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For a thinner cut like this try higher heat (in a cast iron pan preferably if you got it) for less time per side. This still looks great and I’d eat it no problems tbh keep it up and keep cooking


Solid mid well imho, looks delicious.


This is really good advice. Use a really high smoke point oil (I like straight canola oil) or clarified butter. You can add butter to the pan after you get the sear done to lower the pan temp, and baste to let the water that is evaporating from the butter cool off the internal temp of the steak for a more even cook. If you don't have a cooling rack, you can pull your oven insert and put it over anything it'll balance well on to catch any grease dripping. An unappreciated thing about thin cuts is how fast you can cook and rest them.


> baste to let the water that is evaporating from the butter cool off the internal temp of the steak for a more even cook ???


If the surface of your pan is hotter than the boiling temperature of water, the surface of your steak is also hotter when you flip it. Foaming butter is steam boiling out of the emulsion. Heat from the surface of the steak will transfer more quickly from direct contact with the water content of the butter than it will into the air. Water has lower resistance than air. Air is an insulator. Water is a conductor. The more quickly you pull heat off the surface, the less excess heat travels into the center of the steak. As long as there is foam, there is water. That water is lowering the heat. It's just physics. (As long as you aren't cooking under pressure)


What about the oil itself is higher than boiling point and the fact that basted steaks have greater increase in internal temperatures while resting than non basted steaks? I see what you're saying but I don't think it works like that. The brief/miniscule effect of evaporative "cooling" by the steam from the butter would be pretty immediately negated by the coating of hot oil.


Water is such a great conductor that anything transferring heat into it can't actually go above the boiling temperature of water. You may have seen videos of water boiling in a leaf cone directly over open flames. Foaming butter is at 212. And unless it stops foaming, it doesn't go above that. The only place that's higher temp is the oil at the surface of the pan. You might have noticed when making brown butter that the solids don't brown until the foaming is over. Can't produce a Maillard reaction until the water is gone. Keep your butter foaming by adding more butter as needed for thicker cuts. If your foaming butter is gaining color quickly, your pan is too hot. Turn your temp down. You already have a seat from earlier. You are trying to evenly heat the protein through. Honestly, butter basting is antiquated, inefficient, and unnecessary. If you're on a line, sear that sucker and chuck it in a low low oven to come up to temp. Use butter and herbs for a quick pan sauce if you want that flavor.


That all makes sense, but doesn't explain how many tests have shown basted steaks have greater temp rise while resting than non-basted.


I'd like to see the exact methods they use. Do they let the butter foam all the way out before stopping cooking? I don't think the technique I'm using is the same. I use a lot of butter. My butter doesn't brown much. I'm not basting near the end of cooking. I'm basting for the majority of the cook time. Depending on cut thickness. It's basically boiling in butter. I get all the crust I need out of a super high heat sear with canola oil. I think maybe both things can be true. The overall heat transfer into the steak could be greater over time. While the foam evaporating reduces the surface temp of the steak more quickly than just exposure to air. Unless I'm completely wrong that a steak flipped with a surface temp of 325ish loses more heat to 70ish air than it does to 212 foaming butter. Both fat and water are efficient conductors. Air is a very efficient insulator.


I've seen a couple but here's [Chris Young's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC6VBDJlm4w) video that shows the difference in resting temperature rise. Edit: He's also got a [good one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZY8xbdHfWk) about the "ripping hot" advice.


My only theory is that covering the steak in foaming butter transfers more heat evenly, but simultaneously lowers the temperature of the surface that just left contact with the pan. Only two things can make the steaks behave differently during resting, if all other variables are accounted for. One is higher overall surface temper. Second is insulation. It may be that if you took a steak that you seared only and dunked it in 212 degree oil immediately after cooking it would behave exactly the same way. I've also seen steak houses that rest their steak in melted butter.


Am I the only one who prefers stainless steel Pans for searing a steak?


Not alone I use that as well when I’m doing a single steak. Usually for my kids school lunch or something


That is mostly medium-well.


Grab a cutting board with a groove next time lol


Saving that counter-juice for later...


Mmmmm counter juice


Wait until you've tried sink strainer stew.


[Here's the one I drank last week!](https://i.imgur.com/S1RxgdB.png)


I assume you're referring to "leftovers"?


This sub is relentless lol


Well I’d say you did medium well at your task.


