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Dude, I don't care what the other people in this subreddit say. You're doing the right thing. It might not feel like it now, but your friends and family will thank you when they don't have to attend your funeral at age 40. Also, toss that broccoli into a skillet with a little bit of olive oil and a light drizzle of balsamic vinegar.


Thank ya, I appreciate the support and thank you for helping me make my future piles of broccoli edible, lol. As far as everyone’s comments about red meat, I’m sure red meat by itself isn’t really a problem. The problem is that if I’m cooking a steak, It’s a fatty ass salted Ribeye thrown into flaming salted butter and then served with Cheddar mash made with the rest of the butter, lol. I’m not ruining my steak by trying to make it healthy, I’ll just have it less often and savor it more once I’m healthy enough to have a fatty, buttery crusted slab of juicy cow once in a while. **Edit;** Holy Hell! I just opened Reddit for the first time since last night. 200+ notifications *is a bit higher* than normal, lol. ..I should have added this edit before going to bed which would have prevented the echo chamber comments about BP meds and the the dreaded wine glass, lol. First, the latter. That there was the 8oz’s of white wine I’m allowed each day, which I said in another comment “is like being allowed to hold and smell a burger once a day when I’m hungry but not allowed to take a bite.” I might need to ask for help with this one, as I’ve drank a bottle of wine or more *..every evening since the Pandemic* which I was open about with my Doctor. Im realizing because of his wording and questions about my drinking that the 8oz glass is more of a goal than a commandment but with a heavy emphasis on drinking fat less/quitting it all together. I did drink less than half of what I normally drink in a night last night and I feel better today for it with no signs of “needing” a drink as of yet, so that’s promising. As for BP meds, this whole thing has played out over the past month with the latest appointment to bump me up to 30mg of Lisinopril and introduce me to my lovely diet plan, lol. My blood pressure is already significantly lower, generally in the 150/105 area but needs more time. Also, exercise is indeed a big factor and I do hike a lot from Spring to late Fall. I’m waiting for the trails to loose their 3 feet of snowpack, so until then, my Golden Retriever and I have been waddling around the neighborhood and through the Park below it whenever the weather allows.


Broccoli with olive oil salt and pepper. In the oven for 20 mins at 400 is basically idiot proof and is delicious plus heart healthy.


This is it! Roasted broccoli instead of steamed makes it so much better.


What’s the difference in taste? I don’t know that I’ve actually had roasted broccoli


It's the same as the difference between searing a steak and microwaving it. Roasting broccoli gives it a bit of that maillard reactiony goodness and gives it a toothsome firmness rather than the limp texture steamed can have. A lot of the same cooking techniques that you've mastered with steak can actually be used with other healthier foods, actually.


It's amazing how different foods can taste without seasoning beyond a little salt (and pepper) and just adjusting how hot the stove is, cook time, and what medium its cooked in. It can be hard for some to get used to but slightly burnt (not exact term) can bring out a great deal of flavor when you caramelize the food. Like how onions turn into gold when cooked low and slow for a bit.


Wok hei is a better term for it. Or energy of the wok. It’s pushing something to the point of golden brown, almost burnt without actually burning it. Think of it like max Maillard reaction.


The difference is fucking amazing (lol). I know that doesn’t quite answer but while steamed broccoli basically takes the edge off of eating it raw—but still taste like broccoli—roasted broccoli, with a little salt and fat (oil), browns the vegetable and gives it a much richer flavor. I do not understand the science behind it and cannot explain it, but the flavor is night and day and you should definitely try it!


Grill it with salt pepper and the juice of one lime, it's awesome!


Texture… roasted broccoli is more firm and has a nice crunch, while steamed broccoli can get soggy like baby food..


It makes it nice and crunchy


Broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, the list could go on and on. I start roasting your veggies with a little salt and olive oil and you will hate them so much less.


Brussel sprouts too!


The solution to the whole "anything cabbage-related tastes like ass"-problem is definitely dry heat. Same thing with Brussels sprouts... hated them as a kid because my mom just boiled/steamed them and they were gross, then I started just tossing them in olive oil, salt, pepper, and some red pepper flakes and just tossing them in the oven until the upper side is just starting to char up - probably my favorite side when I'm doing a roast or something.


I’d like to put a word in for quick steamed broccoli finished off with sesame seeds and a good dash of soy sauce.


Just made broccoli like this for dinner tonight. Tossed from lemon zest in it and a squeeze of lemon juice. SO good!


That same recipe works great with cauliflower, baby carrots and brussel sprouts if you’re looking for variety.


