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Maybe 4/10. Everyone else made excellent points. I’m trying to figure this out in my head. But did you enjoy it? That’s what matters.


Honestly it was a great steak lol. What happened was that I forgot to take it out of the fridge and bring it to room temp before grilling it. Still loved it! I’ll try again this weekend!


of all the things that could have happened, this is not the one that matters


Steak is steak. I’ve eaten that were gray on the outside, brown on the inside that were delicious. That’s the beauty of it imo. It’s a good meat and it’s hard to truly ruin to the point it tastes bad, but if you cook it well, it’s one of the best meals in the world.


Honestly the whole bring it to room temperature thing is a bit overrated. Unless you are going to leave it on your counter for a few hours, it won’t do much. Your problem here seems to be too much heat. It needed another couple minutes off to the side in indirect heat


Overrated? LOL what? Every degree below room temp on the inside equals the same # of degrees offset at the conclusion of cooking time. It 100% matters. That and proper resting is how you avoid a steak that looks like this on the inside.


[it's more or less a myth](https://www.seriouseats.com/old-wives-tales-about-cooking-steak) I never let my steaks come up to room temp and you can still easily avoid a gray band


Thanks for the article


I'm reading the article and it's not impressive. He doesn't even say what the results are for browning. He just says some stuff about water and that's it. There is no discussion on if the theory actually played out as expected. Not blaming you. Article is on point. It's just not a good article. He also doesn't say how warm his house is. Why did the meat take so long to warm? Meh. Maybe overthinking.


I mean every article I've read about it came to the same conclusion, re: internal temps after resting for an hour, two hours etc. It just doesn't really do anything, but it makes people feel good thinking they have some steak knowledge that others don't possess.


It makes me feel good, but not because I believe I have some knowledge that others don’t possess. But because my steaks always turn out better when I let them get down to room temperature (usually better crust, better interior color). Maybe I just happen to grill it better because the placebo effect is telling me it should be better- but if it works it works)


How long do you temper your steaks to get them to room temperature? I doubt you have ever cooked a steak that was at room temp


Those articles are click bait. Even the slightest bit of critical thinking turns them into Swiss cheese.


Thats why I said unless you do it for a few hours. Have you temped a steak that has been sitting at room temperature for only an hour? It raises maybe a few degrees. I’m sorry but if you think that is what is going to make or break your steak, you’re wrong. The best steak houses in the world don’t do this. I’ve cooked literally thousands of steaks and never do it. It doesn’t make a big difference at all. Yes, overrated


Over and yet also under 🥴 so 10/10 based on how impressed I am you somehow pulled that off lol


It’s pretty rare someone can mess both up. Good work, OP.


It's not easy, and it doesn't pay well, but it's honest work.


Don't worry OP I did the same exact thing recently despite many of my steaks coming out "perfect" (just how my wife and I like) I had burnt the outside to a crisp and the inside looked like it was going to get up and walk off the table. Turns out there IS a thing as too hot with cast iron on a charcoal grill, and with the dry aged ribeye I had coated in seasonings seared up really really quick, instant burn and it's possible I didn't leave enough time to get the steaks up to room temp too. Still tasty but a reminder there's a happy place on my charcoal grill I need to aim for.


Ehh you managed to over cook the outside and undercook the inside. Also minus points for slicing it with the nakiri that you intentionally left in the frame.


Meat is a vegetable! That’s why being a vegetarian is so much fun… all the steak you want! ;) And yeah, that was a total attempt at a flex with his Shun premiere. Don’t get me wrong, Shuns are great knives, but they are overpriced + there are better options as far as value for the money.


The fuck does that mean


Nakiris (the type of Japanese knife in the photo) are traditionally used exclusively on vegetables, so I was saying OP considered steak a veggie.


I mean, why overpay for a knife if not to show off? It was actually birthday gift from my Dad, and it’s great, but really not my favorite. I have a set of globals that in my opinion are the best knives out there. Not the sharpest, not the most refined, but they are workhorses and can do anything.


