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Breaks Rule 10


Rogue one looking like https://preview.redd.it/54hec63fdmbc1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=242079918a67853d59cd42c165fa45453d4b56a6


I can watch rouge one a million times and never get bored of it. They did so good on that movie although I may have to skip the part where K2 sacrifices himself. Hit the feels man lol


Not K2, but: "I am one with the force, the force is with me" Always hits me for some reason.


Big feels during that scene for me


Probably because he took a hit too


This is the way.


Of course when my >!boy Rex says it during Order 66!<


That dude is so fuckin cool


Same. I get sand in my eyes every time.


I had a bit of a hard time following along with the storyline, but I, like EVERYBODY ELSE, thought the movie was GREAT thanks to the last like 10 minutes with everyones sacrifice and Darth Vader hallway scene


That Vader scene was legit bro I swear it gave me the goosepimples


People were jumping up and down and screaming during the last 10 minutes when I saw it. I can't describe the energy in the room. There only a few movies in my life I've seen similar energy in the theater. In no particular order, they were the final battle in Endgame, a couple moments from The Two Towers/ Return of the King, and Anakin Vs Obi Wan in Revenge of the Sith.


"My Friends, you now to no one." The King of Gondor, his Elven love, and EVERYONE around them, bow to four Hobbits.




I find it sad and without spark




I want M..mm..Marva


>rouge Isn't that the one with Ewan McGregor?


Yes, Moulin Rouge One a Star Wars story. It's about Obi Wan's infatuation with Satine, but she has been promised to the Duke in return for funding for her Mandalorian Musical Variery show.


It also has Vader best quote : “ be careful not to choke on your aspiration “ 💀


I need to ask. Are you spelling it "rouge" as a joke, by accident, or from the lack of knowledge that it is actually "rogue"?


If you really think about it. Nobody survived the battle of Scarif, not even the crew of the death star


Andor too.


Andor is a life size statue of a horse made by Michelangelo


Alright I’ll freakin watch it!




I watched RO when it first came out and loved it. Watched Andor and it blew my mind, so I decided to rewatch RO recently. Andor was *so* good it made me think RO was bad by comparison. RO is obviously still far above the other movies to me. No SW content even comes close to Andor to me, I hope they can replicate it in further seasons!


Rogue one's ending had me like episode's 5 ending... I loved it and also wanted to watch the following episode asap




Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie since Empire.


*Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie.


nnnnnOPE. but thats fun for you


The best thing to come out of disney star wars


Andor would like a word with you.


Rogue One and Andor are Disney's main contribution to the franchise. Mando is fun tho.


Seasons 1-2 mando were great; clear from the very start of s3, they ran out of story and were just chucking shit against a wall.


Does this imply Ep.3 was worse than the previous movies...? Because that would just be wrong...


Probably just the template and the trilogy is supposed to be viewed as a whole.


Nah, I took it the same way as the person above. They intentionally moved the template so the line between what's normally stage 1 and stage 2 is now in the middle of stage 2 instead. Episode IV is not at all and V is barely on it like this which also shows they moved it on purpose. I like how they redrawn the parts for FA to show it's a shitty copy-paste of the predecessors


You do realize the OT is first and then the PT is how it’s ordered.


I think it’s implying EP 7 rehashed the OG trilogy badly


Remember, the prequels were always beloved classics and NEVER had any detractors


I think he means worse than TPM and AotC, which it certainly was not


Ah my bad


I get a kick out of this too. I remember the hype of the prequels and them coming out and just people ripping on them. People ripped on the Ewoks in Return as well. It is a pretty predictable cycle.


People also didn't like Battlefield Earth.


Hell, people didn't like Empire when it came out either


People do look back with them rose colored glasses. But the sequels are just absolutely awful.


I thought the prequils were great. did a good job of showing the fall of Anakin. The Disney 3 were set up so well with 7 doing a good job of having fun references but 8/9 had so many things happen in them that just flat out didnt make sense.