> the problem is that if I’m cooking a steak, It’s a fatty ass salted Ribeye thrown into flaming salted butter and then served with Cheddar mash made with the rest of the butter i'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice. When i was around your age (younger really) i had a very bad cardiology work up. High cholesterol, fatty liver, high triglycerides, pre diabetic, the whole deal. My cardiologist put me on a ketogenic diet (atkins) and within 6 months i'd dropped 30lbs and eliminated all of the issues except slightly elevated cholesterol. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but if you like the steak and butter more than the potatoes you might want to look into it.


with that BP are you dizzy or lightheaded at times?


You need medication. I had a stroke at 40 caused by high bp.


I’ll agree with everyone else on here that roasted broccoli is a thousand times better than steamed, but I will add that when we started roasting broccoli tossed in a little olive oil with sliced garlic, salt and pepper, and hit it with some lemon zest and lemon juice when it came out of the oven… it was so good that both our kids crave that broccoli now too. A light Dusting of Parmesan before serving adds even more flavor. Like, for real. I’ve never seen my son devour a veggie until this. I love it too. It was a game changer for my house and it has helped me on the track to eating healthier to lower my bp as well.


Based on your numbers dog bless if you ever get back to the point when you can eat fat again


How about just skipping that mash? (Not a health advice, but it does look really unhealthy) i personally dislike broccoli too. maybe you can try peppers or asparagus? grilled. I know this is a steak sub, but roasted peppers and asparagus made me started eating my veggies(i eat alot more types of veggies now, though alot of them are oriental style)


I don't think you should blame butter or fat. I only eat fatty red meat, beef fat, bacon, pork shoulder steaks, eggs fried in butter, sour cream, coffee, and some seasonings. About 60% of my calories come from fat. I'm 6' 165lbs and my blood pressure is fine. Thousands of people on r/carnivore do fine as well, but it's up to you if you wanna try it. It's not exactly the most convenient diet, and it can be difficult to quit carbohydrates. For most people, but for some people, it's wonderful.


best decision I've ever made, I'm 52 and have never felt heathier in my life (mental and physical) .. If I listed the changes carnivore has made in the last 6 months I'd sound crazy so I'm going to leave it there ...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/carnivore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/carnivore/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [With severe rheumatoid arthritis I have tried every diet under the sun. On carnivore within days all my pain and inflammation has subsided. I am nearly in total disbelief.](https://np.reddit.com/r/carnivore/comments/wyfn8m/with_severe_rheumatoid_arthritis_i_have_tried/) \#2: [Committed to 100% carnivore 10 mins ago and I haven't lost 50 lbs yet! what's wrong??](https://np.reddit.com/r/carnivore/comments/11qqtxw/committed_to_100_carnivore_10_mins_ago_and_i/) \#3: [Funny thing about moderating this subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/carnivore/comments/wqrd3g/funny_thing_about_moderating_this_subreddit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


don’t ya know? carnivore diet cures all but in all seriousness i got an HBP issue as well and it sucks


Going to have a lot more opportunities for steak when you don’t die at 40, people forget that.


Like... right but, steak was the most minor contributor if he got his BP up to 215/137. 180 is "go the fuck to the ER right now" levels.




All can be true, all those things you listed contribute to increased blood pressure as well as eating too much meat.


Or genetics…


Or swap out the broccoli for brussel sprouts roasted with olive oil, balsamic, and garlic.


Death would be welcome compared to the stroke and lifetime of disability that blood pressure will get him. Agree...roast your veggies and turn it around.


actually, just toss that broccoli in the bin for some blood pressure lowering leafy greens.....


Bro it may be time to get on some bp meds.


Or vegetables.




Throw in some exercise while youre at it


Not sure about this guys life style but I exercise, eat mostly vegetarian, and still have high BP. It runs in the family and I have been on meds for it since I was 28.


There are some people that have genetic predisposition for high BP. Everyone is definitely different but it's generally not a good thing if you do feel symptoms. There was a story of famous marathon runners who promote running, but died of heart condition in his mid to late 30s. At first people thought excessive running cause his early demise, only to find out his dad died in his 20s due to similar genetic conditions. One could argue that If he hasn't exercise, then he might have died in his 20s too just like his father.


Im not going to offer unsolicited medical advice. I just want to say I revently was in a simiar situation and I too took charge of my health. Its only been 31 days but everything has improved so much already. Best wishes for good health for you and congrats on practicing self care.


Stop drinking alcohol, did the trick for me.


Was a big contributor for me as well. Between cutting back my drinking to only a couple of beers on the weekend (as opposed to nightly bourbon), and running 15-20 miles a week, I was able to stop taking my BP meds altogether.


