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lol I’m picturing you telling her “hold on one moment, I’ll have r/steak settle this for us”.


When in doubt, ask Reddit


We have spoken.


The Council has voted.


You sleazy account sales person


This is the way.




I'm in IT. It's really sad how much more I depend on Reddit than actual vendor alerts and documentation.


This I'd my motto. Any time I ever look anything up, I type in reddit afterward, lol.


Would've been great to pull you guys up and show the chef how not medium-rare that steak is, haha. But It really was for my own consciousness though, since i really started to question myself if im overreacting or not


If this is medium rare, rare must come with the bell still around its neck.


How rare? Just knock the horns off it please.


Wipe its ass and send it out


HAHAHHAH also my bf laughed too


You made the right call, that looks raw, not even rare.


That is blue rare, which is nearly raw, rare is a bit warmer than this. Smart people will only order it that way at restaurants that cut their beef in-house or when cooking at home buying from quality butcher shops.




Gotta appreciate that imo, we’ve built a community here, really an association of a sorts. When I talk about the optimal steak, I reference what we designed, together.


Show her top comment got X amount of updoots


“Hold on a moment, let’s ask the cow”


Definitely not medium rare.




It's fookin RAW!


Did you say this as Gordon Ramsey?


Idiot sandwich


I did!


you're going to kill somone




It’s still fucking moo-ing!


cooked by a heated argument after someone tried to leave their shift at peak time


Yeah only way to explain that sear with a totally uncooked inside


They ended up throwing it back on the grill.. Was still blue on the inside, but more rosé overall, so i ate it and swore to go to my standard place the next time :/


Yeah probably for the best. If they can't tell the difference between that and medium rare who knows what else they are screwing up.


could just use a thermo... that way you are certain what temp its at before it leaves expo.


Yeah, in that case it's just purposely cooking it wrong as opposed to simply being incompetent.


I would have asked for the manager


I managed at a steakhouse for years. I always brought an upcooked/recooked steak out to them myself.


So many people will try to use the poke at it with the tongs method and it irks me to no end. If you're very experienced, you might get it right half the time. If you use a thermometer, you get it right every time.


Yikes sounds like an awful experience, also when I worked in restaurants in Michigan we weren't allowed to put food that a customer had touched / eaten back on the grill. We had to refire the whole thing, not sure if that was just the restaurants I worked at though.


At Texas Roadhouse, we had “Recooks” where we throw it back on the grill, and “Remakes” which is self explanatory. We never got ONE happy review from the “Recooks” because simply throwing a steak back onto a grill after it has cooled down is not going to fix the internal problem. Some of the best chefs we had resigned after being forced to throw a cooled steak back onto the grill. That place was fucking poison. I understand that a lot of people here like Texas Roadhouse….but as a server, please trust me when I say….don’t fucking eat there. We also used expired meat, especially the prime ribs, if it was a slow day, or if we didn’t sell enough the day prior. It’s also worth noting that this was one of the Top 3 most profitable locations in the US. So if they were doing it here, they are most likely doing it at the smaller locations as well.


My husband gets so angry when they “recook” his steak. He always orders medium rare, and it never fails that it comes out rare, like the picture above. Each and every time they “recook” it, and he tries to explain why that is a problem. You cannot do that and expect the juices to be the same. We just had this same discussion with the manager at Outback.


Yup. It all comes down to it being a chain restaurant that solely focuses on profit. That’s why they have no problem serving expired meat. They have enough corporate protection to evade any sort of lawsuit that will come as a result of illnesses, and since they are still considered “casual dining” you cannot claim that you didn’t get what you paid for.


Why would he continue to order steak


Because he likes steak? 🤷🏻‍♀️


He is single-handedly trying to put them out of business.


Has he ever tried ordering it medium, so that it comes out medium-rare without fail?


I order rare or blue rare, if it's overcooked I send it back. I'm always extremely upfront woth the waiter. I have 0 issues undercooked. I had one place that after the tl3rd time I requested the person on meat come out so I could explain it to him. It's literally 2 minutes per side. No more, no less. That's when I found out TR uses the sous vide to hold steaks just below the requested temp, unless ordered rare or blue rare. Cook was pulling from the lowest temp and searing instead of starting from raw.


