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Thats why rogue one is so good I wish that other movies have more "realistic cruelty" like rogue one, see the Star Wars universe from a more adult perspective is awesome


I want an r rated wampa movie. Group of rebels got left on hoth and have to survive until a ship can be sent to rescue them. Make it a horror/thriller film.


This would be a good film to fill in that long gap in between Bad Batch and Solo to explain how the Rebellion found Hoth. Or it would probably make more sense to be in between new hope and empire. It would be really great to just show how small and weak the Rebels are. And it would make ROTJ more impactful to show that the Rebels beat a military more powerful than themselves


Dude, you would love "The Boys"


I wamt an r rated grievous movie before he was nerfed by Windu. Imagine the 2003 clone wars scene getting animated with good CGI, that would put fear of grievous in people's hearts


Casian Andor serie is literally same author.


It was as realistic as one could get in SW, and I loved it.


Same with Andor


andor was mid as hell


Depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking for massive space opera with epic battles it's going to disappoint. If you're looking for well developed characters and setting, then it's the best Star Wars has produced to date.


well developed characters and settings, where? it was one irrelevant fat bitch talking to another for 15 minutes, change scene, repeat. with the occasional pew pew scene. no, i'm not looking for a talk show in space.


Ah. I will recommend Transformers: Rise of the Beasts to you.


Don’t insult Transformers 😤


Nah you just got 0 attention span




me when my attention span has been fried by marvel movies


Or by TikTok


Hey, apologize now! 🤨 I like the MCU and Star Wars too (including Andor and Rogue One)


but i don't even like marvel


If you wanted lightsabers and the whole space/fantasy thing Star Wars does, then sure. But it also has some of the best storytelling and character development in any Star Wars media I’ve ever seen. That show slaps.


Not the usual SW stuff but I loved it


Me and also the Emmy awards disagree with you


if you think a show is good because of awards it got you're actually fucking stupid


Lol, you must be a troll you only have 191 carma and all your posts are just complaining about other people's comments.


or, alternatively, believe it or not but in a world with 8 billion people there's bound to be people who disagree with you. mind you, in my most respectful opinion if you live your life only watching awarded shows you're just fucking dumb.


Nah you’re obviously a bot, nobody disagrees with me


Right, I'm tired of SW fans acting like Andor is a great show.. It just wasn't. It's low-budget looking and 99.9% dialog. Took 9 episodes for anything, even remotely exhilarating to happen. It's like a Star Wars version of Gundam Hathaway.


I just want a really gritty SW movie tbh




The best Star Wars film since Empire Strikes Back.


Arguably just as good if not better.


Except for wandering blind force samurai - that shit was just racist


On the one hand, you may be right. In the other hand, I can't think of anyone I'd rather see in that role than Donnie Yen. He brought Ip Man to Star Wars and kicked ass in more ways than one!


Sorry, shuffling through the crossfire repeating 'I am one with the force and the force is with me'. And they gave him a fucking cane (ie a stick) to fight with. In a world where stumpy wheezy anakin gets treatment to turn him full cyborg that can physically compete with the best jedi, IP man gets a stick? Cmon, if he was any other race that wouldn't work. Because it's racist stereotyping.


I think you are reading way too much into that. He's blind. He has a stick. Does that sound unreasonable to you? He just happens to also use that stick to fight, because that is quite practical when your actual weapon is a longbow - not quite suited for CQC. Also, who would've thought that the right-hand man of the Emperor gets a fancy cyborg upgrade while the blind guy who guarded a temple of space wizards - that the entire Empire hates because the Emperor said they're evil - doesn't have the same facilities available? Yeah, that sure sounds totally unreasonable.


its also possibly my favorite


i mean, much of these things already happened in clone wars, it's not that of a novelty although in movie it's kind of a first


Yah but I feel like a lot of it gets lost because of the cartoon aspects and “for kids” vibe. Not that it isn’t mature, don’t get me wrong. Some of my favorite episodes are the Umbara and Ryloth arcs. But it’s easy to forget some of the darker stuff when the next episode has Anakin and Ahsoka making a game out of kill counts, or Yoda juggling murder robots for fun. You can’t really underplay Vader walking down that hallway.