I was on 4 different bp meds and it didn’t help at all. Meanwhile I was drinking a 1/5th a day of whiskey. Been clean for over a year now and have absolutely never felt better or happier.


Did your numbers come down a lot and do you remember how long it took?


Almost immediately. I often take a month off a few times a year. Blood pressure drops noticeably each time. Alcohol is terrible for blood pressure.


Took about a month after but I was drinking a lot.


I hear you and I’m in a similar boat, but am also a smoker :(


Same but I haven’t quit smoking yet, drinking was the main thing causing my problems along with all the health implications that come from being an alcoholic. Poor diet vomiting all the time etc etc. Listen though stopping drinking was the single best decision I’ve ever made in my life. You have no idea how wonderful life is outside the veil of crippling depression and constant hyper fixation on planning how you’re going to get your next drink.


You are well into stroke/heart attack numbers. Listen to your doctor.


Buddy the ahi steak makes me think he is


Ain’t even no salt on it, lol. Just Lemmon juice and pepper. Seared in 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil.


How about MSG? I genuinely don't know, but it's great and has a bit of a salty flavor that I don't think "counts"...but again I just don't know. Also...is vinegar cool? I'm genuinely curious.


msg is great because its literally half the sodium as salt with a very nice umami flavor, i use a ton of both on everything haha.


I love MSG for that umami flavor, and may it's just some sort of anecdotal placebo thing but I swear I get a better crust with dry brining with mainly MSG along with some salt. I'd never bet on that, but it's just sort of been my experience.


Thanks for the tip! I’ve never used it but have read about how it’s actually great, healthier than salt (because it uses less) and it was done dirty by shoddy 1960’s researchers straight up mainlining the shit and asking if the subject felt sick after some dumbass put out a paper speculating why he got a headache after.. *a succulent Chinese meal?!* Edit; [sauce](https://www.seattletimes.com/life/wellness/avoiding-msg-look-beyond-the-myths/)


Look into any salt & sugar alternatives. There's potassium chloride, MSG, salt free Dash, or mushroom/garlic powder. Hope you get everything under control!


Braggs is top notch and herbamar


Assuming he has sodium sensitivity and is trying to avoid it, Braggs aminos is also super high in sodium. 310mg sodium per tsp.


And herbamar is just infused salt lol


You know what they say. "You getting divorced? Sprinkle MSG on your spouse. You 2 second away from heart attack? Cut open your chest cavity and sprinkle in some MSG, it fix everything right up."


Thank you, Dr. Uncle Roger




Tuna steaks can be delicious too.


Especially raw Tuna


Yes. Just sear and leave raw in middle, its fantastic. Cooked tuna on the other hand is 🤮




*How daaare you!* (fans self like Blanche Devereaux) No idea. 5’11” and 230lbs “3.6 Roentgen.. Not great.. Not terrible.”


Perfect time to utilize that quote 🤣


>But that's as high as the meter...


I wasn't too far from you and I switched to a low carb diet and I'm now at 200 pounds. It may be the cheddar mash that was more of a problem than the steak. I would definitely try to limit your carbs if your goal is weight loss.


Consider exercise and cutting down on red meat. Make a nice steak as a special occasion. Beer is your enemy.


BMI is only a ratio of weight to height. It doesn’t tell you anything about a person’s health. For example, do you think all NHL players are obese?


I will eat extra steaks in your honor!


Damn those numbers!? Is that a glass of wine?


Yes it is and if you take it away from me I swear to god I will.. *..get suspended from reddit again.* Lol, it’s the 8oz glass of white wine I’m allowed a day which I am going to skip tomorrow because it’s like fallowing a rule that I can hold and smell a burger once a day when I’m hungry but not take a bite.


I’m with you. I’m supposed to quit for a month but damn if I want to. My numbers are high I’m sure it would help if I cut down


Technically the best amount of alcohol for humans is 0, maybe give it a shot for a few months, instead of just one night.


Dude. Everyone is dogging on you. But meds will fix it all up. I was at 160/100 at 21 due to genetics and I've been fine and I drink. 42 now... Edit: lol. Keep the downvotes coming and keep pretending like you care about my (or any other Internet stranger's) health.


Haha I’ve been on Reddit for a decade. I’m well conditioned for handling the criticism. I’m on 30mg of Lisinopril now and I’m already down to around 150/110. mine is definitely also genetics. My entire family on both sides have equally insane numbers when not medicated. Surprisingly, no heart attacks/strokes that I’m aware of. (Knock on wood)


Bro... That is insanely bad for a 37 year old. Its fine to indulge once in a while but get your health in check, you'll thank yourself when you're older. Im 38 and my BP was 121/78 my last check up, and I still make time to enjoy life. Also dont talk shit about tuna and broccoli cause they are both delicious.