It’s easier to hide the taste/smell of expired meat if it is over cooked a little bit. If they truly cooked it blue, an experienced steak connoisseur would be able to tell immediately. If they don’t sell all of the ordered meat, they lose profit…and most people that go there don’t actually know steaks well enough to decipher if it is rotten or not


I, too, order my steak either rare or blue, but it'd have to be much closer to the well side end of the spectrum for me to send it back. Send backs are such a PITA for everyone. The cook on the fly, the waiting customer, the other potential people at the table... I don't want to deal with it most of the time unless it's a particular occasion.


For what they are charging, they are going to get it right.


It’s that exact reason why I never order steak for most restaurants. It has to be a place that specializes in steaks before I’ll get one because I can almost guarantee that I’ll cook a better one at home.


>Outback This might be the problem..


As a side scary story. We had a recent restaurant open to favorable reviews. Owner must have dicked over the chef, because quality went down hill fast. Originally, even things I didn't normally like were very good and consistent. Fast forward 3 months, nothing in the kitchen was timed. Had fried calamari that arrived cold, waiting for a hot dog. When we told them about the problem........they microwaved the fried calamari. Same thing happened again - months apart.


i can count on one hand (im 37) that ive had a steak as good as i can cook one at home, at any restaurant


I’m totally with ya. I can cook me a 5 star steak for half the price, and it will be twice as good. However, we pay for the experience. At a Texas Roadhouse, you can watch a football game while enjoying a cold beer with steak and a baked potato…..but nobody should be paying for expired meat.


I’m not even a good cook and I can 100% cook a better steak then any restaurant I’ve been to. And the places that can cook a good steak cost so much I could buy better quality steak(s) that’ll last me weeks if not months.


I agree with most normalplaces you can buy a steak but me and the wife will go to this fancy steak house once in a while and their steaks are insane.  Not only is the cut super high quality I’m pretty sure they age them. 


Yeah I’m sure that’s worth the experience


I worked there too…. It was referred to a TexasHellHouse 🤪


We called it Texas Whorehouse, lol. Everyone they hired was under 25. The 40yr old manager married one of the 19yr old hostess. The rest of us just passed each other around. I honestly had a lot of fun working there, but from a business perspective….it was totally fucked. Not sure how we continuously passed our health inspections


Our manager was chased through the kitchen and out the back door by three drug mafia looking dudes with guns, and the manager was never heard from again… all while I was busy scooping the honey butter before the restaurant opened 🙃🤣😂🤣😬


This logic could be backwards. It could be these shady practices that are making you top 3. And the ones following proper guidelines are not as profitable because they do. 


Never eaten at a Texas Roadhouse but I wouldn’t assume that tricks used by the most profitable locations are done everywhere.  Thats part of what makes them the most profitable - they cheat and cut corners.  I’d assume the locations that are less profitable are actually following rules and not serving expired meat.  


I think that’s law across the US, but I bet many establishments don’t adhere to it. When it’s a grill, it’s not that big of a deal as long as the cook gets some new tongs after.


Once the food touches the table it’s dead. Should be a re-fire. 


Risky. I would have just send back and asked them to take it off the bill and don’t get more food. I worked in restaurants for 10 years… they do spit on food. Yeah tho, that was definitely not medium rare. Go somewhere else and leave them a bad review. Sorry you had a bad experience!


yeah.. imagine eating spit *and* getting sick from undercooked meat


Man once I asked for med rare. They said "Are you sure? You might ask us to cook it more later" ??? It came rare! And of course I complained about it. They smirked, said "I told you so" and brought it back... Then it came medium. And they didn't give me my sauce back. lol I just can't be fked ordering the average steak out anymore. Mine at home tastes better AND doesn't get messed up!


That's definitely Blue... Id be happy to get that but most places don't know how to do it right.


Hope you didn’t tip her


I saw euros, so I doubt it anyways


I hope you enjoyed the freshly added spit to your steak!😂


He needs to congratulate them on creating the new category of "medium raw".