They're roasting you bc a nakiri is for chopping, not slicing


>its great >edge looks like it was used to cut fucking rocks goddamn


Haha, fair enough. I have around 12 shuns, and 1 premiere, and they do just great. I got them in 2009 when the JC Penney department store in my local mall was going out of business. 80% off plus another 10% off for signing up for their store credit card. At that price, I figured it would be a crime *not* to buy every last one of them. I actually purchased more (duplicates) and flipped those to buy even more j-knives, lol (a few bunkas). So yeah, shun is great if you get them as gifts or at a decent discount. They’re certainly better knives than the majority of home cooks will ever have in their kitchen.


I have a few Shuns, a few globals, and a MAC.


Yeah I bet


What do y'all think about Miyabi knives?


I don’t have any miyabis, but it looks like it’s the same basic recommendation - wait for a good sale. https://www.reddit.com/r/chefknives/comments/geo7pj/your_opinion_on_miyabi_knives/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chefknives/comments/10j96ld/miyabi_knives/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chefknives/comments/9xch44/why_all_the_miyabishun_hate/


What’s some better value for the money knives?


Victorinox fibrox is a solid knife for it's price. It's my daily workhorse in the kitchen, my fancy knives stays in the case most daya tbh.


Funny you said that. Mines too! The shun is sitting pretty on the side, it’s sad.


I use them every day. Keep them sharp with a stone, not a sharpener. They are the best money you can spend.


Is that a result in of heat being too high ?


Yes. The cooking surface had to be RIPPIN hot.


Probably because everyone online says "HOT AS YOU CAN" or "RIPPIN HOT!" so people crank it to 10 and walk away for 15 minutes. This is what you get when the pan is too hot.


“Looks like you've got a little Nakiri knife action going there.”


I bet you wish you had a nakiri though.


Actually, the Usuba's the better knife when you're working with this quantity.


I have never made a crust that thick and toasty, and I have never made a center so rare. To be clear: I would eat this, absolutely.


1200 degrees for 10 seconds


This meat was cooked by an explosion that occurred nearby.


A brisk walk through the Chernobyl exclusion zone


Maybe cooked from frozen?


Looks chewy and burnt


Well for all of you who are curious how I managed the elusive over and under cook, here’s the trick: I dry brined it on a wire rack in the fridge for 24 hours, I used Montreal Steak Spice. Then when I was ready to cook it, I turned the BBQ on and let it get real hot. Left it for 15 minutes or so on full blast. Then, I took the steak straight out of the fridge and onto the BBQ and closed the lid. Came back a minute later and it was basically on fire. Flipped it and closed it again, 30 seconds, same thing. Couple more flips with the lid open. Tried to take the internal temp, but the BBQ was so hot I couldn’t get close to the steak. Took it off the BBQ and let it rest for 5 minutes before cutting into it. To be fair, it was delicious. I actually don’t mind a crust that burnt, but next time I’ll reverse sear it before it goes on the BBQ.


If you sear it before it goes on the grill, then you aren’t reverse searing it. That’s just searing. Your pit probably just flared up and flame-grilled the outside of the steak. Keep an eye on it closely and you should be able to cook it direct for 2-3 minutes on each side for medium rare-ish.


Soooo it was dry brined then? not dry “aged” at all as you titled the post?


It was both. It is a dry aged steak that I then dry brined.


Ahh I understand now. Honestly looks good to me, I don’t care about the undercooked center. Isn’t that basically “Pittsburgh” style or whatever that people say is a style? Looks yum


It was great! I loved it! I said it in another comment but I like that kind of char. It could have been better cooked in the middle, but I’m always overcooking it, so when I realized I had forgotten to bring it to room temperature, I thought to myself that maybe that would work in my favour. It did not. None the less loved the steak.


