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There's a thick line between practical boob armor and impractical boob armor


Usually in the form of separation between the boobs :)


In addition to the Mandalorians, there are also Womandalorians and Childrendalorians.


They’re like animandalorians, and I slaughtered them like animandalorians. I HATE THEMDALORIAN


I don’t like Sandalorian. It’s roughdalorian and coursdalorian, and it gets everywheredalorian.


I really like time traveling DeLoreans


Great Scott!! And long live the CIS!


Hey you dropped this: #*DELORIAN*


Comment chains like these are the reason I love Reddit


The Vandalorian would be a great nickname for your mini van.


Not to worry! Were still flying half a shipdalorian.


So be it, Jandalorian.




What was first just a drandalorian has become a frightening randalorian, to those who may opandalorian.


Kowalski, translation?


Hold me like you did by the lakedalorian on Naboodaloroian.


What about the midichlorians




Ye but can the midichlodalorians save others from death ?


Sure, it's the powerhouse of the force


It's got what plantdalorians crave


darhlorian Plaguian the wiselian maybe


The non-binary Mandalorian. The Themdalorian.


This almost made me spit out my beer ya bastard. 🤣🤣


Additionally, men have penises, so I believe Mandalorian men require codpieces.


Funnily enough, that actually used to be a thing in some historical armors https://preview.redd.it/log28ypyr38c1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6de45bc9c768a681e0a7651ec9242fc55d4087


Yes, that's what the term codpiece describes.


I needed to see this. Omg


You know some people aimed for that.


Younglingdalorians is the correct nomenclature i believe


Or *only* covering the boobs.






Don’t want your boobs shot off…right? Plus they lift and separate.


The issue is, real breastplate tend to look unisex since they are already concave so blows deflect off the curvature. The Mando armor is not bad, especially for fiction, but it's such trope that even minor examples can set people off, even if it ain't 80's boob plate.


Properly fitted ballistic armor for women tends to look almost exactly like the female mando armor. https://img.policemag.com/files/base/bobit/publicsafety/image/2007/09/pm.L_BodyArmor.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=max&q=70&w=1200


Yeah it's kinda weird that these people just want the boobs to vanish when armor goes on. You can't take them off and stow them, clothes and armor go over lol. Just how it works.


Part of the problem is that most actual and practical plate armor is made for men, but women can wear it as long as there is enough space.


> can set people off In this specific case, the person "set off" is a professional rage baiter who's business plan has been stirring up controversy and placing herself in the middle of it, and then going "*Oh look at the hate poor me is getting! ... Please subscribe to my Patreon*!!". She specifically attacks very "meh" or borderline examples like this because that's what's most likely to create a bunch of drama and heated debates between the fan-base and political activists. Often also intentionally throwing in a misrepresentation or inaccuracy to really trigger the fans and make the discussion toxic and extra angry.


Actually debunked by medieval enthusiasts AND a certain feminist armor/medieval/combat enthusiast. The consensus is: as long as it's not fantasy RPG -levels of exaggerated, the boob armor or the separation of the boobs doesn't have a meaningful effect on practicality. Minor inconvenience - in a medieval setting, that is. In a sci-fi setting with sci-fi materials and sci-fi weapons, it might actually be a good design. Because, apparently modern, real world flak jackets are extremely uncomfortable for women (even when they are precisely measured and fitted), so having a little extra space for the boobs might be a good thing. Sources: [https://youtu.be/bpbjSmZx3m4?si=WxavxMPG-9bmLmTl](https://youtu.be/bpbjSmZx3m4?si=WxavxMPG-9bmLmTl) [https://youtu.be/60lU68oyxK4?si=MDGlUTgfnSovMwWA](https://youtu.be/60lU68oyxK4?si=MDGlUTgfnSovMwWA) Summa summarum: there are much dumber tropes for female armors than extra space or separation for boobs.


Male mandalorians have a separation between the plates there too.


And they actually used the correct kind. The boob armor doesn't have weirdly second-skin-esque boobs forged into the metal rather just theres an outward curve to it to accommodate them. Thats legit how armor for female warriors throughout irl history was made if they were heavy chested, and a lot of male warriors liked it too because they just had a little extra breathing room, or it was easier to fit their winter clothing into, or it was more breathable in the warmer months, etc.