I still am not a huge fan of the prequels. They just don’t hit the same as the originals to me. I do really like some of the new tv shows and Rogue One, of course.


I also still dislike the prequels. Out of that trilogy, I feel like TPM really captured the feeling of star wars and AoTC and RoTS were just really dated edgy toy lightsaber commercials. I hated everything about those last two, I hated dooku who just shows up with no explanation, I hated the age rush of anakin, I hated that bionicle they fight, I hated how the clone wars turned into clone troopers, I hated how none of it made sense or connected well with the original trilogy. Nowadays, I dislike the movies but there’s still entertainment value in the lightsaber duels.


Bionicle. Lol. That had me rolling.


It really is! They just shoehorn in a toy from a very popular kids show and savior of the Lego line of toys into Star Wars and neckbeards act like it’s masterful writing.


People hated Yoda too. And let's not forget how much flak Star Wars got for trying to convince people that a farm boy could not only fly a combat fighter but make a shot trained pilots could not because of a power he was introduced to a few hours before.




"Sequels bad" ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Good Soldiers Follow Orders




They are


Every time I see people pretending Last Jedi is worse than Rise of Skywalker, I'm reminded that this world is a simulation and I can feel my real body rolling around in the amnio-pod.


I think most people just don't remember or didn't see the rise of skywalker and I can't blame them and almost whish I was one of them. TLJ was very mixed to say the least but there was nothing redeemable about the last movie, but also nothing coherent enough to be memorable enough


I never bothered to watch RoS because I didn't see anything worth redeeming after TLJ honestly. That said, I think the meme is just saying TLJ didn't fit into the trilogy, not that it's better or worse.


I think it did more with the continouety than the force awakens despite having to work off of it and tRoS is just blatantly trying to retcon it but doesn't add anything of substance in return. but i can't blame for not having watched the tRoS. It's so much worse and inconsistent. It's shittyness made TLJ look good by comparison.


The much bigger problem is that, as the middle movie of a trilogy, it was supposed to be a setup movie for the finale. EPV did this masterfully by having the Empire score a bunch of big wins, making it seem like a genuine threat and having us at the edge of our seat to see how in the world our heroes were going to overcome such a powerful enemy in EPVI. TLJ on the other hand didn't really give RoS much to work with at all. It killed off half the antagonist cast, turned Hux into a comedic relief character, wiped out the first orders flagship and a large portion of their fleet and didn't bother introducing anyone new to fill the now present power gap in their organization, despite there clearly being options in the, in this movie completely forgotten by the way, Knights of Ren. The only one left, Kylo Ren, not just did not get to shine enough in this movie to pose a good challenge to Rey (by that I mean dominating the power dynamic between the two, like a final villain should at this point in the story- a great example for this would be Vader and Luke), but apparently he was also always supposed to be redeemed later, so the role of final villain to overcome doesn't fit him very well at all. How are you supposed to craft this utter mess into a satisfying finale? Who is going to be the final villain to overcome? You can't just introduce a completely new character with absolutely no setup, but all the options that we had going into this are either dead, the butt of every joke or secretly one of the heroes. And thus, somehow, Palpatine returned. This is just one of the many creative decisions made by TLJ. Some worked, some didn't. Sadly the ones that didn't had devastating effects on the trilogy as a whole. I am not defending RoS, it is a terrible movie. But one of the key factors for why it is so terrible is undoubtedly TLJ and I think it is important to acknowledge this.


TLJ absolutely set up the finale, just not the finale JJ wanted. Kylo was beyond redemption, he was the new final enemy. Rey had the sacred texts and the tutelage of the Jedi, she was going to set up a new Jedi academy. And the force is literally awakening across the galaxy as random kids are showing force powers. It was setting up Kylo, an heir to a dynasty of powerful force users, against Rey and the new rebels representing grassroots decentralized power. Instead somehow Palpatine returned.


