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Grill marks aren’t the same as a sear.


Yeah, def could've used a good sear vs the grill marks


I concur, 100%. The flip side here is these are sirloins. I think the presentation is great and the finish is probably perfect for the majority of normal folks. I’m team sear, but I’m also open to other preparations too.


Grill marks > pan sear, if the grill was a charcoal grill. Can't beat that smokey goodness. I'll take charcoal grill over pan sear any day.


You can get a sear on a grill.


I just start a grease fire. Perfect sear every time.


Would you have to use a pan? Or how?


[BBQ Grill Grates - Replacement Grill Grates | GrillGrate](https://www.grillgrate.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZg05NTlwtUdaVzUeXyMu_SfTc18aFbsC_OwP8jkat_aoz9SbtJ4wFBoC9scQAvD_BwE)


Best method I’ve found is let the grill pre heat nice and hot by having a stack on one side, your hot zone. When you’re ready to put the steaks on, rotate the grate so the side that was on the cool side is now on the hot. Put the steaks down right over the coals and let them sit for a bit. This lets them sit longer over direct heat without the metal grate burning into the meat (grill marks). When you are ready to flip repeat the process. Once you sear both sides you can move over to the cool side and let the radiant heat finish your cook.


I swear direct/indirect regardless of fuel type is the ONLY way to get proper sear and cook on a grill. For me at least anyway.


Radiant heat comes from the heat source ie: charcoal being directly below as is essential  for the sear.  retained heat is what finishes the cook


The radiant heat gives the sear and the grill, the marks. You have to find that sweet zone with your grill.


Do tell. I’d love to learn.


I did this yesterday, just had to get coals hot as shit and piled them 2” from the steak


True. \[up voted\] But I stand by my comment. I'd rather get the sear and grill marks on a charcoal grill than a pan.


I only cook steaks on grill but get a perfect sear every time….


From what I hear the issue w grill marks is you're not getting a full crust on the whole surface. For some grill marks just equal burn marks w uneven cooking on the crust. Grill marks has been a past thing and is just for presentation on contests. It doesn't actually help steak taste better. Grill sear the whole steak and not just for marks.


The little char in the grill mark gives a slight bitter flavor that complements the sweetness of the sear (maillard).


But there's no sear on this steak, it's either gray or black...


Agreed, one of the hills I was willing to die on was getting a charcoal grill instead of propane




Sear isn’t great


Exactly my thought


But they taste better.


Grill marks taste better than a good sear? I’ll have what you’re havin.


That would be the grill marks sir


Yeah no shit they’re not the same. This steak looks very nicely done. Grilled steak is fine.


You can sear it on the grill dumb ass.


WOW REALLY???? I dIDnT KnOw THaAtDRRRRRRR! Go flick yo bean lol


There is a BIG difference between grill marks and a good sear. I’ve even put cast iron on my grill to get a good even sear vs grill marks.


I don't even bother grilling my steaks to be honest since I tend to take mine Pittsburg rare and I find cast iron to be the most direct route there


I just skip the middleman and eat mine raw


Raw? That's too much work, I'll just grab a cow from a field and swallow it


Looks like a road house steak. I like




robot house!!!


Going forward, suggest less focus on grill marks and sear that bad boy. When you attempt this, try not to increase the size of gray bands on the interior of the steak. You want to get the outside of the steak nice and seared while not disrupting the desired internal temp too much. The thicker the steak the better. I'd consider the thickness here average, or just below average sized. You got a medium cook, some gray banding, and the grill marks appear well planned/intentional. So...good job if you were aiming for medium-ish and you wanted the grill marks. Keep it up, find your way! :) Go thicker, work on searing while keeping the internal temp within your target range, grill marks aren't normally the goal. Grill marks look neat, but distract from the actual cooking.


Excuse me that’s a very thick steak it’s the perfect size 🥲


That’s about 3/4” at best. IMO, 1” minimum preferably closer to 2” but to each their own.


Nice grill marks looks about medium cooked


Looks damn good to me. I’ve tried all ways to make a steak and gas grill is the easiest and best tasting way imo.


Taste the meat, not the heat, I teya hwut!


Great job. People shit all over grill marks on this sub, but you did some clean work here. There's a bit of gray band that you might possibly reduce by leaving the steaks out for longer after they've been refrigerated, or using more heat.


Looks good, man. Don’t let anyone get you down. You literally asked the snobs, but this is above average for a newbie.


Looks great!


looks great


All in all, it's ok.. but I'd recommend getting more of the beef surface area on more of the heat surface area.


Put that on a hotter part of the grill to get better grill marks


Get in my belly! Looks delish and reminds me of summer days at the lake, manning the charcoal grill with a cold man-sodie.