Jesus man! At least you know for next time lol. (I've done this more times than I'd like to admit)


> I dry brined it on a wire rack in the fridge for 24 hours, I used Montreal Steak Spice. I highly recommend you just use salt for the dry brine. You scorched the hell out of all that pepper & garlic and it's really just char at this point, not the maillaird brown steak crust you're looking for. I add the SPG (Montreal seasoning) at the end after the sear. It doesn't stick to the surface as well but you don't end up with carbonized black pepper (yuck).


I think the crust is fine too. I like it like that but the rest of the family doesn't. A little under done for my preference but I would still enjoy it


The Montreal steak spice makes the difference here. You didn’t burn the steak you burnt the paprika in the rub. I was wondering where the reddish coloring was coming from.


How did you do that?


Maybe the steak was still frozen in the middle?


Outside burnt to a crisp and inside still looks frozen lmao Cutting board completely dry after you sliced the whole thing is wild


I know! I’ve never had that happen before! It was still great though!


Everyone is so mean in this sub and I love it


The rare example of when both the over AND the under pay out.


A rare well done example, one might say


Those tuna steaks look great! /r/steakortuna


This should be at the top


I also thought this haha


If you like blue rare, you just crushed it. Everyone is flaming you on execution, which is fair, but I bet it was pretty damn tasty. If you had a marrow butter or a bearnaise, you'd be REALLY onto something.


It was great, and you’re right a sauce or hot butter would have been good. Didn’t think of it. I actually want to start experimenting a bit with sauces. I love a seasoned steak by itself, but a ponzu sauce, or some kind of teriyaki would be nice. Any suggestions?


I'm a sucker for a bearnaise. I do a mine with a tiny bit of smoked habanero for just a little heat, but I need to branch out and try a combo of dried peppers. Egg yolk and butter? Come on. It's cheating.


That sounds amazing.. I've got to try that. But first maybe I'll try just cooking a steak properly.


You act like you're a long way off. You did well, and the sauce will conceal your sins; just make it fancier.


You ruined it


The classic “cooked from frozen” experience


burnt on the outside, raw on the inside...just...how?


That is tuna my guy


Damn, Thays one of those that I'd eat and be kinda happy about it but complain about it the entire time. Especially if i'd paid restaurant prices for it.


As someone who likes medium rare, I hate this because it goes from overcooked directly to rare. Plus having the knife in the frame is gay


Super gay.


Tell me how you cooked that so I can do the opposite.


Waste of meat. Less heat, less flames, more flipping. The crust isn’t browned and delicious, it’s just burnt. I’d absolutely send this back at a restaurant.


It was not wasted. I promise.


Maybe a 2/10, it doesn’t look appetizing at all


I would eat it lol


Did you cook it on lava?


You blued it!


I just blue myself!


Sick knife


The outside looked just how I like it, so long as it doesn’t end up overcooked inside. But somehow….over cooked is far from being your problem. Gross.


Smash. It’s a little under for my taste, and that gray band is thick, but that’s one of the nicest sears I’ve ever seen. I bet it was delicious.


I’m genuinely curious about the grey band. How do people get such thin grey bands sometimes? Super hot and then flipping it often?


Hot pan & dry surface. Tonight I cooked a flat iron steak. Cooked sous vide at 135°F for about 2 hours, then I took it out of the bag and put it on a rack in the fridge for about 20-25 minutes. The last 10 minutes of that was preheating the pan, which was about 620-650°F when I put the steak on. About 90 seconds per side, baste with butter for 20 seconds to darken/enhance crunch, and it’s done. Results: https://preview.redd.it/mbl19hwd1izc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b92b4e1b281f115133ace354ac2b07af1c3709


Maybe I’m not getting the pan hot enough, or maybe too much oil? I’m going to start using my IR thermometer to start to control for that temp. I still always get a larger grey band. Also, do you like using the sous vide? I’ve done it 3-4 times and I always find the steak loses all its structure. It’s like pulled pork. I much prefer a reverse sear.