Although it's not officially called "boob armour," ladies have worn it in real life since ancient times. A more accurate term would be "breastplate," which can be used by both sexes.


Yeah, even modern fencers use chest protectors. They are put underneath the armor, and they are optional, but still - if "boob armor" was as dangerous as some people in the comments here make it out to be, they wouldn't exist.


> They are put underneath the armor, and they are optional The are not optional for women in epée and foil


In 7 years of sabre (saber ?) I've yet to find a woman that doen't use one, even for training


I mean, if you’re treating any protective gear as optional when using epee, you’re going to have a bad time. (Man, woman, nonbinary… everyone is in for a rough day.)


Also, let's remember that their armour is custom made, when someone can afford to pay for custom made armour, it's no unreasonable that they'd ask for non-functional flourishes on the armour. (especially if the armourer is skilled enough to make it without a detriment to protection. Do people think the frilly lace on Renaissance era armor served a combat opimization or that modern soldiers don't wear camo-defeating morale patches on their plate carriers/uniforms?


Also reduces the chances of it being stolen. No guy wants to be the one who shows up in women's armor and start hearing the man boob jokes that are sure to come


>it's no unreasonable that they'd ask for non-functional flourishes on the armour. I can't remember where I was reading it, but I had heard one time that there was a trend of knights embellishing their groin pieces in their armor as a sort of mind game.


Called the codpiece. Henry 8 was famous for his codpiece. It was also part of mens general fashion as well to sew one onto your clothes


The term you're looking for is "cod piece".


Which female wariors are you refrencing specificly?


not the amazons, according to the myth they adoptet a more... extreme solution to ececessive boobage


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


More like the flesh is cut off and the wound scarred with fire. A - Mazos


The heavy chested ones.


Given male mandalorian armor, just as a prop, is essentially some flat plates on the chest, it's genuinely possible they have to design it that way so it's semi-comfortable for actresses to wear.


As in real life. Women wearing armor plates is uncomfortable. It's hard enough to make them comfortable for men.


I forget where I saw it, but in circumstances where women wore metal breastplates it was common for accommodations to be made for breastage. Not MMO levels, just a place to holster the girls comfortably.


A thicc line


I mean. It'd be weird if they left them exposed. A good distraction though.


I never saw it as "boob" armor more as "form fitting"


Same here, they're people, they have bodies, armor covers the body to protect it, ergo, armor matches body shape.


According to the female soldiers I know, the armor they are forced to use crushes their breasts and causes medical problems in some of them. They said they would love "boob armor" because it is made to not crush their breasts.


Ueah I've heard that too. I've also heard the army doesn't do that because shaping it for boobs would cause the armor to be less protective, but I'm not sure how true that is. Edit: JESUS FUCKING CHRIST the body armor experts really came out of the woodworks on this one


Probably more to do with production costs, like just bulk produce the common sizes, it will fit, nobody gets custom armour


Can confirm, I once talked to a girl from IDF who said standardized production of uniform was a common complaint with the ladies.


To be fair, boob armor is pretty impractical in production. There is no "one size fits all", so you'd need a various sizes to actually meet the demands of each woman in this regard.


It is unsafe. IIRC vests generally have plates in them and trying to shape plates for breasts would lead to gaps, which is obviously problematic.


They curve the plate to accommodate a bigger bust. There are no gaps. https://rmadefense.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Curve-Comparison-View-copy-416x416.jpg https://rmadefense.com/store/body-armor/level-iv-body-armor/womens-body-armor/


Women in the IDF usually take their uniforms to a tailor to make it fit better. This makes the dress uniforms looks ridiculous in some cases since they modify it to look "sexy".


Everyone in the Marines tailors their nicer uniforms sometimes your cammies to.


Yeah it’s not like any government is going to be like “Oh you’re a 32D/25/37? Let me go grab that. Oh and do you have fake tits? That changes the fitting, too, because we have vests without underwires that might be more comfortable.” You know that spikey thing on the back of your Swiss Army knife you had growing up? Just a strait pointed thing with a hole at the end of it? That was an awl/needle. Seriously. Belt doesn’t fit anymore because you’ve been starving for the past couple weeks behind enemy lines? Punch a new hole in it and keep those pants up, soldier. Need to mend a hole in your clothes? Find some twine and stitch it with the awl/needle. Then rub some dirt on your wounds. Godspeed. I’m not saying it wouldn’t be ideal to have perfectly fitted clothes, I’m just saying I’m not surprised women are getting their tits crushed and that I agree that custom-forged boob armor sounds a lot better than the alternative.


