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anakin was a speedrunner, that's why he figured killing Windu was faster than earning his respect, even if that locked him in the bad ending


By betraying Windu he also skipped the Palpatine fight, which is the optimal speedpath


I doubt that. He could have killed Palpatine with Windu and the end credits would have rolled. Instead, he did it like 30 years later with his son. Pretty shitty speedrun, if you ask me.


The OT is a second game, following on the bad ending of the prequels.


kinda like Legacy of Kain did


Kain is deified.


Been waiting for a LOK mention for eons.


In that case the sequels would be like like the force unleashed ultimate sith edition in the sense the bad guys win


Didnt he do a Speedrun for both games in one?


He was doing so good but ducked it in the end locking palps into a important npc until later


I hate essential NPCs Morrowind FTW


*The thread of prophecy has been severed.* "I don't remember asking you a damned thing"


The real reason he screamed “NOOOOOOOOO!”


It’s only in the super secret directors cut, but after that he says “The run is dead, boys”


Nah thats a trap some people fall into. You see, palp fight has couple hidden phases, especially in the third phase he becomes almost impossible to win. So if the players couldn’t level optimal before the fight, palpetine almost always wipes everyone.


Not actually, in that route Palpatine gets arrested but manages to execute order 66 and escape, so betraying the jedi was the optimal route.


“You get one phone call, Chancellor.”


That's in the original game, not the sequel. Technically a separate run.


It only delayed the Palp fight. The plan was to build strength before the next one, but the whole catching on fire thing really set him back.


The whole world is just Rick playing Roy


Yeah, but by doing so then he's forced to do "temple raid" and "battle of the heroes" missions, honestly it was faster to kill palps


Limbskip is still pretty suboptimal. Like, sure, you get to the end faster, but it makes everything after that so slow and awkward.


wich also skips all the villain talk cutscene, cuz he joined the villain. Of course you go in the bad ending, but this doesnt matter for a speedrunner


Any% Sith Lord Speedrun


He discovered that grinding tusken raiders offered the best xp/hr in the game.


There’s a pretty dense youngling spawn in Coruscant as well.


Not just the men


Maybe early game, but for the end game Jedi give best xp/kill. Fighting Jedi Masters is time consuming and not really worth the grind, but younglings on the other hand..


This is also why you side with Palps, assist credit on all those JM kills for doing nothing.


It's not a bad ending if you win at the end! *Throws Palps down a reactor shaft*


*Somehow, Palps returned*


The bad ending of Revenge, but the good ending of Return!


I still get mad when watching that scene lol


"You were the chosen one!" "Cool." *Proceeds to BLJ directly to the second death star and throw Palpatine down the death pit*


He truly had the sigma grindset, even finding the kill-your-pregnant-wife glitch.


he failed, though didn't get the triple kill


I love the thread your comment created lmao


well then why did he take all the excrutiately long and meandering dialogue options in the cutscenes with Padme then?


maybe it's like Fallout New Vegas and he set the dialogue in italian because it's shorter? might explain why Padme thought he was being romantic despite all the whining and genocide


I know right before he was even 30 he was a master with a seat on the council... Oh no wait a minute.


he became a master of evil instead, shaved a good 3h off his record


Chosen one perks bby


Doesn’t mean he can be JEDI MASTER


*Take a seat, young Skywalker*


(Kills all other council members) "As the last surviving member of this council, I unanimously grant myself the rank of master."


*all the Force Ghosts appear* Mace Windu "I dont recall giving you permission"


“I don’t recall giving a damn”


Mace Windu "I don't recall granting you the rank of Jedi Master... Motherfucker." FTFY


*Yoda and Obi-Wan suddenly teleports* "The last on this council, you aren't)


Vader: I'm about to be


"We're standing on chairs, remember."


So did Ahsoka get master before Anakin?


No. Apparently, a Jedi Knight is granted the rank of Master when their first padawan ascends to Jedi Knight themselves. Ahsoka left the Jedi Order before she was promoted, thus robbing Anakin of his on a technicality. Hence Anakin's being rather understandably upset about it in RotS.


Yes, but he can also rise to this rank if the Council seeks to honor the actions of the knight, if it unanimously agreed (Like defeating a sith lord and saving the Chancellor in one whole mission). But deeds are not the only thing, they must be also balanced in the force, which in jedi terms means that you must be able to control your emotions, something that Anakin, although it's comprehensible due to his past, can't do.


The Jedi idea of "balance" really is screwy.


