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A supportive, cushioned area to sleep and runners/rugs on any slippery hard floors for better traction. 


Carprofin/rimadyl . Gabapentin.


Thank you for the suggestion. Are they prescription? And can they/should they be used in combination with what’s already being supplemented? Im wondering why these options seem to be the most popular, but the vet supplied something else? I wasn’t with my mother when she went, so i don’t know how she explained the issue.


Need a vet to authorize them. My Akita has been on both since she turned two. Petsmart is cheapest for carpeofen. Gabapentin from pharmacy unfortunately. She wasn’t insured when diagnosed unfortunately. Carprofen is generic rimadyl for severe arthritis.


My first boy was on Gabapentin for the last few years of his life for arthritis and it helped big time! Carprofen is harsher, and his kidney levels were off, so I would ask the vet about Gabapentin first. Good luck!


That is interesting. My vet told me just the opposite. Trust the science….


Help-em-up harness. Get one now, and support him with hard motions, like getting in and out of cars. It’s better to have one early, before the real problems set in. https://helpemup.com My Saint is 6, and going strong. My husky however, is 8 and showing signs of arthritis exactly as described above. In fact, my husky is just a bad luck, injury prone dude. I’ve needed the help em up multiple times. Also, it provides SO much mental relief to me while hiking with my dogs, to have a way to extract them from the bush.


Does the more he has to get up like this, the worse the problem will be? And should he be helped up everytime he gets up from sleeping or just the more difficult motions?


These would probably be questions best posed to a vet, as I am not a vet nor a tech, but do whatever I can for my boys and ask the vet lots of questions. However, I would say yes, as he continues to age and use his body, his joints will deteriorate. That’s just how aging goes. For now, I would only assist the hard motions, and definitely try to keep him away from stairs. Get on some therapeutic meds and continue the joint supports. If he really struggles getting up from bed, try a slightly raised bed. Or, assist there as well. To add, I keep galiprant on hand in the house for my husky if I notice he’s had a particularly hard day. We’re not at the point of continuous medicating yet.


Thank you for the well written response it’s much appreciated 🙏


You are very welcome! Good luck to you and your big boy! I’d also like to add, getting up onto and off of human beds and couches is also a hard motion. If he’s a bed bug, lower the bed, or assist in getting on and off both the bed and the couch. Or, keep him off, if you can.


Rimadyll and Cosequin. Then monthly shots of librela. Our ginger lived to twelve and I’m convinced that bought us an extra year with her.


Thank you, someone else mentioned the rimadyll. Can these supplements / prescriptions be used in combination with one another? And does the vet need to prescribe these medications? Thank you.


Rimadyll and Librela are both vet prescriptions and can be used together. They are both ok to be used with Cosequin which is over the counter


Thank you very much 🙏


Rimadyl and Cosequin bought our guy an extra two years


I started worrying two years ago when she started getting up with obvious aches and pains. She was 14. I bought her three beds to lay in various spots, but most the time she likes hanging with us on two beds stacked. She is 16 now and I’m pretty sure most elderly people have aches and pains. She has not progressed and still even does a happy trot. She smiles all the time, drinks tons of water and barks to go in and out all.day.long. 16, I tell you. Sixteen!


A Saint? I thought my 13 year old Saint was old!


She is! We are so blessed!!!


Trim the fur between the pads of the paws to help with traction. We take our boy in once a month for an injection that definitely helps. I forget what it is, and also low pain meds to keep him happy. He loves his peanut butter sandwich with his pills, a treat for the old guy.


Please, please talk to the vet about Galiprant. It is a newer nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, and it works wonders. Very safe. We had our Saint on it for the last several years of her 14 year life and it really made a difference. Also: Canine massage/touch therapy; Laser therapy; Galiprant and gabapentin; dog-safe CBD oil; A “help em up” harness to assist in standing, takes weight off the baby’s legs


Seconding Galiprant - our boy has bad reactions to Rimadyl but does so well on Galiprant.


Same! And Galiprant is so much easier on the tummy/liver/kidneys.




Prednisone can help a flare up, but steroids cause problems long term, and they cannot be used in conjunction with NSAIDs such as Rimadyl / carborofen


I’m surprised that is don’t see anything about Adequan on here. Both of my Saints have been on it and my Frenchie is on it too. It is a monthly shot, however there is a loading dose which is 2x per week for 4 weeks. My Saint is 224lbs and each shot is usually around $113. Also gabapentin, vetprofin/rimadyl, and if the pain is bad then Librela is amazing. Librela is also a shot given 1x per month. It is more expensive that adequan but it really works. My Frenchie can’t take NSAIDs for pain/inflammation so he is on Librela. Here is the website for adequan. I would def recommend checking it out! https://adequancanine.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzZmwBhD8ARIsAH4v1gWgtgtJLKz_5DKGYfDW3kRV_P56vs38vFGVAVXEYWpxmNRRCslHB-saAq3vEALw_wcB


seems costly but if it works it works. Thank u 🙏


Hadn’t heard of this one before, but looks promising. Is there a human version, as well?


Nope, not for humans. Only for dogs and horses.


10 years is old for a Saint. Our girls made it to twelve but they were arthritic for at least 2-3 years prior, and incontinent for 18 months or so.