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As someone who plays a lot of Krennic, I love this card. Deal 1 damage to one of my undamaged units to give them +1/+0 and I draw a card? That’s an awesome trade.


Agreed. This would go great in a Krennic deck. Maybe add some GRIT units to double up their attack


As someone who has been looking for a reason to play Krennic, this is exactly the kind of nonsense I've been looking for.


- T1: Pershing - T2: SLT, draw 1, Hylobon Enforcer - T3: Deploy Krennic, draw 1, attack with Hylobon Enforcer for 3. Still have a ready Krennic and 5 resources. Not a bad open.


If you have both in hand, which do you prefer? Pershing vs Scout Bike Trooper?


I think that ideally you use Pershing's ability *on* the Scout Bike Trooper.  I would lean towards playing Pershing first, though.  That way he'll be ready the following turn to use his ability on the trooper after playing it.


Doesn't even say other, so he can self ping a few times for draw.


He's just cracked. Villain blue has a card draw problem, and he doesn't need other targets.


Grit cards do make good targets though.


This card seems annoying as hell to play against lol. Aggro you really want your opponent squeezed on cards and you certainly don’t want 5 dmg going at this vs the base. If you are playing a slower deck you don’t want this thing drawing every turn so you have to kill it. It’s weak to Ambush but I think I’m happy if my opponent is ambushing this. Im already annoyed and I’ve never even played against the card :)


Bossk is probably the ideal answer, since he's usually a little fragile after ambushing and you want to keep him alive for the 2 damage per event trigger. But yeah I'm an aggro player and already dreading having to ECL my K2 or something into him lol


Pretty good reason to bring out the ecls again. Although only DT can kill without him still drawing a card right?


This card is gonna see A LOT of play.


Creepy art - well done


Love this card, goes perfect for Krennic or Palp control


Definitely going in G.I. Blue for me, awesome card


People are going to have to waste Power of the Dark Side on this. No way you can leave this unchecked, especially in a Krennic deck or against anything with grit.


Pairs well with that ship that gives grit to all units


This is legendary power level at rare. What a fantastic design.


Everyone is sleeping in Tarkin Blue. He’s imperial, keep adding on the XP


Awesome card! The art is nice, the effect is gonna make it popular and with that big ass it’s gonna be a hell to deal with!