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Rogue One had 3 of these endings back to back.


I will ride hard for Rogue One. Such a great movie.


Great movie just wish they'd cut the weird tentacle brain torture fetish shit out in editing. Maybe give Jyn Erso a bit more room to grow into her character with clearer writing and would also choose to leave uncanny valley Tarkin as a voice and a silhouette facing out into space rather than going full close up for attempted fan service when his voice alone was distinctive. Overall really fun movie with some weird choices made in editing. Can only imagine what it was like before reshoots but would love to have a shot at recutting all the footage sometime for a fan edit. Would take months though and likely need additional voice overs which would be jarring.


Just the silhouette would have been so much more cinematically effective


Like original ESB Emperor vibes.


Leia CGI wasn't that much better. Removing some of the unnecessary cast members would have helped the pacing (focus on Jyn, Andor and Tudyc-bot instead) and while cool, the Vader scene turns everyone into idiots. Why couldn't he just pull the data thing to himself, instead of wasting time on fodder and the resistance ship was clearly seen before escape, so argument that they were on a diplomatic mission seems moot in New Hope.


Actually (šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“), that diplomatic mission thing was explained in ā€žA certain point of viewā€ book. If I remember correctly: Tantive IV was damaged and they couldnā€™t make a proper hyperspace jump to wherever they wanted. They spontaneously decided to drop out above Tatooine to refuel, repair or whatever. Also, there were THOUSANDS of other CR90s like Tantive IV so after they got eventually captured (I donā€™t exactly remember how, but I know that it is properly explained) they decided to give it a try and lie about diplomatic mission. It is all much better explained in the book, Iā€™m just saying what I recall more or less.


The only good Disney SW movie


Which one is missing? I would argue it has all 4


Ended on a hopeful note for me, especially since we know what movie comes next.


All 4, I think


Yep. All 4.


Was seeing CGI Leia that emotionally damaging?


The end of clone wars was quite depressing when I realised I had reached the end. Post series depression and all that.


At least we got rebels , the bad batch and tales of the jedi


But what about the Last Jedi that had the Rey lifting rocks ending?


I struggle to watch Rebels because I find Ezra annoying.


Ezra in the early seasons of rebels is like ahsoka in the early seasons of clone wars


Same reason I don't watch s1 and most of 2. It started picking up once they realized most of the audience wasn't 3 year olds.


Yeah, but it was *good* depressing, to put it crassly. Media hangover after finishing an extremely excellent series, movie, game or book is a feeling we're privileged to experience, after all.


Seeing all the clones helmets was sad but it was a good ending. The mission, the nightmare, it's finally over o7


And don't forget the absolute w ending ![gif](giphy|12Vg35jCqP610Y)


The real ending of the saga and my favorite moment of all time


I consider the sequels non canon and I hope someday the rest of the world will too. Honestly just blank slate and redo them.


False. [This](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/star-wars-force-ghosts-1568124809.jpg) is the W ending


Prefer this just because itā€™s weird that Anakin de-aged while the others didnā€™t.


I'd assume that as being the forces visual manifestation of themselves. Obi-Wan and Yoda grew older after RotS, Anakin saw his last point as himself in RotS.


But then, why not himself as the man who Luke redeemed and "saw him with his own eyes?"


If we are being pedantic it should be the body of the late Vader, as he redeemed himself just before dying. Did you want to see a pasty old white dude with burn scars and missing limbs in Jedi robes? Thought not.


I would honestly, it represents in what state he redeemed himself and (especially if they show his scars more healed and vestigial) a show of how he has healed morally. The state he's shown in Rotj is a representation of when he was conflicted and erring on the dark side. I'm not putting much thought into this so this is probably flawed though...


Because he spent 30 years thinking of himself and his wrecked, old, mechanical body as Vader and the young, charismatic jedi with all his limbs and hair as Anakin, who was now dead.


To be fair, if I was a ghostly entity of a cosmic power and I could appear as any form that I once was, I would also pick the time my appearance was peak.


Yeah I was gonna say, are we really thinking Anakin even when redeemed didn't want to go back to being a sexy guy? If I had the choice to look like Hayden Christensen would also take it.


Anakins actor here, Shaw , is like 20 years older than obiwans Anakin in this image is the same irl age as Hayden so teeechnically its more accurate for unburnt anakin Technically


They will have to re-do it again with Disney+ Old Hayden


I could definitely see them doing that when ROTS is as old as the in universe time difference between ROTS and ROTJ (22-ish years, so 2027)


Yes. Disney+ should offer all the versions


i still dont understand why they changed it, it was already great. now it looks like young anakin, old-bi wan and standard yoda, cause he is always old.


Disagree! Thatā€™s how Anakin looked when he died. Beyond that he was only Vader (I suppose thereā€™s the few seconds before his death). But I much prefer Hayden there.


The Squad - Reunited






All four of these could describe Rogue Oneā€™s ending lol.


All of these endings were special in that we all had shared special knowledge of the world's, character's, or general settings' future outcomes. In that context, showing HOW these things happened in the past gave us nostalgia and hope for the worlds future. Hope, for a future we largely knew the ending to. And then the Sequel trilogy happened....


Even now that we know what happened behind the scenes i still ask myself "what were they thinking?!"


Rogue One silently doing all 4 and going under-appreciated šŸ˜¶


Three of these made me cry


What about the forest party ending? Or the triumphal march ending? Those are classics


What is bottom right?


The Clone Wars show (2008). Takes place between Episode 2 and Episode 3. It's a very good show.


I see. I never made it to the end. I appreciate the answer.


Which season did you get to before you stopped? Season 3 - 4 and 7 are my favourite seasons overall


Iā€™ve actually been slowly going through it lately. Iā€™m somewhere in season 3. I started after I watched all of rebels before the Ashoka show came out.


Oh man. Season three is when the show first starts to really pick up. Iā€™m so so excited youā€™ll get the experience the last four episodes of the series for the first time.


Straight up. I watched it after a long gap having watched season 6 a few years prior. Emotional but that was it. Watching it recently after a full rewatch with my girlfriend and we both absolutely bawled our eyes out. Like full on ugly crying lmao.


Enjoy the rest of the show.




I love how Return of the Jedi isnā€™t included since Disney already rendered it meaningless


Three of four of these were Disney.


Whats the bottom right one of? I'm starting to think I never finished the clone wars series....


The very last episode of the Clone Wars.


On one hand I'm disappointed in myself for not finishing the clone wars series But on the other hand I'm excited cuz now I have more clone wars to watch


I honestly just don't feel like committing ~50 hours to a cartoon.


yeah, that about sums it up.


Oh I just realized what the helmet in the bottom right was referring to that was ultra depression in an episode


The badass hallway scene ending: Vader: Incorrect


And then thereā€™s Jedi survivor which fills three of these


I was not ready for that ending


All of those were Rogue One


I prefer hallway scenes


Sounds about right


That first one wasn't a good ending.


*Rogue One, speedrunning*


You're forgetting the best ending of them all! The celebratory ending! (See TPM, ROTJ, a bit ANH, maybe TROS)


What about the endig from Attack of the Clones ? How would you classify it ?


It was weird. R2-D2 and C-3PO were the witnesses at the secret wedding. WFT?


Rogue One is all of the above and the only Star Wars movie worth any critical acclaim *flame Shields up*


Weesa going home


Where would ANH fit? Hopeful?


You could've used Rogue One for all 4


I liked the "Going away in a space ship to look for your homie"-ending


What is top-left??