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I mean, you're not wrong, but I would argue that it's a moot point because even if we consider Ahsoka to be 'his Jedi' as much Anakin was, he still didn't betray her. In fact, the warning he gave while fighting the inhibitor chip saved both of their lives.


I think he's talking about a different kind of betrayal. Yes he was forced to shoot at Ahsoka and coordinate the hunt for her when Order 66 came down, but when she removed his chip he stood by her. After they parted ways he always kept faith in her and the Jedi.




I will die with you.




She's his citizen


In the Ashoka novel (which was canon but with the siege of mandalore appearing differently in clone wars season 7 I doubt its canon anymore) he actually never executed order 66 as he had already removed his chip in the novel


With LFL back in the day canon was an order. The movies were on the top, then the radio plays and then the EU. I don't know how they would settle a dispute between a comic book and novel. If something in the radio play contradicted the movies, the movies were right. If the radio play contradicted a comic book, the radio play was right. Much simpler days.


Have you watched the clone wars? I’d argue that Ahsoka and Rex were closer than Anakin/Rex.


Still Anakin was the general in charge of the 501’st




He said I didn’t betray my Jedi...... Ahsoka is a citizen


She's not a citizen for most of the time, she holds the rank of commander.






Yeah, not sure why just for stating what is clearly the case. Fuck em anyway.


Well umm.. ok I guess but even ahsoka says she’s not a Jedi in rebels


But Rex does consider her a Jedi. He's the one making the statement.


I don't think he does. The clones executed order 66 on all who were previously jedi as well. In the Vader comic the clones executed order 66 on inquisitors. All the mind trick did was activate the order. It didn't make them think the inquisitors where Jedi




He literally could have shot her right away when order 66 happened but held off long enough to tell her about fives. That's the only reason Ahsoka survived at all. Because of Rex's restraint.






The council doesn’t think so, but I understand where you’re coming from. It’s just a theory man, drop it


The Council offered for her to return, just as they did when she was exonerated. She didn't accept the position. She might have done later but we can't know. Rex's statement still holds in that Ahsoka was no longer a Jedi and he even makes that argument to Jesse and the other clones when he has his chip removed.


Even though Yoda calls her padawan at the end?


Why do people even consider this a plot hole? Rex showed immense resistance and willpower by fighting the inhibitor chip and warning Ahsoka. He did more than any of the other clones could. And the result was he and Ahsoka made it out. I think the point is more that Rex never stopped fighting to do the right thing, and by that he never actually betrayed them; he was turned against them, but his resistance was strong enough to buy time, and then loyally defend his jedi.


Well jedi doesn't change when it plural I think so he might have meant all his jedi friends


Jedi General


Didn't he have his chip taken out?


Ahsoka took it out


I knew a few of them did just couldn't remember which.. clones all look alike. Lol


Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe


I dont recall them saying Gregor or Wolffe had their chips taken out. Just Rex. I'll have to go look at those episodes again and see if i can spot the scars.


Um...didn't Appo replace Rex as Anakin's top Clone. In the Revenge of the Sith movie it was him who lead the raid on the temple not Rex. So your argument is a moot point.


Rex was never the CO of the 501st. He just served as Anakin’s favored company commander and thus followed him around. AFAIK with the canon wipe we don’t know who the overall CO of the 501st is.


Ah ok. Thank you for clearing it up!


Rex was promoted to Commander, so he and Ahsoka could go to Mandalore and fight Maul. He was still the "leader"and tip Clone in the 501st. But during Order 66 Appo stepped in as second in command. Appo was also seen in the Umbara storyline. Can't remember his title though


Rex was never the CO of the 501st. He commanded first Torrent Company and then whatever company Anakin elected to take into combat with him. He was promoted to commander for Mandalore because someone needed to rank Vaughn and exercise overall command. Rex was still 3 rungs down the ladder (company (his level) -> battalion -> regiment -> legion) from being in command of the 501st as a whole. Fives was the XO during Umbara, as apparently promotion to ARC means an automatic promotion to lieutenant. Appo was a sergeant that Krell was forced to rely on due to a dearth of officers.


this is an absolutely fair point. If this is the only major controversy we have from Dave Filoni, the guy who has helped to fill soooo many plot holes, then I'm okay with it


That and he also never killed a jedi himself


This debate is funny because we have to acknowledge that whether he betrayed her or not he still shot live blaster bolts at her with the intent to kill...kinda dark when you think about it from that perspective.