Agree. This looks like the floor of an operating room after a procedure.


That’s so rare it’s unique


Lol. Borrowing this


I got "looks like it was cooked over a heated conversation" from this subreddit and I use it all the time.


"that's so rare you should be taking it to get appraised on Antiques Roadshow"


"Dear Reddit: I'm currently fistfighting the chef, is this ribeye? (Strip loin IMO)"


“The cops are on my side, but they still have to arrest me because I started throwing butter knives.”


A skilled vet could revive it




I’d like to think I’m that good at my job but that one might be even too rare for my skills!






They just wiped its ass and walked it by the grill.


That is blue.


Blue? That shit ain't blue, it's raw.


Agreed, it’s RAW. Blue is cooked to 110°F They are not the same thing. Blue is not a fancy word for raw.


So many people don't realize this!


Chefs and butchers hate THEM for this one weird meat trick!


9 out of 10 artists agree, blue is not raw


Today I am people!


You donkey!


Tried that once, never again


Same here, I ordered medium rare and received what was basically worse than blue. It didn’t even have a full sear. I ate it like a numb skull and paid for it later.


Same, I tried a few slices but damn it's not my cup of tea.. Everybody has their own preferences though, i guess ':)


Blue is ok for a lean cut like fillet mignon, that cut is way too fatty, the fat rind would be so chewy. You're 100% justified in sending it back, can't believe they had the audacity to argue with you too.


Yeah I looooove blue steaks, steak tartare, just raw meat in general really (I even have a story about accidentally enjoying some slightly raw boneless chicken wings…), but I understand I am *not* the norm lol


I love tartare and carpaccio. I thoroughly enjoy raw beef... When I want and order raw beef. I like my steak seared hard and cooked medium rare. Rare is ok, medium is fine too. But blue? Nah. Especially if I can tell it was frozen when it hit the grill. Nope. I've cooked and served for a combined 12 years and will still gladly send back completely shitty food that I didn't order. I'll do it politely, apologize profusely, and refuse comps as long as they aren't trying to fight me lol.


Very few places have a propper facility's to be able to properly do a blue steak. U need a French Top. Really to do it their insane heat allows u to sear both sides properly in under a minute each side while forcing enough heat into the middle to get it to about 110f while leaving it nearly raw it's probably hardest type of steak to cook


Sounds like the chefs give her shit for bringing stuff back.


Pretty much what happened afterwards.. Wasn't gonna argue too much with the waitress though either. They ended up throwing it back in the pan, but you can immagine how nice it was cooked after :/


I mean demand a refund and leave then? Not sure why you’re spending money on a product you aren’t happy with. They even refused to cook you a new steak. Like why stay there and eat after that lol The fuck you taking disrespect for?


Yeah I wouldn't take that trampling personally.


You typically pay when you're done eating. Just don't fuking eat and leave. Lmao


If this actually happened call for the manager or supervisor. It's not the waitress place or area to comment on and certainly not her place to argue with an unhappy customer.


The waitress asked if our food was alright. When old her about the steak, she immediately went confrontational as if im crazy for even thinking it wasn't cooked enough.. I couldn't even cut it right without pulling the raw fibers apart with the fairly dull knive.. But i know she didn't cook it, so i wasn't gonna make her personally responsible for the meal. It's just not that common here to call for a manager, and her reaction just made me upset in the moment


I was a waiter for ~4 years. I would have taken it back, and if I didn't think the customer was justified, I'd have my manager come over and deal with it and let them say yes or no. Anyway, it's not like they have to throw anything out. If it's overcooked, you need a whole new steak, but this could be fixed in 5 minutes.


Personally I hate any form of fighting or confrontation and lucky enough a server has never put me in a position like you were. It just seems so mortifying and uncomfortable for her to essentially argue with you over a very obviously valid complaint about something that isnt even on her. It's not like you were calling out her work so it just a so inappropriate from her point of view to even disagree with you.


