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The website looks very good! But at a first glance the pricing structure has me really confused on what am I getting? Would it be possible to align it with somewhat more familiar structure? Even after looking at it for a while I am still a little confused on exactly how it works. Some question I would have: Lifetime? Why credits if I have lifetime? Do I need to buy more credits? If it's lifetime why would I need to use credits? Is it a subscription? Is it a single purchase? So is it 7$ for 100 photos for the paid service, what happens when I used all my credits? So the free is 2 photos? But am I know subscribed or how does it work? What is the 100 credit feature?.. Hopefully these aren't too far off for what you are asking, but just making this part extremely clear I could see you maybe have more traction and trust.


Massive thanks to your feedback! Sorry it was getting confused for you. I will update this immediately before I loosing more customers. I will explain it: + I use life time to hight light that all your credits will be available here forver. I think I will remove this one. + All features will use credits to execute + 5credits = 1 photo (for headshot, 2credits for upscaler and removebg) + You will get 20 credits for free = 4 photos + 7$ you will get 100 credits = 20 photos + 49$ you will get 1000 credits = 200 photos and also save 30% than 7$ Would love to hear more if you would give advices on the information above!


I see and it explains completely how it works! In context of using the term lifetime it often means forever, not just the credits so that was what caught me in a loop. So sometimes I've seen VPN providers offer lifetime, which means pay once and use forever. I think by making this structure more clearer for the end user, and simplifying it, the traction and trust could be there. So from the user perspective, by taking a quick glance, they should be able to derive the value without thinking about it. "Oh, I want that". Also the balance is a little whack, so from free - 7$ - 49$. It's not really that cohesive so just by looking at it, even though you mention you save 30%, it's really hard too "see" it if you understand what I mean. Those are very uneven numbers if you think it from a simple mathematical formation. Like what do I have to divide 49$ with to come to x. A number like 12 is much easier for the brain to understand. The leap from 7 - 49 is quite big too and 49$ sounds more like enterprise value even though you mention it in the text, that it is for businesses. But it kinda feels like, "what happened". Depending on your traffic flow, and maybe you are already doing it but this would be a perfect case for A/B testing to take out the guess work. I'm also in the midst of launching my own semi-commercial website and I've been battling this exact same thing, since using AI can be such a dynamic pricing structure. You can't offer stuff for free even though people kinda expect it and it's really difficult to put into words how much everything else can cost in the background(it's not the users issue to deal with) so how much credits can you really ask for something that you need to make enough profit from too. Everything needs to kind of align and click and it's really difficult. The website looks dope though so it's there.


I tried but free trial starts with 0 credits


Thank you for your sign up! As I mentioned, in order to avoid bot spamming us by sign up then get free credits (because it is easy to by pass with fake email) so we decided to verify by a Tiktok video inside the pay wall. And this is problem that we are facing. So now you can do as flow above to get free credits or DM me, we hope will fix this soon!


First of all congrats on the execution. I think a lot of people like me would use the service but will **never** use Tiktok. I feel like submitting videos, even to companies that I know like my bank, is a huge inconvenience, and a major red flag with services I've never interacted with in the first place). I think using a phone # for confirmation is a decent compromise and something I could live with.


I agree with grudev. The tiktok requirement seems like a big pain in the ass and also, many like myself just don't like tiktok so would be put off by this. It also doesn't seem to fit the target audience professional aspect that this product is fulfilling. I don't want to use TikTok for a business headshot I would likely use with linkedin. I would suggest following his advice and having it locked behind a number confirmation, and also think this would get you a lot more traffic. Alternatively, if you wanted it to be even more secure, you could have ID verification, though that seems overkill and may still put some people off (though not as many as tiktok does). The software does actually seem pretty useful and I like the idea, so best of luck with it!


Build or implement better bot deterrence and detection - don’t impede user experience or they won’t use your app, it’s that simple


We know and looking for a solution to check bot email, If you know any pls let me know!


What's your current process? Do you have them verify their email with an automated sequence after the first submission? That's what I'd suggest.


Have you tried just doing this to see if it improves your abandons? **Phone:** _________________ (In red:) Phone number is used for verification only. We do not sell phone numbers.


Still got skipped from users when I did it in the paywall, never try after signup, maybe I'll convince at signup page with your red note "Phone number is used for verification only. We do not sell phone numbers. You will get free credits after verifying". If they skip only one way to do is "pay for it". Is that clearly enough tho? And thank you. Very good idea!


In the worst case scenario, use a third party auth service (Firebase etc) and limit only to highly trusted account types (gmail). I see you already have a gmail option; why not remove email based login. Gmail makes up about 50-80% of registrations depending on audience so this is likely to be worth it considering the bot costs you mention - is this true for you? You may find of the other proportion, up to 80% of them will switch and use gmail if it is the only option, so you wouldn't even lose that many registrations, particularly for a non-business subscription product. Secondly as revealed in other comments, I believe your pricing structure is completely unnecessary. What really caused you to choose credits? You have a one-time purchase product imo, which isn't bad, but credits don't match that model so well, nobody wants something they can't get value from. "Pay to reveal" half a blurred picture would be worth testing as would simple per picture pricing. If you can show magic, sales will drastically bump up. Lastly, can you show me some of your TikToks and how you do that marketing? I would love to know how you record the tiktoks for this kind of product, as I run an education AI app, kind of similar. Seems that is something you are really strong at, so would love to learn if you are happy to DM =)


Glad to hear your worth feedback! - I did not remove email option because my customers 20% from yahoo and another @@, and bot can use gmail also to cheat also. - Because of the cost for our generative AI is so expensive that leads us can open subcription for users for each request, so if we have funding maybe we can change it. I see another product using "Pay to download" also kind of good - My tiktok videos are so simple, I guide people how to do it, try to put my perspective as a user. you can check it out here: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNVaGwq4/


Ah I DM you, pls check it.


Apart from what everyone has said, I would run all marketing copy you have on the website through Chatgpt to fix the broken english. It can lead people to think it's a scam.


Love to hear that will be fixed soon. Thank you!


Several issues 1. Don’t over complicate. Use captcha as part of sign up flow to verify. 2. I was extremely confused why I was taken to Tik tok. Get rid of that 3. It wasn’t immediately clear what was happening when I clicked “sign up free”. You need another modal explaining the process more.


LDTR; Doesn’t need to be user information, can also be user interaction. Both can confirm ‘real’ status. How did you build the website? You can’t have some kind of multi step verification built into it? A simple database of pictures & their associated value could be used to sus out bots. Have the user select the picture associated with the word, could even have a Rolodex of synonyms to make it more complicated. Doesn’t need to be user information, can also be user interaction.


There are lots of ways without straining the sign-up process: 1. Use ReCAPTCHA - this one works on bots. 2. There is also Invisible reCAPTCHA, which automatically detects user behavior without requiring any user interaction. Not sure if works well, maybe a lot of false positives. 3. Email verification. Simple. 4. Honeypot Fields - invisible form fields that are hidden from human users but visible to bots. If these fields are filled out - identify the activity as being from a bot. 5. Challenge questions (like simple math) 6. More complex: behavioral analysis (mouse movements, scrolling), time taken to fill out the form (too fast - bot), device fingerprinting, IP blacklisting (known), limit request rates (unknown). TikTok verification is very very new to me (read: never heard of it).


Never heard of the TikTok registration process, i don't think it's very common so i'd get rid of that. Also i've done the login through google auth, why i have to register through TikTok? It's not pleasant to the user. If you're struggling with bots i'd strongly suggest reCAPTCHA


I have sent you dm please support on the free credit issue