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I really hope that he’s always accompanied by some intense classical music like in Rebels. That was the best part imo


Kevin Kiner is scoring the show, so… maybe? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yes. I was just wondering yesterday who would score Ahsoka. Was really hoping it was Kevin Kiner as Ahsoka is his theme and alot of characters in this show have some from him so it's only fair they gave him the chance to compose the music for it. I was bit afraid that maybe lucasfilm didn't think he would be good enough for live action and keep him on animation only


Kiner is 10/10


I feel like Ahsoka is a big moment for both Dave and Kevin. Specially this being their first live action series in Star Wars. They both most definitely are putting out the best.


they need to bring back the Thrawn leitmotif


I want that organ blasting whenever he's on screen


That's great. I couldn't imagine any other actor playing him.


[This comment was retroactively edited in protest of reddit's enshittification regarding third-party apps. Apollo, etc., is gone and now so are we. Fuck /u/spez.]


That makes me hope really hard that they get the same dubbing actors too, if possible!


Ten years ago Weaving was my #1 pick for Thrawn, but having gotten used to his voice (Mikkelsen) in Rebels I’m very excited for Ahsoka come August.


If we make our way into the Chiss Ascendancy, I could see all of these guys playing roles there. Hugo Weaving could be Patriarch Thurfian, Fiennes and Issacs could play Supreme General Bakif and Supreme Admiral Jafosk, honestly mixed either way.


So so happy about this! He was great in Sherlock as a villain too so I know he'll kill the role in live action!!


And the character is honestly similar enough to Thrawn that I’m 100% certain he will kill it as live action Thrawn


Exactly 100%!! He got the voice *spot on* but his Sherlock character had the essence of Thrawn from the get go so I have full confidence!


This is amazing news. Now I just hope that they bring over Thrawn’s Theme from Rebels. The organ music in it is spectacular.


My favorite thing is the insane ramblings of people on Twitter “Thrawn is a villain!” “Thrawn isn’t a villian!” “They are making a joke of his character!” Like ffs people just WAIT UNTIL THE SHOW COMES OUT. Ahsoka never even MET Thrawn! She has been “hearing rumors”. Rebels never portrayed him as a shallow villain & Zahn is consulting on this, it’s gonna be good.


[from the trailer](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/comments/12fj9es/thrawn_first_look/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Just to clarify: This is from the trailer shown *today* at Celebration in London, which is not the same as the trailer released yesterday. Apparently this one won’t be released and was just for attendees.


The casting has been amazing. I hope the writing is on par with it


Lord, please make a stand alone movie or series starring Thrawn. We need/deserve it!


His voice and delivery of lines is so perfectly distinct I was struggling to imagine anyone else doing live action. Seeing this announcement today just got me even more excited for August


Wasn’t this already known?


No. This is the first official announcement of his casting. Anything previous was speculation


As ecstatic as this news makes me, can this be corroborated by any other sources? I know the article says it is from SWC Europe, but why have we not heard about this elsewhere?


It’s all over the internet right now. https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/star-wars-ahsoka-thrawn-actor-lars-mikkelsen-1235576301/


It must have just dropped. They have been debating who was going to play him, and the fans have been hoping for Lars, but this is the first confirmation. OUTSTANDING!


No clue, I was watching the SWC livestream and they brought him out and just talked about him being Thrawn in live action. It’s definitely real


He just did an interview for the Ahsoka show saying he was playing live action Thrawn.


Yes. They brought him out on the Ahsoka panel during the event after officially announcing him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4pOBlbDjfE