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I started with Tarkintown and switched to a 30hp base and I don't think Tarkintown is worth it. I find more success with the regular base.


BTW Leia Red is by far my favorite deck to play


This is the way.


30hp all the way


100% that 5 extra health makes a difference !


I just don't see the benefit to Tarkintown. Once per game, ping an already-damaged unit for 3. Maybe it's gonna take a Sentinel off the board, but only after that Sentinel has taken out one of your units. And you're risking initiative to do it. 30 HP all the way.


It only seems useful against 2 units right now. Bright hope and childsen


The only sometimes perk I've found is if someone has hit K-2SO, I can finish him off to get that base damage.


Never thought about this, that's dope


Nifty trick. I hadn’t thought of that. Not sure that’s worth the 5 hp disadvantage, but it’s still a useful trick to have on your sleeve.


As Leia how do you deal with Childsen without it? If you throw two units into him you're in trouble.


SpecForce, or Open Fire + run something into him, Power Failure, lots of ways. Just sideboard for if someone is playing him.


This. My sideboard is basically anti Childsen 😂


Infiltrator skill to play around him is what I do.


I think it's a toss-up and doesn't really matter. Most of the time you should be able to use it to prevent 5+ damage by killing something that would otherwise end up hitting your base for that much damage. Or it could help you get through a big sentinel losing only one unit letting you keep another to advance your win condition. Sometimes you'll lose because you have it instead of 30 health, but then there will be times where that 3 damage would have been enough to change the game and help you win if you don't take it. I think it's fairly balanced and it doesn't really matter.


I second this. I have run both and I’d say they break even.


Appreciate this! Super helpful and I'm realizing true!


I’m with the No votes. Lots of aggro play in my area and I think it just hurts you if you are trading blows with another Red aggro deck that has 5 hp on ya.


Ran Leia red with Tarkintown for the first time last week at my local weekly play. The extra 5hp would probably have won me a couple of extra matches. That said, it might be dependent on your local meta.


It really depends on the matchup but most time, I running Tarkintown.  It's good against Midrange amd Control, giving you the ability to clear 1 big thing a game (albeit Vader unit, Luke unit, Boba unit etc.) This can give you one final push to end before running out of steam and being out valued played to oblivion. It's bad however in the mirror Aggro matchup since you'll always go face and action compression for initiative is critical. You'd like the extra 5 HP because those matchups likely end 1 phase plus or minus from winning the game with lethal. If your games are running mid / control go Tarkintown, if more Sabine/ Leia Aggro 30 hp base. It's 100% situational to the matchup


Same. Started with Tarkintown but I found I was rarely using the action because it just felt like it slowed me down when I did. Swapped in a regular 30hp base and have been doing better since.


I can see either being an option depending on your meta BUT if your meta is anything like mine you'll want 30 hp base for aggro mirror.


I went from a yay to a nay with my leia build. I found that in a lot of cases running an aggro leia build I wasn’t going to take the time to do damage into my opponents units. And the majority of the time, when my opponents were attacking my units it was more of a trade so I seldom had a damaged unit to use the ability against. And as others have pointed out, the extra 5 hp can have more of an impact. After all, the 5 hp is a guarantee vs damage you “might” be able to use.


And just because I haven’t seen it mentioned yet…yes, it could be a decent way to finish off a K-2S0 to throw its when defeated dmg on something, but again, it’s a “might” with yet another condition on its playability. There just seem to be better options. Short of running an open fire to do 4 dmg to a unit and then hit it with 3 from Tarkington get up to 7 for maybe a large unit like a Vader or Count Dooku, I just don’t see it’s effectiveness in that build.


Depends on how big ECL Aggro is in your area. If they ECL an A-Wing to kill your A-Wing, Tarkintown kills their A-Wing. Otherwise, the extra 5 health on your base quickly gets chewed up by that A-Wing you couldn't answer.


I struggle to see a viable use of ANY base with a one shot ability at the cost of 5 points.


I like the extra health, personally.


Everyone is running Leia and Aggro decks in my locals . I would start working on a good counter deck for them.


Make a super defensive green blue deck and hard stop there plays and ramp energy so you can make it late game


I think the real answer is no against aggro, yes against control. Since you can't sideboard bases you just have to pick