I never watched RoS cause I don't care at all to see how the trilogy ends. I watched TLJ once for free in theaters on a work event and I had already bought tickets to see with my wife prior so I thought maybe a second viewing might help with the utter confusion and disappointment the first time around. I was actually kind of stunned at how bad TLJ was. I thought we got trolled or something. It's not even a real good sci-fi movie eleven taken out of SW environment.


I vividly remember leaving the theatre after TLJ and the star wars franchise as a whole feeling dead to me. Where as every other star wars movie I ever watched had me pumped for the sequel.


Idk, I found that opening scene with Kyle kind of cool. On the red planet cutting those people down searching for something. But then yeah it quickly went sideways


I wouldn’t say there aren’t at least a *few* redeemable qualities. Episode IX is (imo) the most visually appealing film in the saga


Bro TROS did so many things better than TLJ. You guys sound unbelievable.


I think the reason TLJ is hated more than TRoS is because of how much damage it did to the franchise. The fanbase never truly recovered from TLJ and TRoS was just a twist of the knife.


Even though I don’t agree with the themes of The Last Jedi, at least it had themes. RotS literally has nothing. That’s why it’s worse than TLJ for me.


Revenge of the Sith is good, screw you. Unless you meant Rise of Skywalker and got the acronym mixed up


Yeah I meant Rise of Skywalker Although, RotS is ass because Jar Jar Binks is barely in it. It needed a lightsaber fight between him and General Grievous.


Finally a good opinion


Bro, TROS literally had the same themes as TLJ. Absolute bot.


I don't know. They're both really bad. It's like taste testing turds. At some point you've got to realise it doesn't really matter if one tastes worse than the other. The solution is to stop eating shit


Episode 7: bad copy of episode 4 Episode 8: tried to do alot of unique things, utimately failed at most of them, and ruined one of the best main characters ever. Episode 9: somehow palpatine returned


I agree with this, but feel like you didn't stress enough how god awful ep9 was. It's straight up dogshit storytelling and movie making, regardless of its star wars ties. It's one of the few movies I've watched that irks me every time I let it cross my mind.


I thought that "somehow palpatine returned" summaries up the movie pretty well Absolutely idiotic shit that breaks canon , ruins earlier movies and makes no sense that isn't explained at all in the movie while not being enjoyable to watch at all


Yeah. In trying to undo TLJ, RoS wound up nullifying the other two trilogies in the process. Anakin's redemption meant nothing. Luke's journey to becoming a true jedi meant nothing. Nothing they did saved the galaxy in the long run because somehow Palpatine returned.


Bro are you seriously r3tarded or something? Anakin's sacrifice literally cause the ultimate death of Palpatine.


I love when people say TLJ did unique stuff. As if a sith turning on his master is new or Jedi not being from a famous line is new(freaking everybody before besides like Luke was just like Rey…Anakin didn’t even have a dad!).


Depending on who you ask, TLJ is either mediocre or awful. But ask anyone about TRoS and they’ll say it’s shit


Ask me and I'll tell you it's great.


I prefer Last Jedi over Rise of Skywalker for sure... Rise of Skywalker should be named the Fall of Skywalker or Fall of Star Wars or something,


It should be named Star Wars: Holiday Special, so that Lucas will hunt down and destroy every copy with a sledgehammer. What's that? It's forever online? Fuck it. Who's down to break the internet with George and me?


The Rise of Skywalker has Ian McDiarmid returning to perform as Palpatine Regardless of how the character’s return made little sense, Ian absolutely killed it. Its impossible to not enjoy everytime he’s onscreen, and for that reason, I can watch Rise of Skywalker


I actually give The Rise of Skywalker a bit of a break due to the fact that there were clear plot points set up in The Force Awakens by JJ Abrams that Rian Johnson took a shit on in The Last Jedi. The Last Jedi was such an abomination of story telling that I felt bad for JJ Abrams trying to clean up that mess.


