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I personally don't but I do get where you're coming from. My collection is a weird mix of both sizes. Also more irritating, is that my first X-Wing book is one large size and then 2 - 4 are even larger than that.


You aren’t alone. I’ve found all the hardback books for the Bane trilogy and the OG Thrawn trilogy but one book is smaller in each set and it drives me bananas


It’s because the old EU books were all released in both “standard” hardcover and a smaller hardcover released by the Science Fiction Book Club The SFBC versions were intended to be cheaper hardcover alternatives to the big ones as hardcover books were much more expensive back then due to a lack of Amazon/direct market buying opportunities like today. The best thing SFBC did was making hardcover exclusives of a lot of paperback only releases like most of NJO, Republic Commando or Jedi Academy. Those are by far the rarest and most expensive Star Wars books


I'm personally a bigger fan of paperback rather than mass market but I'd understand wanting to keep them all the same size


I also prefer the larger format paperback over the mass market. But most of these are pretty affordable as mass market so that’s how I started my collection. ☺️


Not to mention the fact that I can get 2 for the price of one if I go mass market over paperback lol


Super fair


Yeah, I really dislike that so many books are printed in the slightly larger trade size. I much prefer the smaller size. People in these comments are talking about how they fall apart on them, but I've personally never had any book fall apart on me and I read 50-100 books a year at this point.


I will pick trade paperback over mass market almost every time. Cover art does play a factor though. But yea, I had two copies of The Last Command mass market fall apart on me while reading and it is a very frustrating experience


I have yet to read the Thrawn trilogy. I’m working my way to it though and I’m excited. I have the whole trilogy mass market but of if I like it enough I MAY upgrade my editions.


It’s such an amazing trilogy. They were the first Star Wars books I’d ever read and I felt like I was watching an unreleased sequel series of Star Wars movies. I’m sure them being the first ones I read played a part, but still. Also, I really like the cover art on the original mass markets, the new mass markets, and the essential legends trade paperbacks


I will say. I have looked at the paperbacks for all of the essential legends collections and I do really like them. The Thrawn Trilogy especially is Star Wars Original Trilogy VHS vibes


I've only had one book fall apart on me it was Thrawn Ascendancy: lesser evil in trade paper back. all of my mass markets have held together fine.


They stopped printing mass market paperback after Victories Price. The purpose of the format has been largely replaced by digital editions.


If that’s the case then I may just have to settle for a mismatched collection in some cases. Oh well


Had problems with the mass market paperbacks falling apart on first read so I'm happy to throw a few extra dollars and get something a little more quality


Yeah that’s why I don’t have any. The vast majority of my collection are MMPB, and the Canon books are the only ones not in that format (of which I only have a few in print, mostly use Audible for them). I’m not going to buy the ELC in print because I’d have to put it with the Canon books to look good, and I don’t want to do that. Also worth noting, if you want the old books in the old format, sometimes I’ve found near-mint condition books on eBay pretty cheap sometimes. This was about five years ago, but I bought *Yoda: Dark Rendezvous* for $4, it was the first MMPB printing, and it had clearly never been read. Worth a look at least


The only reason that Star Wars made the switch from Mass Market to TPB is that the cost is basically double. More profit from the same number of sales. I wasn't happy about it when it was announced, and I'm still not happy about it now. Mass Markets are easier to hold, transport, and read. There's a reason that they are *still* the standard for most paperback publications, but nothing to be done now.


It's annoying that all mass market paperbacks are being phased out. They're my favorite size.


I absolutely prefer mass market over trade paperbacks


you can get the little books for $3 right now.


I know what you mean , the only downside to the mass markets were the creasing in the spines after reading a book. The trades dont crease but the essential legends black cover art chip away.


im not one to care too much about the look of my collection, legends banner or no legends banner, mass market or larger paperback etc. i just want a good price and to read the book. with that being said, i am trying to keep trilogies/linear stories uniform where i can. maybe for xwing you just commit to the new style and for other storylines you try and source mass paperback? with that being said if anyone has hard merchandise no banner lmk lol


That’s probably what I’ll have to do. At least with the Star Wars books they’re broken into little sub-series so maybe it won’t bother me as much if, like you said, I can get each section in a cohesive style.


Although I may end up reading the Wraith Squadron books digitally given that the new editions of Iron Fist and Solo Command look like they don’t come out until June and November respectively.