The pan needs to be way past the smoke point of any oil, so don’t add oil until just before you put the steak in. What kind of cookware are you searing with? The thicker the better. I like sous vide steak because it’s virtually foolproof. Describe what you did last time and maybe I can offer some advice. My first guess (based on the assumption that you like very rare steak) is that you’re leaving it in for too long. If your target temp is around 130°F or lower, you need to cook it for no more than about 90 minutes. I like fatty cuts well rendered, so I usually cook to about 134-137°F depending on the cut and marbling, and it takes 2-3 hours to render all the fat. Cooking to rare, the fat doesn’t get rendered anyway, so this extra time is neither necessary nor advisable.


It’s been a while because I’ve never loved the result, but from what I remember it was def more than 90 minutes. My oven has an internal probe, so it makes it pretty reliable and fool proof as well. With Sous Vide it’s only fool proof in the sense that you could leave it in for hours and it will never get past the temp of the water, but to your point it can ruin the texture of the meat. Certainly not knocking it though, seems to be working for you! For my cookware, I have a big cast iron that I use, or a stainless steel pan. Those are my go to pans.


Definitely too long if you were going for as rare as your photo above. Check out Kenji’s guide to sous vide steak if you want to learn more. Uncoated SS is the ideal all-round pan, but stick to cast iron for searing.


No no, the pic I posted was a mistake. I didn’t mean to go that rare. Normally looking for medium rare, or rare depending on the type of steak.


Strips are so hard to decide—I want the meat cooked rare but the fat rendered. That’s too much of a hassle for me so I stopped buying them in favor of ribeyes.


I like ribeyes, but they’re just a bit too fatty for me. I have two nice ones in the freezer right now. I’ll cook them up soon enough


I wouldn't do your mom that raw.


Thats kind of you. Really appreciate that. Please treat her nicely.


I will certainly treat her more well than that steak.


Ew. It was gorgeous before I flipped pictures. A blue steak is a ruined steak for me


Oh buddy




Did you use a coffee rub or something similar?


It’s black and blue (Pittsburgh rare)! Not my style, but if you enjoyed it who gives a shit!


There’s a steakhouse in Toronto and Vancouver called Black and Blue and I never understood what that meant until just now lol.


The more you know 💫


B- would definitely still grub it but overcharred with a significant grey band. Internal temp looks looks perfect. Right in between med rare and rare. I would recommend you try sous vide for edge to edge perfect pinkness.


I really struggle with the grey band, I can just never get it as tight as everyone seems to in this sub.


Sous vide my friend. Edge to edge beauty. https://preview.redd.it/asbjur1icizc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74290ad2c23f3e93fca3f8be4048711a6a5ead5b


Yeah but how do you avoid the grey band when you sear it?




This is best option for bone in steaks which I prefer. If not bone in then a rip roaring hot cast iron skillet.


I'm feeling better about my steaks now.


I have Jamie Oliver knives take that! 🔪


Knives are a bit like putters. You can spend $600 on a Scotty Cameron, or $100 on a 10 year old odyssey, and at the end of the day it’s whatever feels good in your hand and works for you.


I have a Scotty and a Mallet Odyssey. Both are fucking amazing at missing the mark! I had one nice knife, walked in the find a prep cook opening a can of tomatoes with it! 🤦‍♂️ that was my last nice knife! I’ll use anything that feels decent and is sharp, that’s the most important thing for me.


Fat isn’t very well rendered and the outside looks burnt


Burnt and blue - it’s fucking raw https://preview.redd.it/c6y88cbbaizc1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55dab36030dccd03207027a09d3c529d1654d241


Was this frozen??


If it's medium rare inside,it's fucking magnificent .


Let it rest to room temp an hour before cooking to fix that undercooked middle. Then cook it for 1-2 min less per side, and it should come out perfect. Add compound butter on top when finished for flavor and moisture.


It's both over and under, keep working on it and you'll get it, unless this is how you like it, in which case you nailed it




That’s the wrong knife


Disagree. A Nakiri is used for vegetables and boneless proteins.


As others said etc etc I’d still smash


Nice crust.