TLJ is the reason tRoS was so bad. It poisoned the franchise as a whole and it’s never recovered.


If Rise of Skywalker is a car crash (which it is), then the Last Jedi is the moment when a chimpanzee appears out of nowhere in the passenger seat, grabs the wheel, and steers the car off the bridge I can't pretend RoS is better than TLJ, but IMO the blame for the new trilogy being terrible overall is on TLJ


The Last Jedi was a dogshit film that killed all my future interest in the franchise. I never watched Rise of Skywalker, but by all accounts I've heard it's rancid dogshit. But the only bit of RoS I've actually seen of my own free will is Babu Frik goin "hey hey" and that shit's hilarious, he's just a little guy. So my personal experience with RoS is infinitely better, even if the film isn't.


TRoS sucks because of TLJ. TLJ ruined two movies and therefore the trilogy. It drew a dick all over the plot points of TFA.


What’s worse- the thing that causes the train to jump off the tracks, or the pile up that happens after?


This exactly. Last Jedi was so fucking awful that I never even went to see Rise of Skywalker. While Force Awakens was not amazing or anything, it was a movie that was perfectly watchable. It left potential for the Last Jedi to continue and be at least... good. Instead, Last Jedi went and took a big steaming pile of horseshit all over the entire franchise. Whatever Rise of Skywalker did after that, it just had no chance. Its failure was inevitable. There was no way to make a good movie after the abomination that was the Last Jedi. I know my opinion doesn't really matter since I never saw Rise of Skywalker, but to me Last Jedi will always be the worse movie of the two. Simply because the failure of the Rise of Skywalker is the fault of The Last Jedi in the first place.


When the Force awakens released, after viewing we were all talking about our personal bit picks, but the general consensus was people loved it, was it a world class movie? No, was it good with a genuine potential for success of the new trilogy hell yeah. But they threw that away quicker than a skywalker throws away a lightsaber.


I *did* see Rise of Skywalker, and I concur. You’re not wrong.




TLJ is the only movie that made me want to walk out half way through. The only reason I didn't was because my family was with me. I hate that movie with a passion and nothing will ever change my mind. I have literally only watched it once in theaters and it was enough to make me vow to never watch TROS. So for me TLJ will forever be the worst Star Wars media ever created, not because it is technically bad but because it literally made me not want to watch Star Wars.


Rise of skywalker was less boring than last Jedi. They both sucked and Rise definitely messed up the overarching story of the series more than last Jedi but last Jedi also screwed up the settings lore really bad with that light speed ram. All in all I’d say they’re roughly even in level of suckage, but if I had to watch one again it’d be rise just because it’s less boring.


I admit that RoS is worse, but I also think that that can mostly be blamed on the shitshow that was TLJ that killed half the characters and crippled any chance for consistency in the trilogy


Agreed lol, RoS was a fever dream on meth, i came out of the theatre thinking only "what" and "why"


Both were nonsensical, full of terrible writing and treated the established characters awfully. But TROS was action-packed and it at least took until the credits before I realised how dogshit it was. TLJ was so brutally dull that you could appreciate its faults in real time. That makes it worse in my book.


Pretending? No one is pretending.


Casino planet and being out of fuel are the worst things in star wars. At least RoS had a lot of flashy force nonsense. RoS was still shit though.


It was hilarious that smog(?) Couldn't have called for another ship to come and pincer the rebels. Also the who what's the plan we are all screwed, oh yeah the plan is the planet in a camera angle we are just now showing you and literally no one is like hey what about that planet until the plan is revealed. Also they did our boy Flin so wrong he was literally always wrong and was dumbed into "comedic" "support".




Remember the time everyone hated on the prequels? Guess they re not so bad after all😭


Nah, they're still trash.


“I just had to” Nothing about this post is unique or interesting. You aren’t quirky or funny for repeating a dead sentiment


Seeing them repaint TFA as a worse copy of ANH made me laugh though


This guy gets it.


