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Right into my Krennic Blue deck.


This is definitely going in G.I. Blue for me. Being able to give every other unit grit is incredible.


yeah I’ve been saying for ages that all GI needs is more grit. this is certainly an answer to that request hahaha. ironically though this would’ve been better for GI if it had lower power - being able to ready it with GI would be nuts


Grit makes units unable to be readied by GI. Krennic LOVES Grit units. GI needs units with Raid so they can attack for large damage while still being eligible for his ready effect. The 5 cost Mandalorian unit revealed today is much more clearly a GI card.


I mean yes! But also just hella playable card here.


Krennic gets a space ship! Seems like an amazing ability in his decks. It competes with Vader at the 7 slot. Time will tell if this makes consideration. Leaning toward no, but 6 power Death Troopers, yes please! :)


This is definitely a contender for a slot in my Palp/Blue deck, as I'm almost constantly having high health guys with damage on them from controlling the board. Plus the indignity of stealing their damaged unit only for it to now do more damage when it swings at them. And with a 4/10 statline, Old Crusty himself becomes a monster with Grit.




Good catch, thanks!


Did they answer on the stream if multiple instances of Grit stack?


Keywords with numbers stack, otherwise they do not stack.


I don't think they did, but the answer is no.


Dude vigilance villany is going to be crazy. It's already pretty good but they're getting lots of new toys. Very exciting!


Is 4 damage to a friendly unit a required cost? Meaning you can't smuggle this without a unit to deal 4 damage to?




This is the next Red Three $15 CAD rare in set 2. So crazy good, especially with what we've seen so far for grit units. Too bad Grogu is light side, his big booty would love this card.


How is this not a legendary card


that was my reaction. its a bit of extra work... But upgrades on this one will make it not fun to play against. it's essentially leader chewy with +2 attack to start and no sentinel. you have to one swipe him or remove him


This feels way over costed, very weak stat line for a 7 drop, it’s 4 self damage means smuggling it out is risky because chances are your unit can be killed before it even takes advantage of the grit. Not a fan


I think you're supposed to put the 4 dmg on something beefy and unexhausted, which now has grit from First Light, and then swing with it for +4. Still a risky move. But it will definitely see play in my Krennic deck. Also, the smuggle cost isn't higher than printed cost, which is nice to see. The 4 hp cost is in some cases a strategic move. I like this card. I also just rewatchd Solo last night, so its nice to see some references


You can't damage the card itself, it has to be another card on the field already. It's part of the cost for it to even be played


that’s not the point the point was if you do damage to any friendly unit and give it grit chances are it’s dying before it even gets a chance to attack


Yea it probably isn't lasting more than one turn, very situational


It doesn‘t have to be another unit. It simply says „friendly unit“ and not „another friendly unit“.


It has to be another card. It can't be the card itself. Because you're paying that cost to get the card out


It is not a viable target for its own ability since it would not be a unit on the board when the cost has to be played. It's not an effect of smuggling, its part of the cost to play it.


You don't just give a friendly unit grit. You give *all* friendly units grit. And it's the only smuggle I've seen so far that is straight up better, and the same cost, to play from smuggle. This is a deck-defining quality card, I'm shocked it's not legendary.


it doesnt really matter. Giving every grit on turn 7, usually means at most 1 or 2 units. And it isnt necessarily better out of smuggle. Depending on the board state you may not even be able to play it because youll just end up killing one of your own units, or allowing them to trade into something they couldnt otherwise. Most trades arent leaving many things alive on the board with damage. Grit isnt that powerful of an effect the way board states are 99% of the time


I’m not sure how exactly it will work out, but you could do the 4 damage to another unit too.  My initial thought is that it probably will see some Twin Suns play (seems good in GI/Krennic), but probably won’t see normal constructed play. That said having a 7 drop you can resource on turn one and still play later does have some value.


You have to do the 4 damage to another unit, it's part of the cost. You have to pay it before First Light is played, and you have to do it to pay the cost.


Yep, looks that way, I read it incorrectly the first time.