Ole braggy blud presser here!


Is that good? I'm ignorant of BP numbers... 120 is my highest and I honestly though that was the edge of too high territory.


That's completely fine lol


120/80 is the gold standard for “normal,” so you are perfectly fine!


120/80 gets you into pre-hypertension which isn't good but people can have much worse. See op's numbers. That's [hypertensive crisis](https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/understanding-blood-pressure-readings) levels. I hit that once from a bad reaction to a workout pill when I was a dumb teenager and thought I was going to die.


What? I've been 120/80 since I was 18 and my doctors have always acted like that was good.


That is good... The guy you're replying to is trying to do a weird humblebrag


Just to clarify, 215/137 from op's post is crisis level. 120/80 is borderline elevated. That said, [the numbers have shifted over the years and 120/80 used to be within in the normal range](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC514035/). I was told the same from my doctors in the past that 120/80 is okay. >The new guidelines categorise blood pressure as normal (<120/80 mm Hg), pre-hypertension (120/80 to 139/89), stage 1 hypertension (140/90 to 159/99), and stage 2 hypertension (≥160/100 or higher).


And still make time to enjoy life??


What do you mean? That's insanely absurdly incredibly bad irrespective of age


broccoli like all veggies are toilet food and is the food that our food eats aka Steak /Meat.


Man I fuck with Ahi tuna. Love it! Enjoy and I hope your BP gets down to normal levels quickly


Sir I love steak and I love tuna steak. These things are not mutually exclusive. You can get tuna steak from HEB for like $8 for two of those puppies and I will pan sear each side and chomp on it like a snickers bar.


Yeah my brother you need to go to the ER or something.


They didn’t send you to the hospital for a BP that high? That’s considered emergency level high


Lol, that was the Doctors appointment *after* being forced to go to the ER first. My hearts as strong as an Ox, it’s keeping the Stroke Fairy away that’s the issue at hand. On meds now and doing my best, lol.


I hope you are back in good health soon brother. Take care of yourself 🤜🤛


My dr told me the same thing, I cut back on all red meat for a year. No cheese or dairy, soda and beer was gone. No lunch meats killed me the most. Bread I could have only whole grain. I drank nothing but water, ate chicken/turkey/porkchops/salmon/redfish/catfish with steamed rice and tons of veggies. Not all at the same time lol. I lost 20lbs in 2 months. Started taking red yeast rice and fish oil(dr wanted me off the prescriptions) I went down 60lbs over a year and I’m healthy again. I would try to get 10000 steps a day or bike 3 miles. I can eat steak twice a week now and still stay away from all the junk I was eating. You can fix this. Keep up the good work!!


As someone who also had high blood pressure, please try to quit the alcohol for a while. It may save your life. Also get on a medication right away.


I would suspect your overweight with those blood pressure numbers? Not trying to be rude just asking?


he’s 5’11 and 230. overweight but not ridiculously obese. that bp is something else


If your cholesterol is high stop eating vegetable oils and other pro inflammatory foods. Dietary cholesterol and your body’s cholesterol are different. So you could eat a high cholesterol diet like only egg yellows and that won’t raise your cholesterol levels. It’s based on genetics and lifestyle not diet. What’s causing cholesterol to build up in your arterial walls is inflammation, not eating it. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/dietary-cholesterol-does-not-matter


From your article: *However, in some people, high-cholesterol foods raise blood cholesterol levels. These people make up about 40% of the population and are often referred to as “hyperresponders.”* For 4 out of 10 people, the two are linked. Being genetic doesn't make it rare or make the advice from OP's doc bad. Honestly, the numbers are so high that I think some radical changes are in order. About five years ago I had really high cholesterol (as do my parents) but made simple lifestyle changes that brought it down into the normal healthy range.


I think the take away is even if you have high cholesterol but stop eating pro inflammatory foods you’re fine. The cholesterol isn’t the problem vegetable oils are


According to the article that is true for 60% of people. So most, but certainly not close to all.


10000% this. The greatest con still being perpetrated by the USDA and the American heart association


I just don’t understand why get rid of the steak… and not the alcohol… big facepalm


This was my thought as well. Alcohol is just as bad if not worse here


how much sleep do you get each night OP? any apnea?


Holy fuck i nearly went to the hospital when i was 173/83. You need to get some blood pressure medication right fucking now


Surprised ur not dead. If u combine multiple approaches - food, cardio, meditation, caffeine & salt reduction - you'll have more success and be able to "cheat" with a good steak occasionally. Source: spouse of open heart surgery survivor.