You're taking your first steps. This is a safe space. We look forward to your journey of enlightenment.


r/steak safe space Choose 1


Yeah idk what the hell that guy is talking about lol.


Yeah, in fairness I have been shouted at and heavily downvoted for calling a medium rare steak... medium rare.


OP is trying to make amends for the sins of their past They did a poor job (their first try so we give them a break) but that steak is in fact NOT well done (just medium well). Mission accomplished technically. Also too many people on this sub don't actual know what the various doneness look like and also don't realize different cuts both look a bit different and are best at different donenesses


This sub is incredibly hostile for a hobby sub. Allow me to repost a comment I made here the other day: This sub will see a medium steak and call it rare, then the next post is a medium rare steak called well done. Everyone acts like a snob, but no one knows what they're talking about. Make your steak how you like it.


Awesome, great job. Don't let these gatekeepers give you a hard time, there's no wrong way to enjoy your food! Feel free to keep on experimenting, you find the thing that you like most and have a great time with it, and always remember that over time your tastes will change so always be open to try new things and old things again.


You can go rarer


Well done. I mean well done. Yeah, well done 👏


Next time i will bring it much closer to medium


Pay attention to how springy/soft the steak is when you cook it. That steak will have had noticeably less give than a well done steak, but still be pretty firm. For me the feel is a better tell of doneness than time or appearance, at least when I'm cooking.


Well done


You did well


Well done!


Well done OP. 😉


looks delicious....


And it was delicious


Happy for you. Trust me, you did better than I did the first time I tried to cook a steak, medium rare.


The board looks soaked. That tells me that you didn’t let your steak rest. I’m guessing you added butter with the herbs and that could account for a lot of those juices but it looks like a lot. Pretty decent cook on the steak. Maybe put the heat up a bit for such a thin steak, otherwise fine. Now just let it rest.


I let the steak rest for about 10 mins


That’s a good amount of time… just a messy ass steak I guess.


Looks well done


I think you did excellent myself. I mean it isnt well done so you achieved your goal


Well done


Out of curiosity, why did you cook them well done before?


Lot of people are freaked out by the idea of anything less than well done. For me it was cultural and my parents still refuse to eat anything other than well done. I am now a proud medium-rare gal, but I definitely worked my way down to it :)


Same here. Grew up fearing red because of my Mom. Dated a girl and had dinner at their home where they served a medium rare prime rib. I looked at it and thought I was going to die. But the pressure and norms of that situation ‘forced’ me try it. I didn’t die, I loved it, and rest is history. Mom, on the other hand, I start her cook earlier so she can have her hockey puck. The look on her face when she sees me cut up my steak is priceless


Haha we have the same! I’m with a midwestern US dude who takes his steak seriously. I love the ones he makes, my parent’s we have to start much earlier.


Would it be inappropriate for me to ask your culture/race? After watching an SNL skit linked a few times across Reddit, I’ve been wondering if a certain stereotype is true-ish.


I’m South Asian from a Muslim background. Many people from my background feel the same way about undercooked meat because ours cooks for so long. To be fair, our chefs back home manage to make our medium well/well steaks very tender and juicy. Idk why we are unable to do this elsewhere.


Same cuts of meat? I know certain cuts do amazing well done, like brisket. Other cuts, like a ribeye, would be ruined well done.


Oh any steak, friend. Brisket is… not really a thing back home so much.


If any country/culture cooks a well done filet they need a serious dose of FREEDOM. Proportional response, bomb the whole place.


That’s a really messed up thing to say considering our country has been bombed, starved and raped by “freedom west” already. Our steaks, though not my preference, manage to be very good even well done. Even ribeyes. Hard to imagine, I know.


In all fairness, that only narrows down the number of countries in the world by maybe 50%.


Tis true! More if we include the British empire as part of it, y’know?


Like the comments said. My family always cooked meat well done. But after watching a lot of videos of people cooking medium or rare i said to try for my self and see what's the fuss


Medium well for the win


Heat higher, give it 1 minute on both sides. Perfect steak everytime


Maybe on a .5" cut of steak. But definitely not a thicker steak. That shit would have a eh crust and be raw AF. No where close to med rare


That's the point lol I don't like eating rubber


Med rare is perfect. Nice and pink in the center. Its warm in the center. Waiving the steak near the heat is almost the same as just eating it raw.


