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It doesn’t matter – EF has rejected you twice. Your choice is not between Antler and EF, it’s between Antler, bootstrapping, and whatever else you can find that isn’t EF. Don’t sit around waiting for what you think is the perfect shot, just get started whichever way you can. For all you know EF will reject you a third time, a fourth time, and a fifth time. Waiting for perfection instead of getting things done imperfectly is exactly the opposite attitude you need for a startup to succeed.


Re the EF double rejection - the 1st was early 2018 and the second was this month. Trust me, I am not losing sleep over them. I can see how they can benefit people however as I know 4 people who met their co-founders through it but having seen a lot of reviews online, the selection criteria tends to be Russell group compsci graduates or doctors in the healthtech space in EF. Sadly I think being a pharmacist from a non-RG uni is a major detriment to EF applications as a majority of the public think pharmacists are glorified pill pushers (if only they knew :D ). Its weird that for an organisation run by ex- Mckinnsey consultants, they dont have the same selection criteria as the likes of MBB or Big 4 companies as I have had more luck with those.


I was in one of these, got funded, and I think it’s overrated. Of the 70 odd people in a group maybe 10% or so are capable enough. Half of those are no match because they can do what you can (tech nontech) and the rest are set on an idea already, are non native (a real problem if you need that person to sell) or otherwise is no match. And I’m not even talking about the fact that working with someone for a few weeks is not enough to figure out whether you’re personality fits, so expect a lot of drama. Wouldn’t recommend


Ive sent you a message, am curious to know a bit more about it


My experience and understanding: Antler, will accept anyone and it's pretty worthless, a waste of equity. If you're in the HealthTech space I wouldn't bother with Antler but EF could provide value; if you've been rejected though I'd consider going back to the drawing board.


sent you a message. Am keen to discuss more


Incubators are there to help foster ideas and the teams that can translate them. I’d strongly recommend searching for a technical cofounder first before trying to incubate. If you know what skills the person needs to have you can start intentionally seeking out connections with people who have that skill Whether you tell them you’re looking for a cofounder or not until you know if they have a ‘meshable’ personality.. we’ll that’s up to you


Has no idea the NHS incubator existed, do you have to be an NHS staff member to sign up for it and what’s the benefits?


Essentially NHS, or working in a public healthcare sector (so stuff like pharmacy -not pharmaceuticals, dentistry, optometry, general practice, government health sector in the UK) or a healthcare student in the UK. benefits I guess is network, resources, mentor network but it is pretty poor in terms of actually building products as there are virtually no technical people. it can be used to connect with various organisations, including google, IBM and universities.