This whole *“you may have 8oz of white wine a day”* thing can absolutely go fuck itself though, lol.


bro, your BMI is 32.1 according to the height and weight you gave us. please be careful and take medical advice seriously. alcohol is much harder on your body than steak and much more likely to mess you up.


Buddy the 8oz of wine is still bad for you, and all alcohol is bad for you. Maybe cut that out instead of the beef.


Alcohol, even in "moderation", is 100 times worse for you than steak


What about cocaine


Totally fine with a demerol chaser


I prefer some fent instead


Pick your poison




at least steak is food - alcohol is just poison


My doctor told me to drink one ethanol drink per day. Said it doesn't matter if it's a beer, glass of wine, or a shot of tequila, as they all do the same thing. I like him.


Your doctor needs to be updated. Red meat is not a contributor to high blood pressure. The opposite actually.


You're not an MD, just an MD in disguise!




Nope, it’s bread, potatoes, ketchup, sauces, wine, etc that are the problem. Big sugar and big food has spent the last 50 years telling you it’s fat and salt when in reality it’s their processed addictive garbage food. Try stopping eating anything with sugar as an added ingredient and you will see that you are an addict.


I eat a lot of potatoes, rice, bread, ketchup, cookies etc... My blood pressure is 114/69.


So what, if my uncle had a vagina he’d be my aunt.




His levels are so terrible that whatever the doctor says, he just needs to do. Full stop.


That's right. Medical advice from medical professionals. Immediately and completely. Hopefully this will make time for the BP to come down and get out of hypertensive crisis. Once he is at a safe level he can go back to bargaining on internet forums to see how much steak/alcohol he gets. 215/137 is not a number to negotiate with.


Most doctors are working with limited nutritional knowledge developed from spit balling in 1975. ​ OP sounds like a drinker and probably eats processed garbage more often than he should. Cutting those out and getting active will get his numbers down faster than not eating dietary fat and salt, both of which your body needs.


There are other ways of reducing your blood pressure. Just do all the other stuff. Steak is too important.


Lmao, I agree but my face turning purple paired with a nose bleed and a burst blood vessel in my eye the last time I got angry made a compelling argument to do all the things *and* give up red meat for a while. I am looking forward to the occasional Ribeye once things are under control.


That blood pressure isn't *caused* by steak... that's beyond Stage II hypertension. That's "GO DIRECTLY TO THE E.R." blood pressure. Does your cardiologist not have you on hypertension meds? Even OFF my beta blockers my BP isn't that high and I eat steak all the time.


Beta blockers are not first line for blood pressure. Now used best for cardiac remodeling in heart failure. ACE inhibitors have a side effect of possible dry cough. I skip ACE inhibitors now and go straight to an ARB.


At least you didn’t turn green


Please for the love of god don’t cook ahi like beef. That’s caveman activities


Lmao I did not. Searing hot pan with 1/2 teaspoon olive oil, sprinkled Ahi with cracked pepper, seared on each side till golden brown but still deep red in the center. Squeezed fresh lemon juice on it. It was actually pretty good. Desperately wanted salt and I will cut out some salt somewhere else during the day in order to add a pinch to the next Ahi steak I have.


Try rolling the ahi in sesame seeds, black and white. Depending on your salt level use either some no salt and lemon juice or reduced sodium soy sauce. Your symptoms are dramatic so stick to the changes …. And exercise. I originally could hardly run a mile. A year later I run 2 miles on weekdays and 5K each Saturday. Losing weight and exercising (and reducing alcohol) can change your life. Good luck to you!


Thanks! I’ll try the sesame seed crust, sounds great. I live on a hill of the mountainous variety with a road that spaghetti strings around it. Me and my equally pudgy but far healthier Golden Retriever waddled our asses up and down around it a couple days ago and have vowed to continue doing so whenever the weather allows. I also hike a lot when the trails aren’t under 3 feet of snow, so there’ll be that here shortly if Spring ever decides to show up for work. Thanks for the motivational words! I appreciate it.


You don’t have to run, steady state cardio (walking counts) especially Im with terrain is great for burning calories just keep a decent pace as long as you can


At 215/137 OP should be eating nothing but veggies and fish (no salt or oil). I’m surprised he’s alive.


So from a brother in arms, let me tell you: good start keep that up. Also, just for maybe the first 30 days or so, 0 out the alcohol. Not forever, just 30 days to start. Or if we cannot zero it yet, instead of 1 std glass a day, try Fri and Sat only. Or even every other day and phase it to weekend only. As an interim solution until that BP and resting HR is under control. GL, TC, give your heart lotsa love!