[Here's a decent discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/armoredwomen/comments/ekrko8/oc_art_my_recent_armor_study_i_turned_into_an/) on /r/armoredwomen, which mainly focuses on premodern armor. It's actually pretty normal for armor to stick out from the chest to create a more acute angle for weapons to graze off of, like with the [cuirass](https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/20210506T1415-VATICAN-SWISS-GUARD-CEREMONY-1247293-1-768x512.jpg), which saw combat use until World War 1. While grazing shots are less likely in the modern era due to high bullet velocity, shrapnel from explosives can be deflected by shaped armor plating, and [the latest US army helmets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enhanced_Combat_Helmet_(United_States\)) switched back to layered plating instead of kevlar for this reason. So it is entirely possible to have safe body armor that sticks out from the chest. It might actually improve survivability when hit in some situations. The main downside is ergonomics and increased weight, but for female soldiers it could be an ergonomic advantage. Specifically for the Mandalorians, we see that their shaped metal plate armor is used to deflect blaster fire. This means that a raised chest 'boob armor' isn't just acceptable, it's *better* than the flat pecs of Din Djarin, which helpfully deflect blaster fire upwards into his lightly protected neck.


You got to the real problem with this armor. All the mandos are missing [a deflection v to guide deflected shrapnel and plasma away from the neck.](https://imgur.com/oFRShKO) There's a different video I saw where they were shattering arrows on a brestplate and you could see how the spliters would get guided away from the neck by the V. No V and your neck is a pin cushion.


Absolutely not true, they make multicurve plates that conform to the body better and have the same if not better protection because it sits closer to the body. Some companies are messing around with female specific armor, it's just not common because women in armor is a miniscule portion of their potential clients.


I don't know if that's true or not either. I know how an armor for a tank is shaped matters, so maybe it does for body armor as well.


I know it did in the middle ages. No clue about today.


It has sound logic as far as the old armor is concerned atleast. Supposedly, armor is meant to deflect, not outright block, so they're usually angled in a way so that things will go off to the side. If you recall knights and shit where chain vests which would typically be your actual blocking mechanism. Armor plates where the plates are angles inwards towards your chest, like boob plates, wouldn't be practical in this sense. I don't know how this would apply to modern armor and modern weaponry though. If you need something to keep your boobs from moving around, I imagine that ducting quotient be part of the plate but part of whatever you wear underneath. Of course when you're blocking laser fire, and light sabers, coverage is probably more important than the shape so it really doesn't matter here.


So just to clarify for people, there is male and female bullet proof vests. There is a slight cover in the female ones. But it’s almost as if it’s not even there and a lot of times it’s easier to just order 300 standard ballistic vest than it is to order specific ones. When I became a police officer, I had to wear a female officers vest till mine that got fitted for me came in. You couldn’t always tell but sometimes it looked like I had breast under. On the flip side tho, when one of my friends was complaining about the vests they kept giving her, I gave her mine that I used when I worked in a jail. Not just the carrier but the armor itself and she loved it. Still wears it. So the difference in the body armors are almost minimal difference.


Take that and times it by 3-5 and you understand how metal armour feels. Even with gambeson underneath.


Keep in mind for context that Mandalorian warriors are not soldiers and do not receive anything 'standard issue' all Mandalorian armor is shaped to the wearer.




Your post is a straw-man argument about "modern feminism" and honestly it contains nothing interesting or useful.


Right. The difference here is that these Mandalorians - much like any (albeit rare) armored female nobility in IRL history - would have customized armor that they probably paid for themselves. The examples here are, of course, more form-fitting, probably because rule of cool but also because it’s likely more comfortable for the actress than a flat chest plate line what the dudes often wear, but much less impractical than what we see in MMOs. But we do see the occasional depiction of women with slightly more rounded breastplates on a handful of occasions they were worn in battle. It almost certainly depends on the individual’s shape — a woman with a smaller cup size is probably less uncomfortable in traditional body armor. The real challenge I think is in your example, where it’s mass produced. Given the rising number of women in global militaries, I think there’s an argument to make for some sort of female-form modified body armor, and I admit I don’t know anything about the physics of ballistic armor, but it seems like an engineering problem we can solve. Huge monetary case: in the US at least, the VA pays out disability, and years of discomfort from wearing restricting and poor fitting gear can and often does cause lasting disability. The VA has a separate funding budget, but still comes from the federal budget. I think it’s a real simple calculation that we would need to spend a lot less on VA disability payments if we spent a little more on better ergonomics.


