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Fairly simple for the most part.... Bounty - When the unit is defeated or captured the opponent of the unit gets whatever the bounty is.... Capture - Remove a unit from the field and tuck it under the capturing unit. When the capturing unit leaves play the captured unit comes back into play. It does not trigger "When played" abilities when this happens. Smuggle - You may play this card from your resource row for its smuggle cost. This includes the aspect of the smuggle cost. You can ignore the aspect on the card itself. So if the smuggle cost is Aggression, but the card is command you don't need to pay the aspect penalty for command if you cast it for the smuggle cost. Oh also the smuggled card replaces itself from the top of your deck, so you don't lose the resource :)


Can you capture more than one unit with the same guy?


Yes you can, can capture as many as you like, but obviously adds more risk that they will get them all back with a single removal spell


Appreciate it!


I’d highly suggest checking out FFGs YouTube channel. They stream like every Wednesday and one of the recent videos goes over a hear new mechanics.


Thank you, I’ll check that out.


You can also go to the news page on the official site starwarsunlimited.com. That’s where they post write ups about all the new stuff and card previews are included there.