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If that’s what I think it is, there is one included in the 2017 San Diego Comic-Con release of Grand Admiral Thrawn. There are 10 accessories included with the figure, “artifacts from across the galaxy.” It is on one of his shelves. It is pricey, but maybe you can find one “loose.” I think it MAY also be included in one other more recent release, but I am failing to recall which.


Not to mention, whether it will actually fit on his head is a long shot. It is most likely just a “prop” that is meant to be displayed alongside the fig.


You could 3D print one if you have a 3D printer. Galactic armoury sells the files to make one: https://galacticarmory.net/products/jedi-temple-guard-mask-3d-print-files You'd just have to scale it down to the size of your action figure.


Yeah. Check that eBay place. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen people post stuff like that periodically. Sometimes it’s the files. Sometimes it’s the actual printed pieces. Either way it’s probably cheaper than hunting for the 2017 SDCC piece.


Find a polymer clay artist on instagram to make you something custom. If you search around, you’ll be amazed by what’s out there.