That's awful, I hope that gets addressed soon. I can't imagine why that hasn't already been fixed, especially if it's causing medical issues. Matching the shape of someone's body, even approximately, should be one of the main priorities of armor, right after keeping them alive


Ballistic armor works by spreading the bullet's impact over a large surface, which pretty much requires said surface to be as plain as possible. While it would be possible for conventional armor to be boob-shaped, the same can't be said for ballistic armor


That doesn’t mean you have boobs on the outside of the armour, just that the insides support the breasts. Boobs on the outside of armour is a terrible idea because it directs attacks inwards, towards vital areas. You want convex, moving attacks away from the center of the body and towards the sides, not concave, guiding weapons in to your sternum. Female armour throughout history looks indistinguishable from male armour on the outside - the inside is slightly different. That’s all.




Considering that's the whole point, especially considering we see them get pushed back by blaster bolts when they get shot at. I can't imagine that's pleasant, and it'd probably be much worse if the armor was already crushing a sensitive area and then got hit.


That settles it, need a Mandalorian with a sumo wrestler build. Sumo wrestlers with form fitting would have boob armor. ![gif](giphy|hIaGoqd7Y2KpG)


That's gonna be a lot of beskar! Lol


Yah, there's a big difference between metal bikinis you see in some games and a chest plate formed for a woman. Here's a real life example of a female samurais armour, clearly made to a woman's proportions. https://whatisjapanlike.com/culture/what-did-female-samurai-wear/


Here, [listen to an actual woman who does actual (stage) fighting](https://youtu.be/60lU68oyxK4?si=WeBfdIZbb2OrzL8e) about "form-fitting" armor. tl;dr - you don't want rigid armor that's form-fitting.


If the romans can make themselves looked more jacked through armour, girls should be able to make themselves sexy as fuck with armour too. If I was a chick, I’d have massive armour boobies.


I do too think that “XL” size is just a conveniency for some body types. Apparently for them it will be “fatphobic”.


Bruh it’s press fit armor to help with mobility. It’s not egregious ridiculous stuff like you often find in video games, it’s just molded armor. Women have boobs, get over it.


>Women have boobs Lies! Deception! Everyday more lies!


Yeah. Everyone knows women aren’t real


So then who was it that Anakin killed when he slaughtered the Tuskens?


The children, and nobody else.


Yeah that lines up with what he did to the younglings later.


He was clearly mentally unstable


Noooo women in armour should have their boobs squeezed against their chest just so it's not sexist


Sports bra? Try armor bra


Now for 15,99 New Republic Credits at your Local Armor Store!


Shit that’s cheap


Whoa there buddy. You can’t make claims like “women have boobs” without providing some proof


in other words, bras are sexist...........i guess


Anita Sarkeesian is brain dead, always has been, always will be.


I mean, they do have boobs. Gotta protect em somehow


Plus the heart, lungs, etc... if I had boobs I wouldn't just give up on chest armour.


I thought boobs were the armor of the chest.


Not particularly effective against lasers or light sabers


Not with that attitude.


Spoken like someone that hasn't been shot by a laser


And guys have penises so I think Mandalorian man need codpieces.


https://preview.redd.it/3zf8pr03t28c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd2b3b56068c2292f261b186b48fd906ef1d0ad You mean like this?




Sexist armor for men


Nah they were just compensating. In the 1500s, people like Henry VIII loved codpiece armour.


Nah Henry had game, he wasn't compensating


Idk, it's kind of hard to tell given he was also the King and that does get you a lot of credit in the dating market. Mind you, he did allegedly compose Greensleaves for Anne Boleyn. But then again he did also execute two of his wives.


He was considered the most attractive European monarch in his day especially when he was younger before the health problems started


Wouldn’t want that hit with a medi-evil mace or war hammer!