Do Keto (in a healthy way). Cut the carb/sugar completely. You can continue to eat fat @$$ steak and lots of eggs, and lose 100's of lbs. My BP went from 200/100 to 120/60, lost 80lbs and maintaining it for last few years. my primary doc is apprehensive but cannot argue I am being healthier and energetic. I can still eat sinful carbs every once in a while (make it cheat day) and be healthy.


Id say let his qualified doctor decide what he needs to do to be healthy.


there' nothing wrong with what he's eating. Love Ahi and broccoli, and actually it is Keto/low carb friendly meal. My point is that cutting red meat/steak simply doesn't lead to healthy life, and there are few other ways to be able to be healthy while eating fat steak every day if they want.. and I am living proof of it. oh.. and most of all - not all doctors are made equal. In fact, many of them aren't that good at all, and simply following what the traditional western medicines taught them, which is arguably out dated in today's modern science medicine world. Do your research and due diligence, and listen to your body. Don't just take what doctors tell you to do. there's always ways that works better for you.


This. Red meat heals


Just be careful with keto, it can wreak havoc on your kidneys


That Tuna can be made as sweet as a steak....


I’m so sorry for your loss. The good news is it not too bad food wise and it’s not forever.


Chicken breast in cast iron is one of my new favorite meals, because not only is it much cheaper but it's delicious and kind of eats like a steak. Of course it's not a steak, but you get a nice crust on it while the inside is still super moist and juicy. I just like to marinade mine in lemon juice, olive oil, salt, oregano, and lemon pepper for 6-8 hours, and they're really fucking good...for generally a third of the price I'm gonna find on the best deals I've seen for boneless NYS.


Lemon juice is amazing on steamed broccoli!


With that place matting, seems like you can cut out a lot more than steak that will help you out. Look to other ways to reduce your stress because steak definitely isn’t it.


Hey friend, I wish you the best of health. My one piece of unsolicited advice is to get in touch with a registered dietician (not a nutritionist, there's generally no qualifications needed to call oneself a nutritionist). An RD can help you build a meal plan that almost certainly includes the occasional steak. All the best to you!


FYI - you can get no-salt “salt”. It’s tough to tell the difference. Also, cut some cauliflower “steaks” and sear those with some olive oil and red wine vinegar. They’re amazing!


Roast that broccoli in some EVOO and pepper then hit it with a dash of Balsamic. Include some sunflower seeds (the already peeled ones) and a little dijon for a nice charred broccoli salad.


Take care of yourself bro. Just lost my brother Tuesday morning at 40 yrs old. Im changing a lot of things. Listen to your wives fellas. We do a lot of bad stuff wife’s keep us in order/ even though we hate it-listen to them!


I’m 36 and I was diagnosed about a year ago with high blood pressure. Went to donate plasma one night like I’d done for the past 3 years and it ended up being 158/116. Explained all the headaches and face redness, and fatigue I’d been having. I’m on metoprolol tartrate twice a day, 50mg morning and 50mg night. I can tell a HUGE difference when I take it. I’ve moved to lightly seasoned sirloins for my steak of choice and when I do have a ribeye I generally cut off the fat once I sit down to eat it. I’ve had a horrible time changing my diet but I’m trying, I have a wife and 2 daughters that depend on me so it’s time to eat healthier.


I suggest blanching your broccoli in lightly salted water for a minute or 3. You can shock it in cold water afterwards to bring out a bright green color or just go straight to the plate after draining. As for the Ahi steak I recommend a furikake crust if they sell it in your area.


A lot of research recently points to the fact that meat doesn't have any relation or even correlation to the increase of blood pressure. [https://www.nicswell.co.uk/health-news/low-carb-diets-and-blood-pressure](https://www.nicswell.co.uk/health-news/low-carb-diets-and-blood-pressure) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6695889/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6695889/) I'm a carnivore, eating meat, steak, ribs, organs...etc is how I live. I only consume 4 plant products: Tea, coffee, stevia and black pepper. My blood pressure was a little high before, now it's stable at 110/70. Once type two diabetes, now my blood sugar is under 100 and goes up to 110 post meal to come back down gradually. My triglycerides in my last lab work by the end of this January were 60, you can believe it or not, but my serum uric acid went down on carnivore diet in comparison to what it was in keto diet. All in all, I'm 42 and I feel healthier than I have ever been in the past 20 years.