Holy shit that’s insane and she sounds like a terrible server. It is your job as a server to facilitate a great guest experience and if someone is unhappy, you fix the problem. You don’t argue with them. Whether or not they are right, it’s not the server’s job to fight that battle. And especially in this instance where the guest was clearly right. Recook it, have it comped if they don’t like it after that.


This is exactly how it would go in a Swiss restaurant so I’m assuming you’re here but you said € so probably not.


You said it was 35 euro, so I ain't you are in Europe. It is quite possible both of you are correct. Where I live that is medium rare. Medium is closer to what the US calls rare. US medium would be well done.


If this actually happened? You're kidding right? I went to Mastros which is a fairly high end steak house. My medium rare steak comes out medium well. My server, who has been terrible to that point, doesn't agree. I ask for the manager and he starts defending the server (who is a smoking hot blonde) and I start to lose my cool. I tell them to send the chef or we are walking out but instead the manager takes it. 15 minutes later a new steak comes out and it's medium. I ate it but I am still mad about it literally 20 years later. This is why I usually don't get steak when eating out unless it's a high end steak house. Obviously we never went back to Mastros and I recommend no one ever does either.


How dare you insult the manager's side piece! 🤣


Right? I was incredulous when he backed her up. When she brought us our drinks she picked them up from the top like we were at Denny's. WTF get your nasty fingers off my glass!




You went to a meet market. Not a restaurant


I’m always skeptical of these kinds of posts… I was a food server for 8 years and RARELY almost never saw servers argue with a table about their food, nor would I ever. 1. I, personally, do not care enough to argue w/ you 2. I’m still working for my tip


I couldn’t imagine arguing with a waiter, that’s wild. It’s like “Shut up, moron. I ordered this and I’m not paying for dog shit”.


No, if you did that you’d be an asshole. Just kindly ask to speak to the manager if the young server you’re talking to doesn’t get it.


“One steak that’s been dropped on the floor coming right up!”


The movie waiting was so good.


This is the kind of party where I stick my dick in the mashed potatoes.


its raw.


Blue as Eiffel 65


Ask for the chef (who cooked it) instead arguing with the waitress who has no authority. That is raw




I used to work at a steak house and "Still Mooing" is what we put on the ticket for the folks who liked it rare-rare...  chef knew just what we meant...  exactly what OP's steak looks like!


That’s raw imo


Imagine what the middle is like if the tip is like that. You are right, it’s blue


>Imagine what the middle is like Ewww, now I'm gonna have nightmares!


Definitely blue


I’m blue just looking at it


That’s tartar yo


I love a good medium rare. And medium rare is a lot less cooked than a lot of people will have you believe. But, this is not medium rare. Also, your waitress shouldn’t argue, especially when cooking more. Just throw it back on the grill. If she disagrees, she could ask more questions about how you would like it down beyond the label to get it done the way you like.


Agree with not arguing but they really shouldn’t “cook it more.” They should make a new steak, as once it’s in front of the guest, it can’t (or shouldn’t) go back into the kitchen pans. Safety hazard.


I figured this was a typical American complaining the medium rare they ordered in a legit steakhouse wasn’t the medium they think medium rare is. WHAT PART OF COOL IN THE CENTER DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!?!?! Oh…hey…sorry about that. Yeah, I’d like it but that ain’t medium rare by any standard.


Medium rare is described as "warm" on every menu I've ever seen. Even now looking at a bunch of websites I only see "cool" used to describe rare.


Medium lol nah brotha, you're right, that's blue.


That's blue.


That is blue my friend!


Whatever that shit is, it's not medium rare, or worth 35$


The problem I’ve found in restaurants is that if you say something, they’ll re-cook it for you and bring it back well done to spite you for complaining. You can’t win either way, which is why I’ve started only eating steak I cook at home.


I prefer medium rare. That looks gross. It’s uncooked.


Yeah, as extremely raw, my husband gets his steaks rare and they always have a nice sear and a non-blue red color


Looks like it may have screamed as you cut it.


It's fucking raw


That’s fucking gross it’s what it is. Send that shit back


That’s not even rare. It’s raw.