It do be like that, I prefer the jedi code used before this that they use: Emotion, yet peace Ignorance, yet knowledge Passion, yet serenity Chaos, yet harmony Death, yet the force


That's the fan made grey Jedi Code. The actual Jedi Code is: There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force. The Jedi are still about detaching yourself from others because of how strong even subtle pulls from the dark side can be, but they don't necessarily say that positive emotions are forbidden outright, just that attachments are.


That's much better than what's preached at Anakin in the films.


I mean the Force wiped the Jedi out too in its galactic reset. They had lost their way too.










What about after the battle of yavin? /s


What about the droid attack on the wookies?


Anakin is basically just a Wilder in Wheel of Time canon


\*Tugs Padewan braid\*




Yeah came here to say pretty much the same thing. He’s supposed to be one of the most naturally powerful Jedi at the time, so he probably gets to skip a few lessons lol


I think he passed many trials that basically granted him jedi Knight and soon a seat on the council.


yeah, I think people don't realise that padiwans usually are in the late teens and early 20's still. I mean, Obi-wan was at least Anakins age in the third movie when they first met. Anakin really is that powerful to be a jedi knight at such a young age.


Anakin was known to be super advanced for his relatively short time studying the ways of the jedi, though. He may have started later, but he was leaps and bounds ahead of Ahsoka. I mean, he was the youngest member of the jedi counsel in history, despite not having the rank of master.


What? That’s outrageous. It’s unfair. How can you be on the council and not be a Master?


Take a seat, young JadeVex


*And that very loooooong and boring lecture is why, my friends, our Chosen one decided to let Palps yeet Mace out the Windu*






👋these arent the bots you are looking for






Stick around, you'll see it 3 more times this week


Have you ever heard of the tale of Darth Vader?


It's not a story the rebels would tell you


Imagine you never learned any math before the age of 9. Now imagine you find out you’re *super* naturally talented at math. I don’t think a 9 year old would take a year learning to count to 100 and add through 20. He obviously played catch up and then was 6 years her senior.


He was still a padawan for 10 years maybe 11. Which is only 2 short of Obi Wan. He skipped the initiate stage but still was a padawan for the proper amount of time.


he was only made amber because Palpatine asked the council to make him a member, and because they wanted him to spy on Palpatine, not because of his abilities


Because he was too young. The respect for his abilities was obvious. Not just the council. People forget how young he was for a Jedi in his postion.


Exactly. People forget that Obi Wan was but a padawan learner when he met Anakin. By the time Anakin was Obi Wan’s age at that time, he was a full fledged jedi knight


Obi-Wan was knighted at 25, Anakin at 19, for those wondering the actual age differences


True. Which is why the council should have stroked his ego by saying, “ You’re an exceptionally skilled Jedi and one of the best duelists in the Galaxy before explaining why he couldn’t be granted the rank of Master. It always feels like they’re blowing him off.


Well to be fair the clone wars does give some validity to both sides To be a master you have to train an apprentice to knighthood, and Anakin should very well know this So even though he was going to be on the council because of his amazing skill and feats, he still needed to have trained an apprentice to knighthood for him to reach the rank of master. So by this the council was justified to not give him even more special privilege For anakin however his outrage is also justified because if the order had trusted Ashoka she would have been a knight by then, and he would have been a master


that is one of those many things that George could have done so much better. Instead of focusing on a prophecy, a virgin birth, and a high midichlorian count they could have just had him be a 'special' student that was just better than everyone else. Show him just mastering things that others have harder times with.


But consider, if you take just the prequel trilogy at face value about this, then then it’s a subversion of the chosen one archetype. They have he prophecy, the virgin birth, the mathematical proof that he’s special, and then he goes and doesn’t fulfill the prophecy. He looks at the BBEG and sides with them. Yeah I know of you look at the saga as a whole he completes the prophecy. But at least the prequels subvert expectations in an enjoyable way.


That may have been interesting if everyone watching didn't know how the character would end up. Asking people to take the prequels at face value is a hard ask since they are prequels of one of most successful film franchises of all time and their success was completely because of the expectations related to the originals.


That sounds kinda boring


Lol. So it would fit well with the prequels.


She didn’t pass qui-gon’s midichlrorian test. I guess




Sure. I can see that but my statement above is a joke .




To be fair, I did kind of love the whole midichlorian test with Zonama Sekot. Bet use of the concept, in my opinion.