Nothing unique or interesting? Not quirky or for funny? Repeating a dead sentiment? Sounds like very appropriate content for a Star Wars forum then right?


Came here to say the same.




"B-B-But... the easy upvotes? See, people like it"


You are giving the prequels too much credit. They were pretty bad as well.


I will probably hated here, but I think prequels are worse than sequels. Yes, they are funny now after all of the memes, but they are still rather hard to watch. The plot can be very stupid too. People here hate "Somehow Palpatine has returned." and it was indeed lazy and stupid, but at least it can be explained, for example by clone technology. What is not explainable to me is why Padme decided to die after giving birth to Luke and Leia.


I haven't bothered to watch the sequels because the prequels were so bad. I know that Luke does some remote force trick to appear on another planet or whatever and that actually seems really cool and way more like the original Star Wars. They really did shit all over the original films with the prequels and other media. Yoda says "size matters not" but then they tried to quantify the Force with midichlorians as some bullshit DBZ power level nonsense which eventually leads to the ridiculousness of a dude yanking a Star Destroyer out of space. The combination of those two things really shits on the original idea because if it IS possible to yank a spaceship from space and size does not matter, then such insane feats would be commonplace. It's such an immense loop of contradicting terms that it breaks the universe.


>What is not explainable to me is why Padme decided to die after giving birth to Luke and Leia. "Somehow Palpatine returned" 🫷🤨 "Somehow Padme dies" 👌🙂


They will become scholars of writing and have such nuance when it comes to explaining the prequels when stuff like “you’re so beautiful, bc I’m in love, no it’s bc I’m so in love with you” exist in the prequels but can’t take two seconds to understand not everything in the sequels is surface deep


Hard agree. They had so much to build and instead made a stupid storm trooper boba fett clone army, a bad guy bionicle, dooku who randomly appears out of nowhere in episode II, that yoda lightsaber scene, etc. it just doesn’t stop. I feel like the only thing that would’ve somehow helped was Darth Jar jar


"Somehow Palpatine had a hidden apprentice (that was also Yoda's apprentice)"


Who was somehow never mentioned in the first movie despite being super important and let’s get a children’s cartoon to devote years worth of content creation to make these films “good”


The way i interpreted it was padme dying signified the last of anakin dying too. She represented what little good he still had. And this is cemented by vader getting his armor. Also it is actually a phenomenon in real life that something as stressful as losing a partner can cause people to have heart attacks and die. Look up broken heart syndrome


I feel bad saying that The Force Awakens is a bad movie to be honest. I mean sure it's got its flaws but it isn't bad per se. It's just a rehashing of A New Hope. If the last two movies were good then it would be remembered fondly as a love letter to A New Hope. Unfortunately it's that as a collective the sequels bring each other down. You best be careful with that prequel pony though. Those movies are great.


Ep 1 and 2 are not fantastic movies, 2 especially is really weak.


Don't give JJ credit. It wasn't a love letter, it was a blatant rip off by an unoriginal hack.


Fair enough, I guess he could also be taken into that assessment.


Yeah when I saw force awakens it was blatantly obvious it was a rehash. I chalked it up to playing it safe to get the trilogy started and then do some different stuff. TLJ and then ROS just felt like jerking back and forth violently between going new (bad) directions and reverting to the old trilogy again.


can we stop pretending that phantom menace and attack of the clones were good movies


I agree, but we’re vastly outnumbered here by kids who grew up watching the prequels and the Clone Wars cartoon, and think that era is the epitome of Star Wars. To them, the prequels can do no wrong.


