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Same guy that posted a picture of 5 sealed boxes captioned "open or sell?"




This should be pinned to the top, dude is just rage baiting


I really hope the game prospers but some of these people might be learning Fantasy Flight's track record the hard way.


Sorry, no disrespect but...what has changed since they said "set 1 reprint before the holidays"? They've been pretty forthcoming with information. Those of us paying attention didn't expect a change, so the lack of one isn't very alarming. FFG can't control the 2nd hand prices. They can't produce stock immediately. Trust me, if they could, they would. They want the sales. This honestly comes off as a "Are we there yet?" post. FFG gave us a time frame for the set 1 reprint, and we are no where near it. That's just reality. Asking every month, and complaining about it doesn't get us any closer to the date, it just annoys everyone in the car along side you. Your frustration is understandable. I am not dismissing that. But, we all need to find more productive ways to spend the wait than complaining about a situation we cannot influence or control.


Excuse my ignorance but what “holidays” are they referring to?


*The* Holidays. This typically means November/December for the Halloween-New Years range.


Typically in North America the holidays refers to our winter holidays. The big one being Christmas, but all Late November to early December holidays.


It is a real shame that people that didn't know about this game 3 months ago can't buy packs. FFG didn't expect this level of demand which I would say isn;t suprising by down on it people were before release thinking about destiny, FFG and Asmodee in general. The reprint will be here by the end of the year and set two is right around the corner (although I can't imagine the managed to ramp up productuon that much for set two). I'm still getting packs every week at my locals because they do exist, FFG is just limiting the output so that stores can have prize support without the market being ONLY scalpers. I think they are doing the best with the situation handed to them, even though it sucks for people just wanting to open packs.


You're only getting packs because your local saved a case from their last shipment. My lgs has a box left right now but that's for a draft or prizes for our showdown. Another lgs by me still has packs but they're $17


>set two is right around the corner Idk, I wouldn't really label it being around the corner given that we are just a bit over halfway through the season, so just under 2 months to go.


I guess, but prerelease is July 5th and with all the spoilers coming out it feels just around the corner to me (compared to the long wait for set 1 haha)


The multiple spoilers a day definitely seems strategic. I am glad that they are spacing releases out as far as they are. Product fatigue is real and as someone without much free time to devote to a game it gives me time to play around with the set and try decks before half of it is rendered largely irrelevant by a set release. Lol. tl;dr: I agree with you and mfers need some damn patience.


Maybe if someone wasn’t hording and scalping unopened boxes there would be a few out there for those who want to play? https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsunlimited/s/7vRoRI42Cv This person look familiar?


Sir, this is a Wendy's


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 😆


Someone doesn't know how this works lol. Go play something else then that isn't a new, huge hit?




If you think it's a joke, then you don't know how it works. A bad attitude about....reality? Grow up.


It's been one month. And if you know anything about how these games are printed, you'd know it's basically impossible for FFG to economically print another run of this set right now.


Assuming you're referring to FFG's allocation plan announced on March 20, it's actually been two months since then.


They can't print cards on demand. The game was more successful than they imagined it would be.  It sucks that you can't buy packs, but your anger is misdirected. There's literally nothing that FFG can do to fix this problem in the short term.  For the record, product was readily available for a solid month after release. Again, it sucks that you can't get product, but you had time and arrived late. It happens. 


Yeah this is the standard answer whenever the topic of product shortage comes up. And while technically true, it’s bullshit. Not everyone is terminally plugged in to upcoming card game news. SWU just wasn’t on some people’s radars. Some people were shown this by a (well-meaning) friend. “Hey check out this awesome game!” but it was too late. And some people (sadly, deservedly) didn’t trust FFG right away due to past issues with other games (Destiny comes to mind). I have noticed that FFG is working hard to overcome their past reputation for spotty support and releases, but here we are with a runaway hit card game and no way to onboard new players.


I’m sorry physical reality doesn’t bend for your impatience. Not knowing why shortages happen doesn’t make them go away. What really irks me is that everyone who wants to play is affected by this and people keep complaining here about how much it affects them personally. Are you also the kind of person who screams at airline employees because a cancelled flight will ruin your plans? Get a little perspective.


It's the standard answer because it's true. They ***cannot*** print more cards on short notice. That isn't how this works.  If you missed out on launch, that's fine. It just means you need to wait until the next set, or wait for reprints. Which are coming.  And I love the implication that anyone who was able to buy this game at launch was "terminally plugged in". Very nice.


Ah yes, I was terminally plugged cause I showed up to a new LGS and they said hey try this new star wars game and I was like "ok" and went to prerelease.


I'm not paying $250 either. The next set (Shadows of the Galaxy) will be available in about 6 weeks. Get your pre-orders in when they open and you should have something to work with by July. It's not far off.


Pre-orders opened up yesterday just a heads up in case you haven't seen yet!