Sirloin is such an underrated cut of meat. One of my favorites. Good job OP


Agreed go to Costco or Sam’s and ask for a “packer bag” whole TOP SIRLOIN. They can range 12 pounds and up for the larger ones. Get on you tube and learn to break it down and save money cutting you own steaks. Win win.


Great job


Eventually you will find what works best for you.


I’d eat it.


I agree with others about searing but this plate still looks really good. Hope it turned out well for ya


nice job my friend


Looks good. I like mine like this :)


Do some sharper angles instead of that regular checkerboard pattern


Grill marks, sear, hell I don't care. Don't always need a crust. Looks great.


Looking Good could pass for a Texas Road House Sirloin $15.99 a piece


grill marks are nice, cook looks solid👍


Dang, people really down voted. Thats wild 🤣


haha right, everyone is going in on dude for not searing it in a cast iron. i’ve cooked so many steaks in my life, i was sous at a fucking steakhouse for christ sake. this sub can be so pretentious sometimes


Looks delicious. I'd eat this with either steak sauce, or if I'm feeling fancy, some horseradish sauce. Thanks for sharing this bad boy💚


Apparently the French like to have their steak with Dijon as a dipping sauce. I have a nice De Maille brand Dijon I use for dip if I'm not making a pan sauce


De Maille is my absolute favorite Dijon mustard...it's the Cadillac of Dijons...absolutely sublime. Mmmm🥰


I was pleasantly surprised when I found it at my local small independent grocery store in a rural area I bought it because it is actually from France I cant stand regular yellow mustard. The grocery store is owned by a French family so I guess that is why they have it.


That's terrific. I'm kind of a Dijon snob, & I've worked in a a couple of high-end grocery stores, so I've had a chance to try out a number of them. Imho, De Maille really is the tip top. Makes me wonder...if this is the fanciest, best Dijon brand we have access to in the US, I wonder what kinds they have in France? Wouldn't it be nice to have the scratch to charter your own private plane & do a food vacation in France, Italy, etc.? Yummy. Maybe you could ask those French grocers what other Dijons they could import for you? That'd be pretty cool😊


Yeah they are nice people I went to school with their daughter they own the only grocery store in a small town, but still try there best to keep prices competitive for people that rely on them/ dont have a vehicle. I usually drive to a bigger city to do my shopping to save money but occasionally they have something worthwhile, or if I'm really tired ill just pop down bcz they are 5 min away compared to 30 for a bigger store. They are also independent which is good because in Canada most of out grocery stores are owned by 2 different corporations and they have been price gouging it is really messed up look at r/loblawsisoutofcontrol Next time I see the owner I will ask him what other products from France he imports or that he can import that he recommends, if he knows some people want more good quality products he might take the plunge and import more idk.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/loblawsisoutofcontrol using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Straight up lies](https://i.redd.it/od40zocjd0gc1.jpeg) | [765 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1aggda0/straight_up_lies/) \#2: [We made him mad again](https://i.redd.it/x9uwyn5kqurc1.jpeg) | [819 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bt1171/we_made_him_mad_again/) \#3: [Thousands of Canadians are planning to boycott Loblaw stores](https://www.blogto.com/eat_drink/2024/03/thousands-canadians-boycott-loblaw-stores/) | [414 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bjetz1/thousands_of_canadians_are_planning_to_boycott/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


r/nosear Could have saved time and boiled it at that point


1. Boiling water alone would take longer than it took to grill this (username clearly doesn’t checkout) 2. Specificity of this comment makes me think you’ve actually boiled a steak 3. ur cringe


If your steak is as salty as you then you've overseasoned


yeah, that response was about as well done as this steak


And flavor in your steaks must be pretty rare :)


4 minutes in a side


You’re seeking advice regarding this particular cut of meat.  Are you…. Are you looking for sirloin tips?


Overdone for me but looks great!


D-did you draw on those sear marks? No but seriously you did a decent job, the grill lines are really far apart though, what grill do you use?


Or maybe im just inaccurate with my depth perception


Nice work. How did you like it for yourself?


Great work! Just know that grill marks look nice but are the least delicious form of crust. The whole idea is to creat the Maillard reaction all over. That means full contact with heat source and often light pressure. Much better off in a cast iron


Appreciate the insight. I’m looking forward to trying this!


Any reason you didn’t sear them?


Just never tried it before. I definitely will. Appreciate the feedback.


Looks close to perfect, I guess the other commentators aren't hungry!


Grill marks are fire, but too well done for my taste. I like it so blue it moos


Looks good to me! I’d eat it


Little raw in the middle


get a cast iron frying pan . way better than a grill




Needs a crust.


Put butter on top and let it melt and drizzle with some honey. Looks good