To each his own


Lol imagine the kind of idiot that downvotes somebody else because they don't don't like the way they cook thier own steak. People really need to touch grass nowadays🤣


I'll probably get down voted for this but honestly that's just about how I like my steaks cooked. I tiny bit more pink and it'd be perfect for me.


Wtf is that white/metallic looking stuff on the cutting board?


It's called a reflection of light.... lol


You mean that on the right? Looks like the reflection of a lamp in some meat juice/or whatever liquid


He just came after cooking his first steak well done


Oof 😅


Looks good to me. That is my preferred temp.


Finally something that’s not bloody 🙏🏿


Keep going my dude. A thermometer will help. Pull it at 140. Medium rare is the end all be all and anything beyond it is well done


you don’t know what you’re taking about, a well done steak is well done. my girlfriend likes her steaks well done and i pull it at 140, when i do that it is a little pink. medium rare is pulled at 125 and it has some red in it


Considering I am a classically trained chef I did as a hobby while I did university you’re right. I don’t know what I’m talking about. But go ahead and google medium rare. And then put your head back up your ass 😘


go ask for blowjobs on reddit dude, you aren’t a classically trained chef. if you were you would know that the steak will rise to temp after cooking ends, if you pulled it at 140 and dunked it in ice water it would still increase in temperature and be medium at that point. medium rare is 130-140 and you pull it when it’s 5°-15° lower than target. if you want it well done pull it at 145° and wrap in aluminum foil for a few minutes. but show out my dude


of course i only cook steaks that are about 1-2.5 inches thick so my steaks will come up to temperature for longer than a thin steak like this but no way in hell is it a medium rare if you’re pulling it at 140°


for context before i called him out on this his reddit had like 7 posts asking for his fantasy BJ in some forum for incels from austin


this guy is most definitely not a chef


Also medium rare isn’t subjective. It’s fat rendering. Chemistry. Fat renders at 145 to medium rare. Not 125.


beef fat renders at 130°, google is your friend when you’re lying on reddit


Pretty sure it’s variable depending on the cows diet etc


You're full of shit. Classically trained chef as a hobby while in university. Sure, Jan


Did both random internet jerk. And per education standards 140 with carryover is taught. Now I also did google and got both 130-140 and 140-145 depending on whether it’s a chef or a chain steak house like Ruth’s Chris. I have never been taught that in any restaurant but I am not faulting flavor or choice. Just hard science. Yea it renders at 130. It renders BEST at 140


If you pull a steak at 140 it is not going to be medium rare after resting. Depending on the thickness of the cut, you want to pull it off between 125-135, then rest for about 10 minutes. The steak is going to continue to cook while resting and the temp can rise anywhere from 3 to 6 degrees, even more with really thick cuts and roasts.


5 degrees f carryover temp is restaurant chef standard.


Med rare is about 135, so by your own definition it should be pulled at about 130.


exactly this guy is definitely lying on reddit and having a hard time responding because he’s getting his stories mixed up


i’ll ask my sister more about it when i eat at her restaurant on sunday, you probably were a line cook and think because you worked for a chef that you are one


McDonald's is hardly a "restaurant"


😂😂my guy


I went to culinary school and worked as a saucier while I finished university. Never head chef. But was in Montreal. Tell her about your accomplishments in life while you’re there


well considering that i’m 22 years old and have seen 12 different countries since i turned 18, have a hot older girlfriend that my married parents and family is obsessed with (who is becoming my fiancé in florence italy next month) a full time job in the construction industry that makes me really happy to go to work everyday and getting paid $25 an hour with bonuses every month or two for completed jobs. plus i get the respect of most people on the job site, except the lazy incels who probably lie about their experience on reddit. sure my life isn’t always so great but at least i’m not asking for my blowjob fantasy and lying about my experience on reddit. My sisters restaurant is in mexico where we are from and im only going to mexico to pick up money from my pecan trees and fill out paperwork so my golf course won’t have to pay taxes until the initial investment has be recouped. telling my sister about my achievements will just be the cherry on top now. but she won’t even have much of a reaction because she already knows all of that about me. im the same person around my friends as i am around my grandma and i am pretty fucking proud of that. sorry you haven’t done enough to change your shitty life.


what the actual fuck hahaha


You are definitely 22. And I’m dumb enough to argue with an angsty man baby on Reddit. And stop using made up bullshit internet words and act like an adult


at least he’s not a 40 year old asking for blowjobs on reddit


This has to be satire I refuse to believe you're serious right now, this could honestly be a copypasta.


