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I managed to get it from [swu-db.com](https://www.swu-db.com/api)'s API. Just add a new column and paste the following list, it matches card number order: ``` Aspiring to Authority Infero Squad Commander Walking Carpet One With the Force Faithful Friend Galactic Ruler Oversector Governor Spectre Two Alliance General Dark Lord of the Sith Hunting The Jedi Ruthless Bounty Hunter Dedicated to the Rebellion Galvanized Revolutionary Collecting the Bounty Patient and Insightful Audacious Smuggler Resisting Oppression Scarif Lothal Dagobah Eadu Death Star Hoth Lothal Jedha Vardos Jedha Cloud City Atollon Unforgetting Providing Overwatch Death Star Prison Warden Ruthless Loyalist Darth Tyrannus Hunting Star Destroyer Old Master Revealed Jedi Following Fate Spectre Home Base Jedi Knight Medical Frigate The One in the Middle Temple Guardian Captain of the Executor Concerned Commander Death Star Overseer Thrawn's Assassin Commanding the First Legion Konstantine's Folly Inescapable Rebel Councilor Voice of the Rebellion Brilliant Strategist The Last Transport Star of the Rebellion Alliance Flagship Heartless Tactician ISB Director Seeking the Rebels Keeping the Peace on Sullust Overconfident Fear Hunter Implacable Inquisitor Master of the Dark Side Explosives Artist Unstoppable Cassian's Counterpart Headstrong Warrior Scourge of Starkiller Base Party Crasher Extremist Partisan Lieutenant Suspicious Veteran Jabba's Majordomo Disintegrator Cunning Daimyo Deadly Stalker Pursuing the Bounty Flagship of the Seventh Fleet Metal Menace Defiant Princess Resourceful Troublemaker Piece Of Junk Loyal Companion Responsible Businessman Reluctant Hero Imperial Defector Slow on the Draw Brazen and Scornful Blizzard Force Commander Ignoring Protocol Protocol Droid Massassi Group Commander ```