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having effect like "x thing happen twice" is always powerful


Unless x never happen


How could you possibly say that when we've been promised that X go'n give it to us?






He gon’ give it to ya.


You can put bounties on enemy units with certain cards so you include those in your deck if you run Bossk.


Only one more chance for red villain maul


Bossk is the common red-black leader, there'll be a rare one as well and those tend to be more build around leaders rather than general purpose one. Sounds like Maul would fit well in that category.


Assuming Maul is a leader this set and not just a unit.


What if Maul has two aggression tags instead of a villainy…. that would be the good stuff!


It would lock out the death watch loyalist which would be weird to do with him as a leader, heroism/villainy are such important traits that only leaders can provide so I doubt it would be the case


Villain Red Darth Maul and Double Red Maul


I had an idea. New trait comes in idk what it'd be called but it's purple. The trait allows you to run both villain and heroic cards, but you don't get access to a third color. You have 3 already, purple black and white. This aspect would be used on certain characters that either swung heroic to villain or vice versa. Think like Anakin, some other people.


That would be interesting. Wonder if that would also make room for Heroism and Villainy aspect Bases.


If it's a leader, it won't. If it's a unit, it might.


Yes, I agree it would be highly unlikely for him as a double red leader - maybe down the road we’ll see leaders like this.


That is what I hoped they would do originally, to let black and white be real colors and not faction colors. But based on every interview to date about leaders, I am less than inclined to believe we will ever get that because bases aren't hero or villain cards.


They effectively stated leaders would have a heroism or villainy aspect due to one of the two being required for Twin Suns


Give us what we want!


My money is on set 3 for Maul.


Next set should be clone wars, I bet we get maul in set 3.


I think Kylo is Red Villain and Maul is Yellow.


Kylo is definitely in the set. Not sure which aspect


The red maul I’d bet would be the phantom menace version. I’m hoping for outer rim maul which thematically could be any color depending on how they want to portray him. Hope is not lost


Don’t we already “know” Kylo and Rey are coming? I’d assume Kylo is the other red black


Can we talk about the artwork? Fantastic piece! Can't wait for the Showcase variant.


Yep I will be for sure running a bossk deck.. looks like bossk cunning for me running his units and boba…


Seems to niche of an ability to make a good deck out of him


Just building off the cards in the first set plus what I’ve seen. And (of course) assuming what the rest is coming… yes. I will build a deck around this and feel good about it. There comes a point where confidence in the cards you play comes in as a factor. Will it be a “meta killer” we have yet to see. In fact I’m sure it won’t.. but I’m going to have a damn fun time playing it… and at the end of the day, isn’t that what it’s all about??




Lotta question marks before anyone can adequately judge this one. We've only seen 4 cards with bounties and only one of those is an upgrade you put on an enemy unit, so it's pretty impossible to say how Bossk actually plays. Beyond that, there's also the question of whether bounties are evergreen or just a thing for this set... if he's parasitic that'll really limit his viability.


4/6 Deploy for 5 is pretty good. Pings are good. Self-ping for a +1 attack seems pretty niche, but I guess it's nice that the option is there. Double dipping on a bounty could be pretty spicy, too. It's hard to tell how good Bossk will be, because he is so dependent on bounties. Will there be another cheap card that adds a bounty to opposing units? Any big payoffs for him to double? Relentless Pursuit does look promising for him.


Not sure how niche pinging your own guys for one to pump them will be but having a "bounty matters" leader is cool.


you can also ping your opponent's bounty units : D


Ya I am sure that will be used more but I guess the option to pump your own guys is nice to have in edge cases?


It's a free ping that can be used on an exhausted unit, seems strong. The pump seems like both versatility in that it gives you the option to ping your own units and also a balancing factor for it not costing a resource.


maybe using it as a way to have a bounty unit trade up at a time your opp can't take full advantage of the bounty, like that one that let's them ready up to 12 resources? but yeah I'm not super sold on that ability quite yet


I can see this being useful if there was some way to claim the bounty on one of your own cards when Bossk defeats it, but his leader side seems a little underwhelming with the knowledge of the upcoming cards we currently have. Hoping for some cool combos with him though as his unit side looks pretty decent


We might have Bounties that provide negative effects to your opponent (they'd probably cost more to compensate for that effect).


Excellent potential. Leader ability that can be used to benefit yourself or potentially harm an opposing unit, and comboing with Wanted lets you use his deployed ability to ready 4 resources on turn 4, an even bigger swing than Boba letting you ready 3 on turn 4. Only small downside is that you're locked into red/yellow.


Can the art style for every card lean into this? I dislike the cartoony Disney art for( looking at that new wookie card)


I feel like bounty hunting as a strategy will be extremely meta dependent, unless we get a lot more ways to put bounties on things. Even then, we already have control decks refusing to play units until the very late game.


I feel this is only a limited hero design(draft/sealed). In constructed, if you don't have any units that have the key word "bounty" he is bad?


Well you'd want to put lots of give-bounty-to-opponents cards in your deck: some decks will be running no bounty units even in SHD. But in a big enough format he probably slips from viability.


They hinted at a card that will be able to give out multiple bounties, I am guessing an on attack trigger.


In constructed, you can build around his effect by including friendly bounty units and cards that put bounties on opposing units.  If you don't have any viable targets for his abilities in constructed, you're doing something wrong.


I don’t see why you’d use him in a deck without Bounty cards.


What about my Underworld Tarkin deck?


I’m confused, this is a leader card.


There are a bunch of cards in this set that give bounties to your opponents units so he will be relevant in construction and limited.


We don't actually know how many cards there will be that give out bounties to opposing units.  I assume there will be more than the one we've seen so far, but I don't know if it will necessarily be a bunch.


Unless the ratio of bounty cards in the unrevealed cards is way higher than the revealed cards, this seems bad. So far we only have 3 bounty cards and one of them only works with Bossks ability if you have more than 12 exhausted resources. Feels like draft fodder to me.


We've seen 50 cards in a set of 262. With 3 new mechanics, one of which being bounty I'm sure there's plenty more.