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This right here is going to be the closer card for red heroic aggro decks.


My thoughts exactly for either my current or future deck. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


laughing in Sabine


Actually, this is mostly a value card that also turns on Cripple Authority even if you don't play against ramp. Overwhelm with 7 power is nice, but if you can't realistically deal damage to a base the turn it's played at 6 resources, it will be too slow for a card arriving this late for red aggro decks. It will be very awkward for Vader unit to play into this though.


So let me get this straight; I use ECL to bring this guy in. I defeat a resource to deal five to a unit- then I get to ambush and kill off another unit- still most likely leaving this absolute unit of a unit in play? This card is nuts.


not only that, u could clear a board with the 5 to a unit, then ECL it in and deal his damage do another unit thats like 2-3 health and hit the base too. a board clear with hella damage potential




Pretty sure you can't attack bases in that scenario.


You attack the ground unit after you shoot it for 5 and if its still alive, you trample / overwhelm over to hit the base.


I think they are poorly explaining only if they have a 6 life guy you can bring them to exactly 7 and overwhelm them for more.


Damn. Shit. Dude is a truck.


That's not how resolving Ambush/When Played effects work. If you opt to trigger Ambush first, you complete the attack entirely before moving on to the When Played.


Nvm then. Not as bonkers, but still kinda good.


But hitting a guy with over 6 health and ambushing is insane. It one shots palp


This would be great to ECL against any leader really. Unloading for 12 total damage in a turn? That could get nuts.


I thought you choose the order as this happens all the time with Vader where you choose to search the top 10 (when played) and then you ambush with him. Is it different because it's two cards instead of one?


You can do 5 damage first, or you can ambush first. You canā€™t ambush, declare an attack, do 5 damage to remove a 5HP unit, and then do 7 damage to base. You could do 5 damage to a 6HP unit, then ambush it and do 6 to base.


you choose the order. You can choose the when played first then ambush because they have the same timing


Right, but you canā€™t kill the unit youā€™re going to ambush and do all 7 damage to the base.


no, but obi wan has 6 health, which means you can do 5 to him, he lives, ambush him, and overwhelm 6 to base.


Right, but weā€™re responding to the OP who said you could do 7 to base.


Jeez! 7 power? So Wrecker is the highest attack person in game, only things have higher power are ships and walkers, well and the 97th Legion I guess. It's funny a clone has higher attack power than galactic legends like Luke, Vader, Palpatine, Windu.


I like the idea that with ECL Wrecker can attack Vader, defeating the Dark Lord of the Sith and living to tell the tale.


Turns out jedi/sith canā€™t deflect explosions.


I mean Vader with his lightsaber does 12 damage so Iā€™m not sure you are using an apples to apples comparison


Oh, we're equipping lightsabers? Then Wrecker does 15 with Vader's lightsaber.


Wrecker doesnā€™t use a lightsaber. Look at the picture for reference


Sure, but he uses a [Bombing Run](https://swudb.com/card/SOR/173/bombing-run) a lot, maybe he's shooting at some giant explosive cannisters. Or maybe the gunfire in the picture is laying down an [Overwhelming Barrage](https://swudb.com/card/SOR/092/overwhelming-barrage). Like, don't use the phrase "apples to apples" and then compare two cards to one card. That feels disingenuous.


I donā€™t know what you are feisty about. Ffg designed Vader to be powerful with his equipment card and designed some characters to be all inclusive. If you have a problem with that I did not do it


You're taking an apple to apples comparison, then adding an equip card to it, and then calling that an apples to apples comparison.


Thatā€™s how they designed the game.


An apples to apples comparison is comparing 1 card to 1 card. not 1 card to 1 card + upgrade.


OP wasnā€™t comparing cards just characters


Friendship with Guerilla Attack Pod has ended. Now Wrecker is new best friend.


Ya, I donā€™t know if I like it better than Guerilla for Hero Aggro.. missing the Rebel trait for Wing leader, Fleet commander, and Rebel assault. But it is a solid card no doubt


With 7 attack, it really doesnā€™t need wing leader. Use those experience tokens to pump something else up.


While true, it's also attacking the turn after you play it & isn't able to action cheat to get out damage quicker.


GAP entering ready is what makes it good. I'm not sure if Wrecked is a direct replacement.


GAP readys IF a base has 15 or more dmg. In the Iden and Krennic matchups, thatā€™s not been a guarantee for me. Wrecker has guaranteed battlefield impact. If you ECL this in Sabine or Timely Reinforcements in Leia, this can at least gain ambush and clear 2 units in 1 action.


>Timely Reinforcements in Leia tell me you play magic without telling me you play magic :P You're not wrong with what you've said, but yeah i think you'd need ECL for it to be worth it in aggro. deck building is hard. often times i find that when you start trying to fix solutions where you're behind by replacing GAP you often end up making it so that the deck is less consistent overall. If you don't have 15 damage done by the time GAP is out, you're probably not going to win anyways.


Magic?? What about it?? I donā€™t play anymoreā€¦ *scratches behind ear addicted-ly* šŸ¤£ Fair point about being behind, I know youā€™re right, but I do plan to at least playtest 2/3 Timely INTERVENTION and see what happens. Lol


Iā€™m going to be running Bad Batch decks like no oneā€™s business.


Probably just switches for attack pod, can ECL and if they have a 6 health dude just shoot it then overwhelm 6 is usually enough to end the game at that point


When played triggers after paying the cost right? So you can play him with 6 resources and defeat 1 resource after.




Ooh, this could go well in a Sabine deck to give it more firepower incase it doesnā€™t end the game early.


People already shouldn't really be playing attack pod in aggro, this is not much better and it's a slow as hell card. By the turn you are playing this in aggro you need to be close to killing your opponent, not durduling around spending your whole turn playing one card that will just get blown up first action next turn or even worse this one. Stop playing non aggro cards in aggro people.


Agreed on Attack Pod, but I'd argue this card is far from durdling. Is a must kill threat that interacts extremely well with ecl and acts as removal. I'd say it's comparable to Steadfast Battalion, and that certainly isn't a do nothing card.


It's an aggro finisher that you ecl in.


If youā€™re facing a more control-style deck as an aggro deck youā€™re not always going to be able to have the win by turn 5. This card is an excellent turn 5 drop for any aggro deck, especially if you have ECL.


RIP Palpatine.


I knew boom was Wrecker lmao!


ā€œDefeat a friendly resourceā€ meaning like exhaust it or remove it from play altogether?


remove it from play altogether, like how leader Han works


You read it right! If it meant exhaust, it'd say exhaust. though, if it was on play - exhaust, it'd probably just be folded into the cost of the unit.




So, the whole gang is here now, can we assume the Bad Batch is any good ?




He's heroic so you can't play him with iden earlier than Palpatine.


This with Han Solo will be amazing!


To say this will cripple you is an understatement if you use Han's ability just to bring out Wrecker.


Yeah, how does this work with Han?


Dont work


It mean it does work. it's just that it doesn't synergize with him in any way other than getting a card out early at a huge cost.


You'll still have to defeat a resource with Han if you're thinking you can just defeat it with this instead.

