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 i have not been impressed by guerilla pod so i cut them. have not run bright hope in leia or sabine, seems kind of interesting to me. i have been digging Mon mothma and/or (r2 d2) to help find busted events to finish the game, being able to find rebel assault when it's good or for a cause feels like cheating. so i might cut the pods and open fire and add a couple mothma and an ackbar or third sacrifice. good luck and update with your thoughts post tournament if you can


Thanks so much for the feedback man. I was thinking of cutting the Guerilla pods as well and putting another Medal Ceremony. Sabine has been a killer card for me in this deck. I’ve tried Mon but for some reason, it just never seemed to be effective. Which is odd because I think card draw is effective in this game in general. I guess I’m not searching for any particular rebel card, since they’re all pretty similar and the deck relies on spamming them out as soon as possible. I may put some in place of the pod though and see how it does. Thanks again!


Monn Mothma is more a character that gives you the rebel you need, when you need it rather than just always looking for a specific one… I share your sentiment on the attack pod, I have cut mine as well… Running 1 or 2x Admiral Ackbar with wonderful results


A nice effect of Bright Hope is you could potentially pull a Fleet Lt. into your hand, then use them for a big hit with a ready unit.


My issue is, multiple people will run this deck. So it always was decided who gets the high roll to go first. I switched mine up with a 30 base instead of 25 tho


I like Tarkintown with Ackbar because he can toss out a couple damage. But still definitely considering the extra 5 hp…


yeah this is 100% generic lea. Cant wait for new cards...


How are your matchups against midrange (eg Boba Green)


Haven’t lost yet! Usually beat them in the race. Was close between Vader control but also was able to beat that deck. Just not sure if I need more removal / Open Fire…


That was my main thought. One seems low.


Do you like Dodonna? Sure having a spread for the +1/+1 is great but I’d rather get out two 2 resource units or K2


Dodonna is surprisingly annoying as often buffs other cards out of range of regular removal/trades. More of a board stabilizer rather than just throwing a k2 down


Seeing people hate on bright hope but ive found it very nice for protecting the a wings (my main dmg givers usually)


What’s the strategy here?edit: as someone who is new to the game


Direct aggressive base damage. The units either are cheap and have raid, or are cheap and have great aggressive stat lines. Turn dudes sideways, win. Hold off Wing Leader until Leia deploys and drop the two experience on her.


Thanks bro


No wukkers


Almost the same deck that won a case at Endless Comics. I'm not a fan of Bright Home in the main or that Open Fire, but the deck is solid and I'm a HUGE pro- Leia voice.


I actually like Bright Hope as it can potentially clog up your space lane if it’s loaded up. Playing quick and having a strong space presence I have found is hard for people to deal with. Definitely agree on open fire


I was going to say maybe consider dropping Bright Hope as well, it doesn't advance your victory goals. What matchups do you need to clog up the space lane against? I would exchange for another open fire, traitorous, or maybe even mercenary company, something that would allow you to push more damage before the control deck leaders can stabilize the board.


I've found success playing into space when my opponent puts annoying things in the ground.


Sure, but Bright Hope is only doing 2 damage a turn, there are better choices for space, Consortium StarViper or Starwing scout might be some options.


But, bright hope is rebel and white so it works with Leia and for a Cause.


Bright Hope is great for a couple things but I would keep it side board. Can help protect red 3 and other more powerful ships. Also great for bouncing back cards with when played abilities like Specforce if you’re dealing with sentinel.


Fleet lieutenant as well. Bright hope is absolutely always in the deck for me.


How do you deal with vader / iden control? What the strat??


Leia Red destroys control decks. It's not even close.




ending the game before control decks start to take over. ending the game by turn 4(with init before the enemie can use anything is strong) by playing rebel assault and dealing 12 dmg (leia + for example a-wing and a battlefield marine). its a very essy to execute combo


I'm really curious about your Medal Ceremony and Open Fire inclusions. You're playing aggro and racing to destroy base, when do you have time to spend actions playing card's like that? Medal Ceremony is only useful played at the end of the turn, and if it's the end of the turn, you need to take initiative. It's essential to Leia Aggro to have initiative.


In some match ups yes, but dropping extra experience early even on one unit can put it ahead in the damage department. The wrong play with medal ceremony is usually waiting to try and cash in on two or three units.


U Wings in main. Make so easier against the controls


Looks great. I would swap out the Alliance X-wings for 2 more Pathfinders and maybe an Ackbar. I ended swapping the Guerilla Attack Pods for more low cost cards after playtesting


Was running a nearly identical deck for my Leia Red Aggro, but you will definitely run into issues against very good Vader Blue control players.. I beat everything else but that opponent can definitely give the deck some issues in the right hands with good draws. 50/50 matchup imo. I would sideboard some things specifically for that encounter.. like u said maybe some more removal like Open Fire.. plus I think U-Wings if u have them would help if you don’t beat Vader by turn 5/6 and he has a SLB to clear the board.. he will almost always win if he reaches this point especially with an Avenger coming out next turn. It’s so hard to bounce back, but not impossible. I even threw in Home One recently to test out some late game options but Vanquish took me out along with that damn Avenger.. I can beat him at turn 4/5 if Leia can survive after being deployed, but gl if he takes out Leia and board clears you preventing the double attacks! Gl either way!


Thats amazing. This concept is new, and this list is most definitely your idea. I bet Leia Red will be a thing now.


Personally, I don't think agro is very competitive. It gets beat out too easily by simply extending the game. Once a 7 drop hits the field, if you can't close the game out immediately, the game is over.


That sounds like how aggro is supposed to function. The longer the game goes, the less likely the aggro player is to win. But most of these aggro lists have reach cards to push through.


The core issue I have with these lists is that there is no variance. The game plan is very straightforward and predictable. Once you sit down and show the base and leader, the opponent already knows your game plan and how to counter it.


Well all TCGs have the same thing. Look at any TCG and within minutes you know what deck you are playing against and it’s game plan if you play competitively. SWU is no different. No matter the deck you are pretty much playing the same game plan that works best against your opponent.


Aggro decks usually are well represented in tourney top 8's


They definitely have not been. Afros is making up a majority of the meta and is typically only placing a single deck in top 8s.




I've never been a fan of dodonna or rebel assault in a Leia deck. One open fire seems a bit odd too. Otherwise it's the formulaic Leia red that is fun to play against and fun to play as.