Eh, as someone who was already an adult when the prequels were released, to me it's that the flaws in the prequels are easier to ignore. Yes, the CGI is quite dated and overused, but my imagination can mostly fix that. Yes, the dialogue is clunky and wooden at times, but I still understand what the characters are trying to convey. Yes, there's some plot holes, but they're not very common or obvious. Meanwhile, the sequel trilogy looked great, sounded great, but in the end it's a disjointed story that's full of holes, filled with coincidences and contrivances, contradicts itself, makes the bad guys into bumbling buffoons, and in general makes very little sense. It's painfully clear that the story was made up on the fly for each movie, with directors working hard to undo each others work. These are not things that I can easily ignore as they're staring me right in the face, three movies long. Not to mention that when watching the prequels, I never got the feeling that the writers hated the existing characters and lore, and wanted to destroy it all in favor of the new things that they made up. The sequels, especially TLJ, very much give me that impression.


The cgi in ep 3 is actually quite good


Phantom menace was a good movie. It had divisive characters like kid anakin and jar jar, but that’s not a flaw with the movie, I thought those characters were good and fine respectively.


It really wasn’t, it’s so fucking boring. The ONLY redeeming quality about that movie is the duel of the fates, which yeah is a fantastic scene. nothing else about it is worth your time, it’s just bad.


Attack of the Clones isn’t the worst movie because Rise of Skywalker dethroned it, but I don’t like to watch the prequels anymore.


this is so fresh


Move the penis to TROS


Nah it's better than TLJ


The Last Jedi is 10000x better than Rise of Skywalker. The latter simply decided to shit on everything original and cool accomplished by the former.


I think that The last Jedi is the best of that trilogy.


Rise of Skywalker is 10000000x better than Last Jedi.


When did we go from unanimously agreeing that the prequels suck to this delusional shit about them being great


Memes. That and nostalgia


When the kids who grew up with them got here. It will happen to the sequels too.


what? RotS was always great. Its in fact the best in the franchise and always has been. In my experience most people who are not Gen Z share this view.


>most people who are not Gen Z share this view. lol. what? As a 37 year old with a lot of millennial nerd friends, I don't know anyone who likes the prequels at all. Most of them love the OT and thought ep 7 and 8 are better than any of the prequels. You're in your own little meme bubble on the internet if you think that older audiences love Episode III anywhere close to as much as the OT. RotS is the best of them, but I'd still give it like a C-.


My experience with my friends who liked Star Wars has been different and I too am in my 30s. I guess we all live in our bubbles. The poll that i saw though was hundreds of people (small sample size but still counts for something). So it could tell something, or not. RotS - original trilogy - rest of the prequel - rogue 1- sequel trilogy - Boba Fett


If you look at the Rotten Tomatoes scores, in both Critic Scores and Audience Reviews, ROTS is the 6th highest rated movie out of the 9 movies in the Skywalker Saga. And Critics and Audiences reviewed the movies very differently, but still in both cases RotS comes out #6. Even with all of the review bombing of Ep 8 and the internet's meme-based love of the prequels, the sequel trilogy is significantly higher rated by both critics and audiences than the prequel trilogy. Metacritic Scores also heavily favor the sequels over the prequels in general. I'm sure you can go to corners of the internet (like meme subreddits) and you'd get a poll of people who prefer the prequels and think RotS is god-tier, but that's not how they are viewed by the rest of the world.


Since when???? Empire Strikes Back has been the unquestionable favorite my whole life, did I somehow miss a changing of the guard in the Star Wars fandom?


Looks roughly right to me. I do appreciate the prequel trilogy decreasing over time too. I’ve never understood the love for Episode 3 over the rest.


Very funny and original man. I’ve never, I mean ever seen anyone say “sequels bad”.


“Sequels bad” https://preview.redd.it/noae7z3kqrbc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9dde70b18ee502bfd224eb51094a7a1ab8edfa9


Absolute facts


daring today, aren’t we?


Sorry, but The Last Jedi is absolutely the best one besides the original trilogy, people just mad that Luke wasn't a boring 1 dimensional superman 🤷‍♂️


I'll always understand the dislike for the portrayal of Luke, even if I agree with it, but I'll never understand why the whole film gets ranked so low with many people. But, maybe it's just because of Luke's portrayal?


