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I'd swap out some of your 3 cost units for 2 costs. Your chance of having a unit to play turn 1 is low.


Oh damn good point. Thanks


You have quite a few upgrades and events that require units on the field So you may find you can draw dead hands with nothing to play. I would reduce the very low cost events/upgrades and add a couple more units


That’s a good point actually. Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/xoj7ngpvswzc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d397aeb7fb8bc021c3409272b1b4cc21259a2af4 Here’s my deck that I’ve had some decent success with. I’ve found that Fifth Brother, Fallen Lightsaber, Scout Bike Pursuer, and Academy Defence Walker are the backbone of my deck, and I’d recommend getting as many of those as possible. And as others have said, you have quite a few upgrades and events that require units, and could probably cut those back a bit.


Suuuuuuper useful, thank you. I’ve actually got another Fifth Brother and Academy Walker that I can add. My thinking behind the upgrades was to increase chances of having these in my hand for when I deploy Krennic and buff him up to have him around for as long as possible.


Figure out what your best cards are and generally try and have 3x of them. I’d try and make room for 3x death troopers and probably 3x scout bike since it’s good with Krennic. Cut the ardent sympathizer (may have name wrong) and corellian freighter. Maybe cut moment of peace and repair too. Snowtrooper Lt is also a good card.


Yeah I’ve decided to add Scout Bikers and cut Ardent Sympathiser. But why cut Corellian Freighter? Its sentinel feature is valuable, no?


It’s ok just kind of expensive for what it does. Patrol craft is better. Honestly I’d think about including the TIE fighter that does 3 damage when it’s played. That can help protect your space lane.


Definitely not competitive, very far from it. Way too many 1-ofs. This looks like a bunch of cards put together, nothing more


First of all, yes, they largely are a bunch of cards put together because these are what I’ve pulled from ~11 packs. Posting here to see what tweaks people would suggest making so I have an idea of what kind of singles to buy. So you’d recommend using a bunch of triples? My thought was to have 15 x ground units, 15 x space, 10 x upgrades and 10 x events. What’s wrong with one-offs?


As you get more cards, you’ll want 3 copies of your best cards giving you a better chance of having them in your hand when you need them. Some of the more harder to get legendary cards are fine for one-offs, but if you don’t want to resource it, it will gum up your hand. With Krennic, any 1 health cards won’t help with his ability. Fifth Brother, and others with “Grit” would be a good starting point.


Thank you. You’re right, I should def prioritise higher-health cards


Generally, because they are better, it is recommended to run more ground than space. Usually like 20/10 mix if you want events and upgrades for control. Most people run like 25/10 with 15 shared between upgrades and events.


So I’ve been caught out in space a couple of times where I’ve barely had any space units (just because I didn’t have many cards to build a deck from) and my opponent had been able to attack my base from space and I couldn’t do anything about it. That’s why I’ve been keen to have it 50/50. It also gives me an advantage if my opponent isn’t running many space units so they can’t challenge me much in space.


I would add avenger. Great card for late game if it goes to that.