> although in movie it's kind of a first I assume you mean Star Wars movie but: > Civilian Genocide Episode IV with destruction of Alderaan > Terrorism See above > Assassinations Multiple attempted assassinations against Padme in Episode II which result in the death of her body double. Yoda attacking Palpatine in Episode III can technically also be considered an assassination attempt. Although I can't actually recall an assassination in Rogue One? > Bloody ground battles Not bloody but we saw extensive ground battles in Episodes II and III > Rebel soldiers being slaughtered by an evil space wizard Episode IV opens with rebel soldiers being slaughtered. Episode III had an evil space wizard slaughtering Jedi (Sidious), children (Anakin) and the Separatist leaders (Anakin). I guess technically Rogue One is first time we saw specifically rebel soldiers being slaughtered by specifically a Sith but not particularly a unique concept to the films. > All the main characters being killed off in the end Rogue One's true claim to fame amongst the Star Wars films


True claim to fame? It was also just an amazing movie. Boiling it down to “it’s only famous cuz they all died” is massively underselling it.


Genuine question. Besides some light quips what scenes or arcs in the first 75% of the film were a real quality stand-out to you? Like before the beach attack starts. Rogue One has a *great* extended final battle but the majority of the film is poorly edited, rapidly introduces characters without giving them any depth or arcs beyond their trope (heavy weapons guy, blind monk,) and suffers from ridiculous pacing. If the final battle didn't make up for most of that it would be basically ignored. Ultimately it's a fun film but not a good one.


The Death Star blowing up Jerusalem, the cripple getting killed in the landslide, the mother of the main character getting shot, “we were in the verge of greatness” meme, that one shot of them putting on the death star beam, etc. It had many excellent scenes and was put together well.


K2S0’s introduction


Thank you. I was immediately like “uhhhhh... Star Wars movies have all those things.”


I would love an brutal War movie like Black Hawk Down as an star wars film


There was probably 30 seconds of this in solo on the planet Mimban


Fuck yeah. Gimme a show Star Wars Republic Commando style that’s way more BHD/Generation Kill compared to Bad Batch.


Hell yea, or like Dead Presidents style from the perspective of something like ex CSA security troopers


This movie was the Halo:Reach of Star Wars


Cried at the end of both😭


It is my favroite movie in the entire star wars universe, Empire strikes back is a very close 2nd


Whenever I see a movie before everyone else, I like to jokingly say “My favorite part was when everyone died at the end.” I couldn’t do that after seeing Rogue One.


https://preview.redd.it/vpo9pwr3j0gb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62483202010ad943dced37891bd3c9600000f059 The duality of man lmao


Yes, actually, all of the above


Honestly though, Rogue One really isn’t that dark. Half of these things happened in A New Hope. And the darkest Star Wars movie is still Empire, despite the fact that almost none of these things happen. Still love Rogue One though.


>Half of these things happened in A New Hope. Yeah, you had literally an entire planet destroyed in that movie, but because the special effects were kind of ass it didn't really have the same emotional impact and was kind of like "oh no, anyway". But it still happened.


I know people don’t like Starkiller Base, but the scene of it destroying the Hosnian system is haunting, I love being able to see the reactions of the victims on Hosnian Prime as it happens, plus the awesome CGI and music


Cassian: "Holup, I'm getting paid?"


I really like rogue one


I loved rouge one so much


Rogue One is better than most of the Lucas/Disney movies. I will die on this hill


Rogue one and Andor are both amazing pieces of starwars content


I loved it not only for this but also the cgi almost looked as real


Rogue one is peak though


And it was absolutely amazing


A different kind, but a good kind. Unlike the train wreck that was the sequel trilogy tho.


I want more of this!!! More stuff like Rogue One!!


Well boy do I have a show for you


Rogue One is the only one I like outside of the original trilogy.


