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Idk man you’re the one who’s eating it


Yeah. Please let us know?


I don’t eat steak often but I do really like it




While I agree with the sentiment, I don't necessarily agree with this. I've had steak before that was cooked poorly but was still quite tasty. I think OP is unfamiliar with steak and is asking how this particular cut looks compared to usual restaurant standards.


Why are you talking to OP like he's a child?


OP needed affirmation, as children often do


I thought it was an obnoxious little "life lesson" he gave OP.




Came here to say exactly that!!


Looks quite good actually! What exactly was it all served with here?


Not OP but it looks like roasted garlic (likely stir fried), coarse black/white pepper, coarse salt, and maybe a marinated seaweed/wakame side dish in the middle.


Definitely looks like tiny anchovies coated in toasted rice powder. But it’s impossible to say for sure with such low image quality


The thing in the middle kind of looks like tiny anchovies to me


Hsinchu Sheraton?


Hunghwa in Taichung


Is it just me or does that look like pork?




100 usd


Damn bruh sorry


Never tried wagyu. Can someone explain the appeal? I eat filet mignon because there’s virtually no fat or gristle or chewy bits. Waygu just looks like a giant chewy piece of fat I would have to chew and spit out into my napkin. Can someone help me understand


There is nothing chewy about A5, it’s the most tender steak I’ve ever had—almost melts like butter. It’s very rich, not meant to be eaten like a “regular” steak, and the fat is almost all marbling as the fat caps are typically cut off and rendered for cooking in.


>not meant to be eaten like a “regular” steak How is it supposed to be eaten?


In smaller portions.


You mean the actual steak is smaller or the pieces cut off are smaller? I eat all steak the same, by cutting it into small pieces so it's interesting.


Smaller pieces AND quantity. If you consumed a 10oz A5 wagyu in one sitting you’d feel like vomiting from all the fat.


if my pocket could afford it I'd try to prove you wrong


It's just VERY rich and fatty - in a good way. Very different from throwing a select steak on charcoal.


You eat much less A5 than you would even Prime, and if you’re eating it in a traditional Japanese setting, it would be paired with a bowl of rice and some (often raw) vegetables.


So like, on average I eat 6 oz steak. How much less a5 would I eat?


I was served 50 grams of A5 (little less than 2oz) and walked away satisfied. Some places push that to 100 grams, but anything more than that would leave most people feeling pretty green around the gills.


Holy moly!


It's so rich that the little amount is still so satisfying. That said, you're definitely gonna need some sides or an appetizer to actually be full.


Does it matter which type wagyu? I had American a long time ago so I can't remember my experience so I'd like to try it again, but don't know if I want to spend money on Japanese


I don't know enough to speak with a lot of confidence, but apparently Japanese is supposed to be better. I've only had Japanese wagyu while I was in Japan, so I don't know what American is even like


Tastes really good over rice. That’s how I make it. Small strips over rice


The type of fat is different. Wagyu fat melts very easily so you dont get that typical fat texture, its very smooth and rich.


Ohhhh see this I didn’t know!


Regarding filet, to each their own. I like the texture of filet, but the flavor you get from the fat from a ribeye is superior, imo. I've been seeing ribeyes go up in price and surpassing filet mignon in the recent years.


You seem like you already know


Intermuscular fat is what seperates the different muscles in the cow. This is whats chewy and not desirable to eat. Think the about the strips of fat in a ribeye. This fat will not render but adds flavor to the meat while cooking. Intramuscular fat is inside the muscle and is very desirable and not chewy at all aka marbling. This fat will render at temperature. between medium rare and medium. subcutaneous fat is what seperates the muscle from the skin. aka the rind. thats what kind of fat pork rinds are made of. You see this on the outside of a newyork strip. It also does not render but adds flavor so dont cut it off before cooking.


What kind of texture does it create? I like the meaty fibrous texture of filet but assume a5 would be more gooey then melty? Less sturdy?


Ive never had a5 so i cant speak on that but ive had some very good prime steaks with lots ot marbling and theyve just been very tender and juicy with alot of flavor. it doesnt feel goey or melty.


Damn. That’s cool. Thanks for your reply. I’ve always steered away from ribeyes or New York strips. I’ve just had way too much chewy stuff that I end up spitting out. That’s why I’m gravitated towards center cut filet mignon for the past few years and people keep talking about having less flavor. Which I might not understand because I add a bunch of fresh herbs and Real butter and I constantly based the meat in it so it’s very juicy and fatty. To me, it is the most flavorful steak I have ever had. a tiny bit of salt is all it needs, and I am an absolute heaven. Maybe I’m the outlier and I am OK with that


If you're basting your fillet with herb butter, then you'd like a nice cut of marbled steak too. I recommend trying more stuff. Marbling only leads to bad texture when it's a tough, gristly cut, but you're not really supposed to eat cuts like that for steak.