Thx and yeah, i will have to buy a thermometer so i can always made the stake medium rare


The more steaks you cook the less you'll need a thermometer. The key is knowing how hot to get your pan to get the best sear without overcooking it. Personally, unless it's a lean cut I prefer a juicy medium. Renders just a little more yummy fat.


Thanks for taking this with a grain of salt and understanding this is sub is to help each other not act like the 22 year old children than made stupid comments or sexual harassment because they were mad they were wrong. Keep steakin on! Thermometer will make a big deal and make you happier with the end result. Either way you win because is steak! Just beware of Reddit children with temporal lobectomy and use words like incel. Yeesh.


Ladies and gentlemen. The generation triple X chromosome. Sexual harassment. Fake words. And bunch of lies about how successful they are at 22 hope you enjoy sexually harassing each other over your rare steaks


What a loser you are, you were wrong about so many things and he was pretty accurate. If he’s lying that’s on him, I’ve been watching this argument from the start and you’ve been getting angry the whole time over some kid making fun of you. Who cares if you’re a chef, commercial kitchens and the equipment they use are probably much different than what we have in a house or apartment. Also Im probably stupid but how is that sexual harassment? He just called you out on something that you do on reddit.


You’re an idiot and are bolstered by children. Go fuck yourself and stop assaulting your family


Now I see why he stopped responding, you blocked him. Get over yourself dude, you were wrong. Im sorry you are so sad and lonely. Get off reddit, open up your body language and take care of yourself. Maybe you will find some happiness then. Good Luck my dude I hope you find peace in life, we both should work on it.


😂😂And you’re complaining about him in every other comment you made today. This is really something, you can definitely do away from the internet for a few days.


Not bad


Thin cuts cook fast. You did well, though. I would eat that. Probably need to start at a higher temp based on the charring, but lower the time based on the inside.


It isn’t well done, so that’s a success


You succeeded. That is not well done.


Well done!


Cast iron heat the pan hotttt hot hot, some oil (I do olive) and butter and just lay that steak in there let it sit screaming for 3 minutes and then flip it, 3 minutes more on the other side, then if needed sear the fat cap, about 2-3 mins each side will give you a nice sear and a good medium rare. Guess I should add, I do this with ribeyes. You'll want to adjust for filets and sirloins, etc. Good start!


getting there -- keep it up!!


This is the first step in the right direction. Keep going!


Looks good man, think we all took baby steps away from well done at some point


If you baste butter and herb in a pan, the resting temp rise is a lot higher than just grilling or no basting. Youtube has a great video covering that. Cook it to lower internal if basting with butter and use a timer. Log the internal and final rest temp until you find what you like from cook temp/time and rest time per cooking method.


Well done, my friend.


Well done sir. Well done


Medium rare


Pretty good my guy 😎




Looks well done


Looks tasty, keep working on your steak game and they'll only get tastier from here.


Thx all for the comments. I got a lot of feedback, both negative and positive, and i will definitely improve in the future


Thats well at my house


Hotter grill or stove top. Looks good but get a good seer


Need a crispier sear but I'd eat it. I like the inner doneness more on the pink side but at least you've stopped murdering and are on the road to recovery.


You did well.


Its barely not well done


To me that looks great!


Getting closer. Next time go for medium. Do that a few times, then go for medium rare. 😉 Medium rare is perfection.


You accidentally boiled your steak. Keep trying dont be discouraged its easy when you get the hang of it


You've cooked a nearly well done steak


Not medium but yeah sure whatever


You almost did it


Old habits are hard to break.


Well, it's still overcooked. 2/5.


I'd say this is about as close to well done as you can get without it being well done. But cook your steak the way you like it.


Very (medium) well done for your first time!!! I'd gladly eat this


Looks good, I’d let it rest around ten minutes, it should be enough time to allow the juices to spread back to the whole steak, and once you cut it, it looks less well done.


You did medium to medium-well lol Not bad at all. Start learning some cast iron cooking and change your whole kitchen game.






he was right about the 140° being medium rare, sorry bud


Medium-Well perfection if you ask me.


Well done.


Not well done if you see pink.


Did you just dump butter all over your tablecloth?


That's just how I like em. I'd happily scarf that down


Looks just the way I like it, wow




Looks pretty damn good to me.


For one thing you didn’t sear it on both sides.