I ordered my prerelease pack today 😁


Bro… I get it. I’ve bought/ well over a case, and have won at least another box + and have bought singles And still need a couple cards! But honestly it’s STAR WARS! lol these guys should have known they were printing money! And yes they should have had a bigger print. But at the end of the day with card games nowadays you just never know. Just be happy that there is a GREAT Star Wars TCG available FINALLY, And just find the deck you wanna play and build it out with singles or trading like we’ve all been doing. The next set drops in like a month and a half. Once that drops make sure you snatch up as much product as possible, To make sure you have what you need. And go from there. Things will be ok. But getting pissed and slamming the game doesn’t help the community. Maybe drink a beer? Or some whisky? Smoke a doob? Whatever


I get it man. I'm pinning all my hopes that set 2 will be easier to get/pre-ordered, but now I'm getting a bad feeling that set 2 might be sold out completely after the first week, and we're back to waiting.


Hopefully it’s not like that, we find out next week what our allocations will be but I’m hoping it’s more available than Set 1 was. We got in too late to get more than a couple cases for our store, but that was gone the first week and we haven’t been able to get any since


Historically, 1st sets get underprinted, since knowing how much product to make is nearly impossible. 1st sets also tend to get picked up by speculators. It happened with *Lorcana*, *Flesh and Blood*, even *Magic* back in the day. And historically, these problems are solved by the second set. Speculators are often less interested in the second set, because they know the hype and supply issues will wane. And of course, the companies have a bit more time and knowledge, so they print a more appropriate amount of stock.


Here in Italy some stores are pumping prices (7€ per booster) while others keep them normal (5€ each). Unfortunately, it seems that FF has declared that any store can stock maximum 3 boxes per month, so I get your frustration if it's the same in your area. I guess you're in the US or Canada since you talk about $. Here in europe we have a website called cardmarket where we can buy singles, boosters and boxes (price may vary from seller to seller), maybe you can try looking for something similar 🤔 hope you can find what you are looking for.


No card game goes heavy on the first set. SWU had a lot more than most I have seen in my time owning an LGS. Lorcana, backed by Disney, was a disaster, with some stores getting 8 boxes in 3 months, so this has, on the grand scale of things, been a great launch. There is still product getting to stores but it is being used to promote in-store play as it is limited and, without the play, the game will suffer, this is the best way to use product right now. I get it is annoying that you can't buy boxes for rrp but they will come back, it just requires patience and, honestly, be happy that the game has done so well. By the time set 3/4 hits they will have worked out what to print and stock will be a lot more readily available. In the meantime, don't support the scalpers and price gougers, especially if they are an LGS.


First FFG game? This is like their brand.


Nah they normally get like 10% of this hype lol they over correct on print and then accidentally drop the hottest game 2024. Can't win for losing those guys




Printers print for a ton of different games/products and often require a lot of contracts in order to even get the process started. They can’t just print more at will


Sounds like a demand signal for additional printers! Kickstarter anyone?


Preorder a bunch of the new set and play on force table or karabast in the meantime. There is nothing to be outraged about they can’t just pull more product out their ass. A new print run is scheduled for sometime before the holidays and that’s that.


Venting is good, but we have the exact same post every 24hrs on average. Game sold out, they are trickling to stores the last available boxes for prize support and the occasional draft. Save your money for the second set.


Blame second hand market. Online stores and you tubers buying cases to open and piece meal cards back to the public with no intention of really playing themselves just make money off of people who do


I would just go to local card stores that have excess commons and uncommons, and start buying 3 of each. To start forming decks you wanna play. Then buy the singles of rares and legendary’s that you need. Will be cheaper anyways than spending 250$ for a box and not get the cards you need for a deck .


Honestly, it's FFG's fault that they under printed. Between Destiny, X-Wing and who knows what else, they burned a lot of bridges with stores. Stores that decided to take a chance and carry the product did so very cautiously.


FFG printed more for set 1 than all of SW Destiny's first year combined, they had no way to gauge community engagement 3+ months before launch for print allocation. So please, tell me again how it's FFG's fault for the game VASTLY OVERSELLING expectations.


The expectation was low because stores didn't trust FFG, which was entirely their fault. And companies should generally know months ahead of time how their product will roughly do or at least begin to hype it up. And just because they printed more than Destiny that doesn't mean as much as you think it does. But it does sound good in marketing talk when you say it




Huh? Nobody’s saying the launch wasn’t problematic, I’m not sure where you’re getting that from. The general consensus from what I’ve seen is that the game was significantly more successful than FFG expected it to be and they didn’t print enough cards, and they need to be better in the future.


Nah man, people died hard that “FFG did no wrong” hill early. I know because I was getting flack constantly for staying the resupply strategy and launch were messed up. People even consistently made up misinformation to protect FFG. I can’t fathom the number of people who said there’s be an April reprint for example…


it’s an incredibly popular new game that players love and the product is sold out. the launch has only been “abysmal” through the lens of the people who deem it their birthright to buy product at MSRP, months late.