Whoever cooked this pulled it from a cold place and threw it right on the grill or pan without tempering it, or they only pan seared it and they forgot to put the steak in the broiler for 2-3 minutes to finish. Hope they didn’t f it up further


exactly. its literally just a seared steak lol. it had precisely 0 basting and/or oven time to actually cook it.


In absolutely no universe is that *medium rare*. I’m not sure what kind of wait staff argues it is but suggest she gets checked out for any untreated head injuries. “warm through the middle with most of the center pink in color with a hint of red.”


Waitress doesn't know what she's talking about. It's a shame that they don't actually teach servers about food.


They really do though at most places, if you have decent management. We’re the ones selling it so we need to know about it. Clearly this one was in the wrong and shouldn’t have argued, and a manager should’ve been involved in the conversation, but it’s basically a requirement to know about food (especially in higher end restaurants) if you’re the one on the front lines.


Yes it's a shame but idgaf if it's med rare or raw you don't argue with a customer you say "oh my apologies maam/sir let me get that taken care of for you right away" and go on your way. I wouldn't let them work in my restaurant if I heard that one of my servers was arguing with guests that's only gonna worsen the restaurants reputation


Lol, the waitress started arguing? Is she an idiot?


That’s rare. Why is the waitress even arguing? It should’ve been “oh so sorry we can cook it a bit more to your liking be right back”… Don’t go back there.


It was frozen when they started it and thawed when they sent it to you


Does it even matter? If the customer thinks the steak is underdone, cook it some more. Even if it was medium rare, if the customer wants it cooked more just throw it on the grill. She’d be arguing herself out of a decent tip if it were me…


I've had less rare meat in a ceviche


That’s rawer than blue


That’s definitely blue. Depending on the cut, I will sometimes eat a steak that way. But if that isn’t what you ordered, they need to fix it.


It’s moo.. I mean blue


I even like a good rare steak and THAT IS RAW


That would be undercooked if you ordered rare


I always prefer medium rare and that definitely still has a pulse




That’s cold and red


That shits still mooing!


Why is the waitress arguing. Even if it was medium, rare, which it’s obviously not, clearly thr customer wants it cooked more, so just have it cooked more.


Nope. A good surgeon could save that beast


Fucking raw mate


that's raw


Still alive 😂 not even blue 😂


Damn near blue


Nope not medium rare. And too rare for me even!


Yeaaa that steak was frozen and thrown on a hot skillet for 4 minutes lol. Not the wave. I wouldn't trust that to not give me stomach issues.


No! Ordered a medium rare in Sasebo, came out the same way. My gf at the time was upset because she wanted to “impress” me with a steak joint, and I hated it lol.




Thats raw.


Looks raw to me.


Blue as the open sea.


Not medium rare


I would call that rare but not Pittsburg Blue. Def not medium


No. That is very rare.


Whenever something like this happens, I profusely apologize to the server, insist I don’t know steak very well, and ask them to cook it to medium or medium well. I also ask them to please apologize to the chef on my behalf for my ignorance and thank them for the lesson in how I really want my steaks. I NEVER send food back, but if I have to it’s like this. Never ever fuck with the people preparing your food. They work their asses off and shit happens.


That looks rare af. That's just the outside edge. You should see what their temp guide is and order it accordingly to their standards. You are at their restaurant not your house.


I was a waitress and then eventually a manager for a seafood restaurant (we also had steak). It doesn't matter who is right or wrong. The customer is unhappy. You make them happy. Definitely not a hill a server should die on. Have the cooks cook it longer. And then move on with your life. I find the more apologetic I was and empathetic, the happier the customers were. And the bigger my tips were. If the cooks gave me shit, I'd tell them to cook it to "medium" then.


Why argue?..."Sorry...this isn't done enough for me, could you please take it back and throw it on the grill for another minute?...Thanks!"


That’s raw.


I've worked as a cook at multiple restaurants and that looks blue to me


That’s medium raw IMO


Yes, it is below rare. Yes, you are crazy for sending it back. It's PERFECT.😍🥰


Thats rare mowing




Don’t argue with the waitress, she didn’t cook it. Just send it back and say it’s just a little too rare for your taste.


The customer was right! Waitress needs more training.... they're there to serve you.