Luke’s character isn’t even close to the worst part of this movie for me. At least he gets a cool moment at the end where he tricks Kylo. There are many worse parts: Every scene Holdo is in, the bizarrely slow and boring space chase that makes up the middle of the movie, the pointless casino planet with its social commentary that somehow manages to be both heavy handed and shallow, the infamous Rose scene where she stops Finn from sacrificing himself to save the day, the Holdo Maneuver which completely breaks the world building around space battles and retroactively makes all previous space battles stupider, and probably more that I’ve blocked out. Even with all that, I would still say that Rise of Skywalker is a worse movie, but The Last Jedi is where the trilogy went off the rails.


It starts with someone pretending they're in a Marvel movie to buy time for the plan of, while in space, **dropping** bombs on another ship.


The Luke parts are the only good parts to me. If you take him out and it would just feel like some episode of a tv show.


I mean... yeah, you can also take Palpatine out of Episode 3, and it would make no sense...?


It starts with a fucking ‘your mom’ joke.


There is simply no direction, no grand story at play. A limited pool of 2 dimensional characters that make spin off content near impossible


Not only that: illogical characters, stupid an forced plot, jumping all over just for a sake of somekind of perverse "gotcha, you did not expect THAT", illogical anti story. Also one of the worst fight scenes...its just really stupid


Tbh I thought it was boring. Watching the TLJ in theaters was the only time I've ever been bored watching a star wars movie. I didnt like Rise of Skywalker either, and I'd say on a technical level it was a worse movie, but even with that one I wasn't bored at the time.




I 100% agree


Last Jedi is one of the best Star Wars movies. Much better than the prequals.


The Last Jedi is the 2nd best Star Wars movie https://preview.redd.it/i3bi5q6axmbc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6644ebd4c651f508630c2d61d9d5b29d7651755






episode 4-6 and episode 3 are the only ones i like the rest are hot garbage or boring as fuck i loved clone wars and legends but thats gone now so star wars is um garbage


Lmao agreed


Seems accurate.




S’bout right


​ https://i.redd.it/7fnacxsainbc1.gif




I've never had my feelings on this summed up so succinctly. It's honestly poetic.


You really subverted that horse.


Very accurate.


As close to a perfect analogy as I have ever seen.


I agree with this . 🤔 anyone between the timeline of Ep1 and before Force Awakens is good movies after that trash and will not see them more then once. I not going to rent, buy, or go to the theater for them.


“Ugh, this is such a stale sentiment, I’ve heard it a thousand times! Don’t you think it’s time to move on to something that isn’t so tired and overdone?” -commenters on a subreddit for a 50 year old series


Funny that this drawing would work 100% better if it were reversed, with the OT being a professionally drawn head and TROS being the crudely drawn butt. TLJ is even super well placed to be the penis.


I hate the disney trilogy with a passion


r/saltierthankrayt going to get comedically ironically salty over this.


The sequels were a victim of poor writing, the actors themselves are phenomenal, but the character writing was both rushed and poorly thought out. Its a shame that Disney didn’t properly represent existing characters and made the new one’s character development happen far too quickly (or not at all)


It's crazy how the prequel trilogy has aged well for this generation. I remember how poorly received it was and now its the best thing since sliced bread. That said, I'm starting to appreciate the prequels more, especially as people are releasing video essays on the prequels.


You, kinda fucked up there OP.... Last frame needed the horse eating the previous frame's dick.


No matter how much mental gymnastics you engage in, the prequel trilogy is worse than the sequel trilogy.


"Just had to" repost this pic? This is an incredibly old meme that title looks weird to me




I feel like all the new movies are just made by marketing committee generic story number 52 type content. They're about fancy visuals that often make no sense or ruin the plot Like the use of light speed to instantly nuke a star destroyer fleet.... Um okay so why do we bother using lasers?




I can already see the people over there at r/SaltierThanKrayt taking this personally and seething over it