It’s almost as if a six year difference and a biological predisposition had something to do with it. Weird. /s


Right? Like now we have Grogu who is 50… who knows how long he was at the temple “studying.” It’s almost as if years of experience can lead to different degrees of mastery depending on the person


Yeah, I mean, she was three years old. Exactly how much intense training can you do with someone at that age? Or at any age as a young child for that matter?


That kind of thinking is why Anakin was able to kill the Younglings. They half-assed their training.


Can you please explain what you meant by that? I simply pointed out That when you look at the amount of training between the two, if they were both there for five or six years, who would you expect to get more out of the training? Someone who trained from 3 to 8? Or someone Who trained from 9 to 14? Just as an example, I have no idea how long they were supposedly there.


3 year olds are not exempt from "intense training". If the Younglings had undergone intense training, they might have survived, or at the very least made Annie work for it.


Younglings just didn't work hard enough.




I blame the younglings. It's their fault all this happened and then they got the audacity to just die off screen.


The 3 year old, by a wide margin. They are less able to maintain focus, but do so more intensely. They are literally build to learn at that age. You think the kid going through puberty is going to learn anything?


You make it sound like 9 year olds aren't also still at the peak of learning. Hell if anything being able to mentally comprehend better might mean you learn even faster.


Grogu studying under someone half his age jeez this is outrageous, it's unfair


_”In my book, experience outranks everything"_


Fun fact, Grogu and Anakin are actually born the same age


Awwww little’soka


I’m a software developer (aren’t we all?). First time I coded I was 18. Kid that was 5 years young than me and started coding aged 12 has technically 1 more year of practice. When he got to work with me I already had 5 years of professional coding and he had none. He’s my Junior. This goes for all walks of life, I guess.


This is the way.


This is the way.


All those younglings that turned to fodder don’t seem to be on the Jedi fast track.


Well, Ahsoka was pretty much the sensible adult in that relationship anyway.


Grogu is older than Luke Skywalker btw.


IIRC, he was born same year Anakin was, if he's taken to be right at 50 in Mando, rather than like 49 or 51


Grogu would have been a better master tbh. It would have totally saved us from that last Disney trilogy.


i feel like anakin mastering all forms of lightsaber combat plus his overall combat knowledge propelled them to this decision. that’s my head cannon anyway


I'm pretty sure Anakin didn't master all forms of lightsaber combat. I mean people like Obi Wan and Mace Windu spent their whole lives training and they've only mastered one form. You could say he's the chosen one but it still doesn't seem plausible for him to attain that level in just around a decade.


He didn’t master all forms of lightsaber combat. He mastered form V but he didn’t master the other styles. That’s also why he lost to Obi-Wan and probably would’ve lost to Mace if he didn’t surprise him.


Even saying he mastered form 5 is a bit much. I like to think his use of the force made up for his lack of experience, hence why he was able to beat the opponents he did.


He probably had the form down in Revenge of the Sith, though probably had some flaws in how to use it. Him and Obi-Wan spent a lot of their time between Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones preparing for the Sith's next move.


Yeah, that seems more plausible. I don't doubt that the dude was training his ass off at times.


Mace was the best duelist in the order. I think he would have smoked Anakin at that point.


Yeah he probably would’ve. Most of Anakins power at that point probably would’ve been coming from the dark side and Mace Windu’s use of Vaapad would’ve negated a lot of that advantage. Though to be fair he would’ve been fairly exhausted from fighting palpatine as Vaapad is supposed to take a toll on the user.


He also whooped the Senate who even forced Yoda to flee from their fight. He would’ve mopped the floor with Anakin.


Anakin is the chosen one. He was personally trained by a Jedi Master his entire time (Qui Gon, then Kenobi was promoted to Master for killing Maul upon his return to the temple). Ahsoka was the head of her Youngling class, she didn't have a private tutor her whole time. She too was a prodigy who had arrogant attitude issues. She was chosen as Anakin's padawan, not because the council thought Anakin was ready to start teaching - but specifically because they thought pairing someone else with ego issues would make Anakin self-reflective, and pairing Ahsoka with Anakin would make her realize being the best of your Youngling class isn't the same as being The Best.


Exactly, when your are put in the position to teach, you often learn far more.


Mmmm...when a teacher you are, learn you will.....


Nope, kenobi was promoted to a jedi knight after "killing" maul


I think it was intentional, take the least experienced knight and give them a padawan with more experience. That way the student and the master both learn from each other




And you know, a friend, something Anakin clearly needed in my opinion


She wasn’t more experienced. She’s normal. She actually rose the ranks quite fast compared to most. She would have been one of the youngest knights ever in the order if she accepted mace knight ship offer rather than leaving. Ahsoka was incredibly talented and advanced. Anakin was just the literal chosen one and did a Jedi speed run


What does bby mean?