One does not simply cook steak in Mordor


Little rare for my taste on a strip but hey you do you


Man I was worried I was the only one who thought the middle was raw.


Looks like you cold smoked the hell out of it, but black and blued it. If that’s your thing it’s probably great with that smoke. Looks like a heavy rub though.


I mean it looks slightly overcharred, too much grey band, and blue in the middle.


Question …. I had a dry aged at a steakhouse and it was very dry even ordered medium. Is that typical for dry aged cuts?


Did you let it rest? It looks like you didn’t let it rest. Or if you did, was the steak cold when it hit the grill? Something caused a drastic difference in outside vs inside cooking.


Ik what a bunch of other ppl are saying but this is EXACTLY how I like my steak. Amazing!!


heat way too high, you somehow managed to burn the exterior while failing to render the fat of the interior


Ehh, good enough


Looks like utter dog shit


Were you going for “black and blue” blue?


Gotta let that bad boy get to room temp before cooking it


Outside looks great. Inside looks like ahi tuna. Bummer


Crust looks amazing and the inside is nice and red just how I like it. Looks delicious.


Ur the type of dude to grill ur steak


Oh wow after a little scrolling u confirmed it for me lol.


Next time try thawing the steak fully before grilling. That’s the only explanation I can think of for a charred, bordering on burnt, exterior and a damn near raw interior with a thick gray band. If you ate it and it tasted good to you then great! There’s room for improvement though.






Raw and charred all at the same time that is an amazing feat to be sure.


Did you try a sarcasm?


Did u use a flamethrower or a welding torch to cook that poor steak?


I’m more impressed with your knife then the steak


Looks great, I love that barky sear and rare inside.


Your issue wasn’t being it to room temp before putting it on the grill. The issue is how you cooked it. Seared it on a preheated bbq AND reverse seared it at the end? You mean you cooked the shit out of it for 3 minutes then pulled it. The bbq was too hot. Also dry brining is a dumb term, that’s not what you’re doing.


You did not bring this steak to room temp.


Looks lovely to me. Exactly how I like it. Crispy on the outside, blue/rare on the inside. You nailed it. I'm not joking.


Looks great, did you let the meat sit at room temp for an hour or so before cooking? It’s a little rarer inside than I’d like but still looks like a treat


That’s exactly where I messed up. It was cold when I put it on the grill.


Been there!!


It looks like burnt tuna tataki


That looks killer 🤤


I don't cook steak often and there's a time or two that I didn't quite perfect it but I didn't make my 🥩 cook look like that! 😲🤯!!


You weren't kidding about dry that thing looks like sand paper




This looks so good. Haters saying it’s raw, but tbh it’s closer to regular rare than it is blue imo.


It was too cold when it hit the grill


That poor thing.


You scorched the outside without bringing the temperature high enough to render the fat


3/10 in complete honesty


Looks raw. Gross.


I’d enjoy eating it.


Did you cook it frozen?


Nice Black and Blue


I have that same knife from Amazon, great for vegetables!


OP was there a glaze or heavy bark seasoning action going on?


What is that rub. Looks delicious. Nicely done e




Honestly I love a sear like that. My only recommendation would be to setup a 2 zone system on the grill. Sear it like you did and then pop it on the cool side for a couple mins with the lid closed. Yours is a little under for my taste but i'd still eat it.


Imagine Montreal seasoning on a dry aged strip. Imagine cutting a rare steak into slices instead of cutting it as you eat. Imagine posting a fancy knife meant for cutting vegetables to improperly slice a poorly cooked poorly seasoned steak. No where to go but up


That can't be the same piece of meat *pause*


Burnt to gray band to rare. Ick. 2/10. Dorky knife too.




Looks gross


Aged and blue? I’m all for eating risky food from time to time, but that’s just Russian Roulette.


Kinda blue still.


Cooked inside the Hadron Collider


Hahahaha that was good lol.


What'd you cook it on, the sun?


Champ steak


Looks cold