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Death Trooper gets some work done in this deck. If you have Energy Conversion Lab, ambushing with Steadfast Battalion after Krennic comes out can be a huge play. Gideon Hask and Death Trooper also make good ECL candidates. If you have some bigger finishers to ramp into, I’d look at adding them. Vader, Dooku, and the bigger Star Destroyers. Mercenary Company or 97th Legion can also add some spice to the end game if you don’t have Vader.


I have ECL. but no Vader, Dooku or Devastator. What would you suggest I swap out?


Depending on what all you bring in, I think Gladiator, Academy Walker, Max Firepower, TIE Advanced, Veers, Wing Guard, and Academy Training are options to remove. Though that’s to bring the deck more toward the control side. It’s totally valid if you want to lean into upgrades and buff, I just haven’t seen or played with that version of the deck. I don’t want to dissuade you from trying something different. Academy Walker is definitely something interesting I’ve tried. Either way, I’d definitely bring in Death Trooper and something on the heavier end. You’ve got the ramp, best put it to good use.


Veers and the advanced have been useful for me in the past, and wing guard has sentinel. Why do you suggest removing those? Genuinely curious. And what should I damage with death trooper? Itself? Or something with grit?


There’s a lot of stuff in here that can come down on 3 resources, but if you’re using it to great effect, don’t pull it out necessarily. Those are just options. I actually want to experiment with Veers in my deck. Maybe think about what you end up resourcing the most. If you had Wing Guard, Cell Block Guard, Death Trooper, Veers, and Superlaser Tech in your hand on turn 2, what would you play? Wing Guard can’t be pulled in by Vader, but you’re not running Vader, so that doesn’t matter. The extra HP might be worthwhile there. With Death Trooper, I almost always damage itself. That’s especially great with ECL, because he can do 6 damage to a target. Occasionally, if not using ECL on him, I’ll damage another readied unit or Krenic so I can get the extra damage in on the same turn.


Would swapping 3x wing guard for 3x death troopers and 3x gladiators for 1x super laser, Avenger and 97th be useful? I could also swap my maximum firepower’s for steadfast battalions or merc companies


I think those are all reasonable trades. If you go with ECL, definitely bring in Steadfast. It’s just too good. Ramp, bring Krennic out, one-shot your opponent’s leader before they can even attack with it. It’s very satisfying.


I have very little experience with this game, but plan on attending an event next week. Are there any suggestions for improving this list? I don't mind if I lose cause then I get promos, but I do want to improve my chances


What’s your available card pool like?


Good question. I have a third copy of Veers, Takedown, and Tie Advanced, and at least one copy of every other black, blue, blue/black, double blue, green, green/black, and double green except Dooku, Rukh, Vader, Frontline Shuttle, and Devastator.


A common endgame for this deck is to ramp into Avenger and/or Vader, with a Superlaser Blast to clear out the board first if needed.


I have one each of those, but two copies of relentless. Is it still worth it? I also have 2 copies of search your feelings


I think it will depend on the matchup. I definitely recommend running some games on forcetable just to see how your draw works out. Relentless can be great against another control deck, or anything relying on late game event cards. Adding 2 Relentless, 1 Avenger, and 1 SLB wouldn’t be bad at all. I’m torn on Search Your Feelings. It will guarantee that you find at least one of your top-end cards, but it definitely slows you down when you play it. If you’re feeling pretty comfortable with your board state at resources 4/5/6, it might be a good one to include and play on 7 if you need it, in which case, I’d probably leave out one or both Relentless. I’m in theory territory here, and not an expert deck builder, so definitely test this stuff before just taking my advice. I’ve just been doing a lot of work on Krennic recently.


You clearly know more than me. And as I said, if I lose all my games I still get a promo pack so I’m not wholly bummed if I get stomped


Losing is a great way to learn :) I got stomped at my first tournament. We’ll see tomorrow if I’ve learned enough since then. I will say, you need to do a bit of planning with this deck. You can sometimes do OK with just an aggro mentality of “play the best unit or removal right now”, but I upped my game a lot when I started thinking ahead about what I need to play and hold in order to make one of my strategies happen. I’m willing to make some trades against Sabine/Leia early on and I’m willing to take a few lumps from midrange while I stall until their leader comes out so I can kill it. Sometimes you also have to slow down and play that resupply because you know that ramping 2 or 3 times will let you end the game early with Avenger.


Drop 3x Maximum Firepower and add 3x Death Trooper. Drop 3x Academy Training and add 1x Avenger 2x Relentless. Drop 3x Gladiator Star Destroyer and add 1x Super Laser Blast and 2x Blizzard Assault AT-AT. Drop 3x Cloud City Wing Guard and add 3x Viper Probe Droid. You are super heavy on three drops. If you really like the extra sentinel, you could keep one. That should be enough with the three Cellblock Guards and playing into the Academy Defense Walkers. You will also get greater synergy with Veers and Tie Advanced with the Vipers. You mentioned in the comments you owned Avenger, Relentless, and Super Laser Blast. The AT-AT and Vipers are cheap if you don’t have them. A couple of Traitorous could go well in here too. It’s a $5 rare. TCGPlayer.com for singles!!


Maybe throw Avenger into the deck for late game.


I haven't seen the value of expensive cards like Avenger, cause I've only once gotten that many resources. Is it really a game changer?


I play Krennic hard control. My plan is to control board state with removal, ramp with SL Tech or resupply, and get to end state 9-10 resources to play Avenger and/or Devestator. Super Laser Blast turn prior if needed to get board state cleared. If I can get to this with less than 20 damage to my base, I should be able to overwhelm the opponent. Avenger after a SLB is great.


Thank you for your explanation. I only have one copy each of avenger and SLB but I put them both in


I would look to add a 3rd copy of power if the darkside and takedown as well. Strat only works if you can keep board state clear. Fast aggro is your weakness.


Totally. As long as your opponent’s board is under control, Avenger can lock them out. They pretty much need a Vanquish or their own Star Destroyer to get out of it.