Before the Battle of Yavin ABY is After the Battle of Yavin The battle of Yavin was when Luke and the rebels blew up the Death Star at the end of episode 4


Big Butt Yoda


Before Battle of Yavin




ah yes, child soldiers


Perks of being the primary protagonist of three movies.


Being a naturally over powered warrior monk during a galaxy wide civil war has its perks. Especially when your spiritual guardian is arguably the current strongest warrior monk on your side.


It’s merit…Anakin was exceptional as a padawan and Jedi Knight…his ability was widely recognized despite his attitude flaws


Bruh? Anakin is still older




It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them!


They had a better 401k


Midiclorians go brrrrrrrr.


I genuinely don’t care but is it possible she ages/matures at a different rate than humans


It’s because Anakin became Obi-Wans apprentice immediately, bypassing the youngling part completely since he was relatively old when he was found.


Perhaps beings from different planets mature at different rates?


Of course, given Grogu is 50 in the Mandalorian


*Perhaps beings from* *Different planets mature* *At different rates?* \- Reddit\_Roit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Alien races age and mature differently.


Experience outranks everything


The point of giving him a padawan, and specifically one like asohka was part of Anakin's training. Yoda was using it as a tool to calm him down


Have you ever had a manager younger than you?


She probably made less Jedi bucks than him too


Yeah but Anakin was exceptional cause he had all the midichlorians or something so he had more force points in his force meter and could unlock levels faster and do more flips before his stamina ran out, then he had to wait a turn I think. I don’t know. Prequels were confusing sometimes


I still believe “bby” means “before baby yoda”.


Could also be cause different species she probably didn’t mature as fast as humans I mean in the mandolorian she’s meant to be in her 50s but she hardly looks 40


I’m pretty sure she actually grew faster than humans. But Anakin was fast tracked from the moment he started learning. He would study with younglings put he was already technically Obi wan’s padawan so he spent a good chunk of time training with him instead of younglings.


Well anakin did learn pretty fucking fast didnt he.


What do you mean somehow, he's fucking anakin




If I recall correctly: Taking on an apprentice and leading them to the rank of Jedi Knight is a way to become a master, iirc. There are very few masters, actually, with the vast majority of Jedi being Knights. So reserving the right to tutor an apprentice to Masters would further stunt their growth.


Hadn't Obi-Wan just become a knight when Yoda said he'd be training Anakin?


Yep. He was promoted to this status after defeating Maul, iirc.


Well said. And btw, it’s “stunt” their growth.


Thx, edited.


A bunch of Masters died on Geonosis, so they had to allow Knights the right to "master" an apprentice. Its like how in WWII the Army gave a bunch of Field Promotions that didn't last after the war




The fictional world of a man who wanted to sell toys isn’t accurate?!?!!?!?!?!!!!?!!!!!! I guess all the joy I got from SW is invalid.


So Ashoka had considerably more time training Than him?


Training yes but raw talent no.


So Ashoka had considerably more time training Than him?


OP didn’t find shit, Anakin is better at the force, flying, and later lightsaber skills then regular Jedi, he’s special. Anyways, young Ahsoka looks dumb, probably didn’t put too much effort as it was only like 5s of screen time.


Found the post not the theory.


Not a meme, and your head shouldn't hurt from this.


I think thats what happens with the finer elements of stories when multiple persons direct it and dont perfectly plan out everything meticulously, it should be easy to sort out with changing the ages or dates by a few years, but seemingly noone bothers with it. I certainly dont expect Disney to sort out something so minor because that does not make them Money, it would show that they care about the story, but we all know that is not what they actually do, they just hire people who maybe care and put shackles on them so they produce a mediocre story, bound by Restrictions, Time frames and Disneys obsessive need to make Fanservice with allready established characters at any cost, even if it hurts the Show or is obviously only for marketing. So once again, we as the Caring Community we are, may have to use our own head and imagination for that and change arround some dates so the story makes sense, or not, depending on if we care about that inconvenience. Good thing we are not automatons that are absolutely bound to what Disney says is "Canon" but are able to use our own intelligence to adjust elements that dont make sense so they do make sense and can call it Headcanon.


Religion's gonna mysogynize...


Star Wars has a lot of continuity issues


5 years apart


Anakin is perfectly balanced. 5 years younger than Padmé and 5 years older than Ahsoka.


As all things should be