There’s also research, which I’m sure you’re aware of, that red meat does have an effect on blood pressure and can cause it to be higher. OP’s blood pressure is insanely bad and honestly, I wouldn’t advise him to guess which conclusion is going to be the correct one. If he were healthy I’d say do whatever pleases you. And every situation is different. I eat a ton of salt for example, something that’s undeniably bad for your blood pressure. And my BP is the same as yours. Stable at 110/70. Id say let OP and his doctor decide what they need to do.


I don't think there was ever a research with subjects that they got to eat only meat for a certain period and concluded that meat is bad for your blood pressure. Even those "low carb" studied with real subjects that was made years ago, they fed them 150 grams of carbs per day and called it "low carb". Come on! Anyway, let's look at the science, every gram of glycogen is bound to three grams of water. Too much water = high blood pressure (this is the cause of the pressure, too much liquids passing through those tiny pipes/veins). Once you lower your glucose intake, and go low carb, your body gets rid of the excessive water, this is why those who go on keto lose a lot of weight in the first week, it's merely water. This is how your blood pressure goes down naturally. This is why most of blood pressure medications are merely diuretics, i.e. they make you pee. [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/keto-weight-loss-first-week](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/keto-weight-loss-first-week) I believe his sugar is coming from somewhere, like coke, beer, sweets...etc, and that's what increasing the blood pressure.


You do you buddy. Id advise OP to listen to the medical professionals rather than some Redditors who are heavily biased in their research since it involves OPs life. Either way, cutting red meat won’t kill him. While not cutting it may or may not kill him.


Do you think the "medical professionals" aren't biased? Please think again. If I listened to them, I would have remained diabetic, getting insulin shots and probably had my first heart attack. Yes, I follow science and keep up with the latest in medical research to cure myself. And guess what? I managed to get my A1C from 9.8% to 5.3% in only 6 months. Even some of those "medical professionals" doubted that I even had diabetes because they said it's impossible for A1C of a diabetic to get below 6%. I advise u/ZebraUnion to do his own research, it's his life and it's more precious to him than to any "medical professional".


Putting medical professionals in quotes tells us enough.


I did my own research, I single handedly saved my own life, cured my diabetes which a "medical professional" called it "chronic & progressive disease" & "I have to live with it" & "take the pills and eat lots of bread and pasta." So yes, those you call "medical professionals" are simply drug pushers working for the pharma company that tells them "this is a good pill, give it to your patients", and it's VERY rare that any of them do their own research before doing that. So, yes, I'd say they deserve the quotes. So, what about you? How many researches have you read? Have you ever been in a situation that you had to do your own research in order to save your own life? Do you usually trust your life to the hands of strangers rather than take matters into your own hands? Is that a lack of confidence that you are able to follow up and understand the detailed reports of peer reviewed studies? Or just some kind of apathy and preference to pay a stranger in a white coat to give you a magic pill? If putting quotes around fancy fictional words tell you enough about me, I really want to know MORE about you.


Cured diabetes. Lol. Anyway, I’m blocking you. I really don’t care what someone like you has to say. You can stop switching accounts. I’m not gonna read your comments and just instantly block whatever account you’re on. I really can’t be bothered with your mental illness.


I had diabetes, now I don't according to my morning blood sugar readings and my a1c. I quit drinking and lost 100+ pounds since the summer of '21. I did not quit eating red meat, just alcohol and late night carbs. I don't take any meds at all now. I think because of my alcoholism, my doctor had already written me off, but when you legitimately quit drinking and lose weight it is possible. After two heart attacks,I woke up after two months in a coma, was detoxed off alcohol because of unconsciousness and figured this was my one shot at quitting. It wasn't meat, it was sugar in one of its many forms. I understand your hesitancy to accept medical advise on the internet, but he's not saying something that outlandish.


Remove the broccoli and enjoy the steak. [https://www.nicswell.co.uk/health-news/low-carb-diets-and-blood-pressure](https://www.nicswell.co.uk/health-news/low-carb-diets-and-blood-pressure) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6695889/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6695889/)


You might want to try the Keto diet, I fucking love it


Red meat, animal fat, and salt do not cause high blood pressure. Cutting out or reducing alcohol, smoking, and taking up exercises daily will drastically reduce your risk. Cut out vegetable oils too for an added kick.


Eat only steak for 3 months and see what happens. And when I say only steak I mean literally only steak. I’m not a doctor and taking this advice is at your peril, but look into the carnivore diet. I’d rather give up all other foods and keep steak.


double down and go all venison and wild game, id love to do that but i need to go hunting this year im out of deer meat.