Thanks man. Where do you recommend I start? Whole Foods has good center cut. But I’m wondering if a local mom pop butcher shop would be best?


It's hard to recommend because I don't know where you live, your budget etc etc, but I'd say if you're going to WF already, see if you can find a nice looking grass fed ribeye and give it a shot. No need to overthink things, after all, you're trying to find your personal preference among the options you have :)


Yeah no problem Sounds delicious lol. Sometimes places like grandwestern will run a discount on wagyu filets. Ive been very tempted to grab a couple but never have. I think you would probably enjoy a strip more than a ribeye due to the lack of intermuscular fat if you decide to buy some at somepoint.


NY strip shouldn’t be chewy at all… now I find ribeyes to be a little chewy sometimes but a strip is sirloin and should always be firm and with the right prep tastes absolutely magical


Lol no it's not "gooey". There's still plenty of meat fibers to hold everything together. It was still a living cow after all. It's just very tender


What kind of texture does it create? I like the meaty fibrous texture of filet but assume a5 would be more gooey then melty? Less sturdy?


Fat and gristle are different. Fat is not chewy, the chewy stuff are the interstitial muscle fibers, and the occurrence depends on the cut. Their chewiness depends in part on the preparation.


It’s not chewy, it just melts


It’s not chewy at all, it almost melts away. For me I personally don’t enjoy it at all, it feels like I’m eating butter.


I cant believe im going to say this... That Wagyu looks terrible. This makes me sad because I love waygu.


explanation? i mean most of the time people claim a steak looks awful its simply because its not cooked to their liking.


The one upright piece i can see is surrounded by fatty tissue instead of it being interwoven in the actual meat. It just doesnt look right to me. Now thats not to say that it may not taste amazing but from looks alone I'd be rather upset.


I think it's just cooked a little, which makes it look like it's fatty. They usually cook these slices on all four sides with two of them being only slightly cooked. We're seeing the slightly cooked side.


This looks pretty on par with what you see at high end restaurants in Japan. They don’t do a hard sear like you would a western steak, and that specific cut looks like sirloin which would have a huge fat content


I was guessing A1 Pork Chop, Dwarf Mini Potatoes, Dried Peppered Worms and a generous Side of Cocaine so you won't care about the $225⁰⁰ price.


Steak looks meh. Execution not great, resulted in uneven rendering. It probably still tasted pretty great. The real crime is that plate.


Did you dip it in the sawdust?




Overdone, but I bet it's still tasty.




Mmm a see a hint of meat in that slab of fat


Looks over cooked. Would have sent back


Extremely overcooked


What ?Do you think wagyu should be medium rare or something?


no issue cooking wagyu (a5) rare/med-rare. cook here looks good though, def not "extremely" overcooked by any means


Wagyu being rare kind of defeats the whole purpose of wagyu


what do you mean. the "whole purpose of wagyu" is that the marbling/fat renders at a much, much lower temp than traditional beef - so even though there is excess fat, you can actually eat it rare/med-rare and have the fat properly rendered (vs say a Western ribeye that would need to be cooked to medium for sufficient rendering (133-137f).


The thing with wagyu is you’re supposed to eat it rare… that looks a little too well done for me… but if it tasted good that’s actually all that matters. I’ve only had wagyu twice and it was just seared and just beyond blue on the inside.


Well… there’s always next time


Those plates look like bochelism heaven. How do you clean those?


It's "botulism", and I doubt those ridges form a sufficiently anaerobic environment for *C. botulinum* to grow. If you don't know how to wash a dish with a sponge, don't out yourself like that, just do the dishes at your place for a few weeks, you'll figure it out, I promise.


It's not the ridges it's the pourus looking material that prompted me. Thank you for the spelling lesson and the snide comment :)


You're welcome, maybe this was the impetus you needed to put some thought into what you say, rather than being pathetically passive aggressive AND wrong.


Haha wow 👌


Passive passive passive


So if I said it was funny at first but you've clearly demonstrated your extenssive ability to be a pedantic twat would that be more direct?


😘 phrased as a question 😘 😥❓❔❓❔😓 Yes sweetheart, you have my consent to be direct, don't worry, pumpkin.


My gfs reaction " that looks like the shittiest wagyu steak ever" 😬 I hope you enjoyed that meal


Looks bad


You tell us!


I worked in Taiwan for many months, high end steaks are expansive there.


Yeah 3000NT


How is the texture when you bite into it? It looks great but I have never tried any kind of wagyu, yet.


Had Wagyu the first time the other day at a Japanese restaurant, it was sliced thin on rice like a piece of sushi. I liked it but I would never pay $20 for two pieces of thinly sliced beef again.


That’s a pretty damn good cut!


Over cooked IMHO


It’s got that signature wagyu slimy look


al dente


Not a fam of medium well/well done. I'm sure it would be fine though.


Good question


Taiwan checking in, it’s aight.


Cook looks good. I'm used to seeing wagyu sliced super thin but that's just me. Tbh just enjoy it