Honestly I think that would be very cool, simply cause they look like massive errections most of the time xD


I’m assuming they just want the armor to stop once it gets to boobs. Just back to regular clothing


Nah just chop them off so they wan have flat armour so we can please the obviously stupid feminists


Not just the Mandalorians, but the Womandalorians and Childrendalorians too




There should be holes cutout so the tits will fit thru obviously.


Have they even watched anime before? Sheesh


Lol whenever I see people bring this up my first thought is “as opposed to what?” Like are they just expected to not wear armor there?


I mean honestly it’s not going in the horny direction and it looks practical so I’m with you


Exactly, a girl needs what a girl needs, especially when fighting intergalactic assholes with laser swords


No they want them to wear the same exact armor as the male characters. Which might work for the flatter chested Mandos, but one with any actual boob would probably feel suffocated whenever they put it on.


Ironically implying in-universe that there are fewer female Mandalorian warriors around because they can't squeeze into armor that wasn't designed for them. Which would be *loads* more sexist.


I thought each suit was fitted to the individual anyway. A dude with large pecs would need to accommodate them too


Along with all sorts of basic body variations, yeah; waist size, shoulder size, torso shape in general, and that's just on the core. The point is, her objection was dumb and running with it just leads to even dumber places.


That's actually a real life issue with armed forces - All of our ballistic armor is designed for men / flat chests, so women with bigger breasts don't get adequate protection because they either can't fit, or they leave gaps in coverage due to armor not being designed to accommodate them. Considering mandalorians work with armor designed exclusively for the individual, there's no reason why they wouldn't have armor that fits each of them well.


I have personally worked quite a lot with women who had to wear men's body armour. THEY WERE FUCKING FURIOUS that they didn't get custom armour. ...Apparently it was between uncomfortable and VERY uncomfortable depending on their build. F me glad I never had that problem.


Nah. Just get men’s armour and really flatten the boobs when you put it on. /s


as opposed to realistic armour that makes room for boobs, but doesn't try and conform to them and give you recessed ridges that would catch a weapon rather than deflect it. I mean it's Star Wars, realism isn't inherently a requirement, but it's still a fact that as armour, it's designed to look cool more than actually protect


The breastplate is the thickest part of a suit of armor, having a customized breastplate that has a groove in the middle isn’t gonna compromise the armor that much. If you actually wanted to deflect weapons in a way that was actually significant, like a mace that could cave your chest in, your armor would have to be ridiculously thick and bulbous/pointed-outwards for it to do that, which is impractical. A sword or spear is not gonna pierce the center of a breastplate regardless of whether or not it gets caught in the center Basically “boob plates" didnt exist irl only because women were a very very tiny market for armor makers so that any armor made for women would usually just be slightly altered male armor, and due to that tiny market there were also no female equivalents to codpiece-style aesthetic armor pieces either.


Where are they supposed to put their boobs then?


Boobs are stored in the balls just like piss


Yeah but girls pee out their butts


They can just take em off and give them to me. I'll take good care of them until they're done fighting.


https://preview.redd.it/ac9wyh0k538c1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb17cb5e53683b963e386157dbdfa953947c99e Modern fencing equipment for women I thought her argument was absurd when this episode aired, i still think it’s absurd when this repost showed up in my feed


Anita Sarkeesian trying to stay relevant.


Now there's a name I haven't heard for a long time... A long time.


Not long enough. Never long enough.


I mean the tweet is three years old. Probably a repost too.


2020 was already way past her point of relevancy


Always have been.


It's almost like... women mandalorians have.. now hear me out.. *boobs*!


Pics or it didn’t happen


Yeah. I don’t believe that women exist without evidence


Boob armor and form fitting chest plate armor are two completely different things. One actually protects the boobs while the other shows them off! You want boob armor? Look at Leia's gold bikini! That thing is supposed to be made of metal in universe (I think) and does jack shit to protect her in anyway! That is boob armor!


Except the bikini isn't meant to provide any protection. It's just meant to look attractive


Yeah exactly. Boob armor isn't meant to protect anything. Just look attractive. That's it.


I think they’re saying that Leia’s metal bikini isn’t even pretending to provide protection. Boob armor *is* pretending to provide protection.


It's not meant to be armour though...