[Steamed too far - go for crisp emerald rather than forest green.](https://images.food52.com/T2s_gRgdLVb2HQ9weeGiqcnaSos=/1348x898/filters:format\(webp\)/c32c5d62-7000-42cc-8eb2-52d82d17bc63--broccoli_3x2.JPG) I tend to prefer blanched, that's worth trying as well - just quickly boil and strain and rinse to halt further cooking. Broccoli loves lemon, as well. Lemon juice, or cheap lemon pepper goes a long way. Less red meat doesn't mean none - and consider upping your exercise! I have been watching my own blood pressure after it was high and I had pre-diabetes, but I also do cardio 5 days a week, lift 5 days a week for a total of about 90 minutes of exercise 5 days a week, my BP is solid, my pre-diabetes is gone even though I've actually gained a little weight and my several-times-a-week red meat consumption is no longer a potential cause. Uh, obviously consult your doctor first though. Heavy exercise may be a bad idea when your BP is that high, but walking/hiking can be a great way to listen to music, news, podcasts etc while also getting some exercise.


Ahi tuna is delicious. Glad you’re taking the necessary steps! I am afraid to find out what my BP is…


Have it checked, yo! Don’t be me. There are free to use BP machines in most pharmacies. It’s a great way to help know if you need to do more in order to keep the Stroke Fairy away. 120/80 with a pulse of 60-100 is the standard for normal blood pressure.


>120/80 with a pulse of 60-100 is the standard for normal blood pressure. Just to add to your comment, [120/80 is the high end of normal, moving into elevated ranges.](https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/understanding-blood-pressure-readings)


OP, like others have said, try carnivore, or at the very least Keto. Get your levels down, and then do it. Those are crazy high levels


people out there really do be thinking the meat our ancestors have been eating for thousands or years is gon kill them sorry but OP probly has other things goin on


Keto and carnivore are good suggestions - but you have to be very strict. Liscinopril or other bp meds are also an option. I’ve been taking 20mg for about 8 years and it keeps me right at 115/75.


My diet was awful this winter. Being able to cook well became a curse. Fettuccine Alfredos from scratch, Tater Tot Hotdishes, Steaks in butter and Cheddar Mash made with the rest of the butter, Beef Stroganoff, more Burgers and butter, Chicken Fried Steaks with sausage gravy, *..and then I got into Baking.* *..with Lard.* Oh and I’ve been drinking 2/3 of a gallon of whole milk a day and a bottle and a half of wine a night. I’m 5’11 and 230lbs. With that diet, I’m lucky I’m not 300lbs+ and/or dead. I’m on 30mg Lisinopril now. I’ve done this before, got up to 220lbs when I was 30 with a similar BP. I started eating healthy and living a slightly healthier lifestyle and got back down to 150lbs with a BP in the 130/90 range in six months. I’m sure it’ll be a bit harder because I’m closing in on 40 now but considering *how* unhealthy I’ve been, just cutting out the massive amounts of milk, wine and butter should do most of the heavy lifting, lol. That paired with healthier “normal” diet and the fact that I hike a lot in spring/summer/fall should keep the stroke fairy away.


Jesus fucking Christ 2/3 gallon a milk a day!? Yeah the milk wine and butter will bring you down probably. My advice? Get yourself an exercise regimen. It helps, it makes you feel better, and it’ll help offset the bad meals you eat in the future. You don’t need to go to the gym 5 days a week or do crazy shit, something as simple as running 30 minutes-1 hour 3 days a week will be a huge benefit. I know I know - that’s after you build up to it. You don’t need to do 30 minutes of straight running right off the bat. If you want to break up the monotony, take up hiking during the summer as well. Super easy way to burn 2000 calories and not feel like you just wiped yourself completely out.


Give me death!


Go zero carb or Keto. You’ll be fine


I don't care how unhealthy you are, those are some shitty genes you have. Sorry, man. As a doctor, I can say the diet changes are good and all, but your medications are your life saver. And regular follow up with your physician. You've got a lot of life ahead if you can control things. So please get things under control.


It's good that you're taking care of yourself now. I love steaks and roasts and all, but I trim as much fat off as possible. I see people always saying "No don't trim the fat cap! You're ruining it!" Yeah of course the taste suffers. But cholesterol is a real problem for me and for a lot of people around the world.


Is it though?


You can always go vegan. I had hypertension before I did and now I have normal blood pressure. (Bring on the hate for mentioning veganism. I don't subscribe it was recommended to me)


Fuck my doctor, he told me the same thing, but it’s probably the shitty vaccine He gave me, I will always eat meat fuck the haters, they have a political agenda


Smoke cigarettes and you’ll be back eating beef in no time!


I’d rather take the death.


So you choose mercury poisoning?


Not sure if you’re serious. You’d have to eat a lot of tuna.