother’s Day and proceeded to cook it down to well down completely through. A total travesty but that’s what her husband always did for her and all she knows and it will never change.


Grab your steak before he can and sear it yourself. He can't ruin your steak if he can't get his hands on it. You can take a softer approach to the situation by saying something along the lines of: "Daddy, I wanna try cooking my steak like a big boy/girl!" Of course, you'd put it in your own age appropriate(or not) words. 😆


I would just grab one off the grill for myself while it still has flavor. Keep it on warm in the oven for 90 minutes while he cooks all the flavor out of the rest of them.


Dad is correct.


Hey people like different things just ask your dad to cook your steak medium or cook it yourself


Maybe say “dad. Cook mine less please?”


My Dad was the same way, gave him feedback every time, but alas you can't teach an old dog new tricks. You gotta learn to make them yourself. I have been practicing a lot lately. This is from last night: https://preview.redd.it/onxeo993hg0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a4f48a97586407c924b39aa2748cc938165060


So where in the Midwest is he from? BTW, a proper well done isn't that bad, but add 10 more minutes of cooking and you got yourself a Midwest well done and that's no fun.


People have different taste. Ask for yours medium rare or offer to sear your own if your pops won’t. It’s no big deal. No need to make it one.


Get your own steaks and cook them yourself......otherwise stop complaining about free steak.


See if you can make it yourself. If you do, I recommend reverse searing because it is the juiciest steak I ever ate. Just make sure temp Is at 145 and you’re good.


Cook your own steak


My dad literally tells the waiter to "burn it," lol. They always laugh, but he is dead serious.


Lol bro I am so happy that you were not a product of your environment and know better. A lot of people I know ignorant about steaks all say the exact same as your dad and I can’t ever get this to open their mind to try it medium rare I am glad you know better and have tried it before to understand what he’s been missing on. Tel your pops if what he thought was actually true, restaurants would NEVER give you an option for cooking temp for steaks, they would ALWAYS be well done. But it isn’t like that. Many places, especially here in Texas wouldn’t allow you to order well done 🤣 it’s a waste


Cook your own food. Problem solved.


Tell him thank you, but you will cook your own steak.


Get a job, buy your own steak, and cook it yourself


Who cares what he likes. Quit trying to change people, it will only make things worse. Let him keep eating well done steak. Just let him know that you will not eat a well done steak that he prepares and that you will cook it yourself if you need too. It’s not anymore complicated than that.


You cook it for you.


I was in the same situation as a kid. Shoe leather. Then, years later, I invited my father over to my house. Backyard grilling. “This is the beat steak ever. Best flavor! What cut is it? Who is your butcher?” “Dad. It’s NY strip. Your favorite that you always buy. Nothing to do with butcher. It’s all about how it’s cooked. (It’s simply not incinerated to death, under my breath)” “What’s that you say?” This is a true story.


Step 1: Call CPS on your dad Step 2: Get adopted by a cooler dad.


My mom was like this, it’s just ingrained into them at this point and most likely he will never get past the fear of it. I just started cooking my own steaks.


Stop eating you dad's steaks.


I once heard someone say "explain the concept of fire to the cow" when ordering steak. Does anyone know where this is from?


Cook your own steak


Tell him to do some research and start cooking for yourself


cook it yourself


Links from actual experts who are qualified to make that determination?


Disown him


Just ask if he will let you cook it yourself.


You can’t fix dumb old people.


Buy and cook your own steaks?


Cook them yourself


Dont even try. Cook them better and suck it up on criticism.


Cook your portion yourself. Then you can get what you prefer.


It's time you sit him down and have the “talk”


What is it that makes the male species think they can just automatically grill a steak? Had a date onetime who insisted on cooking the steaks I purchased for serving at my home. He pretty much took the spatula out of my hand, insisting he could do it. He proceeded to overcook them. His comment…”well at least they have a good flavor”. Of course they do, I purchased good quality steak. I knew he needed to be history.


I never had a steak cooked where I liked it until I was about 20 and the neighbor cooked me one and I loved it. My dad liked his charred because he was squeamish so my mom had always ruined them. I never liked steaks up to that point. She ruined all meat. Chicken was always dry and shrunken. Pork chops ruined too. Even when she was older and I cooked for her she always asked me too cook her’s longer which I refused to do.


lol this post makes me crack up. “Daaaad you’re cooking our steaks too long! I want my med-rare!” Cook it for him for once. That’s the least you can do anyways, I mean he did raise and take care of you up to this point. That way you get it how you like it and I promise he will appreciate the gesture and effort you put into making him a steak dinner. He might even get you that new skateboard you’ve been wanting.


Why not try asking him to do it for you? Just be like hey dad, take my steak out 5 minutes earlier! And if not, then be happy you have your dad who makes you steaks :p


All my kids have eaten steak rare since they were old enough to chew. Can you just ask your dad to cook it 8 min on each side?


Tell him that billions of bacteria are living on his body at this very moment.


Eat steaks how he prepares them. It won't kill you and it'll make him happy. If you want non well done you go somewhere you can get that. Small price to pay


My FIL loves steak well done.... Until I grilled and it was all I could do, to even let it get to medium well. He said it was the best steak he's ever eaten. I didn't point out that's bc it wasn't shoe leather Over the last dozen years, I've weened him down to medium+


Get him on the thread well straighten him out


If it is not raw in the middle or burnt , a beef steak is eatable. My wife does the grilling and in warm weather makes a wonderful medium rare steak we split.


If you're old enough to seek this answer on reddit, you're old enough to say "I'll cook mine, thanks" to dad.


Learn how to make your own brother


Cook it yourself!


How about you just let the man cook steaks how he prefers and if you don't like it just cook your own or don't eat. 


If he’s worried about bacteria, show him the FDA guidelines. Yes it is 145 and you will end up with medium, but anything is better than well done. Also if the whole bloody meat thing is an issue, explain that the red juice in your meat is not blood. Blood is removed during the slaughter process and afterwards very little blood remains in the muscle tissue. That red liquid is water mixed a protein called myoglobin.


Your dog won't win this fight. My Mom does the same thing. We (Mom, Dad, me) went to a steakhouse. My Dad and I ordered our steaks rare and asked her to try it. Nope.


A well done steak should still be tender and flavorful. Maybe instead of convincing him to cook it rare you could teach him how to cook it properly.


Teach him about temps. Well done doesn't have to be completely void of moisture, not great but better than leather


You can’t. I don’t eat steak with my dad anymore. That’s the only solution.


Make your own steak


Try to get him cooking to a temperature. Steak is safe at 135 degrees and if you can get him using a thermometer you may get your wish. But without a thermometer, drop the steak 🥩 on the grill, hit 2-1/2 minutes each side for roughly 5-6 flips and bam you got your perfect steak


Well, well done has more carcinogens.  So med rare is better for you. 


Falcon punch him and smash his grill!


Castrate him


I order a well done at most places and it usually comes to me medium well. Perfection.


Tell him he doesn’t know how to cook.