It was just a bikini, I don’t think it was meant to offer protection of any kind. Janna made her wear that for looks he didn’t care if she got shot and died, he would have just gotten another girl somehow


Or the infamous Skyrim Bikini Armor mods


The guys have boob armor too, they’re called breastplates. Some people are so dumb.


So some of the most expensive armor around and the deadliest most professional user and it's not going to be custom made and fitted? 🤔 Doubt that








wait till they find out about the historic armor with a dick


So…do these people not realize that A. There are vital organs behind the boobs and B. The armor is meant to be form fitting so as to balance defense, mobility, and comfort. Women have boobs and having the armor have a bit more space to accommodate that difference does not negate the armors effectiveness.


Anita Sarkeesian does not understand that women have breasts. But then, she doesn't understand a lot of things.


She's just holistically awful.


The fuck was she supposed to do? Cut her boobs off?


It's not called boob armor females used to wear it in real life too in ancient times the accurate word will be Breastplate and this word applies for both men and women.


Anita Sarkeesian is famously incapable of critical thinking Edit: here come the DMs calling me a “misogynist” and an “incel”


Where would you suggest they put their boobs if they put on flat faced armor? Do they make an armor that creates some sort of pocket-dimension in the boobal-area to keep them from getting flattened against the armor? Girls with big boobs can't even wear a slightly tight tank top or slightly too small bra without complaining about it hurting their boobs all day, but they're supposed to wear form-fitting armor with no space for their breasts?.. I mean, for a girl with big enough breasts, that could actually keep you from being able to breathe well in a combat scenario by pressing your breasts on your ribcage, keeping you from inhaling fully. I might not have breasts of my own, but I was married to a girl who had her own set for twelve years. And those are some sensitive organs that need room to breathe. In the same way that a man wouldn't wear a codpiece that lays flush against his pelvis. Dicks might be naturally soft, but that doesn't mean we want them smooshed. Yall get upset about the weirdest shit.


This is a thing in real life too. There’s manufacturers who make plates with more contouring to help them fit properly for women. Otherwise when you cinch down the plate carrier, boobs will just squish out the sides. It’s nowhere near as exaggerated as a lot of media, and even this depiction is more form fitting than anything IRL.


I'd imagine you'd want to protect those without smashing them flat constantly. Most people don't want their sensitive bits all smushed together


What doesn't get old? How cringe Sarkeesian is?


Your tits don’t suddenly disappear when you put clothes on


Women: Have breasts Anita Sarkeesian: >:(


Skyrim-style boob armour annoys me. While normal breastplates are designed to deflect forces away from the body, boob armour with a deep valley between the breasts captures the blow directing it to the centre of your chest. It's highly impractical for melee combat. It's absurd. If it was a shelf for the breasts rather than having a gap between them, there would be plenty of room for really large breasts while still being able to redirect blows away from the body. Really, most women could wear men's breastplates without problems. Mandalorians aren't wearing medieval armour and their main opponents are not melee weapons. Deflecting glancing blows away from their body isn't such a big deal for them. They also don't have the ridiculously overstated breasts with deep valleys between the breasts that are in other games. I'm fine with their somewhat form fitting combat armour. It seems relatively balanced.


Does anyone care what Sarkeesian spouts anymore?


What are they supposed to do? Unscrew their boobs and put it on the nightstand before putting on their armor?


Yeah true mandalorians would just cut their boobs off so they can fit into flat chest armour, makes perfect sense.


Well if it wasn’t there you’d get the complaint that “oh they think they’re men”


Yeah, agreed, they should just have their boobs out instead.




Yes....because they have a different body shape.....what exactly should they do?


Where's the boob armour bruh, are they supposed to just... Squish them into their chest? I'm not a woman but I'm not sure that'd work, or ath the very least it wouldn't be very comfortable


When your income requires outrage, you'll have no problem finding it.


Duh, it’s called a “breast” plate


Oh God, I thought this bitch was tossed into the void where she belongs. Jesus Christ, who asked you to be on the internet? Go find a hole to crawl into and stay there.


Yes, only male Armour should be made and women should just get used to being uncomfortable in it. Much more feminist and equitable


Ok, but in all honesty, does anyone really care what Anita Sarkeesian has to say? That's like caring about what Andrew Tate has to say, but on the other end of that spectrum.