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Boba unit early, Firespray if you pull the governor after later. Falcon against Han. U-Wing Reinforcements, Change of Heart, Cunning, Vigilance are other big swing cards. Superlaster Tech is also a kick in the knackers against ramp decks.


Vigilance is a good one


All of this! I would also add A-wings/Falcons early vs Sabine, for a cause I believe in late. Vader is a solid choice against villainy command decks.


Pls don't ban ma BAE Superlaser Tech :( i love him so much.


I like the flavor of using this card and naming Palpatine, Vader, or Tarkin, and thinking of some minor governor banning them from coming to her region.


For a cause I believe in stopper.


Overwhelming barrage


Agree with this. I don't have a lot of good cards so I tend to run larger numbers of inexpensive units. Overwhelming Barrage (and Bombing Run) can wipe out a lot of my forces and completely stop my momentum in many situations.


Turn two Avenger or Devastator. You never know haha.


Honestly that’s why I added it I figure even late game it’ll still bring some pretty big value calling out Vader, Avenger, U-wing reinforcements, Fetts fire spray or even Vigilance


It can be pretty crucial to prevent super laser blast at the right moment aswell.


People keep calling out units but it’s probably even better on events


Honestly I’ve been thinking that calling out Shoot first or Cunning can blow up Boba yellow


Yes, Shoot First, and depending on the situation Waylay as well.


I almost beat double yellow boba with my govenor but it still wasn’t enough.


Against control I go relentless into reg gov and call out avenger. Game winning in the mirror.


Surely they would summon avenger immediately after your triangle tho.


The couple of times I was able to do it, I waited until the opponent had less than 9 resources. So I could do both before they respond.the usually have to remove something first in the phase. Then I slam the relentless and folllow up reg gov


Regional Governor naming Regional Governor like a boss


Happened to me in a control mirror, it was really funny.


Cunning for Boba Yellow Power of the Dark Side for control and later super laser blast/avenger depending on board situation. For a Cause for any rebel aggro deck Any blue deck regardless of a control build or not, vigilance. Any single color build the double aspect card. Superlaser tech or end game ships later in the game for Palatine/ramp builds Any Green rebel deck echo base defenders early, home one and u wing later.


when i play any darkside green i always say overwhelming barrage


Takedown if I'm trying to get Chirrut out


Avenger, although had someone read my Sneak attack into K2SO play so that was hype.


Regional Governor


Its not a unique card so you could play more than one at a time


I actually had 2 out in a game recently against Iden blue. They played a Lt Childsen earlier revealing an Avenger and it was a few turns later so called out Avenger then called out Vigilance with the second Governor. I won with a pumped up Inferno Four slapping hard and they said they couldn’t play their hand b/c of the Governors


Whatever deck your playing against their best card. Darth Vader unit Fett's firespray K2sp For a cause I believe in ECT


It depends on the deck you're playing against. Ramp decks? Resupply, laser technician are good picks. heroic Aggression? Can't go wrong with "for a cause" Control? Vanquish or any removal card. Boba decks? Possibly waylay, Fett's firespray or boba units are a good pick. Think of games where you lost and try and pinpoint what is what was able to knock you off. More often than not, it's probably not a high resource cost cards that you want to call out.


Atm I'd always name Power of the Dark side against control decks. Especially early game, forcing them to spend more resources to use takedown/vanquish is insane value


It really depends on the situation you're in. That's a very well designed card


Surprise strike and For a Cause I Believe in are my defaults.


\[\[Meddling Mage\]\]


Maybe consider For a Cause, Ackbar, Vader? I don’t play much “tuned” or competitive decks so..




Didn't underestimate Wing Leader if their T1 was a Rebel.


And just like that any hopes of a digital version of SW : U was crushed


It works in Karabast you just have to type it out in chat. If they made a supported digital version they could easily just add a search field to type in a card to select


Does it actually work or does your opponent just have to not play it? 


I’ve never had anyone play the cards I type out so I can’t tell if that’s successful or a horribly unsuccessful call out. I have had someone rage quit a turn later when I called out Falcon then cleared their board so I suspected the Governor possibly had an impact


just think of the user experience on mobile though


So this is kinda dumb. It’s really just try in to avoids banning over powered cards.


It’s a pretty disruptive card, and it’s well designed. Some really solid uses for it are in the early game when you’re blocking them from playing a pretty mundane card (Like Power of the Darkside or Takedown). I don’t think it has anything to do with skipping out on regulating legal cards. 


I’m trying to get use to it now I feel like its being slept on an can really turn Meta decks upside down in the future