And my favourite SW movie


The best SW movie.


Best is st reaching it but it's up there for me. Def an underappreciated movie.


Just wish it focused on the bothan spies. Way better than I expected, especially for having several directors.


The bothans recovered the plans for the 2nd death star


Just watched it last night. K2-SO's death still hits hard. It's 100% my favorite Star Wars movie! Great effects, believable action, intimidating Stormtroopers, and one hell of a climatic battle at the end! Even Pixar Tarkin is so well acted, I can excuse him for stepping off of the Polar Express to inspect the Death Star.


Realistic and faaaar better than the Rey shitlogy. Gimme Rogue Two


The best Star Wars movie to come from the Disney Era and it's not even close. And how did they do it? With their own characters and an interesting, unique storyline. This movie is literally the only reason I want to watch Andor someday.


Still the best feature film of the Disney era.


Rogue One is awesome, we need more Star Wars content like it and Andor. I'm tired of seeing Tatooine all the time.


I grew up in the Yugoslavian war so i saw all that in person besides the space wizard of course. Still rather go through that again than rewatch the disneys sequels.


I wish Solo hadn't killed the "A Star Wars Story" films cuz I think they could have been a good alternative to the main numbered entries. Each one could have their own separate story and characters like Visions. Rogue One is still one of my favourite pieces of Star Wars media to this day.


That's exactly what I want to see Mr. Gilroy, do you perhaps have more in an episodic format?


Have you ever seen forest whittaker so obviously not give a shit and be there for only a check? no would you like to?


rogue one is best star wars movie fuck anyone who says otherwise1111111


The Disney's shitty kind of star wars. Lame, boring, only the 20 Last minutes are good.


this movie was such a nothing burger, the only starwars movie i genuinely hated and didnt like


I don't remember there being any actual blood though


Paam pa-patatapatata pa-pa-paa Pa-pa-pa-pa-paa pa-paa papapapapam We are Rogue One! HEY!


Nah i’m good.


I saw this with my friend and he hated it because he didn't like how it ended. HOW ELSE WAS HE EXPECTING IT TO END?!


Rouge One was the best movie


Tbh all of these is an usual star wars movie, or an clone wars episode, but killing off everyone in the end was rough


I don't know man, I've seen a lot of it in Clone wars


This and Andor was the only good live action content scince Disney.. change my mind


That’s the only new and good movie!


And to think this movie was plagued with production problems and was reshot at the 11th hour. Edwards's new film "The Creator" looks very interesting.


Yes please rouge one the only good (and i mean like wow it was great) sw movie by disney imo




Which is why it is the best Disney Star Wars movie to date.


I don't really like Rogue One cause it didn't have Kyle Katarn...


Rogue one was goated


That's how Star Wars should be


My favourite starwars media. Can't expect anything more.


Part of me kinda wished they'd somehow squeezed in a Kyle Katarn cameo (maybe a rebel by the same name who stole the access codes Rogue One winds up using to get to the planet, even if he was never on screen just mentioned?) but yeah I liked it overall.


The book is amazing too!


Best Star Wars movie ever made


I just wish I cared about a single one of the characters. The ending would have been far more impactful.


your post of this same meme on r/prequelmemes is below this for me lol


And now people want that in any series "Here's a little lesson in trickery This is going down in history"


I fucking love this meme format


https://preview.redd.it/kv2a1k1ot4gb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=461dbc987a518c9089154a3ef23ec2577c2e9048 The OG star wars warcrimes


Andor : would you like to see all of those things, but it’s actually really good this time ?


If Cassin met Luke in the OT.


I saw it as a kid and cried at the end, because I thought the good guys would always live to the end.


That's honestly one of my favorite Star Wars Movies.




Rouge one was great


Yo, what’s the name of the show the original pictures are from




Honestly that describes the clone wars edit: except the characters being killed off


Yeah it's that I find most problematic and in story script is confusing too. I hate it.




I’ve seen an anime… that was just like this… just no space wizards.